[backend][cleanup] move fields in common to Cfg.Procdes and Specs.summary to proc_attributes.

There's a lot of overlap between the representation of a proc desc and a spec summary. This diff moves all the data in common to the single record proc_attributes defined in Sil.
This gives a unified way of accessing most of the data carried by a procedure, whether it is contained in a proc desc or a spec. Also, it ensures that there is a single flow of information from proc desc to spec in the back-end, making sure that the information represented stays consistent.
Cristiano Calcagno 10 years ago
parent 78f65b6dd7
commit 6f65486942

@ -1137,9 +1137,11 @@ let print_retain_cycle _prop =
| None -> ()
| Some (Some _prop) ->
let loc = State.get_loc () in
let source_file = DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file in
let source_file = DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file in
let source_file'= Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "/") "_" source_file in
let dest_file_str = (DB.filename_to_string (DB.Results_dir.specs_dir ()))^"/"^source_file'^"_RETAIN_CYCLE_"^(Sil.loc_to_string loc)^".dot" in
let dest_file_str =
(DB.filename_to_string (DB.Results_dir.specs_dir ())) ^ "/" ^
source_file' ^ "_RETAIN_CYCLE_" ^ (Location.to_string loc) ^ ".dot" in
L.d_strln ("Printing dotty proposition for retain cycle in :"^dest_file_str);
Prop.d_prop _prop; L.d_strln "";
Dotty.dotty_prop_to_dotty_file dest_file_str _prop
@ -1297,22 +1299,30 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
| _ -> None in
let exn_retain_cycle cycle =
print_retain_cycle original_prop;
let desc = Errdesc.explain_retain_cycle (remove_opt original_prop) cycle (State.get_loc ()) in
Exceptions.Retain_cycle(remove_opt original_prop, hpred, desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
let exn_leak =
Exceptions.Leak (fp_part, prop, hpred, Errdesc.explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_attribute objc_ml_bucket_opt, !Absarray.array_abstraction_performed, resource, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
let desc = Errdesc.explain_retain_cycle
(remove_opt original_prop) cycle (State.get_loc ()) in
(remove_opt original_prop, hpred, desc,
try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
let exn_leak = Exceptions.Leak
(fp_part, prop, hpred,
Errdesc.explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_attribute objc_ml_bucket_opt,
try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
let ignore_resource, exn =
(match alloc_attribute, resource with
| Some _, Sil.Rmemory Sil.Mobjc when (hpred_in_cycle hpred) ->
(* When there is a cycle in objc we ignore it only if it has weak or unsafe_unretained fields *)
(* Otherwise we report a retain cycle*)
(* When there is a cycle in objc we ignore it *)
(* only if it has weak or unsafe_unretained fields. *)
(* Otherwise we report a retain cycle. *)
let cycle = get_var_retain_cycle (remove_opt original_prop) in
if cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field cycle then
true, exn_retain_cycle cycle
else false, exn_retain_cycle cycle
| Some _, Sil.Rmemory Sil.Mobjc ->
objc_ml_bucket_opt = None, exn_leak
| Some _, Sil.Rmemory _ -> !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java, exn_leak
| Some _, Sil.Rmemory _ -> !Config.curr_language = Config.Java, exn_leak
| Some _, Sil.Rignore -> true, exn_leak
| Some _, Sil.Rfile -> false, exn_leak
| Some _, Sil.Rlock -> false, exn_leak
@ -1322,19 +1332,20 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
(* Sil.Mobjc qualifier when added in footprint doing abduction *)
let cycle = get_var_retain_cycle (remove_opt original_prop) in
false, exn_retain_cycle cycle
| _ -> !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java, exn_leak) in
| _ -> !Config.curr_language = Config.Java, exn_leak) in
let already_reported () =
let attr_opt_equal ao1 ao2 = match ao1, ao2 with
| None, None -> true
| Some a1, Some a2 -> Sil.attribute_equal a1 a2
| Some _, None
| None, Some _ -> false in
(alloc_attribute = None && !leaks_reported <> []) || (* None attribute only reported if it's the first one *)
(alloc_attribute = None && !leaks_reported <> []) ||
(* None attribute only reported if it's the first one *)
list_mem attr_opt_equal alloc_attribute !leaks_reported in
let ignore_leak =
!Config.allowleak || ignore_resource || is_undefined || already_reported () in
let report_and_continue =
!Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java || !Config.footprint in
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java || !Config.footprint in
let report_leak () =
if not report_and_continue then raise exn

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let check_access access_opt de_opt =
let process_formal_letref = function
| Sil.Letderef (id, Sil.Lvar pvar, _, _) ->
let is_java_this =
!Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java && Sil.pvar_is_this pvar in
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java && Sil.pvar_is_this pvar in
if not is_java_this && is_formal pvar then formal_ids := id :: !formal_ids
| _ -> () in
list_iter process_formal_letref node_instrs;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let check_access access_opt de_opt =
list_exists filter (Cfg.Node.get_instrs node) in
let local_access_found = ref false in
let do_node node =
if (Cfg.Node.get_loc node).Sil.line = line_number && has_call_or_sets_null node then
if (Cfg.Node.get_loc node).Location.line = line_number && has_call_or_sets_null node then
local_access_found := true
end in

@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ let get_procedure_definition exe_env proc_name =
(idenv, tenv, proc_name, proc_desc, language))
(Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg proc_name)
let get_language proc_name = if Procname.is_java proc_name then Sil.Java else Sil.C_CPP
let get_language proc_name = if Procname.is_java proc_name then Config.Java else Config.C_CPP
(** Invoke all registered procedure callbacks on a set of procedures. *)
let iterate_procedure_callbacks all_procs exe_env proc_name =
let procedure_language = get_language proc_name in
Sil.curr_language := procedure_language;
Config.curr_language := procedure_language;
let cfg = Exe_env.get_cfg exe_env proc_name in
let get_procdesc proc_name =
@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ let iterate_cluster_callbacks all_procs exe_env proc_names =
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
let iterate_callbacks store_summary call_graph exe_env =
let proc_names = Cg.get_defined_nodes call_graph in
let saved_language = !Sil.curr_language in
let saved_language = !Config.curr_language in
let cluster_id proc_name =
match get_language proc_name with
| Sil.Java -> Procname.java_get_class proc_name
| Config.Java -> Procname.java_get_class proc_name
| _ -> "unknown" in
let cluster proc_names =
let cluster_map =
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ let iterate_callbacks store_summary call_graph exe_env =
let loc = match procdesc_opt with
| Some proc_desc ->
Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc
| None -> Sil.loc_none in
| None -> Location.loc_none in
Specs.reset_summary call_graph proc_name loc in
@ -243,4 +243,4 @@ let iterate_callbacks store_summary call_graph exe_env =
list_iter store_summary proc_names;
Sil.curr_language := saved_language
Config.curr_language := saved_language

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ type cluster_callback_t =
(** register a procedure callback *)
val register_procedure_callback : Sil.language option -> proc_callback_t -> unit
val register_procedure_callback : Config.language option -> proc_callback_t -> unit
(** register a cluster callback *)
val register_cluster_callback : Sil.language option -> cluster_callback_t -> unit
val register_cluster_callback : Config.language option -> cluster_callback_t -> unit
(** un-register all the procedure callbacks currently registered *)
val unregister_all_callbacks : unit -> unit

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Node = struct
mutable nd_exn : t list; (** exception nodes in the cfg *)
mutable nd_instrs : Sil.instr list; (** instructions for symbolic execution *)
mutable nd_kind : nodekind; (** kind of node *)
mutable nd_loc : Sil.location; (** location in the source code *)
mutable nd_loc : Location.t; (** location in the source code *)
mutable nd_preds : t list; (** predecessor nodes in the cfg *)
mutable nd_proc : proc_desc option; (** proc desc from cil *)
mutable nd_succs : t list; (** successor nodes in the cfg *)
@ -42,17 +42,9 @@ module Node = struct
and proc_desc = { (** procedure description *)
pd_attributes : Sil.proc_attributes; (** attributes of the procedure *)
pd_id : int; (** unique proc_desc identifier *)
pd_name : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure *)
pd_is_defined : bool; (** true iff the procedure is defined, and not just declared *)
pd_ret_type : Sil.typ; (** return type *)
pd_formals : (string * Sil.typ) list; (** name and type of formal parameters *)
mutable pd_locals : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list; (** name and type of local variables *)
pd_captured : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list; (** name and type of blocks' captured variables *)
mutable pd_nodes : t list; (** list of nodes of this procedure *)
mutable pd_start_node : t; (** start node of this procedure *)
mutable pd_exit_node : t; (** exit node of ths procedure *)
mutable pd_loc : Sil.location; (** location of this procedure in the source code *)
mutable pd_flags : proc_flags; (** flags for the procedure *)
pd_err_log: Errlog.t; (** error log at translation time *)
mutable pd_changed : bool; (** true if proc has changed since last analysis *)
@ -112,9 +104,9 @@ module Node = struct
list_for_all2 node_eq n1s n2s
with Invalid_argument _ -> false in
pd1.pd_is_defined = pd2.pd_is_defined &&
Sil.typ_equal pd1.pd_ret_type pd2.pd_ret_type &&
formals_eq pd1.pd_formals pd2.pd_formals &&
pd1.pd_attributes.Sil.is_defined = pd2.pd_attributes.Sil.is_defined &&
Sil.typ_equal pd1.pd_attributes.Sil.ret_type pd2.pd_attributes.Sil.ret_type &&
formals_eq pd1.pd_attributes.Sil.formals pd2.pd_attributes.Sil.formals &&
nodes_eq pd1.pd_nodes pd2.pd_nodes in
let old_procs = cfg_old.name_pdesc_tbl in
let new_procs = cfg_new.name_pdesc_tbl in
@ -139,12 +131,15 @@ module Node = struct
let node_list' =
let filter_node node = match node.nd_proc with
| None -> true
| Some pdesc -> is_enabled pdesc.pd_name in
| Some pdesc -> is_enabled pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.proc_name in
list_filter filter_node !(cfg.node_list) in
let procs_to_remove =
let psetr = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let do_proc pname pdesc =
if pdesc.pd_is_defined && not (is_enabled pname) && not (in_address_set pname) then psetr := Procname.Set.add pname !psetr in
if pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.is_defined &&
not (is_enabled pname) &&
not (in_address_set pname) then
psetr := Procname.Set.add pname !psetr in
Procname.Hash.iter do_proc cfg.name_pdesc_tbl;
!psetr in
let remove_proc pname =
@ -176,16 +171,6 @@ module Node = struct
let iter_proc_desc cfg f =
Procname.Hash.iter f cfg.name_pdesc_tbl
let iter_types cfg f =
let node_iter_types node =
list_iter (Sil.instr_iter_types f) node.nd_instrs in
let pdesc_iter_types pname pdesc =
Sil.typ_iter_types f pdesc.pd_ret_type;
list_iter (fun (_, t) -> Sil.typ_iter_types f t) pdesc.pd_formals;
list_iter (fun (_, t) -> Sil.typ_iter_types f t) pdesc.pd_locals;
list_iter node_iter_types pdesc.pd_nodes in
iter_proc_desc cfg pdesc_iter_types
let dummy () = {
nd_id = 0;
nd_dist_exit = None;
@ -194,7 +179,7 @@ module Node = struct
nd_dead_pvars_before = [];
nd_instrs = [];
nd_kind = Skip_node "dummy";
nd_loc = Sil.loc_none;
nd_loc = Location.loc_none;
nd_proc = None;
nd_succs = []; nd_preds = []; nd_exn = [];
@ -399,15 +384,15 @@ module Node = struct
node.nd_instrs <- instrs
let proc_desc_get_ret_var pdesc =
Sil.get_ret_pvar pdesc.pd_name
Sil.get_ret_pvar pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.proc_name
(** Add declarations for local variables and return variable to the node *)
let add_locals_ret_declaration node locals =
let loc = get_loc node in
let pdesc = get_proc_desc node in
let proc_name = pdesc.pd_name in
let proc_name = pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.proc_name in
let ret_var =
let ret_type = pdesc.pd_ret_type in
let ret_type = pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.ret_type in
(proc_desc_get_ret_var pdesc, ret_type) in
let construct_decl (x, typ) =
(Sil.mk_pvar x proc_name, typ) in
@ -477,33 +462,33 @@ module Node = struct
(** Set a flag for the proc desc *)
let proc_desc_set_flag pdesc key value =
proc_flags_add pdesc.pd_flags key value
proc_flags_add pdesc.pd_attributes.Sil.proc_flags key value
(** Return the return type of the procedure *)
let proc_desc_get_ret_type proc_desc =
let proc_desc_get_proc_name proc_desc =
(** Return [true] iff the procedure is defined, and not just declared *)
let proc_desc_is_defined proc_desc =
let proc_desc_get_loc proc_desc =
(** Return name and type of formal parameters *)
let proc_desc_get_formals proc_desc =
(** Return name and type of local variables *)
let proc_desc_get_locals proc_desc =
(** Return name and type of captured variables *)
let proc_desc_get_captured proc_desc =
let proc_desc_get_nodes proc_desc =
@ -518,11 +503,11 @@ module Node = struct
(** Get flags for the proc desc *)
let proc_desc_get_flags proc_desc =
(** Append the locals to the list of local variables *)
let proc_desc_append_locals proc_desc new_locals =
proc_desc.pd_locals <- proc_desc.pd_locals @ new_locals
proc_desc.pd_attributes.Sil.locals <- proc_desc.pd_attributes.Sil.locals @ new_locals
(** Get the cyclomatic complexity for the procedure *)
let proc_desc_get_cyclomatic proc_desc =
@ -543,7 +528,7 @@ module Node = struct
| None -> pe0
| Some instr -> pe_extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red in
let instrs = get_instrs node in
let pp_loc fmt () = F.fprintf fmt " %a " Sil.pp_loc (get_loc node) in
let pp_loc fmt () = F.fprintf fmt " %a " Location.pp (get_loc node) in
let print_sub_instrs () = F.fprintf fmt "%a" (Sil.pp_instr_list pe) instrs in
match get_kind node with
| Stmt_node s ->
@ -663,7 +648,7 @@ let load_cfg_from_file (filename : DB.filename) : cfg option =
let save_source_files cfg =
let process_proc pname pdesc =
let loc = Node.proc_desc_get_loc pdesc in
let source_file = loc.Sil.file in
let source_file = loc.Location.file in
let source_file_str = DB.source_file_to_abs_path source_file in
let dest_file = DB.source_file_in_resdir source_file in
let dest_file_str = DB.filename_to_string dest_file in
@ -696,14 +681,7 @@ module Procdesc = struct
type proc_desc_builder =
{ cfg : cfg;
name: Procname.t;
is_defined : bool; (** is defined and not just declared *)
proc_attributes : Sil.proc_attributes;
ret_type : Sil.typ; (** return type *)
formals : (string * Sil.typ) list;
locals : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list;
captured : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list; (** variables captured in an ObjC block *)
loc : Sil.location;
let create (b : proc_desc_builder) =
@ -713,21 +691,13 @@ module Procdesc = struct
pd_attributes = b.proc_attributes;
pd_id = !proc_desc_id_counter;
pd_name = b.name;
pd_is_defined = b.is_defined;
pd_ret_type = b.ret_type;
pd_formals = b.formals;
pd_locals = b.locals;
pd_captured = b.captured;
pd_nodes =[];
pd_nodes = [];
pd_start_node = dummy ();
pd_exit_node = dummy ();
pd_loc = b.loc;
pd_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
pd_err_log = Errlog.empty ();
pd_changed = true
} in
pdesc_tbl_add b.cfg b.name pdesc;
pdesc_tbl_add b.cfg b.proc_attributes.Sil.proc_name pdesc;
let remove = Node.proc_desc_remove
@ -772,9 +742,6 @@ module NodeSet = Node.NodeSet
let iter_proc_desc = Node.iter_proc_desc
(** Iterate over all the types (and subtypes) in the CFG *)
let iter_types = Node.iter_types
let rec pp_node_list f = function
| [] -> ()
| [node] -> Node.pp f node
@ -936,8 +903,8 @@ let remove_abducted_retvars p =
let remove_locals (curr_f : Procdesc.t) p =
let names_of_locals = list_map (get_name_of_local curr_f) (Procdesc.get_locals curr_f) in
let names_of_locals' = match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.C_CPP -> (* in ObjC to deal with block we need to remove static locals *)
let names_of_locals' = match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.C_CPP -> (* in ObjC to deal with block we need to remove static locals *)
let names_of_static_locals = get_name_of_objc_static_locals curr_f p in
let names_of_block_locals = get_name_of_objc_block_locals p in
names_of_block_locals @ names_of_locals @ names_of_static_locals

