@ -14,48 +14,42 @@ module F = Format
(** {2 Programs and Types} *)
(** Convert expression lists to expression sets. *)
val elist_to_eset : Exp.t list -> Exp.Set.t
(** Convert expression lists to expression sets. *)
(** Kind of prune instruction *)
type if_kind =
| Ik_bexp
(* boolean expressions, and exp ? exp : exp *)
| Ik_bexp (** boolean expressions, and exp ? exp : exp *)
| Ik_dowhile
| Ik_for
| Ik_if
| Ik_land_lor
(* obtained from translation of && or || *)
| Ik_land_lor (** obtained from translation of && or || *)
| Ik_while
| Ik_switch
[@@deriving compare]
(** An instruction. *)
type instr =
(** Load a value from the heap into an identifier.
[x = *lexp:typ] where
[lexp] is an expression denoting a heap address
[typ] is the root type of [lexp]. *)
(* Note for frontend writers:
[x] must be used in a subsequent instruction, otherwise the entire
`Load` instruction may be eliminated by copy-propagation. *)
| Load of Ident.t * Exp.t * Typ.t * Location.t
(** Load a value from the heap into an identifier.
[x = *lexp:typ] where
[lexp] is an expression denoting a heap address
[typ] is the root type of [lexp]. *)
| Store of Exp.t * Typ.t * Exp.t * Location.t
(** Store the value of an expression into the heap.
[*lexp1:typ = exp2] where
[lexp1] is an expression denoting a heap address
[typ] is the root type of [lexp1]
[exp2] is the expression whose value is store. *)
| Store of Exp.t * Typ.t * Exp.t * Location.t
(** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Prune of Exp.t * Location.t * bool * if_kind
(** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Call of (Ident.t * Typ.t) option * Exp.t * (Exp.t * Typ.t) list * Location.t * CallFlags.t
(** [Call (ret_id, e_fun, arg_ts, loc, call_flags)] represents an instruction
[ret_id = e_fun(arg_ts);]. The return value is ignored when [ret_id = None]. *)
| Call of (Ident.t * Typ.t) option * Exp.t * (Exp.t * Typ.t) list * Location.t * CallFlags.t
(** nullify stack variable *)
| Nullify of Pvar.t * Location.t
| Nullify of Pvar.t * Location.t (** nullify stack variable *)
| Abstract of Location.t (** apply abstraction *)
| Remove_temps of Ident.t list * Location.t (** remove temporaries *)
| Declare_locals of (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list * Location.t (** declare local variables *)
@ -63,31 +57,27 @@ type instr =
val equal_instr : instr -> instr -> bool
val compare_structural_instr : instr -> instr -> Exp.t Exp.Map.t -> int * Exp.t Exp.Map.t
(** compare instructions from different procedures without considering loc's, ident's, and pvar's.
the [exp_map] param gives a mapping of names used in the procedure of [instr1] to identifiers
used in the procedure of [instr2] *)
val compare_structural_instr : instr -> instr -> Exp.t Exp.Map.t -> int * Exp.t Exp.Map.t
val skip_instr : instr
(** Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. *)
val instr_is_auxiliary : instr -> bool
(** Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. *)
(** Offset for an lvalue. *)
type offset = Off_fld of Typ.Fieldname.t * Typ.t | Off_index of Exp.t
(** {2 Components of Propositions} *)
(** an atom is a pure atomic formula *)
type atom =
| Aeq of Exp.t * Exp.t (** equality *)
| Aneq of Exp.t * Exp.t (** disequality *)
| Apred of PredSymb.t * (** predicate symbol applied to exps *) Exp.t list
| Anpred of PredSymb.t * (** negated predicate symbol applied to exps *) Exp.t list
| Apred of PredSymb.t * Exp.t list (** predicate symbol applied to exps *)
| Anpred of PredSymb.t * Exp.t list (** negated predicate symbol applied to exps *)
[@@deriving compare]
val equal_atom : atom -> atom -> bool
@ -95,7 +85,6 @@ val equal_atom : atom -> atom -> bool
val atom_has_local_addr : atom -> bool
(** kind of lseg or dllseg predicates *)
type lseg_kind =
| Lseg_NE (** nonempty (possibly circular) listseg *)
| Lseg_PE (** possibly empty (possibly circular) listseg *)
