@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ let rec get_typ t tenv : Typ.t option =
let rec pp fmt = function
let rec pp fmt = function
| Base (pvar, _) ->
| Base (pvar, _) ->
Var.pp fmt pvar
Var.pp fmt pvar
| FieldOffset (Dereference ae, fld) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a->%a" pp ae Typ.Fieldname.pp fld
| FieldOffset (ae, fld) ->
| FieldOffset (ae, fld) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp ae Typ.Fieldname.pp fld
F.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp ae Typ.Fieldname.pp fld
| ArrayOffset (ae, _, []) ->
| ArrayOffset (ae, _, []) ->
@ -97,28 +99,64 @@ let base_of_id id typ = (Var.of_id id, typ)
let base_of_pvar pvar typ = (Var.of_pvar pvar, typ)
let base_of_pvar pvar typ = (Var.of_pvar pvar, typ)
let of_pvar pvar typ = Base (base_of_pvar pvar typ)
let of_pvar pvar typ = AddressOf (Base (base_of_pvar pvar typ))
let of_id id typ = Base (base_of_id id typ)
let of_id id typ = Base (base_of_id id typ)
(* cancel out consective *&'s *)
let rec normalize t =
match t with
| Base _ ->
| Dereference AddressOf t1 ->
normalize t1
| FieldOffset (t1, fieldname) ->
let t1' = normalize t1 in
if phys_equal t1 t1' then t else normalize (FieldOffset (t1', fieldname))
| ArrayOffset (t1, typ, tlist) ->
let t1' = normalize t1 in
let tlist' = IList.map_changed ~f:normalize ~equal tlist in
if phys_equal t1 t1' && phys_equal tlist tlist' then t
else normalize (ArrayOffset (t1', typ, tlist'))
| Dereference t1 ->
let t1' = normalize t1 in
if phys_equal t1 t1' then t else normalize (Dereference t1')
| AddressOf t1 ->
let t1' = normalize t1 in
if phys_equal t1 t1' then t else normalize (AddressOf t1')
(* Adapted from AccessPath.of_exp. *)
(* Adapted from AccessPath.of_exp. *)
let of_exp ~include_array_indexes exp0 typ0 ~(f_resolve_id: Var.t -> t option) =
let of_exp ~include_array_indexes ~add_deref exp0 typ0 ~(f_resolve_id: Var.t -> t option) =
let rec of_exp_ exp typ (add_accesses: t -> t) acc : t list =
let rec of_exp_ exp typ (add_accesses: t -> t) acc : t list =
match exp with
match exp with
| Exp.Var id -> (
| Exp.Var id -> (
match f_resolve_id (Var.of_id id) with
match f_resolve_id (Var.of_id id) with
| Some access_expr ->
| Some access_expr ->
add_accesses access_expr :: acc
let access_expr' = if add_deref then Dereference access_expr else access_expr in
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
| None ->
| None ->
add_accesses (of_id id typ) :: acc )
let access_expr = of_id id typ in
let access_expr' = if add_deref then Dereference access_expr else access_expr in
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc )
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp pvar -> (
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp pvar -> (
match f_resolve_id (Var.of_pvar pvar) with
match f_resolve_id (Var.of_pvar pvar) with
| Some access_expr ->
| Some access_expr ->
add_accesses access_expr :: acc
(* do not need to add deref here as it was added implicitly in the binding *)
(* but need to remove it if add_deref is false *)
let access_expr' =
if not add_deref then match access_expr with Dereference ae -> ae | _ -> assert false
else access_expr
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
| None ->
| None ->
add_accesses (of_pvar pvar typ) :: acc )
let access_expr = of_pvar pvar typ in
let access_expr' = if add_deref then Dereference access_expr else access_expr in
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc )
| Exp.Lvar pvar ->
| Exp.Lvar pvar ->
add_accesses (of_pvar pvar typ) :: acc
let access_expr = of_pvar pvar typ in
let access_expr' = if add_deref then Dereference access_expr else access_expr in
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
| Exp.Lfield (root_exp, fld, root_exp_typ) ->
| Exp.Lfield (root_exp, fld, root_exp_typ) ->
let add_field_access_expr access_expr = add_accesses (FieldOffset (access_expr, fld)) in
let add_field_access_expr access_expr = add_accesses (FieldOffset (access_expr, fld)) in
of_exp_ root_exp root_exp_typ add_field_access_expr acc
of_exp_ root_exp root_exp_typ add_field_access_expr acc
@ -142,12 +180,15 @@ let of_exp ~include_array_indexes exp0 typ0 ~(f_resolve_id: Var.t -> t option) =
| Exp.Const _ | Closure _ | Sizeof _ ->
| Exp.Const _ | Closure _ | Sizeof _ ->
of_exp_ exp0 typ0 Fn.id []
IList.map_changed ~f:normalize ~equal (of_exp_ exp0 typ0 Fn.id [])
let of_lhs_exp ~include_array_indexes lhs_exp typ ~(f_resolve_id: Var.t -> t option) =
let of_lhs_exp ~include_array_indexes ~add_deref lhs_exp typ ~(f_resolve_id: Var.t -> t option) =
match of_exp ~include_array_indexes lhs_exp typ ~f_resolve_id with
match lhs_exp with
| [lhs_ae] ->
| (Exp.Lfield _ | Exp.Lindex _) when not add_deref
Some lhs_ae
-> (
let res = of_exp ~include_array_indexes ~add_deref:true lhs_exp typ ~f_resolve_id in
match res with [lhs_ae] -> Some (AddressOf lhs_ae) | _ -> None )
| _ ->
| _ ->
let res = of_exp ~include_array_indexes ~add_deref lhs_exp typ ~f_resolve_id in
match res with [lhs_ae] -> Some lhs_ae | _ -> None