Summary: Instead of a whitelist and blacklist and default issue types and default blacklist and filtering, consider a simpler semantics where 1. checkers can be individually turned on or off on the command line 2. most checkers are on by default 3. `--no-filtering` turns all issue types on, but they can then be turned off again by further arguments This provides a more flexible CLI and is similar to other options in the infer CLI, where "global" behaviour is generally avoided. Dynamically created checkers (eg, AL linters) cause some complications in the implementation but I think the semantics is still clear. Also change the name of the option to mention "issue types" instead of "checks", since the latter can be confused with "checkers". Reviewed By: jberdine Differential Revision: D5583238 fbshipit-source-id: 21de476master
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(* Make sure we cannot create new issue types other than by calling [from_string]. This is because
we want to keep track of the list of all the issues ever declared. *)
module Unsafe : sig
type t = private
{unique_id: string; mutable enabled: bool; mutable hum: string}
[@@deriving compare]
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val from_string : ?enabled:bool -> ?hum:string -> string -> t
val all_issues : unit -> t list
val set_enabled : t -> bool -> unit
end = struct
module T = struct
type t = {unique_id: string; mutable enabled: bool; mutable hum: string}
let compare {unique_id= id1} {unique_id= id2} = id1 id2
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
include T
module IssueSet = Caml.Set.Make (T)
(** keep track of the list of all declared issue types *)
let all_issues = ref IssueSet.empty
let prettify s =
String.lowercase s |> String.split ~on:'_' |> ~f:String.capitalize
|> String.concat ~sep:" " |> String.strip
let set_enabled issue b = issue.enabled <- b
(** avoid creating new issue types. The idea is that there are three types of issue types:
1. Statically pre-defined issue types, namely the ones in this module
2. Dynamically created ones, eg from custom errors defined in the models, or defined by the
user in AL linters
3. Issue types created at command-line-parsing time. These can mention issues of type 1. or
2., but issues of type 2. have not yet been defined. Thus, we record only there [enabled]
status definitely. The [hum]an-readable description can be updated when we encounter the
definition of the issue type, eg in AL. *)
let from_string ?(enabled= true) ?hum:hum0 unique_id =
let hum = match hum0 with Some str -> str | _ -> prettify unique_id in
let issue = {unique_id; enabled; hum} in
let old = IssueSet.find issue !all_issues in
(* update human-readable string in case it was supplied this time, but keep the previous
value of enabled (see doc comment) *)
if Option.is_some hum0 then old.hum <- hum ;
with Not_found ->
all_issues := IssueSet.add issue !all_issues ;
let all_issues () = IssueSet.elements !all_issues
include Unsafe
(** pretty print a localised string *)
let pp fmt t = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" t.unique_id
let abduction_case_not_implemented = from_string "Abduction_case_not_implemented"
let analysis_stops = from_string ~enabled:false "ANALYSIS_STOPS"
let array_of_pointsto = from_string "Array_of_pointsto"
let array_out_of_bounds_l1 = from_string ~enabled:false "ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L1"
let array_out_of_bounds_l2 = from_string ~enabled:false "ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L2"
let array_out_of_bounds_l3 = from_string ~enabled:false "ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L3"
let assert_failure = from_string "Assert_failure"
let bad_footprint = from_string "Bad_footprint"
let buffer_overrun = from_string "BUFFER_OVERRUN"
let cannot_star = from_string "Cannot_star"
let checkers_access_global = from_string "CHECKERS_ACCESS_GLOBAL"
let checkers_immutable_cast = from_string "CHECKERS_IMMUTABLE_CAST"
let checkers_print_c_call = from_string "CHECKERS_PRINT_C_CALL"
let checkers_print_objc_method_calls = from_string "CHECKERS_PRINT_OBJC_METHOD_CALLS"
let checkers_printf_args = from_string "CHECKERS_PRINTF_ARGS"
let checkers_repeated_calls = from_string "CHECKERS_REPEATED_CALLS"
let checkers_trace_calls_sequence = from_string "CHECKERS_TRACE_CALLS_SEQUENCE"
let class_cast_exception = from_string ~enabled:false "CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION"
let cluster_callback = from_string "CLUSTER_CALLBACK"
let codequery = from_string "Codequery"