@ -104,15 +93,12 @@ type lseg_kind =
val equal_lseg_kind : lseg_kind -> lseg_kind -> bool
(** The boolean is true when the pointer was dereferenced without testing for zero. *)
type zero_flag = bool option
(** True when the value was obtained by doing case analysis on null in a procedure call. *)
type null_case_flag = bool
(** instrumentation of heap values *)
type inst =
| Iabstraction
| Iactual_precondition
@ -138,57 +124,48 @@ val inst_alloc : inst
val inst_formal : inst
(** for formal parameters and heap values at the beginning of the function *)
val inst_initial : inst
(** for initial values *)
(** for formal parameters and heap values at the beginning of the function *)
val inst_lookup : inst
(** for initial values *)
val inst_none : inst
val inst_nullify : inst
(** the boolean indicates whether the pointer is known nonzero *)
val inst_rearrange : bool -> Location.t -> PredSymb.path_pos -> inst
(** the boolean indicates whether the pointer is known nonzero *)
val inst_taint : inst
val inst_update : Location.t -> PredSymb.path_pos -> inst
(** Get the null case flag of the inst. *)
val inst_get_null_case_flag : inst -> bool option
(** Set the null case flag of the inst. *)
(** Get the null case flag of the inst. *)
val inst_set_null_case_flag : inst -> inst
(** update the location of the instrumentation *)
(** Set the null case flag of the inst. *)
val inst_new_loc : Location.t -> inst -> inst
(** Update [inst_old] to [inst_new] preserving the zero flag *)
(** update the location of the instrumentation *)
val update_inst : inst -> inst -> inst
(** Update [inst_old] to [inst_new] preserving the zero flag *)
exception JoinFail
(** join of instrumentations, can raise JoinFail *)
val inst_partial_join : inst -> inst -> inst
(** meet of instrumentations *)
(** join of instrumentations, can raise JoinFail *)
val inst_partial_meet : inst -> inst -> inst
(** meet of instrumentations *)
(** structured expressions represent a value of structured type, such as an array or a struct. *)
type 'inst strexp0 =
| Eexp of Exp.t * 'inst (** Base case: expression with instrumentation *)
| Estruct of (Typ.Fieldname.t * 'inst strexp0) list * 'inst (** C structure *)
| Earray of Exp.t * (Exp.t * 'inst strexp0) list * 'inst
(** Array of given length
There are two conditions imposed / used in the array case.
First, if some index and value pair appears inside an array
@ -196,25 +173,21 @@ type 'inst strexp0 =
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1] implies that e1 <= 9.
Second, if two indices appear in an array, they should be different.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1, e2: v2] implies that e1 != e2. *)
| Earray of Exp.t * (Exp.t * 'inst strexp0) list * 'inst
[@@deriving compare]
type strexp = inst strexp0
val compare_strexp : ?inst:bool -> strexp -> strexp -> int
(** Comparison function for strexp.
The inst:: parameter specifies whether instumentations should also
be considered (false by default). *)
val compare_strexp : ?inst:bool -> strexp -> strexp -> int
val equal_strexp : ?inst:bool -> strexp -> strexp -> bool
(** Equality function for strexp.
The inst:: parameter specifies whether instumentations should also
be considered (false by default). *)
val equal_strexp : ?inst:bool -> strexp -> strexp -> bool
(** an atomic heap predicate *)
type 'inst hpred0 =
| Hpointsto of Exp.t * 'inst strexp0 * Exp.t
(** represents [exp|->strexp:typexp] where [typexp]
@ -256,299 +229,230 @@ type hpara = inst hpara0
type hpara_dll = inst hpara_dll0
val compare_hpred : ?inst:bool -> hpred -> hpred -> int
(** Comparison function for hpred.
The inst:: parameter specifies whether instumentations should also
be considered (false by default). *)
val compare_hpred : ?inst:bool -> hpred -> hpred -> int
val equal_hpred : ?inst:bool -> hpred -> hpred -> bool
(** Equality function for hpred.
