@ -209,24 +209,35 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type extras = Specs.summary
type extras = Specs.summary
let extract_base_var = function
let acquire_ownership call_exp return_opt actuals loc summary astate =
| HilExp.AccessExpression AddressOf Base base
| AccessExpression Base base
(* TODO: get rid of second case once AccessExpression conversion is complete *) ->
Some base
| _ ->
(* return Some (base) if the given call expressions acquires ownership of a base in [return_opt]
or [actuals]; None otherwise *)
let acquires_ownership call_exp return_opt actuals =
match call_exp with
match call_exp with
| HilInstr.Direct pname ->
| HilInstr.Direct pname ->
(* TODO: support new[], malloc, others? *)
(* TODO: support new[], malloc, others? *)
if Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__new then return_opt
if Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__new then
let astate' = Domain.actuals_add_reads actuals loc summary astate in
match return_opt with
| Some return_base ->
Some (Domain.add (fst return_base) CapabilityDomain.Owned astate')
| None ->
Some astate'
else if Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__placement_new then
match (List.rev actuals, return_opt) with
| (HilExp.AccessExpression Base placement_base) :: other_actuals, Some return_base ->
(* placement new creates an alias between return var and placement var. model as
return borrowing from placement *)
Domain.actuals_add_reads other_actuals loc summary astate
|> Domain.add (fst placement_base) CapabilityDomain.Owned
|> Domain.borrow_vars (fst return_base) (VarSet.singleton (fst placement_base))
|> Option.some
| _ ->
L.die InternalError "Placement new without placement arg and/or return"
else if Typ.Procname.is_constructor pname then
else if Typ.Procname.is_constructor pname then
Option.bind (List.hd actuals) ~f:extract_base_var
match actuals with
| (HilExp.AccessExpression Base constructed_base) :: other_actuals ->
let astate' = Domain.actuals_add_reads other_actuals loc summary astate in
Some (Domain.add (fst constructed_base) CapabilityDomain.Owned astate')
| _ ->
Some astate
else None
else None
| HilInstr.Indirect _ ->
| HilInstr.Indirect _ ->
@ -279,18 +290,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* assign to field, array, indirectly with &/*, or a combination *)
(* assign to field, array, indirectly with &/*, or a combination *)
Domain.exp_add_reads rhs_exp loc summary astate
Domain.exp_add_reads rhs_exp loc summary astate
|> Domain.access_path_add_read (AccessExpression.to_access_path lhs_access_exp) loc summary
|> Domain.access_path_add_read (AccessExpression.to_access_path lhs_access_exp) loc summary
| Call (Some (lhs_var, _), Direct callee_pname, actuals, _, _)
when Typ.Procname.equal callee_pname BuiltinDecl.__placement_new -> (
(* placement new creates an alias between lhs_var and placement_var. model as lhs_var
borrowing from placement_var *)
Option.bind ~f:extract_base_var (List.last actuals)
| Some (placement_var, _) ->
Domain.add placement_var CapabilityDomain.Owned astate
|> Domain.borrow_vars lhs_var (VarSet.singleton placement_var)
| None ->
astate )
| Call (_, Direct callee_pname, [(AccessExpression Base ((lhs_var, _) as lhs_base))], _, loc)
| Call (_, Direct callee_pname, [(AccessExpression Base ((lhs_var, _) as lhs_base))], _, loc)
when transfers_ownership callee_pname ->
when transfers_ownership callee_pname ->
Domain.base_add_read lhs_base loc summary astate
Domain.base_add_read lhs_base loc summary astate
@ -315,22 +314,17 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* invoking a lambda; check that it's captured vars are valid *)
(* invoking a lambda; check that it's captured vars are valid *)
Domain.check_var_lifetime lhs_var loc summary astate ;
Domain.check_var_lifetime lhs_var loc summary astate ;
| Call (ret_opt, call_exp, actuals, _, loc)
| Call (ret_opt, call_exp, actuals, _, loc) -> (
-> (
match acquire_ownership call_exp ret_opt actuals loc summary astate with
let astate' = Domain.actuals_add_reads actuals loc summary astate in
| Some astate' ->
match acquires_ownership call_exp ret_opt actuals with
| Some (owned_var, _) ->
| None ->
Domain.add owned_var CapabilityDomain.Owned astate'
if is_early_return call_exp then
| None ->
(* thrown exception, abort(), or exit; return _|_ *)
if is_early_return call_exp then
(* thrown exception, abort(), or exit; return _|_ *)
let astate' = Domain.actuals_add_reads actuals loc summary astate in
match ret_opt with Some base -> Domain.remove (fst base) astate' | None -> astate' )
match ret_opt with
| Some (base_var, _) ->
Domain.remove base_var astate'
| None ->
astate' )
| Assume (assume_exp, _, _, loc) ->
| Assume (assume_exp, _, _, loc) ->
Domain.exp_add_reads assume_exp loc summary astate
Domain.exp_add_reads assume_exp loc summary astate