let comparing_floats_for_equality = from_string "COMPARING_FLOAT_FOR_EQUALITY"
let condition_always_false = from_string ~enabled:false "CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE"
let condition_always_true = from_string ~enabled:false "CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE"
let context_leak = from_string "CONTEXT_LEAK"
let dangling_pointer_dereference = from_string ~enabled:false "DANGLING_POINTER_DEREFERENCE"
let dead_store = from_string "DEAD_STORE"
let deallocate_stack_variable = from_string "DEALLOCATE_STACK_VARIABLE"
let deallocate_static_memory = from_string "DEALLOCATE_STATIC_MEMORY"
let deallocation_mismatch = from_string "DEALLOCATION_MISMATCH"
let divide_by_zero = from_string ~enabled:false "DIVIDE_BY_ZERO"
let double_lock = from_string "DOUBLE_LOCK"
let empty_vector_access = from_string "EMPTY_VECTOR_ACCESS"
let eradicate_condition_redundant =
from_string "ERADICATE_CONDITION_REDUNDANT" ~hum:"Condition Redundant"
let eradicate_condition_redundant_nonnull =
from_string "ERADICATE_CONDITION_REDUNDANT_NONNULL" ~hum:"Condition Redundant Non-Null"
let eradicate_field_not_initialized =
from_string "ERADICATE_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED" ~hum:"Field Not Initialized"
let eradicate_field_not_mutable =
from_string "ERADICATE_FIELD_NOT_MUTABLE" ~hum:"Field Not Mutable"
let eradicate_field_not_nullable =
from_string "ERADICATE_FIELD_NOT_NULLABLE" ~hum:"Field Not Nullable"
let eradicate_field_over_annotated =
from_string "ERADICATE_FIELD_OVER_ANNOTATED" ~hum:"Field Over Annotated"
let eradicate_field_value_absent =
from_string "ERADICATE_FIELD_VALUE_ABSENT" ~hum:"Field Value Absent"
let eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation =
~hum:"Inconsistent Subclass Parameter Annotation"
let eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation =
~hum:"Inconsistent Subclass Return Annotation"
let eradicate_null_field_access =
from_string "ERADICATE_NULL_FIELD_ACCESS" ~hum:"Null Field Access"
let eradicate_null_method_call = from_string "ERADICATE_NULL_METHOD_CALL" ~hum:"Null Method Call"
let eradicate_parameter_not_nullable =
from_string "ERADICATE_PARAMETER_NOT_NULLABLE" ~hum:"Parameter Not Nullable"
let eradicate_parameter_value_absent =
from_string "ERADICATE_PARAMETER_VALUE_ABSENT" ~hum:"Parameter Value Absent"
let eradicate_return_not_nullable =
from_string "ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE" ~hum:"Return Not Nullable"
let eradicate_return_over_annotated =
from_string "ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED" ~hum:"Return Over Annotated"
let eradicate_return_value_not_present =
from_string "ERADICATE_RETURN_VALUE_NOT_PRESENT" ~hum:"Return Value Not Present"
let eradicate_value_not_present =
from_string "ERADICATE_VALUE_NOT_PRESENT" ~hum:"Value Not Present"
let failure_exe = from_string "Failure_exe"
let field_should_be_nullable = from_string "FIELD_SHOULD_BE_NULLABLE"
let field_not_null_checked = from_string "IVAR_NOT_NULL_CHECKED"
(* from AL default linters *)
let _global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call =
let inherently_dangerous_function = from_string "INHERENTLY_DANGEROUS_FUNCTION"
let internal_error = from_string "Internal_error"
let leak_after_array_abstraction = from_string "Leak_after_array_abstraction"
let leak_in_footprint = from_string "Leak_in_footprint"
let memory_leak = from_string "MEMORY_LEAK"
let missing_fld = from_string "Missing_fld" ~hum:"Missing Field"
let null_dereference = from_string "NULL_DEREFERENCE"
let null_test_after_dereference = from_string ~enabled:false "NULL_TEST_AFTER_DEREFERENCE"
let parameter_not_null_checked = from_string "PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED"
let pointer_size_mismatch = from_string "POINTER_SIZE_MISMATCH"
let precondition_not_found = from_string "PRECONDITION_NOT_FOUND"
let precondition_not_met = from_string "PRECONDITION_NOT_MET"
let premature_nil_termination = from_string "PREMATURE_NIL_TERMINATION_ARGUMENT"
let proc_callback = from_string "PROC_CALLBACK" ~hum:"Procedure Callback"
let quandary_taint_error = from_string "QUANDARY_TAINT_ERROR"
let registered_observer_being_deallocated = from_string "REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED"
let resource_leak = from_string "RESOURCE_LEAK"
let retain_cycle = from_string ~enabled:false "RETAIN_CYCLE"
let return_expression_required = from_string "RETURN_EXPRESSION_REQUIRED"
let return_statement_missing = from_string "RETURN_STATEMENT_MISSING"