The inst:: parameter specifies whether instumentations should also
be considered (false by default). *)
val equal_hpred : ?inst:bool -> hpred -> hpred -> bool
(** Sets of heap predicates *)
module HpredSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = hpred
(** {2 Compaction} *)
type sharing_env
(** Create a sharing env to store canonical representations *)
val create_sharing_env : unit -> sharing_env
(** Return a canonical representation of the exp *)
(** Create a sharing env to store canonical representations *)
val exp_compact : sharing_env -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
(** Return a compact representation of the exp *)
(** Return a canonical representation of the exp *)
val hpred_compact : sharing_env -> hpred -> hpred
(** {2 Comparision And Inspection Functions} *)
(** Return a compact representation of the exp *)
val has_objc_ref_counter : Tenv.t -> hpred -> bool
(** Returns the zero value of a type, for int, float and ptr types, None othwewise *)
(** {2 Comparision And Inspection Functions} *)
val zero_value_of_numerical_type_option : Typ.t -> Exp.t option
(** Returns the zero value of a type, for int, float and ptr types, fail otherwise *)
(** Returns the zero value of a type, for int, float and ptr types, None othwewise *)
val zero_value_of_numerical_type : Typ.t -> Exp.t
(** Make a static local name in objc *)
(** Returns the zero value of a type, for int, float and ptr types, fail otherwise *)
val mk_static_local_name : string -> string -> string
(** Check if a pvar is a local static in objc *)
(** Make a static local name in objc *)
val is_static_local_name : string -> Pvar.t -> bool
(* A block pvar used to explain retain cycles *)
(** Check if a pvar is a local static in objc *)
val block_pvar : Pvar.t
(** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *)
(** A block pvar used to explain retain cycles *)
val is_block_pvar : Pvar.t -> bool
(** Return the lhs expression of a hpred *)
(** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *)
val hpred_get_lhs : hpred -> Exp.t
(** Return the lhs expression of a hpred *)
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)
(** Begin change color if using diff printing, return updated printenv and change status *)
val color_pre_wrapper : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> Pp.env * bool
(** Close color annotation if changed *)
(** Begin change color if using diff printing, return updated printenv and change status *)
val color_post_wrapper : bool -> Pp.env -> F.formatter -> unit
(** Pretty print an expression. *)
(** Close color annotation if changed *)
val pp_exp_printenv : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t -> unit
(** Pretty print an expression with type. *)
(** Pretty print an expression. *)
val pp_exp_typ : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t * Typ.t -> unit
(** dump an expression. *)
(** Pretty print an expression with type. *)
val d_exp : Exp.t -> unit
(** Pretty print a type. *)
(** dump an expression. *)
val pp_texp : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t -> unit
(** Pretty print a type with all the details. *)
(** Pretty print a type. *)
val pp_texp_full : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t -> unit
(** Dump a type expression with all the details. *)
(** Pretty print a type with all the details. *)
val d_texp_full : Exp.t -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of expressions. *)
(** Dump a type expression with all the details. *)
val pp_exp_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t list -> unit
(** Dump a list of expressions. *)
(** Pretty print a list of expressions. *)
val d_exp_list : Exp.t list -> unit
(** Pretty print an offset *)
(** Dump a list of expressions. *)
val pp_offset : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> offset -> unit
(** Convert an offset to a string *)
(** Pretty print an offset *)
val offset_to_string : offset -> string
(** Dump an offset *)
(** Convert an offset to a string *)
val d_offset : offset -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of offsets *)
(** Dump an offset *)
val pp_offset_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> offset list -> unit
(** Dump a list of offsets *)
(** Pretty print a list of offsets *)
val d_offset_list : offset list -> unit
(** Get the location of the instruction *)
(** Dump a list of offsets *)
val instr_get_loc : instr -> Location.t
(** get the expressions occurring in the instruction *)
(** Get the location of the instruction *)
val instr_get_exps : instr -> Exp.t list
(** Pretty print an instruction. *)
(** get the expressions occurring in the instruction *)