@ -33,14 +33,7 @@ module Procdesc : sig
type proc_desc_builder =
{ cfg : cfg;
name: Procname.t;
is_defined : bool; (** is defined and not just declared *)
proc_attributes : Sil.proc_attributes;
ret_type : Sil.typ; (** return type *)
formals : (string * Sil.typ) list;
locals : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list;
captured : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list; (** variables captured in an ObjC block *)
loc : Sil.location;
(** Create a procdesc *)
@ -70,7 +63,7 @@ module Procdesc : sig
val get_formals : t -> (string * Sil.typ) list
(** Return loc information for the procedure *)
val get_loc : t -> Sil.location
val get_loc : t -> Location.t
(** Return name and type of local variables *)
val get_locals : t -> (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list
@ -102,7 +95,7 @@ module Procdesc : sig
val iter_nodes : (node -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** iterate over the calls from the procedure: (callee,location) pairs *)
val iter_calls : ((Procname.t * Sil.location) -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_calls : ((Procname.t * Location.t) -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** iterate over all nodes and their instructions *)
val iter_instrs : (node -> Sil.instr -> unit) -> t -> unit
@ -173,7 +166,7 @@ module Node : sig
(** [create cfg loc kind instrs proc_desc temps] create a new cfg node
with the given location, kind, list of instructions,
procdesc and list of temporary variables *)
val create : cfg -> Sil.location -> nodekind -> Sil.instr list -> Procdesc.t -> Ident.t list -> t
val create : cfg -> Location.t -> nodekind -> Sil.instr list -> Procdesc.t -> Ident.t list -> t
(** create a new empty cfg *)
val create_cfg : unit -> cfg
@ -206,10 +199,10 @@ module Node : sig
val get_id : t -> int
(** Get the source location of the node *)
val get_loc : t -> Sil.location
val get_loc : t -> Location.t
(** Get the source location of the last instruction in the node *)
val get_last_loc : t -> Sil.location
val get_last_loc : t -> Location.t
(** Get the kind of the current node *)
val get_kind : t -> nodekind
@ -263,7 +256,7 @@ module Node : sig
val set_kind : t -> nodekind -> unit
(** Set the source location of the node *)
val set_loc : t -> Sil.location -> unit
val set_loc : t -> Location.t -> unit
(** Set the proc desc associated to the node *)
val set_proc_desc : t -> Procdesc.t -> unit
@ -288,9 +281,6 @@ val pp_node_list : Format.formatter -> Node.t list -> unit
(** Iterate over all the procdesc's *)
val iter_proc_desc : cfg -> (Procname.t -> Procdesc.t -> unit) -> unit
(** Iterate over all the types (and subtypes) in the CFG *)
val iter_types : cfg -> (Sil.typ -> unit) -> unit
(** Get all the procedures (defined and declared) *)
val get_all_procs : cfg -> Procdesc.t list

@ -385,3 +385,13 @@ let unsafe_unret = "<\"Unsafe_unretained\">"
let weak = "<\"Weak\">"
let assign = "<\"Assign\">"
(** Programming language. *)
type language = C_CPP | Java
(** current language *)
let curr_language = ref C_CPP
let string_of_language = function
| Java -> "Java"
| C_CPP -> "C_CPP"

@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ let pp_cfgnode fmt (n: Cfg.Node.t) =
let print_icfg fmt cfg =
let print_node node =
let loc = Cfg.Node.get_loc node in
if (!Config.dotty_cfg_libs || DB.source_file_equal loc.Sil.file !DB.current_source) then
if (!Config.dotty_cfg_libs || DB.source_file_equal loc.Location.file !DB.current_source) then
F.fprintf fmt "%a\n" pp_cfgnode node in
list_iter print_node (Cfg.Node.get_all_nodes cfg)
@ -1353,5 +1353,8 @@ let print_specs_xml signature specs loc fmt =
specs in
let xml_specifications = Io_infer.Xml.create_tree "specifications" [] list_of_specs_xml in
let xml_signature = Io_infer.Xml.create_tree "signature" [("name", signature)] [] in
let proc_summary = Io_infer.Xml.create_tree "procedure" [("file", DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file); ("line", string_of_int loc.Sil.line)] [xml_signature; xml_specifications] in
let proc_summary = Io_infer.Xml.create_tree "procedure"
[("file", DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file);
("line", string_of_int loc.Location.line)]
[xml_signature; xml_specifications] in
Io_infer.Xml.pp_document true fmt proc_summary

@ -55,4 +55,5 @@ val reset_node_counter : unit -> unit
val prop_to_xml : Prop.normal Prop.t -> string -> int -> Io_infer.Xml.node
(** Print a list of specs in XML format *)
val print_specs_xml : string -> Prop.normal Specs.spec list -> Sil.location -> Format.formatter -> unit
val print_specs_xml :
string -> Prop.normal Specs.spec list -> Location.t -> Format.formatter -> unit

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let id_is_assigned_then_dead node id =
and return the function name and arguments *)
let find_normal_variable_funcall
(node: Cfg.Node.t)
(id: Ident.t): (Sil.exp * (Sil.exp list) * Sil.location * Sil.call_flags) option =
(id: Ident.t): (Sil.exp * (Sil.exp list) * Location.t * Sil.call_flags) option =
let res = ref None in
let node_instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs node in
let find_declaration = function
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ let pvar_is_edg_tmp pvar =
(** Check whether the program variable is a temporary generated by the front-end *)
let pvar_is_frontend_tmp pvar =
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then pvar_is_sawja_tmp pvar
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then pvar_is_sawja_tmp pvar
else pvar_is_cil_tmp pvar || pvar_is_edg_tmp pvar
(** Find the Letderef instruction used to declare normal variable [id],
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ let explain_dexp_access prop dexp is_nullable =
if !verbose then (L.d_strln "lookup: found Dfcall ");
(match c with
| Sil.Cfun pn -> (* Treat function as an update *)
Some (Sil.Eexp (Sil.Const c, Sil.Ireturn_from_call loc.Sil.line))
Some (Sil.Eexp (Sil.Const c, Sil.Ireturn_from_call loc.Location.line))
| _ -> None)
| de ->
if !verbose then (L.d_strln ("lookup: unknown case not matched " ^ Sil.dexp_to_string de));
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ let explain_dexp_access prop dexp is_nullable =
Some (Localise.Last_accessed (n, is_nullable))
| Some (Sil.Ireturn_from_call n) ->
Some (Localise.Returned_from_call n)
| Some Sil.Ialloc when !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java ->
| Some Sil.Ialloc when !Config.curr_language = Config.Java ->
Some Localise.Initialized_automatically
| Some inst ->
if !verbose then (L.d_strln ("explain_dexp_access: inst is not an update " ^ Sil.inst_to_string inst));
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ let create_dereference_desc
| _ -> access_opt in
let desc = Localise.dereference_string deref_str value_str access_opt' loc in
let desc =
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP && not is_premature_nil then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP && not is_premature_nil then
match de_opt with
| Some (Sil.Dpvar pvar)
| Some (Sil.Dpvaraddr pvar) ->
@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ let explain_null_test_after_dereference exp node line loc =
| None -> Localise.no_desc
let _warning loc fmt fmt_string =
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d: Warning: " (DB.source_file_to_string !DB.current_source) loc.Sil.line;
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d: Warning: " (DB.source_file_to_string !DB.current_source) loc.Location.line;
F.fprintf fmt fmt_string
(** Print a warning to the out stream, at the given location *)

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ val hpred_is_open_resource : 'a Prop.t -> Sil.hpred -> Sil.resource option
(** Find the function call instruction used to initialize normal variable [id],
and return the function name and arguments *)
val find_normal_variable_funcall :
Cfg.Node.t -> Ident.t -> (Sil.exp * (Sil.exp list) * Sil.location * Sil.call_flags) option
Cfg.Node.t -> Ident.t -> (Sil.exp * (Sil.exp list) * Location.t * Sil.call_flags) option
(** Find a program variable assignment in the current node or straightline predecessor. *)
val find_program_variable_assignment : Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.pvar -> (Cfg.Node.t * Ident.t) option
@ -47,10 +47,12 @@ val explain_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname -> Localise
val explain_allocation_mismatch : Sil.res_action -> Sil.res_action -> Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of the array access performed in the current instruction, if any. *)
val explain_array_access : Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_array_access : Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a class cast exception *)
val explain_class_cast_exception : Procname.t option -> Sil.exp -> Sil.exp -> Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_class_cast_exception :
Procname.t option -> Sil.exp -> Sil.exp -> Sil.exp ->
Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** Explain a deallocate stack variable error *)
val explain_deallocate_stack_var : Sil.pvar -> Sil.res_action -> Localise.error_desc
@ -61,44 +63,49 @@ val explain_deallocate_constant_string : string -> Sil.res_action -> Localise.er
(** Produce a description of which expression is dereferenced in the current instruction, if any. *)
val explain_dereference :
?use_buckets:bool -> ?is_nullable:bool -> ?is_premature_nil:bool ->
Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** return a description explaining value [exp] in [prop] in terms of a source expression
using the formal parameters of the call *)
val explain_dereference_as_caller_expression :
?use_buckets:bool ->
Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t -> Sil.exp ->
Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.location -> Sil.pvar list -> Localise.error_desc
Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Sil.pvar list -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a division by zero *)
val explain_divide_by_zero : Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_divide_by_zero : Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a return expression required *)
val explain_return_expression_required : Sil.location -> Sil.typ -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_return_expression_required : Location.t -> Sil.typ -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a comparing floats for equality *)
val explain_comparing_floats_for_equality : Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_comparing_floats_for_equality : Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a condition is an assignment *)
val explain_condition_is_assignment : Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_condition_is_assignment : Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a condition which is always true or false *)
val explain_condition_always_true_false : Sil.Int.t -> Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_condition_always_true_false :
Sil.Int.t -> Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain the escape of a stack variable address from its scope *)
val explain_stack_variable_address_escape : Sil.location -> Sil.pvar -> Sil.dexp option -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_stack_variable_address_escape :
Location.t -> Sil.pvar -> Sil.dexp option -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a return statement missing *)
val explain_return_statement_missing : Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_return_statement_missing : Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a retain cycle *)
val explain_retain_cycle : Prop.normal Prop.t -> ((Sil.strexp * Sil.typ) * Ident.fieldname * Sil.strexp) list -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_retain_cycle :
Prop.normal Prop.t -> ((Sil.strexp * Sil.typ) * Ident.fieldname * Sil.strexp) list ->
Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain unary minus applied to unsigned expression *)
val explain_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression : Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression :
Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** Explain a tainted value error *)
val explain_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function : Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function : Sil.exp -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of a leak by looking at the current state.
If the current instruction is a variable nullify, blame the variable.
@ -107,10 +114,11 @@ val explain_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function : Sil.exp -> Sil.location
val explain_leak : Sil.tenv -> Sil.hpred -> 'a Prop.t -> Sil.attribute option -> string option -> Exceptions.exception_visibility * Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of the memory access performed in the current instruction, if any. *)
val explain_memory_access : Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_memory_access : Localise.deref_str -> 'a Prop.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a test for NULL of a dereferenced pointer *)
val explain_null_test_after_dereference : Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> int -> Sil.location -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_null_test_after_dereference :
Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> int -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** temporary variable name which is used to create edg native temp variables (see Trans_edg) *)
val edg_native_tmp_var_name_prefix : string
@ -125,10 +133,10 @@ val pvar_is_edg_tmp : Sil.pvar -> bool
val pvar_is_frontend_tmp : Sil.pvar -> bool
(** Print a warning to the out stream, at the given location *)
val warning_out : Sil.location -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val warning_out : Location.t -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Print a warning to the err stream, at the given location *)
val warning_err : Sil.location -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val warning_err : Location.t -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(* offset of an expression found following a program variable *)
type pvar_off =

