@ -34,23 +34,6 @@ let non_empty_directory_exists results_dir =
Sys.is_directory results_dir = `Yes && not (Utils.directory_is_empty results_dir)
Sys.is_directory results_dir = `Yes && not (Utils.directory_is_empty results_dir)
let dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture =
let open Config in
let common_list =
[classnames_dir_name] @ FileLevelAnalysisIssueDirs.get_registered_dir_names ()
if cache_capture then common_list else captured_dir_name :: common_list
let delete_capture_and_results_data () =
DBWriter.reset_capture_tables () ;
let dirs_to_delete =
List.map ~f:(Filename.concat Config.results_dir) (dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture:true)
List.iter ~f:Utils.rmtree dirs_to_delete ;
let remove_results_dir () =
let remove_results_dir () =
if non_empty_directory_exists Config.results_dir then (
if non_empty_directory_exists Config.results_dir then (
if not Config.force_delete_results_dir then
if not Config.force_delete_results_dir then
@ -96,3 +79,80 @@ let assert_results_dir advice =
L.die UserError "%s@\nPlease remove '%s' and try again" error Config.results_dir ) ;
L.die UserError "%s@\nPlease remove '%s' and try again" error Config.results_dir ) ;
prepare_logging_and_db () ;
prepare_logging_and_db () ;
let dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture =
let open Config in
let common_list =
[classnames_dir_name] @ FileLevelAnalysisIssueDirs.get_registered_dir_names ()
if cache_capture then common_list else captured_dir_name :: common_list
let delete_capture_and_results_data () =
DBWriter.reset_capture_tables () ;
let dirs_to_delete =
List.map ~f:(Filename.concat Config.results_dir) (dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture:true)
List.iter ~f:Utils.rmtree dirs_to_delete ;
let scrub_for_caching () =
let cache_capture =
Config.genrule_mode || Option.exists Config.buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors
if cache_capture then DBWriter.canonicalize () ;
(* make sure we are done with the database *)
ResultsDatabase.db_close () ;
(* In Buck flavors mode we keep all capture data, but in Java mode we keep only the tenv *)
let should_delete_dir =
let dirs_to_delete = dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture in
List.mem ~equal:String.equal dirs_to_delete
let should_delete_file =
let files_to_delete =
(* we do not need to keep the database in Buck/Java mode *)
(if cache_capture then [] else [ResultsDatabase.database_filename])
@ [ Config.log_file
; (* some versions of sqlite do not clean up after themselves *)
ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-shm"
; ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-wal" ]
let suffixes_to_delete = [".txt"; ".json"] in
fun name ->
(* Keep the JSON report and the JSON costs report *)
~f:(String.equal (Filename.basename name))
[ Config.report_json
; Config.costs_report_json
; Config.test_determinator_output
; Config.export_changed_functions_output ]))
&& ( List.mem ~equal:String.equal files_to_delete (Filename.basename name)
|| List.exists ~f:(Filename.check_suffix name) suffixes_to_delete )
let rec delete_temp_results name =
let rec cleandir dir =
match Unix.readdir_opt dir with
| Some entry ->
if should_delete_dir entry then Utils.rmtree (name ^/ entry)
else if
( String.equal entry Filename.current_dir_name
|| String.equal entry Filename.parent_dir_name )
then delete_temp_results (name ^/ entry) ;
cleandir dir (* next entry *)
| None ->
Unix.closedir dir
match Unix.opendir name with
| dir ->
cleandir dir
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOTDIR, _, _) ->
if should_delete_file name then Unix.unlink name ;
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
delete_temp_results Config.results_dir