val pp_instr : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> instr -> unit
(** Dump an instruction. *)
(** Pretty print an instruction. *)
val d_instr : instr -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of instructions. *)
(** Dump an instruction. *)
val pp_instr_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> instr list -> unit
(** Dump a list of instructions. *)
(** Pretty print a list of instructions. *)
val d_instr_list : instr list -> unit
(** Pretty print an atom. *)
(** Dump a list of instructions. *)
val pp_atom : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> atom -> unit
(** Dump an atom. *)
(** Pretty print an atom. *)
val d_atom : atom -> unit
(** return a string representing the inst *)
(** Dump an atom. *)
val inst_to_string : inst -> string
(** Pretty print a strexp. *)
(** return a string representing the inst *)
val pp_sexp : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> strexp -> unit
(** Dump a strexp. *)
(** Pretty print a strexp. *)
val d_sexp : strexp -> unit
(** Pretty print a strexp list. *)
(** Dump a strexp. *)
val pp_sexp_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> strexp list -> unit
(** Dump a strexp. *)
(** Pretty print a strexp list. *)
val d_sexp_list : strexp list -> unit
(** Pretty print a hpred. *)
(** Dump a strexp. *)
val pp_hpred : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> hpred -> unit
(** Dump a hpred. *)
(** Pretty print a hpred. *)
val d_hpred : hpred -> unit
(** Pretty print a hpara. *)
(** Dump a hpred. *)
val pp_hpara : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> hpara -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of hparas. *)
(** Pretty print a hpara. *)
val pp_hpara_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> hpara list -> unit
(** Pretty print a hpara_dll. *)
(** Pretty print a list of hparas. *)
val pp_hpara_dll : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> hpara_dll -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of hpara_dlls. *)
(** Pretty print a hpara_dll. *)
val pp_hpara_dll_list : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> hpara_dll list -> unit
(** Pretty print a list of hpara_dlls. *)
(** Module Predicates records the occurrences of predicates as parameters
of (doubly -)linked lists and Epara.
Provides unique numbering for predicates and an iterator. *)
module Predicates : sig
(** predicate environment *)
type env
(** create an empty predicate environment *)
val empty_env : unit -> env
(** return true if the environment is empty *)
(** create an empty predicate environment *)
val is_empty : env -> bool
(** return the id of the hpara *)
(** return true if the environment is empty *)
val get_hpara_id : env -> hpara -> int
(** return the id of the hpara_dll *)
(** return the id of the hpara *)
val get_hpara_dll_id : env -> hpara_dll -> int
(** return the id of the hpara_dll *)
val iter : env -> (int -> hpara -> unit) -> (int -> hpara_dll -> unit) -> unit
(** [iter env f f_dll] iterates [f] and [f_dll] on all the hpara and hpara_dll,
passing the unique id to the functions. The iterator can only be used once. *)
val iter : env -> (int -> hpara -> unit) -> (int -> hpara_dll -> unit) -> unit
(** Process one hpred, updating the predicate environment *)
val process_hpred : env -> hpred -> unit
(** Process one hpred, updating the predicate environment *)
(** Pretty print a hpred with optional predicate env *)
val pp_hpred_env : Pp.env -> Predicates.env option -> F.formatter -> hpred -> unit
(** Pretty print a hpred with optional predicate env *)
(** {2 Functions for traversing SIL data types} *)
val array_clean_new_index : bool -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
(** This function should be used before adding a new
index to Earray. The [exp] is the newly created
index. This function "cleans" [exp] according to whether it is the
footprint or current part of the prop.
The function faults in the re - execution mode, as an internal check of the tool. *)
val array_clean_new_index : bool -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
(** Change exps in strexp using [f]. *)
(** WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val strexp_expmap : (Exp.t * inst option -> Exp.t * inst option) -> strexp -> strexp
(** Change exps in hpred by [f]. *)
(** WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
(** Change exps in strexp using [f].
WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val hpred_expmap : (Exp.t * inst option -> Exp.t * inst option) -> hpred -> hpred
(** Change instrumentations in hpred using [f]. *)
(** Change exps in hpred by [f].
WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val hpred_instmap : (inst -> inst) -> hpred -> hpred
(** Change exps in hpred list by [f]. *)
(** WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
(** Change instrumentations in hpred using [f]. *)
val hpred_list_expmap : (Exp.t * inst option -> Exp.t * inst option) -> hpred list -> hpred list
(** Change exps in atom by [f]. *)
(** WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
(** Change exps in hpred list by [f].
WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val atom_expmap : (Exp.t -> Exp.t) -> atom -> atom
(** Change exps in atom list by [f]. *)
(** WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
(** Change exps in atom by [f].
WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val atom_list_expmap : (Exp.t -> Exp.t) -> atom list -> atom list
(** {2 Function for computing lexps in sigma} *)
(** Change exps in atom list by [f].
WARNING: the result might not be normalized. *)
val hpred_list_get_lexps : (Exp.t -> bool) -> hpred list -> Exp.t list
(** {2 Functions for computing program variables} *)
(** {2 Function for computing lexps in sigma} *)
val exp_fpv : Exp.t -> Pvar.t list
(** {2 Functions for computing program variables} *)
val strexp_fpv : strexp -> Pvar.t list
val atom_fpv : atom -> Pvar.t list
@ -561,75 +465,58 @@ val hpara_fpv : hpara -> Pvar.t list
(** Type of free variables. These include primed, normal and footprint variables.
We remember the order in which variables are added. *)
type fav
val fav_duplicates : bool ref
(** flag to indicate whether fav's are stored in duplicate form.
Only to be used with fav_to_list *)
val fav_duplicates : bool ref
(** Pretty print a fav. *)
val pp_fav : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> fav -> unit
(** Create a new [fav]. *)
(** Pretty print a fav. *)
val fav_new : unit -> fav
(** Emptyness check. *)
(** Create a new [fav]. *)
val fav_is_empty : fav -> bool
(** Check whether a predicate holds for all elements. *)
(** Emptyness check. *)
val fav_for_all : fav -> (Ident.t -> bool) -> bool
(** Check whether a predicate holds for some elements. *)
(** Check whether a predicate holds for all elements. *)
val fav_exists : fav -> (Ident.t -> bool) -> bool
(** Membership test fot [fav] *)
(** Check whether a predicate holds for some elements. *)
val fav_mem : fav -> Ident.t -> bool
(** Convert a list to a fav. *)
(** Membership test fot [fav] *)
val fav_from_list : Ident.t list -> fav
(** Convert a list to a fav. *)
val fav_to_list : fav -> Ident.t list
(** Convert a [fav] to a list of identifiers while preserving the order
that identifiers were added to [fav]. *)
val fav_to_list : fav -> Ident.t list
(** Copy a [fav]. *)
val fav_copy : fav -> fav
(** Turn a xxx_fav_add function into a xxx_fav function *)
(** Copy a [fav]. *)
val fav_imperative_to_functional : (fav -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> fav
(** [fav_filter_ident fav f] only keeps [id] if [f id] is true. *)
(** Turn a xxx_fav_add function into a xxx_fav function *)
val fav_filter_ident : fav -> (Ident.t -> bool) -> unit
(** Like [fav_filter_ident] but return a copy. *)
(** [fav_filter_ident fav f] only keeps [id] if [f id] is true. *)
val fav_copy_filter_ident : fav -> (Ident.t -> bool) -> fav
(** Like [fav_filter_ident] but return a copy. *)
val fav_subset_ident : fav -> fav -> bool
(** [fav_subset_ident fav1 fav2] returns true if every ident in [fav1]
is in [fav2].*)