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module F = Format
(** Element of a loc trace *)
type loc_trace_elem = {
lt_level : int; (** nesting level of procedure calls *)
lt_loc : Sil.location; (** source location at the current step in the trace *)
lt_loc : Location.t; (** source location at the current step in the trace *)
lt_description : string; (** description of the current step in the trace *)
lt_node_tags : (string * string) list (** tags describing the node at the current location *)
@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ type loc_trace = loc_trace_elem list
(** Data associated to a specific error *)
type err_data =
(int * int) * int * Sil.location * ml_location option * loc_trace *
(int * int) * int * Location.t * ml_location option * loc_trace *
Prop.normal Prop.t option * Exceptions.err_class
let err_data_compare
((nodeid1, key1), session1, loc1, mloco1, ltr1, po1, ec1)
((nodeid2, key2), session2, loc2, mloco2, ltr2, po2, ec2) =
Sil.loc_compare loc1 loc2
Location.compare loc1 loc2
module ErrDataSet = (* set err_data with no repeated loc *)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let empty () = ErrLogHash.create 13
(** type of the function to be passed to iter *)
type iter_fun =
(int * int) -> Sil.location -> Exceptions.err_kind -> bool -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
(int * int) -> Location.t -> Exceptions.err_kind -> bool -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
string -> loc_trace -> Prop.normal Prop.t option -> Exceptions.err_class -> unit
(** Apply f to nodes and error names *)
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let pp fmt (errlog : t) =
let pp_html path_to_root fmt (errlog: t) =
let pp_eds fmt eds =
let pp_nodeid_session_loc fmt ((nodeid, nodekey), session, loc, mloco, ltr, pre_opt, eclass) =
Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link path_to_root fmt (nodeid, session, loc.Sil.line) in
Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link path_to_root fmt (nodeid, session, loc.Location.line) in
ErrDataSet.iter (pp_nodeid_session_loc fmt) eds in
let f do_fp ek (ekind, infp, err_name, desc, severity) eds =
if ekind == ek && do_fp == infp
@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ let log_issue _ekind err_log loc node_id_key session ltr pre_opt exn =
| Some ekind -> ekind
| _ -> _ekind in
let hide_java_loc_zero = (* hide java errors at location zero unless in -developer_mode *)
!Config.developer_mode = false && !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java && loc.Sil.line = 0 in
!Config.developer_mode = false &&
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
loc.Location.line = 0 in
let log_it =
visibility == Exceptions.Exn_user ||
(!Config.developer_mode && visibility == Exceptions.Exn_developer) in

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(** Element of a loc trace *)
type loc_trace_elem = {
lt_level : int; (** nesting level of procedure calls *)
lt_loc : Sil.location; (** source location at the current step in the trace *)
lt_loc : Location.t; (** source location at the current step in the trace *)
lt_description : string; (** description of the current step in the trace *)
lt_node_tags : (string * string) list (** tags describing the node at the current location *)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ val empty : unit -> t
(** type of the function to be passed to iter *)
type iter_fun =
(int * int) -> Sil.location -> Exceptions.err_kind -> bool -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
(int * int) -> Location.t -> Exceptions.err_kind -> bool -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
string -> loc_trace -> Prop.normal Prop.t option -> Exceptions.err_class -> unit
(** Apply f to nodes and error names *)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ val update : t -> t -> unit
val log_issue :
Exceptions.err_kind ->
t -> Sil.location -> (int * int) -> int -> loc_trace ->
t -> Location.t -> (int * int) -> int -> loc_trace ->
(Prop.normal Prop.t) option -> exn -> unit
(** {2 Functions for manipulating per-file error tables} *)

@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ let pp_err (node_id, node_key) loc ekind ex_name desc mloco fmt () =
let kind = err_kind_string (if ekind = Kinfo then Kwarning else ekind) (* eclipse does not know about infos: treat as warning *) in
let pp_key fmt k = if print_key then F.fprintf fmt " key: %d " k else () in
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d: %s: %a %a%a%a@\n"
(DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file)
(DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file)
Localise.pp ex_name
Localise.pp_error_desc desc

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ val handle_exception : exn -> bool
val print_exception_html : string -> exn -> unit
(** pretty print an error given its (id,key), location, kind, name, description, and optional ml location *)
val pp_err : int * int -> Sil.location -> err_kind -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
val pp_err : int * int -> Location.t -> err_kind -> Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc ->
Utils.ml_location option -> Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
(** Turn an exception into an error name, error description,

@ -437,7 +437,8 @@ let post_process_procs exe_env procs_done =
let check_no_specs pn =
if Specs.get_specs pn = [] then begin
(Specs.get_summary_unsafe pn).Specs.loc "No specs found for %a@." Procname.pp pn
(Specs.get_summary_unsafe pn).Specs.attributes.Sil.loc
"No specs found for %a@." Procname.pp pn
end in
let cg = Exe_env.get_cg exe_env in
list_iter (fun pn ->
@ -581,7 +582,8 @@ let parallel_execution exe_env num_processes analyze_proc filter_out process_res
(Specs.get_timestamp (Specs.get_summary_unsafe pname) = 0
|| not (proc_is_up_to_date call_graph pname)) in
let process_one_proc pname (calls: Cg.in_out_calls) =
DB.current_source := (Specs.get_summary_unsafe pname).Specs.loc.Sil.file;
DB.current_source :=
(Specs.get_summary_unsafe pname).Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file;
if !trace then
let whole_seconds = false in
@ -634,7 +636,8 @@ let parallel_execution exe_env num_processes analyze_proc filter_out process_res
| Some (p_str, summ) ->
let (pname, weight) = Process.get_last_input p_str in
DB.current_source := (Specs.get_summary_unsafe pname).Specs.loc.Sil.file;
DB.current_source :=
(Specs.get_summary_unsafe pname).Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file;
process_result exe_env (pname, weight) summ
with exn -> assert false);
Timing_log.event_finish (Procname.to_string pname);

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let arg_desc =
"-print_builtins", Arg.Unit SymExec.print_builtins, None, "print the builtin functions and exit";
"-source_path", Arg.String source_path, Some "path", "specify the absolute path to the root of the source files. Used to interpret relative paths when using option -exclude.";
(* TODO: merge with the -project_root option *)
"-java", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Sil.curr_language := Sil.Java), None, "Set language to Java";
"-java", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Config.curr_language := Config.Java), None, "Set language to Java";
"-version", Arg.Unit print_version, None, "print version information and exit";
"-version_json", Arg.Unit print_version_json, None, "print version json formatted";
"-objcm", Arg.Set Config.objc_memory_model_on, None, "Use ObjC memory model";
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ let () = (* parse command-line arguments *)
module Simulator = struct (** Simulate the analysis only *)
let reset_summaries cg =
(fun (pname, in_out_calls) -> Specs.reset_summary cg pname Sil.loc_none)
(fun (pname, in_out_calls) -> Specs.reset_summary cg pname Location.loc_none)
(Cg.get_nodes_and_calls cg)
(** Perform phase transition from [FOOTPRINT] to [RE_EXECUTION] for
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ let () =
let () =
match !cluster_cmdline with
| None ->
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP then
Objc_preanal.do_objc_preanalysis ();
L.stdout "Starting analysis (Infer version %s)@." Version.versionString;
| Some clname -> L.stdout "Cluster %s@." clname in
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ let () =
else !err_file_cmdline in
let analyzer_out_of = open_output_file Logging.set_out_formatter analyzer_out_file in
let analyzer_err_of = open_output_file Logging.set_err_formatter analyzer_err_file in
if (!Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP) then Mleak_buckets.init_buckets !objc_ml_buckets_arg;
if (!Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP) then Mleak_buckets.init_buckets !objc_ml_buckets_arg;
process_cluster_cmdline_exit ();
let source_dirs =

@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ module NeverReturnNull = struct
let default_source_contains = ""
type pattern =
| Method_pattern of Sil.language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of Sil.language * string
| Method_pattern of Config.language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of Config.language * string
let language_of_string = function
| "Java" -> Sil.Java
| "C_CPP" -> Sil.C_CPP
| "Java" -> Config.Java
| "C_CPP" -> Config.C_CPP
| _ -> failwith ("Unknown language found in " ^ inferconfig_file)
let pp_pattern fmt pattern =
@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ module NeverReturnNull = struct
match pattern with
| Method_pattern (language, mp) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Method pattern (%s) {\n%a}\n"
(Sil.string_of_language language) pp_method_pattern mp
(Config.string_of_language language) pp_method_pattern mp
| Source_contains (language, sc) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Source contains (%s) {\n%a}\n"
(Sil.string_of_language language) pp_source_contains sc
(Config.string_of_language language) pp_source_contains sc
let detect_language assoc =
let rec loop = function
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module NeverReturnNull = struct
| _ -> assert false
let create_method_matcher language m_patterns =
if language <> Sil.Java then assert false
if language <> Config.Java then assert false
if m_patterns = [] then

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val create_filters : Utils.analyzer -> filters
module NeverReturnNull : sig
type matcher = DB.source_file -> Procname.t -> bool
val load_matcher : Sil.language -> matcher
val load_matcher : Config.language -> matcher
(** Load the config file and list the files to report on *)

