@ -7,52 +7,81 @@
(** Debug trace logging *)
(** Debug trace logging *)
type 'a printf = ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
type 'a printf = ('a, Formatter.t, unit) format -> 'a
type pf = {pf: 'a. 'a printf}
let ff = Format.err_formatter
let fs = Format.err_formatter
let flush = Format.pp_print_newline fs
let flush = Format.pp_print_newline ff
type trace_mod_funs =
{trace_mod: bool option; trace_funs: bool Map.M(String).t}
let margin = 100
type config =
{trace_all: bool; trace_mods_funs: trace_mod_funs Map.M(String).t}
let trace_all = ref false
let config : config ref =
ref {trace_all= false; trace_mods_funs= Map.empty (module String)}
let init ~trace_all:ta =
let init ?(margin = 160) ~config:c () =
Format.set_margin margin ;
Format.set_margin margin ;
Format.set_max_indent (margin - 1) ;
Format.set_max_indent (margin - 1) ;
Format.pp_set_margin ff margin ;
Format.pp_set_margin fs margin ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ff (margin - 1) ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent fs (margin - 1) ;
Format.pp_open_vbox ff 0 ;
Format.pp_open_vbox fs 0 ;
Caml.at_exit flush ;
Caml.at_exit flush ;
trace_all := ta
config := c
let unwrap s =
(* selective tracing not yet implemented *)
let rec index s i =
let enabled _ = !trace_all
if i <= 1 then None
else if not (Char.equal '_' s.[i]) then index s (i - 1)
else if not (Char.equal '_' s.[i - 1]) then index s (i - 2)
else Some (i + 1)
match index s (String.length s - 2) with
| Some pos -> String.subo s ~pos
| None -> s
let enabled mod_name fun_name =
let {trace_all; trace_mods_funs} = !config in
match Map.find trace_mods_funs (unwrap mod_name) with
| Some {trace_mod; trace_funs} -> (
match Map.find trace_funs fun_name with
| Some fun_enabled -> fun_enabled
| None -> (
match trace_mod with
| Some mod_enabled -> mod_enabled
| None -> trace_all ) )
| None -> trace_all
let info mod_name fun_name fmt =
let info mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled [fun_name; mod_name] then (
if enabled mod_name fun_name then (
Format.fprintf ff "@\n@[<2>| " ;
Format.fprintf fs "@\n@[<2>| " ;
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt )
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
else Format.ifprintf fs fmt
let incf mod_name fun_name fmt =
let incf rev_prefix name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then (
if enabled (name :: rev_prefix) then (
Format.fprintf fs "@\n@[<2>@[<hv 2>( %s:@ " fun_name ;
Format.fprintf ff "@\n@[<2>@[( %s: " name ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt )
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
else Format.ifprintf fs fmt
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
let decf mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then (
let decf rev_prefix name fmt =
Format.fprintf fs "@]@\n@[<2>) %s:@ " fun_name ;
if enabled (name :: rev_prefix) then (
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt )
Format.fprintf ff "@]@\n@[<2>) %s:@ " name ;
else Format.ifprintf fs fmt
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
let call mod_name fun_name k =
k {pf= (fun fmt -> incf mod_name fun_name fmt)}
let call mod_name fun_name k = k (incf [mod_name] fun_name)
let retn mod_name fun_name k result =
let retn mod_name fun_name k result =
k (decf [mod_name] fun_name) result ;
k {pf= (fun fmt -> decf mod_name fun_name fmt)} result ;
let report fmt =
Format.fprintf fs "@\n@[<2>| " ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]" ; false) fs fmt
let%test_module _ =
(module struct let () = init ~margin:70 ~config:!config () end)