val fav_subset_ident : fav -> fav -> bool
(** add identifier list to fav *)
val ident_list_fav_add : Ident.t list -> fav -> unit
(** [exp_fav_add fav exp] extends [fav] with the free variables of [exp] *)
(** add identifier list to fav *)
val exp_fav_add : fav -> Exp.t -> unit
(** [exp_fav_add fav exp] extends [fav] with the free variables of [exp] *)
val exp_fav : Exp.t -> fav
@ -647,23 +534,20 @@ val hpred_fav_add : fav -> hpred -> unit
val hpred_fav : hpred -> fav
(** Variables in hpara, excluding bound vars in the body *)
val hpara_shallow_av : hpara -> fav
(** Variables in hpara_dll, excluding bound vars in the body *)
(** Variables in hpara, excluding bound vars in the body *)
val hpara_dll_shallow_av : hpara_dll -> fav
(** Variables in hpara_dll, excluding bound vars in the body *)
(** {2 Functions for computing all free or bound non-program variables} *)
val exp_av_add : fav -> Exp.t -> unit
(** Non-program variables include all of primed, normal and footprint
variables. Thus, the functions essentially compute all the
identifiers occuring in a parameter. Some variables can appear more
than once in the result. *)
val exp_av_add : fav -> Exp.t -> unit
val strexp_av_add : fav -> strexp -> unit
val atom_av_add : fav -> atom -> unit
@ -680,29 +564,24 @@ type subst = [`Exp of exp_subst | `Typ of Typ.type_subst_t] [@@deriving compare]
type subst_fun = [`Exp of Ident.t -> Exp.t | `Typ of (Typ.t -> Typ.t) * (Typ.Name.t -> Typ.Name.t)]
(** Equality for substitutions. *)
val equal_exp_subst : exp_subst -> exp_subst -> bool
(** Equality for substitutions. *)
val exp_subst_of_list : (Ident.t * Exp.t) list -> exp_subst
(** Create a substitution from a list of pairs.
For all (id1, e1), (id2, e2) in the input list,
if id1 = id2, then e1 = e2. *)
val exp_subst_of_list : (Ident.t * Exp.t) list -> exp_subst
val subst_of_list : (Ident.t * Exp.t) list -> subst
(** like exp_subst_of_list, but allow duplicate ids and only keep the first occurrence *)
val exp_subst_of_list_duplicates : (Ident.t * Exp.t) list -> exp_subst
(** Convert a subst to a list of pairs. *)
(** like exp_subst_of_list, but allow duplicate ids and only keep the first occurrence *)
val sub_to_list : exp_subst -> (Ident.t * Exp.t) list
(** The empty substitution. *)
(** Convert a subst to a list of pairs. *)
val sub_empty : subst
(** The empty substitution. *)
val exp_sub_empty : exp_subst
@ -710,106 +589,87 @@ val is_sub_empty : subst -> bool
(* let to_exp_subst : [< `Exp exp_subst] => exp_subst; *)
val sub_join : exp_subst -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
(** Compute the common id-exp part of two inputs [subst1] and [subst2].
The first component of the output is this common part.
The second and third components are the remainder of [subst1]
and [subst2], respectively. *)
val sub_join : exp_subst -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
val sub_symmetric_difference : exp_subst -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst * exp_subst
(** Compute the common id-exp part of two inputs [subst1] and [subst2].
The first component of the output is this common part.
The second and third components are the remainder of [subst1]
and [subst2], respectively. *)
val sub_symmetric_difference : exp_subst -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst * exp_subst
val sub_find : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> Exp.t
(** [sub_find filter sub] returns the expression associated to the first identifier
that satisfies [filter].