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ let begin_latex_file fmt =
(** Write proc summary to latex file *)
let write_summary_latex fname fmt summary =
let proc_name = summary.Specs.proc_name in
let proc_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
Latex.pp_section fmt ("Analysis of function " ^ (Latex.convert_string (Procname.to_string proc_name)));
F.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a@]" (Specs.pp_summary (pe_latex Black) !whole_seconds) summary
@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ let loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record trace_list ekind =
list_map (fun tag -> { tag = fst tag; value = snd tag }) tags_list in
let trace_item_to_record trace_item =
{ level = trace_item.Errlog.lt_level;
filename = DB.source_file_to_string trace_item.Errlog.lt_loc.Sil.file;
line_number = trace_item.Errlog.lt_loc.Sil.line;
filename = DB.source_file_to_string trace_item.Errlog.lt_loc.Location.file;
line_number = trace_item.Errlog.lt_loc.Location.line;
description = trace_item.Errlog.lt_description;
node_tags = node_tags_to_records trace_item.Errlog.lt_node_tags;
} in
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ type summary_val =
(** compute values from summary data to export to csv and xml format *)
let summary_values top_proc_set summary =
let stats = summary.Specs.stats in
let proc_name = summary.Specs.proc_name in
let proc_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
let is_top = Procname.Set.mem proc_name top_proc_set in
let signature = Specs.get_signature summary in
let nodes_nr = list_length summary.Specs.nodes in
@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ let summary_values top_proc_set summary =
verr = Errlog.size
(fun ekind in_footprint -> ekind = Exceptions.Kerror && in_footprint)
vflags = summary.Specs.proc_flags;
vfile = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file;
vline = summary.Specs.loc.Sil.line;
vloc = summary.Specs.loc.Sil.nLOC;
vflags = summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.proc_flags;
vfile = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file;
vline = summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.line;
vloc = summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.nLOC;
vtop = if is_top then "Y" else "N";
vsignature = signature;
vweight = nodes_nr;
@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ module BugsCsv = struct
Escape.escape_csv s in
let kind = Exceptions.err_kind_string ekind in
let type_str = Localise.to_string error_name in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename summary.Specs.proc_name in
let filename = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename (Specs.get_proc_name summary) in
let filename = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file in
let always_report =
match Localise.error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc "always_report" with
| "" -> "false"
@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ module BugsCsv = struct
pp "%s," type_str;
pp "\"%s\"," err_desc_string;
pp "%s," severity;
pp "%d," loc.Sil.line;
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_string summary.Specs.proc_name));
pp "%d," loc.Location.line;
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_string (Specs.get_proc_name summary)));
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv procedure_id);
pp "%s," filename;
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv trace);
@ -455,16 +455,16 @@ module BugsJson = struct
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name then
let kind = Exceptions.err_kind_string ekind in
let bug_type = Localise.to_string error_name in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename summary.Specs.proc_name in
let file = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename (Specs.get_proc_name summary) in
let file = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file in
let bug = {
bug_class = Exceptions.err_class_string eclass;
kind = kind;
bug_type = bug_type;
qualifier = error_desc_to_plain_string error_desc;
severity = severity;
line = loc.Sil.line;
procedure = Procname.to_string summary.Specs.proc_name;
line = loc.Location.line;
procedure = Procname.to_string (Specs.get_proc_name summary);
procedure_id = procedure_id;
file = file;
bug_trace = loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record ltr ekind;
@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ module BugsXml = struct
| None -> "" in
Io_infer.Xml.create_tree Io_infer.Xml.tag_loc [("num", string_of_int !num)]
[(level_to_xml lt.Errlog.lt_level);
(file_to_xml (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file));
(line_to_xml loc.Sil.line);
(file_to_xml (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file));
(line_to_xml loc.Location.line);
(code_to_xml code);
(description_to_xml lt.Errlog.lt_description);
(node_tags_to_xml lt.Errlog.lt_node_tags)] in
@ -537,10 +537,11 @@ module BugsXml = struct
incr xml_bugs_id;
let attributes = [("id", string_of_int !xml_bugs_id) ] in
let error_class = Exceptions.err_class_string eclass in
let error_line = string_of_int loc.Sil.line in
let procedure_name = Procname.to_string summary.Specs.proc_name in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename summary.Specs.proc_name in
let filename = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file in
let error_line = string_of_int loc.Location.line in
let proc_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
let procedure_name = Procname.to_string proc_name in
let procedure_id = Procname.to_filename proc_name in
let filename = DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file in
let bug_hash = get_bug_hash kind type_str procedure_id filename node_key error_desc in
let forest =
@ -582,14 +583,14 @@ module CallsCsv = struct
let pp_calls fname fmt summary =
let pp x = F.fprintf fmt x in
let stats = summary.Specs.stats in
let caller_name = summary.Specs.proc_name in
let caller_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
let do_call (callee_name, loc) trace =
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_string caller_name));
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_filename caller_name));
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_string callee_name));
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv (Procname.to_filename callee_name));
pp "%s," (DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file);
pp "%d," loc.Sil.line;
pp "%s," (DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file);
pp "%d," loc.Location.line;
pp "%a@\n" Specs.CallStats.pp_trace trace in
Specs.CallStats.iter do_call stats.Specs.call_stats
@ -604,8 +605,10 @@ module UnitTest = struct
let fmt = F.std_formatter in
let do_spec spec =
incr cnt;
let c_file = Filename.basename (DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file) in
let code = Autounit.genunit c_file proc_name !cnt summary.Specs.formals spec in
let c_file = Filename.basename
(DB.source_file_to_string summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file) in
let code =
Autounit.genunit c_file proc_name !cnt (Specs.get_formals summary) spec in
F.fprintf fmt "%a@." Autounit.pp_code code in
let specs = Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary in
list_iter do_spec specs;
@ -639,7 +642,7 @@ end = struct
let top_set x =
Procname.Set.diff x.possible x.impossible
let process_summary x (_, summary) =
let proc_name = summary.Specs.proc_name in
let proc_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
let nspecs = list_length (Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary) in
if nspecs > 0 then
@ -678,10 +681,10 @@ module Stats = struct
let process_loc loc stats =
try Hashtbl.find stats.files loc.Sil.file
try Hashtbl.find stats.files loc.Location.file
with Not_found ->
stats.nLOC <- stats.nLOC + loc.Sil.nLOC;
Hashtbl.add stats.files loc.Sil.file ()
stats.nLOC <- stats.nLOC + loc.Location.nLOC;
Hashtbl.add stats.files loc.Location.file ()
let loc_trace_to_string_list linereader indent_num ltr =
let res = ref [] in
@ -701,7 +704,7 @@ module Stats = struct
let line =
let pp fmt () =
if description <> "" then F.fprintf fmt "%s%04s // %s@\n" (indent_string (level + indent_num)) " " description;
F.fprintf fmt "%s%04d: %s" (indent_string (level + indent_num)) loc.Sil.line code in
F.fprintf fmt "%s%04d: %s" (indent_string (level + indent_num)) loc.Location.line code in
pp_to_string pp () in
res := line :: "" :: !res in
list_iter loc_to_string ltr;
@ -718,7 +721,8 @@ module Stats = struct
stats.nerrors <- stats.nerrors + 1;
let error_strs =
let pp1 fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%d: %s" stats.nerrors type_str in
let pp2 fmt () = F.fprintf fmt " %s:%d" (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file) loc.Sil.line in
let pp2 fmt () = F.fprintf fmt " %s:%d"
(DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file) loc.Location.line in
let pp3 fmt () = F.fprintf fmt " (%a)" Localise.pp_error_desc error_desc in
[pp_to_string pp1 (); pp_to_string pp2 (); pp_to_string pp3 ()] in
let trace = loc_trace_to_string_list linereader 1 ltr in
@ -740,7 +744,7 @@ module Stats = struct
if is_verified then stats.nverified <- stats.nverified + 1;
if is_checked then stats.nchecked <- stats.nchecked + 1;
if is_defective then stats.ndefective <- stats.ndefective + 1;
process_loc summary.Specs.loc stats
process_loc summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc stats
let num_files stats =
Hashtbl.length stats.files
@ -805,7 +809,7 @@ end
(** Process a summary *)
let process_summary filters linereader stats (top_proc_set: Procname.Set.t) (fname, summary) =
let proc_name = summary.Specs.proc_name in
let proc_name = Specs.get_proc_name summary in
let base = DB.chop_extension (DB.filename_from_string fname) in
let pp_simple_saved = !Config.pp_simple in
Config.pp_simple := true;
@ -814,7 +818,7 @@ let process_summary filters linereader stats (top_proc_set: Procname.Set.t) (fna
let error_filter error_desc error_name =
let always_report () =
Localise.error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc "always_report" = "true" in
(filters.Inferconfig.path_filter summary.Specs.loc.Sil.file
(filters.Inferconfig.path_filter summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file
|| always_report ()) &&
filters.Inferconfig.error_filter error_name in
do_outf procs_csv (fun outf -> F.fprintf outf.fmt "%a" (ProcsCsv.pp_summary fname top_proc_set) summary);
@ -851,7 +855,9 @@ let process_summary filters linereader stats (top_proc_set: Procname.Set.t) (fna
let xml_out = ref (create_outfile (DB.filename_to_string xml_file)) in
do_outf xml_out (fun outf ->
Dotty.print_specs_xml (Specs.get_signature summary) specs summary.Specs.loc outf.fmt;
(Specs.get_signature summary)
specs summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc outf.fmt;
close_outf outf)
@ -900,8 +906,14 @@ module AnalysisResults = struct
summaries := (fname, summary) :: !summaries in
apply_without_gc (list_iter load_file) spec_files_from_cmdline;
let summ_cmp (fname1, summ1) (fname2, summ2) =
let n = DB.source_file_compare summ1.Specs.loc.Sil.file summ2.Specs.loc.Sil.file in
if n <> 0 then n else int_compare summ1.Specs.loc.Sil.line summ2.Specs.loc.Sil.line in
let n =
summ2.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.file in
if n <> 0 then n
else int_compare
summ2.Specs.attributes.Sil.loc.Location.line in
list_sort summ_cmp !summaries
(** Create an iterator which loads spec files one at a time *)

@ -438,10 +438,16 @@ let check_assignement_guard node =
| Cfg.Node.Prune_node(_) -> true
| _ -> false) succs in
let succs_same_loc_as_node () =
if verbose then (L.d_str ("LOCATION NODE: line: "^(string_of_int l_node.Sil.line)^" nLOC: "^(string_of_int l_node.Sil.nLOC)); L.d_strln " ");
if verbose then
(L.d_str ("LOCATION NODE: line: " ^ (string_of_int l_node.Location.line) ^
" nLOC: " ^ (string_of_int l_node.Location.nLOC));
L.d_strln " ");
list_for_all (fun l ->
if verbose then (L.d_str ("LOCATION l: line: "^(string_of_int l.Sil.line)^" nLOC: "^(string_of_int l.Sil.nLOC)); L.d_strln " ");
Sil.loc_equal l l_node) succs_loc in
if verbose then
(L.d_str ("LOCATION l: line: " ^ (string_of_int l.Location.line) ^
" nLOC: " ^ (string_of_int l.Location.nLOC));
L.d_strln " ");
Location.equal l l_node) succs_loc in
let succs_have_simple_guards () = (* check that the guards of the succs are a var or its negation *)
let check_instr = function
| Sil.Prune (Sil.Var _, _, _, _) -> true
@ -451,11 +457,17 @@ let check_assignement_guard node =
let check_guard n =
list_for_all check_instr (Cfg.Node.get_instrs n) in
list_for_all check_guard succs in
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP && succs_are_all_prune_nodes () && succs_same_loc_as_node () && succs_have_simple_guards () then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP &&
succs_are_all_prune_nodes () &&
succs_same_loc_as_node () &&
succs_have_simple_guards () then
(let instr = Cfg.Node.get_instrs node in
match succs_loc with
| loc_succ:: _ -> (* at this point all successors are at the same location, so we can take the first*)
let set_instr_at_succs_loc = list_filter (fun i -> (Sil.loc_equal (Sil.instr_get_loc i) loc_succ) && is_set_instr i) instr in
let set_instr_at_succs_loc =
(fun i -> (Location.equal (Sil.instr_get_loc i) loc_succ) && is_set_instr i)
instr in
(match set_instr_at_succs_loc with
| [Sil.Set(e, _, _, _)] -> (* we now check if e is the same expression used to prune*)
if (is_prune_exp e) && not ((node_contains_call node) && (is_cil_tmp e)) && not (is_edg_tmp e) then (
@ -657,7 +669,7 @@ let compute_visited vset =
let node_get_all_lines n =
let node_loc = Cfg.Node.get_loc n in
let instrs_loc = list_map Sil.instr_get_loc (Cfg.Node.get_instrs n) in
let lines = list_map (fun loc -> loc.Sil.line) (node_loc :: instrs_loc) in
let lines = list_map (fun loc -> loc.Location.line) (node_loc :: instrs_loc) in
list_remove_duplicates int_compare (list_sort int_compare lines) in
let do_node n = res := Specs.Visitedset.add (Cfg.Node.get_id n, node_get_all_lines n) !res in
Cfg.NodeSet.iter do_node vset;
@ -680,7 +692,8 @@ let extract_specs tenv pdesc pathset : Prop.normal Specs.spec list =
(* let () = L.out "@.AFTER abs:@.$%a@." (Prop.pp_prop Utils.pe_text) prop'' in *)
let pre, post = Prop.extract_spec prop'' in
let pre' = Prop.normalize (Prop.prop_sub sub pre) in
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then report_activity_leaks pname (Prop.get_sigma post) tenv;
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then
report_activity_leaks pname (Prop.get_sigma post) tenv;
let post' =
if Prover.check_inconsistency_base prop then None
else Some (Prop.normalize (Prop.prop_sub sub post), path) in
@ -750,9 +763,9 @@ let create_seed_vars sigma =
let prop_init_formals_seed tenv new_formals (prop : 'a Prop.t) : Prop.exposed Prop.t =
let sigma_new_formals =
let do_formal (pv, typ) =
let texp = match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.C_CPP -> Sil.Sizeof (typ, Sil.Subtype.exact)
| Sil.Java -> Sil.Sizeof (typ, Sil.Subtype.subtypes) in
let texp = match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.C_CPP -> Sil.Sizeof (typ, Sil.Subtype.exact)
| Config.Java -> Sil.Sizeof (typ, Sil.Subtype.subtypes) in
Prop.mk_ptsto_lvar (Some tenv) Prop.Fld_init Sil.inst_formal (pv, texp, None) in
list_map do_formal new_formals in
let sigma_seed =
@ -970,7 +983,7 @@ let perform_analysis_phase cfg tenv (pname : Procname.t) (pdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t
let set_current_language cfg proc_desc =
let language = (Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc).Sil.language in
Sil.curr_language := language
Config.curr_language := language
(** reset counters before analysing a procedure *)
let reset_global_counters cfg proc_name proc_desc =
@ -994,10 +1007,10 @@ let exception_preconditions tenv pname summary =
| None -> errors
| Some e -> (pre, e) :: errors in
let collect_spec errors spec =
match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.Java ->
match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.Java ->
list_fold_left (collect_exceptions spec.Specs.pre) errors spec.Specs.posts
| Sil.C_CPP ->
| Config.C_CPP ->
list_fold_left (collect_errors spec.Specs.pre) errors spec.Specs.posts in
list_fold_left collect_spec [] (Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary)
@ -1096,7 +1109,7 @@ let analyze_proc exe_env (proc_name: Procname.t) : Specs.summary =
let prev_summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe proc_name in
let updated_summary =
update_summary prev_summary specs proc_name elapsed res in
if (!Sil.curr_language <> Sil.Java && Config.report_assertion_failure)
if (!Config.curr_language <> Config.Java && Config.report_assertion_failure)
|| !Config.report_runtime_exceptions then
report_runtime_exceptions tenv cfg proc_desc updated_summary;
@ -1214,9 +1227,6 @@ let do_analysis exe_env =
let pdesc = match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg pname with
| Some pdesc -> pdesc
| None -> assert false in
let ret_type = Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type pdesc in
let formals = Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals pdesc in
let loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc pdesc in
let nodes = list_map (fun n -> Cfg.Node.get_id n) (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) in
let proc_flags = Cfg.Procdesc.get_flags pdesc in
let static_err_log = Cfg.Procdesc.get_err_log pdesc in (** err log from translation *)
@ -1226,7 +1236,7 @@ let do_analysis exe_env =
Callbacks.proc_inline_synthetic_methods cfg pdesc;
(pname, ret_type, formals, dep, loc, nodes, proc_flags,
(dep, nodes, proc_flags,
static_err_log, calls, cyclomatic, None, attributes) in
let filter =
if !Config.only_skips then (filter_skipped_procs cg procs_and_defined_children)

