@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ open Utils
type proc_origin =
type proc_origin =
Procname.t * Location.t * Annotations.annotated_signature * bool (* is_library *)
pname : Procname.t;
loc: Location.t;
annotated_signature : Annotations.annotated_signature;
is_library : bool;
type t =
type t =
| Const of Location.t
| Const of Location.t
@ -27,6 +32,12 @@ type t =
| ONone
| ONone
| Undef
| Undef
let proc_origin_equal po1 po2 =
Procname.equal po1.pname po2.pname &&
Location.equal po1.loc po2.loc &&
Annotations.equal po1.annotated_signature po2.annotated_signature &&
bool_equal po1.is_library po2.is_library
let equal o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
let equal o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
| Const loc1, Const loc2 ->
| Const loc1, Const loc2 ->
Location.equal loc1 loc2
Location.equal loc1 loc2
@ -41,11 +52,8 @@ let equal o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
string_equal s1 s2
string_equal s1 s2
| Formal _, _
| Formal _, _
| _, Formal _ -> false
| _, Formal _ -> false
| Proc (pn1, loc1, as1, b1), Proc (pn2, loc2, as2, b2) ->
| Proc po1 , Proc po2 ->
Procname.equal pn1 pn2 &&
proc_origin_equal po1 po2
Location.equal loc1 loc2 &&
Annotations.equal as1 as2 &&
bool_equal b1 b2
| Proc _, _
| Proc _, _
| _, Proc _ -> false
| _, Proc _ -> false
| New, New -> true
| New, New -> true
@ -60,10 +68,10 @@ let to_string = function
| Const loc -> "Const"
| Const loc -> "Const"
| Field (fn, loc) -> "Field " ^ Ident.fieldname_to_simplified_string fn
| Field (fn, loc) -> "Field " ^ Ident.fieldname_to_simplified_string fn
| Formal s -> "Formal " ^ s
| Formal s -> "Formal " ^ s
| Proc (pname, _, _, _) ->
| Proc po ->
"Fun %s"
"Fun %s"
(Procname.to_simplified_string pname)
(Procname.to_simplified_string po.pname)
| New -> "New"
| New -> "New"
| ONone -> "ONone"
| ONone -> "ONone"
| Undef -> "Undef"
| Undef -> "Undef"
@ -78,20 +86,25 @@ let get_description origin =
Some ("field " ^ Ident.fieldname_to_simplified_string fn ^ atline loc, Some loc, None)
Some ("field " ^ Ident.fieldname_to_simplified_string fn ^ atline loc, Some loc, None)
| Formal s ->
| Formal s ->
Some ("method parameter " ^ s, None, None)
Some ("method parameter " ^ s, None, None)
| Proc (pname, loc, signature, is_library) ->
| Proc po ->
let strict = match TypeErr.Strict.signature_get_strict signature with
let strict = match TypeErr.Strict.signature_get_strict po.annotated_signature with
| Some ann ->
| Some ann ->
let str = "@Strict" in
let str = "@Strict" in
(match ann.Sil.parameters with
(match ann.Sil.parameters with
| par1 :: _ -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%s) " str par1
| par1 :: _ -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%s) " str par1
| [] -> Printf.sprintf "%s " str)
| [] -> Printf.sprintf "%s " str)
| None -> "" in
| None -> "" in
let modelled_in =
if Models.is_modelled_nullable po.pname
then " modelled in " ^ (Utils.ml_location_file_string ModelTables.ml_location)
else "" in
let description = Printf.sprintf
let description = Printf.sprintf
"call to %s%s %s"
"call to %s%s%s%s"
(Procname.to_simplified_string pname)
(Procname.to_simplified_string po.pname)
(atline loc) in
Some (description, Some loc, Some signature)
(atline po.loc) in
Some (description, Some po.loc, Some po.annotated_signature)
| New
| New
| ONone
| ONone
| Undef -> None
| Undef -> None