Raise [Not_found] if there isn't one. *)
val sub_find : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> Exp.t
val sub_filter : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
(** [sub_filter filter sub] restricts the domain of [sub] to the
identifiers satisfying [filter]. *)
val sub_filter : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
val sub_filter_pair : exp_subst -> f:(Ident.t * Exp.t -> bool) -> exp_subst
(** [sub_filter_exp filter sub] restricts the domain of [sub] to the
identifiers satisfying [filter(id, sub(id))]. *)
val sub_filter_pair : exp_subst -> f:(Ident.t * Exp.t -> bool) -> exp_subst
val sub_range_partition : (Exp.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst
(** [sub_range_partition filter sub] partitions [sub] according to
whether range expressions satisfy [filter]. *)
val sub_range_partition : (Exp.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst
val sub_domain_partition : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst
(** [sub_domain_partition filter sub] partitions [sub] according to
whether domain identifiers satisfy [filter]. *)
val sub_domain_partition : (Ident.t -> bool) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst * exp_subst
(** Return the list of identifiers in the domain of the substitution. *)
val sub_domain : exp_subst -> Ident.t list
(** Return the list of expressions in the range of the substitution. *)
(** Return the list of identifiers in the domain of the substitution. *)
val sub_range : exp_subst -> Exp.t list
(** [sub_range_map f sub] applies [f] to the expressions in the range of [sub]. *)
(** Return the list of expressions in the range of the substitution. *)
val sub_range_map : (Exp.t -> Exp.t) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
(** [sub_range_map f sub] applies [f] to the expressions in the range of [sub]. *)
val sub_map : (Ident.t -> Ident.t) -> (Exp.t -> Exp.t) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
(** [sub_map f g sub] applies the renaming [f] to identifiers in the domain
of [sub] and the substitution [g] to the expressions in the range of [sub]. *)
val sub_map : (Ident.t -> Ident.t) -> (Exp.t -> Exp.t) -> exp_subst -> exp_subst
(** Checks whether [id] belongs to the domain of [subst]. *)
val mem_sub : Ident.t -> exp_subst -> bool
(** Extend substitution and return [None] if not possible. *)
(** Checks whether [id] belongs to the domain of [subst]. *)
val extend_sub : exp_subst -> Ident.t -> Exp.t -> exp_subst option
(** Extend substitution and return [None] if not possible. *)
val sub_fav_add : fav -> exp_subst -> unit
(** Free auxilary variables in the domain and range of the
substitution. *)
val sub_fav_add : fav -> exp_subst -> unit
val sub_av_add : fav -> exp_subst -> unit
(** Free or bound auxilary variables in the domain and range of the
substitution. *)
val sub_av_add : fav -> exp_subst -> unit
(** substitution functions *)
(** WARNING: these functions do not ensure that the results are normalized. *)
(** substitution functions
WARNING: these functions do not ensure that the results are normalized. *)
val exp_sub : subst -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
val atom_sub : subst -> atom -> atom
(** apply [subst] to all id's in [instr], including LHS id's *)
val instr_sub : subst -> instr -> instr
(** apply [subst] to all id's in [instr], including LHS id's *)
val hpred_sub : subst -> hpred -> hpred
(** apply [f] to id's in [instr]. if [sub_id_binders] is false, [f] is only applied to bound id's *)
val instr_sub_ids : sub_id_binders:bool -> subst_fun -> instr -> instr
(** apply [f] to id's in [instr]. if [sub_id_binders] is false, [f] is only applied to bound id's *)
(** {2 Functions for replacing occurrences of expressions.} *)
val exp_replace_exp : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
(** The first parameter should define a partial function.
No parts of hpara are replaced by these functions. *)
val exp_replace_exp : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
val strexp_replace_exp : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> strexp -> strexp
val atom_replace_exp : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> atom -> atom
@ -818,30 +678,26 @@ val hpred_replace_exp : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> hpred -> hpred
(** {2 Functions for constructing or destructing entities in this module} *)
(** Compute the offset list of an expression *)
val exp_get_offsets : Exp.t -> offset list
(** Add the offset list to an expression *)
(** Compute the offset list of an expression *)
val exp_add_offsets : Exp.t -> offset list -> Exp.t
(** Add the offset list to an expression *)
val sigma_to_sigma_ne : hpred list -> (atom list * hpred list) list
val hpara_instantiate : hpara -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> Ident.t list * hpred list
(** [hpara_instantiate para e1 e2 elist] instantiates [para] with [e1],
[e2] and [elist]. If [para = lambda (x, y, xs). exists zs. b],
then the result of the instantiation is [b\[e1 / x, e2 / y, elist / xs, _zs'/ zs\]]
for some fresh [_zs'].*)
val hpara_instantiate : hpara -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> Ident.t list * hpred list
val hpara_dll_instantiate :
hpara_dll -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> Ident.t list * hpred list
(** [hpara_dll_instantiate para cell blink flink elist] instantiates [para] with [cell],
[blink], [flink], and [elist]. If [para = lambda (x, y, z, xs). exists zs. b],
then the result of the instantiation is
[b\[cell / x, blink / y, flink / z, elist / xs, _zs'/ zs\]]
for some fresh [_zs'].*)
val hpara_dll_instantiate :
hpara_dll -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> Ident.t list * hpred list
val custom_error : Pvar.t