@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ let error_desc_hash desc =
let error_desc_equal desc1 desc2 = (desc_get_comparable desc1) = (desc_get_comparable desc2)
let _line_tag tags tag loc =
let line_str = string_of_int loc.Sil.line in
let line_str = string_of_int loc.Location.line in
Tags.add tags tag line_str;
let s = "line " ^ line_str in
if (loc.Sil.col != -1) then
let col_str = string_of_int loc.Sil.col in
if (loc.Location.col != -1) then
let col_str = string_of_int loc.Location.col in
s ^ ", column " ^ col_str
else s
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ type deref_str =
problem_str: string; (** description of the problem *) }
let pointer_or_object () =
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then "object" else "pointer"
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then "object" else "pointer"
let _deref_str_null proc_name_opt _problem_str tags =
let problem_str = match proc_name_opt with
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ let desc_allocation_mismatch alloc dealloc =
else Tags.dealloc_function, Tags.dealloc_call, Tags.dealloc_line in
Tags.add tags tag_fun (Procname.to_simplified_string primitive_pname);
Tags.add tags tag_call (Procname.to_simplified_string called_pname);
Tags.add tags tag_line (string_of_int loc.Sil.line);
Tags.add tags tag_line (string_of_int loc.Location.line);
let by_call =
if Procname.equal primitive_pname called_pname then ""
else " by call to " ^ Procname.to_simplified_string called_pname in

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ val deref_str_null : Procname.t option -> deref_str
val deref_str_nullable : Procname.t option -> string -> deref_str
(** dereference strings for an undefined value coming from the given procedure *)
val deref_str_undef : Procname.t * Sil.location -> deref_str
val deref_str_undef : Procname.t * Location.t -> deref_str
(** dereference strings for a freed pointer dereference *)
val deref_str_freed : Sil.res_action -> deref_str
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ type access =
| Initialized_automatically
| Returned_from_call of int
val dereference_string : deref_str -> string -> access option -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val dereference_string : deref_str -> string -> access option -> Location.t -> error_desc
val parameter_field_not_null_checked_desc : error_desc -> Sil.exp -> error_desc
@ -168,56 +168,63 @@ val is_field_not_null_checked_desc : error_desc -> bool
val is_parameter_field_not_null_checked_desc : error_desc -> bool
val desc_allocation_mismatch : Procname.t * Procname.t * Sil.location -> Procname.t * Procname.t * Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_allocation_mismatch :
Procname.t * Procname.t * Location.t -> Procname.t * Procname.t * Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_class_cast_exception : Procname.t option -> string -> string -> string option -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_class_cast_exception :
Procname.t option -> string -> string -> string option -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_comparing_floats_for_equality : Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_comparing_floats_for_equality : Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_condition_is_assignment : Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_condition_is_assignment : Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_condition_always_true_false : Sil.Int.t -> string option -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_condition_always_true_false : Sil.Int.t -> string option -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_deallocate_stack_variable : string -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_deallocate_stack_variable : string -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_deallocate_static_memory : string -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_deallocate_static_memory : string -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_divide_by_zero : string -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_divide_by_zero : string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_leak : string option -> Sil.resource option -> Sil.res_action option -> Sil.location -> string option -> error_desc
val desc_leak :
string option -> Sil.resource option -> Sil.res_action option ->
Location.t -> string option -> error_desc
val desc_null_test_after_dereference : string -> int -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_null_test_after_dereference : string -> int -> Location.t -> error_desc
val java_unchecked_exn_desc : Procname.t -> Mangled.t -> string -> error_desc
val desc_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname -> error_desc
(* Create human-readable error description for assertion failures *)
val desc_assertion_failure : Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_assertion_failure : Location.t -> error_desc
(** kind of precondition not met *)
type pnm_kind =
| Pnm_bounds
| Pnm_dangling
val desc_precondition_not_met : pnm_kind option -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_precondition_not_met : pnm_kind option -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_return_expression_required : string -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_return_expression_required : string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_retain_cycle : Prop.normal Prop.t -> ((Sil.strexp * Sil.typ) * Ident.fieldname * Sil.strexp) list -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_retain_cycle :
Prop.normal Prop.t -> ((Sil.strexp * Sil.typ) * Ident.fieldname * Sil.strexp) list ->
Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_return_statement_missing : Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_return_statement_missing : Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_return_value_ignored : Procname.t -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_return_value_ignored : Procname.t -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_stack_variable_address_escape : string -> string option -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_stack_variable_address_escape : string -> string option -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_skip_function : Procname.t -> error_desc
val desc_inherently_dangerous_function : Procname.t -> error_desc
val desc_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression : string option -> string -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression :
string option -> string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function : string -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function : string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_uninitialized_dangling_pointer_deref : deref_str -> string -> Sil.location -> error_desc
val desc_uninitialized_dangling_pointer_deref : deref_str -> string -> Location.t -> error_desc

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open Utils
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(** Location in the original source file *)
type t = {
line: int; (** The line number. -1 means "do not know" *)
col: int; (** The column number. -1 means "do not know" *)
file: DB.source_file; (** The name of the source file *)
nLOC : int; (** Lines of code in the source file *)
let compare loc1 loc2 =
let n = int_compare loc1.line loc2.line in
if n <> 0 then n else DB.source_file_compare loc1.file loc2.file
(** Dump a location *)
let d (loc: t) = L.add_print_action (L.PTloc, Obj.repr loc)
let dummy = {
line = -1;
col = -1;
file = DB.source_file_empty;
nLOC = -1;
let equal loc1 loc2 =
compare loc1 loc2 = 0
(** Unknown location *)
let loc_none = {
line = - 1;
col = - 1;
file = DB.source_file_empty;
nLOC = 0;
(** Pretty print a location *)
let pp f (loc: t) =
F.fprintf f "[line %d]" loc.line
let to_string loc =
let s = (string_of_int loc.line) in
if (loc.col != -1) then
s ^":"^(string_of_int loc.col)
else s

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Location in the original source file *)
type t = {
line: int; (** The line number. -1 means "do not know" *)
col: int; (** The column number. -1 means "do not know" *)
file: DB.source_file; (** The name of the source file *)
nLOC : int; (** Lines of code in the source file *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Dump a location. *)
val d : t -> unit
val dummy : t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Unknown location *)
val loc_none : t
(** Pretty print a location. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** String representation of a location. *)
val to_string : t -> string

@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ end = struct
iter_longest_sequence g pos_opt path;
let compare lt1 lt2 =
let n = int_compare lt1.Errlog.lt_level lt2.Errlog.lt_level in
if n <> 0 then n else Sil.loc_compare lt1.Errlog.lt_loc lt2.Errlog.lt_loc in
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare lt1.Errlog.lt_loc lt2.Errlog.lt_loc in
let relevant lt = lt.Errlog.lt_node_tags <> [] in
list_remove_irrelevant_duplicates compare relevant (list_rev !trace)
(* list_remove_duplicates compare (list_sort compare !trace) *)

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ let html_formatter = ref F.std_formatter
(** Print information when starting and finishing the processing of a node *)
module Log_nodes : sig
val start_node : int -> Sil.location -> Procname.t -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> bool
val start_node :
int -> Location.t -> Procname.t -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> bool
val finish_node : int -> unit
end = struct
let log_files = Hashtbl.create 11
@ -56,14 +57,32 @@ end = struct
html_formatter := fmt;
Hashtbl.replace log_files (node_fname, !DB.current_source) fd;
if needs_initialization then
(F.fprintf fmt "<center><h1>Cfg Node %a</h1></center>" (Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link ~text: (Some (string_of_int nodeid)) [".."]) loc.Sil.line;
F.fprintf fmt "PROC: %a LINE:%a\n" (Io_infer.Html.pp_proc_link [".."] proc_name) (Escape.escape_xml (Procname.to_string proc_name)) (Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link [".."]) loc.Sil.line;
(F.fprintf fmt "<center><h1>Cfg Node %a</h1></center>"
(Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link ~text: (Some (string_of_int nodeid)) [".."])
F.fprintf fmt "PROC: %a LINE:%a\n"
(Io_infer.Html.pp_proc_link [".."] proc_name)
(Escape.escape_xml (Procname.to_string proc_name))
(Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link [".."]) loc.Location.line;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>PREDS:@\n";
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] "" (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node)) (is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) preds;
list_iter (fun node ->
Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) preds;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>SUCCS: @\n";
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] "" (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node)) (is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) succs;
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) succs;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>EXN: @\n";
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] "" (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node)) (is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) exn;
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) exn;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>@\n";
F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
@ -117,8 +136,8 @@ let force_delayed_print fmt =
let (jp: Prop.normal Specs.Jprop.t) = Obj.obj jp in
Specs.Jprop.pp_short pe_default fmt jp
| (L.PTloc, loc) ->
let (loc: Sil.location) = Obj.obj loc in
Sil.pp_loc fmt loc
let (loc: Location.t) = Obj.obj loc in
Location.pp fmt loc
| (L.PTnode_instrs, b_n) ->
let (b: bool), (io: Sil.instr option), (n: Cfg.node) = Obj.obj b_n in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Cfg.Node.pp_instr (pe_html Green) io ~sub_instrs: b) n Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
@ -217,11 +236,14 @@ let force_delayed_prints () =
Config.forcing_delayed_prints := false
(** Start a session, and create a new html fine for the node if it does not exist yet *)
let _start_session node (loc: Sil.location) proc_name session =
let _start_session node (loc: Location.t) proc_name session =
let node_id = Cfg.Node.get_id node in
(if Log_nodes.start_node node_id loc proc_name (Cfg.Node.get_preds node) (Cfg.Node.get_succs node) (Cfg.Node.get_exn node)
then F.fprintf !html_formatter "%a@[<v>%a@]%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Cfg.Node.pp_instr (pe_html Green) None ~sub_instrs: true) node Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ());
F.fprintf !html_formatter "%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline () (Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link ~with_name: true [".."]) (node_id, session, loc.Sil.line);
F.fprintf !html_formatter "%a%a"
Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ()
(Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link ~with_name: true [".."])
(node_id, session, loc.Location.line);
F.fprintf !html_formatter "<LISTING>%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Black
let start_session node loc proc_name session =
@ -241,7 +263,7 @@ let _proc_write_log whole_seconds cfg pname =
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg pname with
| Some pdesc ->
let nodes = list_sort Cfg.Node.compare (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) in
let linenum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc (list_hd nodes)).Sil.line in
let linenum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc (list_hd nodes)).Location.line in
let fd, fmt =
Io_infer.Html.create DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir [Procname.to_filename pname] in
F.fprintf fmt "<center><h1>Procedure %a</h1></center>@\n"
@ -272,10 +294,10 @@ let create_errors_per_line err_log =
let err_str = Localise.to_string err_name ^ " " ^ (pp_to_string Localise.pp_error_desc desc) in
(* if in_footprint then *)
let set = Hashtbl.find err_per_line loc.Sil.line in
Hashtbl.replace err_per_line loc.Sil.line (StringSet.add err_str set)
let set = Hashtbl.find err_per_line loc.Location.line in
Hashtbl.replace err_per_line loc.Location.line (StringSet.add err_str set)
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add err_per_line loc.Sil.line (StringSet.singleton err_str) in
Hashtbl.add err_per_line loc.Location.line (StringSet.singleton err_str) in
Errlog.iter add_err err_log;
@ -298,7 +320,7 @@ module LineReader : sig
val from_file_linenum : t -> DB.source_file -> int -> string option
(** get the line from a location looking for the copy of the file in the results dir *)
val from_loc : t -> Sil.location -> string option
val from_loc : t -> Location.t -> string option
end = struct
(* map a file name to an array of string, one for each line in the file *)
@ -349,7 +371,7 @@ end = struct
from_file_linenum_original hash sourcefile_in_resdir linenum
let from_loc hash loc =
from_file_linenum hash loc.Sil.file loc.Sil.line
from_file_linenum hash loc.Location.file loc.Location.line
(** Create filename.c.html with line numbers and links to nodes *)
@ -357,7 +379,7 @@ let c_file_write_html proc_is_active linereader fname tenv cfg =
let proof_cover = ref Specs.Visitedset.empty in
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 11 in
let process_node n =
let lnum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc n).Sil.line in
let lnum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc n).Location.line in
let curr_nodes =
try Hashtbl.find tbl lnum
with Not_found -> [] in
@ -367,7 +389,9 @@ let c_file_write_html proc_is_active linereader fname tenv cfg =
let global_err_log = Errlog.empty () in
let do_proc proc_name proc_desc = (* add the err_log of this proc to [global_err_log] *)
let proc_loc = (Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc) in
if proc_is_active proc_name && Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined proc_desc && (DB.source_file_equal proc_loc.Sil.file !DB.current_source) then
if proc_is_active proc_name &&
Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined proc_desc &&
(DB.source_file_equal proc_loc.Location.file !DB.current_source) then
list_iter process_node (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes proc_desc);
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ val is_visited : Cfg.Node.t -> bool
val force_delayed_prints : unit -> unit
(** Start a session, and create a new html fine for the node if it does not exist yet *)
val start_session : Cfg.node -> Sil.location -> Procname.t -> int -> unit
val start_session : Cfg.node -> Location.t -> Procname.t -> int -> unit
(** Finish a session, and perform delayed print actions if required *)
val finish_session : Cfg.node -> unit
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module LineReader : sig
val from_file_linenum : t -> DB.source_file -> int -> string option
(** get the line from a location looking for the copy of the file in the results dir *)
val from_loc : t -> Sil.location -> string option
val from_loc : t -> Location.t -> string option
(** Create filename.c.html with line numbers and links to nodes for each file in the exe_env *)

