@ -82,9 +82,12 @@ let all_commands = [
type command_doc = {
title : Cmdliner . Manpage . title ;
manual_pre_options : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list ;
manual_options : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list option ;
manual_post_options : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list ;
manual_before_options : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list ;
manual_options : [
| ` Prepend of Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
| ` Replace of Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
] ;
manual_after_options : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list ;
type desc = {
@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ module SectionMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct
let help_sections_desc_lists =
List . map all_commands ~ f : ( fun command -> ( command , ref SectionMap . empty ) )
let visible_descs_list = ref []
let hidden_descs_list = ref []
(* * add [desc] to the one relevant parse_tag_desc_lists for the purposes of parsing, and, in the
@ -173,7 +177,9 @@ let add parse_mode sections desc =
sections := SectionMap . add section ( desc :: prev_contents ) ! sections in
List . iter sections ~ f : add_to_section ;
if List . is_empty sections then
hidden_descs_list := desc :: ! hidden_descs_list ;
hidden_descs_list := desc :: ! hidden_descs_list
visible_descs_list := desc :: ! visible_descs_list ;
let deprecate_desc parse_mode ~ long ~ short ~ deprecated desc =
@ -516,7 +522,7 @@ let mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~date ~short_description ~synopsis ~
let add_if section blocks = match blocks with
| None -> ` Blocks []
| Some bs -> ` Blocks ( ` S section :: bs ) in
let manual_ p re_options = [
let manual_ befo re_options = [
` S Cmdliner . Manpage . s_name ;
(* the format of the following line is mandated by man ( 7 ) *)
` Pre ( Printf . sprintf " %s - %s " command_str short_description ) ;
@ -525,7 +531,8 @@ let mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~date ~short_description ~synopsis ~
` S Cmdliner . Manpage . s_description ;
` Blocks description ;
] in
let manual_post_options = [
let manual_options = Option . value ~ default : ( ` Prepend [] ) options in
let manual_after_options = [
add_if Cmdliner . Manpage . s_exit_status exit_status ;
add_if Cmdliner . Manpage . s_environment environment ;
add_if Cmdliner . Manpage . s_files files ;
@ -537,7 +544,7 @@ let mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~date ~short_description ~synopsis ~
] in
let command_doc = {
title = command_str , section , date , version , title ;
manual_ pre_options; manual_options = options ; manual_post _options;
manual_ before_options; manual_options ; manual_after _options;
} in
@ -845,13 +852,10 @@ let show_manual ?internal_section format default_doc command_opt =
doc_first_line )
:: List . concat_map ( List . concat_map ~ f : ( wrap_line indent_string width ) doc_other_lines )
~ f : ( fun s -> [ ` Noblank ; ` Pre s ] ) in
let option_blocks = match command_doc . manual_options , command_opt with
| None , None ->
failwithf " Cannot create %s section " Cmdliner . Manpage . s_options
| Some blocks , _ ->
let option_blocks = match command_doc . manual_options with
| ` Replace blocks ->
` S Cmdliner . Manpage . s_options :: blocks
| None , Some command ->
let sections = List . Assoc . find_exn help_sections_desc_lists command in
| ` Prepend blocks ->
let hidden =
match internal_section with
| Some section ->
@ -859,11 +863,19 @@ let show_manual ?internal_section format default_doc command_opt =
:: List . concat_map ~ f : block_of_desc ( normalize_desc_list ! hidden_descs_list )
| None ->
[] in
match command_opt with
| Some command ->
let sections = List . Assoc . find_exn help_sections_desc_lists command in
SectionMap . fold ( fun section descs result ->
` S section ::
( if String . equal section Cmdliner . Manpage . s_options then blocks else [] ) @
List . concat_map ~ f : block_of_desc ( normalize_desc_list descs ) @ result )
! sections hidden in
let blocks = [ ` Blocks command_doc . manual_pre_options ; ` Blocks option_blocks ;
` Blocks command_doc . manual_post_options ] in
! sections hidden
| None ->
` S Cmdliner . Manpage . s_options :: blocks @
List . concat_map ~ f : block_of_desc ( normalize_desc_list ! visible_descs_list ) @
hidden in
let blocks = [ ` Blocks command_doc . manual_before_options ; ` Blocks option_blocks ;
` Blocks command_doc . manual_after_options ] in
Cmdliner . Manpage . print format Format . std_formatter ( command_doc . title , blocks ) ;