let return_value_ignored = from_string ~enabled:false "RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED"
let skip_function = from_string "SKIP_FUNCTION"
let skip_pointer_dereference = from_string "SKIP_POINTER_DEREFERENCE"
let stack_variable_address_escape = from_string ~enabled:false "STACK_VARIABLE_ADDRESS_ESCAPE"
let static_initialization_order_fiasco = from_string "STATIC_INITIALIZATION_ORDER_FIASCO"
let symexec_memory_error =
from_string "Symexec_memory_error" ~hum:"Symbolic Execution Memory Error"
let thread_safety_violation = from_string "THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION"
let unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression =
let uninitialized_value = from_string ~enabled:false "UNINITIALIZED_VALUE"
let unknown_proc = from_string "Unknown_proc" ~hum:"Unknown Procedure"
let unreachable_code_after = from_string "UNREACHABLE_CODE"
let unsafe_guarded_by_access = from_string "UNSAFE_GUARDED_BY_ACCESS"
let use_after_free = from_string "USE_AFTER_FREE"
let wrong_argument_number = from_string "Wrong_argument_number" ~hum:"Wrong Argument Number"
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** type of string used for localisation *)
type t = private
{unique_id: string; mutable enabled: bool; mutable hum: string}
[@@deriving compare]
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val all_issues : unit -> t list
(** all the issues declared so far *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** pretty print a localised string *)
val from_string : ?enabled:bool -> ?hum:string -> string -> t
(** create from an ordinary string *)
val set_enabled : t -> bool -> unit
val abduction_case_not_implemented : t
val analysis_stops : t
val array_of_pointsto : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l1 : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l2 : t
val array_out_of_bounds_l3 : t
val assert_failure : t
val bad_footprint : t
val buffer_overrun : t
val cannot_star : t
val checkers_access_global : t
val checkers_immutable_cast : t
val checkers_print_c_call : t
val checkers_print_objc_method_calls : t
val checkers_printf_args : t
val checkers_repeated_calls : t
val checkers_trace_calls_sequence : t
val class_cast_exception : t
val cluster_callback : t
val codequery : t
val comparing_floats_for_equality : t
val condition_always_false : t
val condition_always_true : t
val context_leak : t
val dangling_pointer_dereference : t
val dead_store : t
val deallocate_stack_variable : t
val deallocate_static_memory : t
val deallocation_mismatch : t
val divide_by_zero : t
val double_lock : t
val empty_vector_access : t
val eradicate_condition_redundant : t
val eradicate_condition_redundant_nonnull : t
val eradicate_field_not_initialized : t
val eradicate_field_not_mutable : t
val eradicate_field_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_field_over_annotated : t
val eradicate_field_value_absent : t
val eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation : t
val eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation : t
val eradicate_null_field_access : t
val eradicate_null_method_call : t
val eradicate_parameter_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_parameter_value_absent : t
val eradicate_return_not_nullable : t
val eradicate_return_over_annotated : t
val eradicate_return_value_not_present : t
val eradicate_value_not_present : t
val failure_exe : t
val field_should_be_nullable : t
val field_not_null_checked : t
val inherently_dangerous_function : t
val internal_error : t
val leak_after_array_abstraction : t
val leak_in_footprint : t
val memory_leak : t
val missing_fld : t
val null_dereference : t
val null_test_after_dereference : t
val parameter_not_null_checked : t
val pointer_size_mismatch : t
val precondition_not_found : t
val precondition_not_met : t
val premature_nil_termination : t
val proc_callback : t
val quandary_taint_error : t
val registered_observer_being_deallocated : t
val resource_leak : t
val retain_cycle : t
val return_expression_required : t
val return_statement_missing : t
val return_value_ignored : t
val skip_function : t
val skip_pointer_dereference : t
val stack_variable_address_escape : t
val static_initialization_order_fiasco : t
val symexec_memory_error : t
val thread_safety_violation : t
val unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression : t
val uninitialized_value : t
val unknown_proc : t
val unreachable_code_after : t
val unsafe_guarded_by_access : t
val use_after_free : t
val wrong_argument_number : t
Reference in new issue