@ -461,7 +461,8 @@ let sym_eval abs e =
Sil.Const (Sil.Ctuple (list_map eval el))
| Sil.Const _ ->
| Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray (Sil.Tint ik, e), _) when Sil.ikind_is_char ik && !Sil.curr_language <> Sil.Java ->
| Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray (Sil.Tint ik, e), _)
when Sil.ikind_is_char ik && !Config.curr_language <> Config.Java ->
eval e
| Sil.Sizeof _ ->
@ -1099,7 +1100,7 @@ let rec create_strexp_of_type tenvo struct_init_mode typ inst =
let fresh_id =
(Ident.create_fresh (if !Config.footprint then Ident.kfootprint else Ident.kprimed)) in
Sil.Var fresh_id in
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java && inst = Sil.Ialloc
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java && inst = Sil.Ialloc
match typ with
| Sil.Tfloat _ -> Sil.Const (Sil.Cfloat 0.0)

@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ val has_dangling_uninit_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> bool
val add_or_replace_exp_attribute : (Sil.attribute -> Sil.attribute -> unit) -> normal t -> exp -> attribute -> normal t
(** mark Sil.Var's or Sil.Lvar's as undefined *)
val mark_vars_as_undefined : normal t -> Sil.exp list -> Procname.t -> Sil.location ->
val mark_vars_as_undefined : normal t -> Sil.exp list -> Procname.t -> Location.t ->
Sil.path_pos -> normal t
(** Remove an attribute from all the atoms in the heap *)
@ -350,11 +350,18 @@ val prop_set_footprint : 'a t -> 'b t -> exposed t
(** Expand PE listsegs if the flag is on. *)
val prop_expand : normal t -> normal t list
(** translate a logical and/or operation taking care of the non-strict semantics for side effects *)
val trans_land_lor : Sil.binop -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp
(** translate a logical and/or operation
taking care of the non-strict semantics for side effects *)
val trans_land_lor :
Sil.binop -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp ->
(Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> Location.t ->
(Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp
(** translate an if-then-else expression *)
val trans_if_then_else : (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp
val trans_if_then_else :
(Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> (Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp ->
(Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp -> Location.t ->
(Ident.t list * Sil.instr list) * Sil.exp
(** {2 Functions for existentially quantifying and unquantifying variables} *)

@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ let check_inconsistency_base prop =
let inconsistent_this () = (* "this" cannot be null in Java *)
let do_hpred = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (Sil.Lvar pv, Sil.Eexp (e, _), _) ->
!Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java &&
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
Sil.pvar_is_this pv &&
Sil.exp_equal e Sil.exp_zero &&
Sil.pvar_is_seed pv
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ let check_inconsistency_base prop =
let procedure_attr = Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes procdesc in
let do_hpred = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (Sil.Lvar pv, Sil.Eexp (e, _), _) ->
!Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP &&
!Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP &&
Sil.exp_equal e Sil.exp_zero &&
Sil.pvar_is_seed pv &&
Sil.pvar_get_name pv = Mangled.from_string "self" &&
@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
| Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray _, _), Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tstruct _, _)
| Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tstruct _, _), Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray _, _) -> true
| _ -> false in
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java && types_subject_to_cast then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java && types_subject_to_cast then
let pos_type_opt, neg_type_opt = subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let has_changed = match pos_type_opt with
@ -1630,7 +1630,10 @@ let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2
| None -> ()
| _ -> () in
if is_callee && !Config.footprint && (!Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp || !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java) then add_subtype ()
if is_callee &&
!Config.footprint &&
(!Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp || !Config.curr_language = Config.Java)
then add_subtype ()
let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2 : subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t = match hpred2 with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_e2, se2, texp2) ->
@ -1836,10 +1839,10 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
let root = Sil.Const (Sil.Cstr s) in
let sexp =
let index = Sil.exp_int (Sil.Int.of_int (String.length s)) in
match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.C_CPP ->
match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.C_CPP ->
Sil.Earray (size, [(index, Sil.Eexp (Sil.exp_zero, Sil.inst_none))], Sil.inst_none)
| Sil.Java ->
| Config.Java ->
let mk_fld_sexp s =
let fld = Ident.create_fieldname (Mangled.from_string s) 0 in
let se = Sil.Eexp (Sil.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed), Sil.Inone) in
@ -1847,9 +1850,9 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
let fields = ["java.lang.String.count"; "java.lang.String.hash"; "java.lang.String.offset"; "java.lang.String.value"] in
Sil.Estruct (list_map mk_fld_sexp fields, Sil.inst_none) in
let const_string_texp =
match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.C_CPP -> Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray (Sil.Tint Sil.IChar, size), Sil.Subtype.exact)
| Sil.Java ->
match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.C_CPP -> Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tarray (Sil.Tint Sil.IChar, size), Sil.Subtype.exact)
| Config.Java ->
let object_type = Sil.TN_csu (Sil.Class, Mangled.from_string "java.lang.String") in
let typ = match Sil.tenv_lookup tenv object_type with
| Some typ -> typ

@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ let mk_ptsto_exp_footprint
let off_foot, eqs = laundry_offset_for_footprint max_stamp off in
let st = match !Sil.curr_language with
| Sil.C_CPP -> Sil.Subtype.exact
| Sil.Java -> Sil.Subtype.subtypes in
let st = match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.C_CPP -> Sil.Subtype.exact
| Config.Java -> Sil.Subtype.subtypes in
let create_ptsto footprint_part off0 = match root, off0, typ with
| Sil.Lvar pvar, [], Sil.Tfun _ ->
let fun_name = Procname.from_string_c_fun (Mangled.to_string (Sil.pvar_get_name pvar)) in
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ let check_dereference_error pdesc (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) lexp loc =
let is_deref_of_nullable =
let is_definitely_non_null exp prop =
Prover.check_disequal prop exp Sil.exp_zero in
!Config.report_nullable_inconsistency && !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java &&
!Config.report_nullable_inconsistency && !Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
not (is_definitely_non_null root prop) && is_only_pt_by_nullable_fld_or_param root in
let relevant_attributes_getters = [
@ -1054,7 +1054,10 @@ let check_call_to_objc_block_error pdesc prop fun_exp loc =
Some (Sil.Lfield(e'', fn, t)), true (* the block dereferences is a field of an object*)
| Some (_, e) -> Some e, false
| _ -> None, false in
if (!Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP) && fun_exp_may_be_null () && not (is_fun_exp_captured_var ()) then begin
if (!Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP) &&
fun_exp_may_be_null () &&
not (is_fun_exp_captured_var ()) then
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_null None in
let err_desc_nobuckets = Errdesc.explain_dereference ~is_nullable: true deref_str prop loc in
match fun_exp with
@ -1067,14 +1070,21 @@ let check_call_to_objc_block_error pdesc prop fun_exp loc =
err_desc_nobuckets' Localise.BucketLevel.b1 !Config.show_buckets in
if is_field_deref then
raise (Exceptions.Field_not_null_checked (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
(err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
raise (Exceptions.Parameter_not_null_checked (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
| _ -> (* HP: fun_exp is not a footprint therefore, either is a local or it's a modified param *)
(err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
| _ ->
(* HP: fun_exp is not a footprint therefore,
either is a local or it's a modified param *)
let err_desc =
err_desc_nobuckets Localise.BucketLevel.b1 !Config.show_buckets in
raise (Exceptions.Null_dereference (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
raise (Exceptions.Null_dereference
(err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x))
(** [rearrange lexp prop] rearranges [prop] into the form [prop' * lexp|->strexp:typ].

@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ exception ARRAY_ACCESS
(** Check for dereference errors: dereferencing 0, a freed value, or an undefined value *)
val check_dereference_error :
Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> unit
Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.exp -> Location.t -> unit
(** Check that an expression representing an objc block can be null and raise a [B1] null exception.*)
(** Check that an expression representing an objc block
can be null and raise a [B1] null exception. *)
(** It's used to check that we don't call possibly null blocks *)
val check_call_to_objc_block_error : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> unit
val check_call_to_objc_block_error :
Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.exp -> Location.t -> unit
(** [rearrange lexp prop] rearranges [prop] into the form [prop' * lexp|->strexp:typ].
It returns an iterator with [lexp |-> strexp: typ] as current predicate
@ -26,4 +28,4 @@ val check_call_to_objc_block_error : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Si
val rearrange :
Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.tenv -> Sil.exp ->
Sil.typ -> Prop.normal Prop.t ->
Sil.location -> (Sil.offset list) Prop.prop_iter list
Location.t -> (Sil.offset list) Prop.prop_iter list

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module L = Logging
type log_issue =
Procname.t ->
?loc: Sil.location option ->
?loc: Location.t option ->
?node_id: (int * int) option ->
?session: int option ->
?ltr: Errlog.loc_trace option ->

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(** Type of functions to report issues to the error_log in a spec. *)
type log_issue =
Procname.t ->
?loc: Sil.location option ->
?loc: Location.t option ->
?node_id: (int * int) option ->
?session: int option ->
?ltr: Errlog.loc_trace option ->

@ -31,41 +31,9 @@ type method_annotation =
type func_attribute =
| FA_sentinel of int * int (** __attribute__((sentinel(int, int))) *)
(** Programming language. *)
type language = C_CPP | Java
(** Visibility modifiers. *)
type access = Default | Public | Private | Protected
(** Attributes of a procedure. *)
type proc_attributes =
access : access; (** visibility access *)
exceptions : string list; (** exceptions thrown by the procedure *)
is_abstract : bool; (** the procedure is abstract *)
mutable is_bridge_method : bool; (** the procedure is a bridge method *)
is_objc_instance_method : bool; (** the procedure is an objective-C instance method *)
mutable is_synthetic_method : bool; (** the procedure is a synthetic method *)
language : language;
func_attributes : func_attribute list;
method_annotation : method_annotation;
is_generated : bool;
let copy_proc_attributes pa =
access = pa.access;
exceptions = pa.exceptions;
is_abstract = pa.is_abstract;
is_bridge_method = pa.is_bridge_method;
is_objc_instance_method = pa.is_objc_instance_method;
is_synthetic_method = pa.is_synthetic_method;
language = pa.language;
func_attributes = pa.func_attributes;
method_annotation = pa.method_annotation;
is_generated = pa.is_generated;
(** Compare function for annotations. *)
let annotation_compare a1 a2 =
let n = string_compare a1.class_name a2.class_name in
@ -120,9 +88,6 @@ let get_sentinel_func_attribute_value attr_list =
| FA_sentinel (sentinel, null_pos) -> Some (sentinel, null_pos)
with Not_found -> None
(** current language *)
let curr_language = ref C_CPP
(** Class, struct, union, (Obj C) protocol *)
type csu =
| Class
@ -136,27 +101,12 @@ type typename =
| TN_enum of Mangled.t
| TN_csu of csu * Mangled.t
(** Location in the original source file *)
type location = {
line: int; (** The line number. -1 means "do not know" *)
col: int; (** The column number. -1 means "do not know" *)
file: DB.source_file; (** The name of the source file *)
nLOC : int; (** Lines of code in the source file *)
let dummy_location = {
line = -1;
col = -1;
file = DB.source_file_empty;
nLOC = -1
(** Kind of global variables *)
type pvar_kind =
| Local_var of Procname.t (** local variable belonging to a function *)
| Callee_var of Procname.t (** local variable belonging to a callee *)
| Abducted_retvar of Procname.t * location (** synthetic variable to represent return value *)
| Abducted_ref_param of Procname.t * pvar * location
| Abducted_retvar of Procname.t * Location.t (** synthetic variable to represent return value *)
| Abducted_ref_param of Procname.t * pvar * Location.t
(** synthetic variable to represent param passed by reference *)
| Global_var (** gloval variable *)
| Seed_var (** variable used to store the initial value of formal parameters *)
@ -639,14 +589,14 @@ type dexp =
| Dconst of const
| Dsizeof of typ * Subtype.t
| Dderef of dexp
| Dfcall of dexp * dexp list * location * call_flags
| Dfcall of dexp * dexp list * Location.t * call_flags
| Darrow of dexp * Ident.fieldname
| Ddot of dexp * Ident.fieldname
| Dpvar of pvar
| Dpvaraddr of pvar
| Dunop of unop * dexp
| Dunknown
| Dretcall of dexp * dexp list * location * call_flags
| Dretcall of dexp * dexp list * Location.t * call_flags
(** Value paths: identify an occurrence of a value in a symbolic heap
each expression represents a path, with Dpvar being the simplest one *)
@ -658,7 +608,7 @@ and res_action =
{ ra_kind : res_act_kind; (** kind of action *)
ra_res : resource; (** kind of resource *)
ra_pname : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure used to acquire/release the resource *)
ra_loc : location; (** location of the acquire/release *)
ra_loc : Location.t; (** location of the acquire/release *)
ra_vpath: vpath; (** vpath of the resource value *)
@ -667,12 +617,16 @@ and attribute =
| Aresource of res_action (** resource acquire/release *)
| Aautorelease
| Adangling of dangling_kind (** dangling pointer *)
| Aundef of Procname.t * location * path_pos (** undefined value obtained by calling the given procedure *)
(** undefined value obtained by calling the given procedure *)
| Aundef of Procname.t * Location.t * path_pos
| Ataint
| Auntaint
| Adiv0 of path_pos (** value appeared in second argument of division in path position *)
| Aobjc_null of exp (** the exp. is null because of a call to a method with exp as a null receiver *)
| Aretval of Procname.t (** value was returned from a call to the given procedure *)
(** value appeared in second argument of division at given path position *)
| Adiv0 of path_pos
(** the exp. is null because of a call to a method with exp as a null receiver *)
| Aobjc_null of exp
(** value was returned from a call to the given procedure *)
| Aretval of Procname.t
(** Categories of attributes *)
and attribute_category =
@ -724,9 +678,50 @@ and exp =
| Lindex of exp * exp (** an array index offset: exp1[exp2] *)
| Sizeof of typ * Subtype.t (** a sizeof expression *)
(** Unknown location *)
let loc_none =
{ line = - 1; col = - 1; file = DB.source_file_empty; nLOC = 0 }
(** Attributes of a procedure. *)
type proc_attributes =
access : access; (** visibility access *)
captured : (Mangled.t * typ) list; (** name and type of variables captured in blocks *)
exceptions : string list; (** exceptions thrown by the procedure *)
formals : (string * typ) list; (** name and type of formal parameters *)
func_attributes : func_attribute list;
is_abstract : bool; (** the procedure is abstract *)
mutable is_bridge_method : bool; (** the procedure is a bridge method *)
is_defined : bool; (** true if the procedure is defined, and not just declared *)
is_generated : bool; (** the procedure has been generated *)
is_objc_instance_method : bool; (** the procedure is an objective-C instance method *)
mutable is_synthetic_method : bool; (** the procedure is a synthetic method *)
language : Config.language; (** language of the procedure *)
loc : Location.t; (** location of this procedure in the source code *)
mutable locals : (Mangled.t * typ) list; (** name and type of local variables *)
method_annotation : method_annotation; (** annotations for java methods *)
proc_flags : proc_flags; (** flags of the procedure *)
proc_name : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure *)
ret_type : typ; (** return type *)
let copy_proc_attributes pa =
access = pa.access;
captured = pa.captured;
exceptions = pa.exceptions;
formals = pa.formals;
func_attributes = pa.func_attributes;
is_abstract = pa.is_abstract;
is_bridge_method = pa.is_bridge_method;
is_defined = pa.is_defined;
is_generated = pa.is_generated;
is_objc_instance_method = pa.is_objc_instance_method;
is_synthetic_method = pa.is_synthetic_method;
language = pa.language;
loc = pa.loc;
locals = pa.locals;
method_annotation = pa.method_annotation;
proc_flags = pa.proc_flags;
proc_name = pa.proc_name;
ret_type = pa.ret_type;
(** Kind of prune instruction *)
type if_kind =
@ -746,18 +741,25 @@ type stackop =
(** An instruction. *)
type instr =
| Letderef of Ident.t * exp * typ * location (** declaration [let x = *lexp:typ] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp] *)
| Set of exp * typ * exp * location (** assignment [*lexp1:typ = exp2] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp1] *)
| Prune of exp * location * bool * if_kind (** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Call of Ident.t list * exp * (exp * typ) list * location * call_flags
(** declaration [let x = *lexp:typ] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp] *)
| Letderef of Ident.t * exp * typ * Location.t
(** assignment [*lexp1:typ = exp2] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp1] *)
| Set of exp * typ * exp * Location.t
(** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Prune of exp * Location.t * bool * if_kind
(** [Call (ret_id1..ret_idn, e_fun, arg_ts, loc, call_flags)] represents an instructions
[ret_id1..ret_idn = e_fun(arg_ts);] where n = 0 for void return and n > 1 for struct return *)
| Nullify of pvar * location * bool (** nullify stack variable, the bool parameter indicates whether to deallocate the variable *)
| Abstract of location (** apply abstraction *)
| Remove_temps of Ident.t list * location (** remove temporaries *)
| Stackop of stackop * location (** operation on the stack of propsets *)
| Declare_locals of (pvar * typ) list * location (** declare local variables *)
| Goto_node of exp * location (** jump to a specific cfg node, assuming all the possible target nodes are successors of the current node *)
[ret_id1..ret_idn = e_fun(arg_ts);]
where n = 0 for void return and n > 1 for struct return *)
| Call of Ident.t list * exp * (exp * typ) list * Location.t * call_flags
(** nullify stack variable, the bool parameter indicates whether to deallocate the variable *)
| Nullify of pvar * Location.t * bool
| Abstract of Location.t (** apply abstraction *)
| Remove_temps of Ident.t list * Location.t (** remove temporaries *)
| Stackop of stackop * Location.t (** operation on the stack of propsets *)
| Declare_locals of (pvar * typ) list * Location.t (** declare local variables *)
(** jump to a specific cfg node,
assuming all the possible target nodes are successors of the current node *)
| Goto_node of exp * Location.t
(** Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. *)
let instr_is_auxiliary = function
@ -944,13 +946,6 @@ let is_static_local_name pname pvar = (* local static name is of the form procna
| [s1; s2] -> true
| _ -> false
let loc_compare loc1 loc2 =
let n = int_compare loc1.line loc2.line in
if n <> 0 then n else DB.source_file_compare loc1.file loc2.file
let loc_equal loc1 loc2 =
loc_compare loc1 loc2 = 0
let rec pv_kind_compare k1 k2 = match k1, k2 with
| Local_var n1, Local_var n2 -> Procname.compare n1 n2
| Local_var _, _ -> - 1
@ -960,14 +955,14 @@ let rec pv_kind_compare k1 k2 = match k1, k2 with
| _, Callee_var _ -> 1
| Abducted_retvar (p1, l1), Abducted_retvar (p2, l2) ->
let n = Procname.compare p1 p2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare l1 l2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare l1 l2
| Abducted_retvar _, _ -> - 1
| _, Abducted_retvar _ -> 1
| Abducted_ref_param (p1, pv1, l1), Abducted_ref_param (p2, pv2, l2) ->
let n = Procname.compare p1 p2 in
if n <> 0 then n else
let n = pvar_compare pv1 pv2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare l1 l2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare l1 l2
| Abducted_ref_param _, _ -> - 1
| _, Abducted_ref_param _ -> 1
| Global_var, Global_var -> 0
@ -1770,19 +1765,6 @@ let str_binop pe binop =
| _ ->
text_binop binop
(** Pretty print a location *)
let pp_loc f (loc: location) =
F.fprintf f "[line %d]" loc.line
let loc_to_string loc =
let s = (string_of_int loc.line) in
if (loc.col != -1) then
s ^":"^(string_of_int loc.col)
else s
(** Dump a location *)
let d_loc (loc: location) = L.add_print_action (L.PTloc, Obj.repr loc)
let rec _pp_pvar f pv =
let name = pv.pv_name in
match pv.pv_kind with
@ -1794,10 +1776,10 @@ let rec _pp_pvar f pv =
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a|callee" Procname.pp n Mangled.pp name
| Abducted_retvar (n, l) ->
if !Config.pp_simple then F.fprintf f "%a|abductedRetvar" Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a%a|abductedRetvar" Procname.pp n pp_loc l Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a%a|abductedRetvar" Procname.pp n Location.pp l Mangled.pp name
| Abducted_ref_param (n, pv, l) ->
if !Config.pp_simple then F.fprintf f "%a|%a|abductedRefParam" _pp_pvar pv Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a%a|abductedRefParam" Procname.pp n pp_loc l Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a%a|abductedRefParam" Procname.pp n Location.pp l Mangled.pp name
| Global_var -> F.fprintf f "#GB$%a" Mangled.pp name
| Seed_var -> F.fprintf f "old_%a" Mangled.pp name
@ -1892,7 +1874,7 @@ let ptr_kind_string = function
| Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained -> "__unsafe_unretained *"
| Pk_objc_autoreleasing -> "__autoreleasing *"
let java () = !curr_language = Java
let java () = !Config.curr_language = Config.Java
let eradicate_java () = !Config.eradicate && java ()
(** convert a dexp to a string *)
@ -1988,7 +1970,8 @@ and attribute_to_string pe = function
if !Config.trace_error
then pp_to_string (pp_vpath pe) ra.ra_vpath
else "" in
name ^ (str_binop pe Lt) ^ Procname.to_string ra.ra_pname ^ ":" ^ (string_of_int ra.ra_loc.line) ^ (str_binop pe Gt) ^ str_vpath
name ^ (str_binop pe Lt) ^ Procname.to_string ra.ra_pname ^ ":" ^
(string_of_int ra.ra_loc.Location.line) ^ (str_binop pe Gt) ^ str_vpath
| Aautorelease -> "AUTORELEASE"
| Adangling dk ->
let dks = match dk with
@ -1996,7 +1979,9 @@ and attribute_to_string pe = function
| DAaddr_stack_var -> "ADDR_STACK"
| DAminusone -> "MINUS1" in
"DANGL" ^ (str_binop pe Lt) ^ dks ^ (str_binop pe Gt)
| Aundef (pn, loc, _) -> "UND" ^ (str_binop pe Lt) ^ Procname.to_string pn ^ (str_binop pe Gt) ^ ":" ^ (string_of_int loc.line)
| Aundef (pn, loc, _) ->
"UND" ^ (str_binop pe Lt) ^ Procname.to_string pn ^
(str_binop pe Gt) ^ ":" ^ (string_of_int loc.Location.line)
| Ataint -> "TAINTED"
| Auntaint -> "UNTAINTED"
| Adiv0 (pn, nd_id) -> "DIV0"
@ -2207,33 +2192,47 @@ let pp_call_flags f cf =
let pp_instr pe0 f instr =
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f instr in
(match instr with
| Letderef (id, e, t, loc) -> F.fprintf f "%a=*%a:%a %a" (Ident.pp pe) id (pp_exp pe) e (pp_typ pe) t pp_loc loc
| Set (e1, t, e2, loc) -> F.fprintf f "*%a:%a=%a %a" (pp_exp pe) e1 (pp_typ pe) t (pp_exp pe) e2 pp_loc loc
| Letderef (id, e, t, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "%a=*%a:%a %a"
(Ident.pp pe) id
(pp_exp pe) e
(pp_typ pe) t
Location.pp loc
| Set (e1, t, e2, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "*%a:%a=%a %a"
(pp_exp pe) e1
(pp_typ pe) t
(pp_exp pe) e2
Location.pp loc
| Prune (cond, loc, true_branch, ik) ->
F.fprintf f "PRUNE(%a, %b); %a" (pp_exp pe) cond true_branch pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "PRUNE(%a, %b); %a" (pp_exp pe) cond true_branch Location.pp loc
| Call (ret_ids, e, arg_ts, loc, cf) ->
(match ret_ids with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> F.fprintf f "%a=" (pp_comma_seq (Ident.pp pe)) ret_ids);
F.fprintf f "%a(%a)%a %a" (pp_exp pe) e (pp_comma_seq (pp_exp_typ pe)) (arg_ts) pp_call_flags cf pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "%a(%a)%a %a"
(pp_exp pe) e
(pp_comma_seq (pp_exp_typ pe)) (arg_ts)
pp_call_flags cf
Location.pp loc
| Nullify (pvar, loc, deallocate) ->
F.fprintf f "NULLIFY(%a,%b); %a" (pp_pvar pe) pvar deallocate pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "NULLIFY(%a,%b); %a" (pp_pvar pe) pvar deallocate Location.pp loc
| Abstract loc ->
F.fprintf f "APPLY_ABSTRACTION; %a" pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "APPLY_ABSTRACTION; %a" Location.pp loc
| Remove_temps (temps, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "REMOVE_TEMPS(%a); %a" (Ident.pp_list pe) temps pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "REMOVE_TEMPS(%a); %a" (Ident.pp_list pe) temps Location.pp loc
| Stackop (stackop, loc) ->
let s = match stackop with
| Push -> "Push"
| Swap -> "Swap"
| Pop -> "Pop" in
F.fprintf f "STACKOP.%s; %a" s pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "STACKOP.%s; %a" s Location.pp loc
| Declare_locals (ptl, loc) ->
(* let pp_pvar_typ fmt (pvar, typ) = F.fprintf fmt "%a:%a" (pp_pvar pe) pvar (pp_typ_full pe) typ in *)
let pp_pvar_typ fmt (pvar, typ) = F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_pvar pe) pvar in
F.fprintf f "DECLARE_LOCALS(%a); %a" (pp_comma_seq pp_pvar_typ) ptl pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "DECLARE_LOCALS(%a); %a" (pp_comma_seq pp_pvar_typ) ptl Location.pp loc
| Goto_node (e, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "Goto_node %a %a" (pp_exp pe) e pp_loc loc
F.fprintf f "Goto_node %a %a" (pp_exp pe) e Location.pp loc
color_post_wrapper changed pe0 f
@ -2516,9 +2515,9 @@ let inst_initial = Iinitial (** for initial values *)
let inst_lookup = Ilookup
let inst_none = Inone
let inst_nullify = Inullify
let inst_rearrange b loc pos = Irearrange (Some b, false, loc.line, pos)
let inst_rearrange b loc pos = Irearrange (Some b, false, loc.Location.line, pos)
let inst_taint = Itaint
let inst_update loc pos = Iupdate (None, false, loc.line, pos)
let inst_update loc pos = Iupdate (None, false, loc.Location.line, pos)
(** update the location of the instrumentation *)
let inst_new_loc loc inst = match inst with
@ -2530,10 +2529,10 @@ let inst_new_loc loc inst = match inst with
| Ilookup -> inst
| Inone -> inst
| Inullify -> inst
| Irearrange (zf, ncf, n, pos) -> Irearrange (zf, ncf, loc.line, pos)
| Irearrange (zf, ncf, n, pos) -> Irearrange (zf, ncf, loc.Location.line, pos)
| Itaint -> inst
| Iupdate (zf, ncf, n, pos) -> Iupdate (zf, ncf, loc.line, pos)
| Ireturn_from_call n -> Ireturn_from_call loc.line
| Iupdate (zf, ncf, n, pos) -> Iupdate (zf, ncf, loc.Location.line, pos)
| Ireturn_from_call n -> Ireturn_from_call loc.Location.line
(** return a string representing the inst *)
let inst_to_string inst =
@ -2633,10 +2632,6 @@ let update_inst inst_old inst_new =
Iupdate (zf', ncf, n, pos)
| Ireturn_from_call _ -> inst_new
let string_of_language = function
| Java -> "Java"
| C_CPP -> "C_CPP"
(** describe an instrumentation with a string *)
let pp_inst pe f inst =
let str = inst_to_string inst in
@ -3506,19 +3501,19 @@ let instr_compare instr1 instr2 = match instr1, instr2 with
let n = Ident.compare id1 id2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = exp_compare e1 e2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = typ_compare t1 t2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Letderef _, _ -> -1
| _, Letderef _ -> 1
| Set (e11, t1, e21, loc1), Set (e12, t2, e22, loc2) ->
let n = exp_compare e11 e12 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = typ_compare t1 t2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = exp_compare e21 e22 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Set _, _ -> -1
| _, Set _ -> 1
| Prune (cond1, loc1, true_branch1, ik1), Prune (cond2, loc2, true_branch2, ik2) ->
let n = exp_compare cond1 cond2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = loc_compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = Location.compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = bool_compare true_branch1 true_branch2 in
if n <> 0 then n else Pervasives.compare ik1 ik2
| Prune _, _ -> -1
@ -3527,28 +3522,28 @@ let instr_compare instr1 instr2 = match instr1, instr2 with
let n = list_compare Ident.compare ret_ids1 ret_ids2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = exp_compare e1 e2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = list_compare exp_typ_compare arg_ts1 arg_ts2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = loc_compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = Location.compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else call_flags_compare cf1 cf2
| Call _, _ -> -1
| _, Call _ -> 1
| Nullify (pvar1, loc1, deallocate1), Nullify (pvar2, loc2, deallocate2) ->
let n = pvar_compare pvar1 pvar2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = loc_compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = Location.compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else bool_compare deallocate1 deallocate2
| Nullify _, _ -> -1
| _, Nullify _ -> 1
| Abstract loc1, Abstract loc2 ->
loc_compare loc1 loc2
Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Abstract _, _ -> -1
| _, Abstract _ -> 1
| Remove_temps (temps1, loc1), Remove_temps (temps2, loc2) ->
let n = list_compare Ident.compare temps1 temps2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Remove_temps _, _ -> -1
| _, Remove_temps _ -> 1
| Stackop (stackop1, loc1), Stackop (stackop2, loc2) ->
let n = Pervasives.compare stackop1 stackop2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Stackop _, _ -> -1
| _, Stackop _ -> 1
| Declare_locals (ptl1, loc1), Declare_locals (ptl2, loc2) ->
@ -3557,12 +3552,12 @@ let instr_compare instr1 instr2 = match instr1, instr2 with
if n <> 0 then n else typ_compare t1 t2 in
let n = list_compare pt_compare ptl1 ptl2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
| Declare_locals _, _ -> -1
| _, Declare_locals _ -> 1
| Goto_node (e1, loc1), Goto_node (e2, loc2) ->
let n = exp_compare e1 e2 in
if n <> 0 then n else loc_compare loc1 loc2
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2
(** compare expressions from different procedures without considering loc's, ident's, and pvar's.
the [exp_map] param gives a mapping of names used in the procedure of [e1] to names used in the
@ -3911,11 +3906,11 @@ let mk_pvar_global (name: Mangled.t) : pvar =
{ pv_name = name; pv_kind = Global_var }
(** create an abducted return variable for a call to [proc_name] at [loc] *)
let mk_pvar_abducted_ret (proc_name : Procname.t) (loc : location) : pvar =
let mk_pvar_abducted_ret (proc_name : Procname.t) (loc : Location.t) : pvar =
let name = Mangled.from_string ("$RET_" ^ (Procname.to_unique_id proc_name)) in
{ pv_name = name; pv_kind = Abducted_retvar (proc_name, loc) }
let mk_pvar_abducted_ref_param (proc_name : Procname.t) (pv : pvar) (loc : location) : pvar =
let mk_pvar_abducted_ref_param (proc_name : Procname.t) (pv : pvar) (loc : Location.t) : pvar =
let name = Mangled.from_string ("$REF_PARAM_" ^ (Procname.to_unique_id proc_name)) in
{ pv_name = name; pv_kind = Abducted_ref_param (proc_name, pv, loc) }

@ -12,14 +12,6 @@
open Utils
(** Programming language. *)
type language = C_CPP | Java
(** current language *)
val curr_language : language ref (* TODO: move to Config. It is good to have all global variables in the same place *)
val string_of_language : language -> string
(** Class, struct, union, (Obj C) protocol *)
type csu =
| Class
@ -53,24 +45,6 @@ type func_attribute =
(** Visibility modifiers. *)
type access = Default | Public | Private | Protected
(** Attributes of a procedure. *)
type proc_attributes =
access : access; (** visibility access *)
exceptions : string list; (** exceptions thrown by the procedure *)
is_abstract : bool; (** the procedure is abstract *)
mutable is_bridge_method : bool; (** the procedure is a bridge method *)
is_objc_instance_method : bool; (** the procedure is an objective-C instance method *)
mutable is_synthetic_method : bool; (** the procedure is a synthetic method *)
language : language;
func_attributes : func_attribute list;
method_annotation : method_annotation;
is_generated : bool;
(** Create a copy of a proc_attributes *)
val copy_proc_attributes : proc_attributes -> proc_attributes
(** Type for program variables. There are 4 kinds of variables:
1) local variables, used for local variables and formal parameters
2) callee program variables, used to handle recursion ([x | callee] is distinguished from [x])
@ -79,16 +53,6 @@ val copy_proc_attributes : proc_attributes -> proc_attributes
type pvar
(** Location in the original source file *)
type location = {
line: int; (** The line number. -1 means "do not know" *)
col: int; (** The column number. -1 means "do not know" *)
file: DB.source_file; (** The name of the source file *)
nLOC : int; (** Lines of code in the source file *)
val dummy_location : location
(** Unary operations *)
type unop =
| Neg (** Unary minus *)
@ -260,14 +224,14 @@ type dexp =
| Dconst of const
| Dsizeof of typ * Subtype.t
| Dderef of dexp
| Dfcall of dexp * dexp list * location * call_flags
| Dfcall of dexp * dexp list * Location.t * call_flags
| Darrow of dexp * Ident.fieldname
| Ddot of dexp * Ident.fieldname
| Dpvar of pvar
| Dpvaraddr of pvar
| Dunop of unop * dexp
| Dunknown
| Dretcall of dexp * dexp list * location * call_flags
| Dretcall of dexp * dexp list * Location.t * call_flags
(** Value paths: identify an occurrence of a value in a symbolic heap
each expression represents a path, with Dpvar being the simplest one *)
@ -279,7 +243,7 @@ and res_action =
{ ra_kind : res_act_kind; (** kind of action *)
ra_res : resource; (** kind of resource *)
ra_pname : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure used to acquire/release the resource *)
ra_loc : location; (** location of the acquire/release *)
ra_loc : Location.t; (** location of the acquire/release *)
ra_vpath: vpath; (** vpath of the resource value *)
@ -288,12 +252,16 @@ and attribute =
| Aresource of res_action (** resource acquire/release *)
| Aautorelease
| Adangling of dangling_kind (** dangling pointer *)
| Aundef of Procname.t * location * path_pos (** undefined value obtained by calling the given procedure *)
(** undefined value obtained by calling the given procedure *)
| Aundef of Procname.t * Location.t * path_pos
| Ataint
| Auntaint
| Adiv0 of path_pos (** value appeared in second argument of division at given path position *)
| Aobjc_null of exp (** the exp. is null because of a call to a method with exp as a null receiver *)
| Aretval of Procname.t (** value was returned from a call to the given procedure *)
(** value appeared in second argument of division at given path position *)
| Adiv0 of path_pos
(** the exp. is null because of a call to a method with exp as a null receiver *)
| Aobjc_null of exp
(** value was returned from a call to the given procedure *)
| Aretval of Procname.t
(** Categories of attributes *)
and attribute_category =
@ -345,6 +313,32 @@ and exp =
| Lindex of exp * exp (** an array index offset: [exp1\[exp2\]] *)
| Sizeof of typ * Subtype.t (** a sizeof expression *)
(** Attributes of a procedure. *)
type proc_attributes =
access : access; (** visibility access *)
captured : (Mangled.t * typ) list; (** name and type of variables captured in blocks *)
exceptions : string list; (** exceptions thrown by the procedure *)
formals : (string * typ) list; (** name and type of formal parameters *)
func_attributes : func_attribute list;
is_abstract : bool; (** the procedure is abstract *)
mutable is_bridge_method : bool; (** the procedure is a bridge method *)
is_defined : bool; (** true if the procedure is defined, and not just declared *)
is_generated : bool; (** the procedure has been generated *)
is_objc_instance_method : bool; (** the procedure is an objective-C instance method *)
mutable is_synthetic_method : bool; (** the procedure is a synthetic method *)
language : Config.language; (** language of the procedure *)
loc : Location.t; (** location of this procedure in the source code *)
mutable locals : (Mangled.t * typ) list; (** name and type of local variables *)
method_annotation : method_annotation; (** annotations for java methods *)
proc_flags : proc_flags; (** flags of the procedure *)
proc_name : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure *)
ret_type : typ; (** return type *)
(** Create a copy of a proc_attributes *)
val copy_proc_attributes : proc_attributes -> proc_attributes
(** Sets of types. *)
module TypSet : Set.S with type elt = typ
@ -381,18 +375,25 @@ type stackop =
(** An instruction. *)
type instr =
| Letderef of Ident.t * exp * typ * location (** declaration [let x = *lexp:typ] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp] *)
| Set of exp * typ * exp * location (** assignment [*lexp1:typ = exp2] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp1] *)
| Prune of exp * location * bool * if_kind (** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Call of Ident.t list * exp * (exp * typ) list * location * call_flags
(** declaration [let x = *lexp:typ] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp] *)
| Letderef of Ident.t * exp * typ * Location.t
(** assignment [*lexp1:typ = exp2] where [typ] is the root type of [lexp1] *)
| Set of exp * typ * exp * Location.t
(** prune the state based on [exp=1], the boolean indicates whether true branch *)
| Prune of exp * Location.t * bool * if_kind
(** [Call (ret_id1..ret_idn, e_fun, arg_ts, loc, call_flags)] represents an instructions
[ret_id1..ret_idn = e_fun(arg_ts);] where n = 0 for void return and n > 1 for struct return *)
| Nullify of pvar * location * bool (** nullify stack variable, the bool parameter indicates whether to deallocate the variable *)
| Abstract of location (** apply abstraction *)
| Remove_temps of Ident.t list * location (** remove temporaries *)
| Stackop of stackop * location (** operation on the stack of propsets *)
| Declare_locals of (pvar * typ) list * location (** declare local variables *)
| Goto_node of exp * location (** jump to a specific cfg node, assuming all the possible target nodes are successors of the current node *)
[ret_id1..ret_idn = e_fun(arg_ts);]
where n = 0 for void return and n > 1 for struct return *)
| Call of Ident.t list * exp * (exp * typ) list * Location.t * call_flags
(** nullify stack variable, the bool parameter indicates whether to deallocate the variable *)
| Nullify of pvar * Location.t * bool
| Abstract of Location.t (** apply abstraction *)
| Remove_temps of Ident.t list * Location.t (** remove temporaries *)
| Stackop of stackop * Location.t (** operation on the stack of propsets *)
| Declare_locals of (pvar * typ) list * Location.t (** declare local variables *)
(** jump to a specific cfg node,
assuming all the possible target nodes are successors of the current node *)
| Goto_node of exp * Location.t
(** Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. *)
val instr_is_auxiliary : instr -> bool
@ -441,9 +442,10 @@ val inst_initial : inst (** for initial values *)
val inst_lookup : inst
val inst_none : inst
val inst_nullify : inst
val inst_rearrange : bool -> location -> path_pos -> inst (** the boolean indicates whether the pointer is known nonzero *)
(** the boolean indicates whether the pointer is known nonzero *)
val inst_rearrange : bool -> Location.t -> path_pos -> inst
val inst_taint : inst
val inst_update : location -> path_pos -> inst
val inst_update : Location.t -> path_pos -> inst
(** Get the null case flag of the inst. *)
val inst_get_null_case_flag : inst -> bool option
@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ val inst_get_null_case_flag : inst -> bool option
val inst_set_null_case_flag : inst -> inst
(** update the location of the instrumentation *)
val inst_new_loc : location -> inst -> inst
val inst_new_loc : Location.t -> inst -> inst
(** Update [inst_old] to [inst_new] preserving the zero flag *)
val update_inst : inst -> inst -> inst
@ -590,10 +592,6 @@ val exp_is_null_literal : exp -> bool
(** return true if [exp] is the special this/self expression *)
val exp_is_this : exp -> bool
val loc_compare : location -> location -> int
val loc_equal : location -> location -> bool
val path_pos_equal : path_pos -> path_pos -> bool
(** turn a *T into a T. fails if [typ] is not a pointer type *)
@ -816,14 +814,6 @@ val str_unop : unop -> string
(** String representation of a binary operator. *)
val str_binop : printenv -> binop -> string
(** Pretty print a location. *)
val pp_loc : Format.formatter -> location -> unit
val loc_to_string : location -> string
(** Dump a location. *)
val d_loc : location -> unit
(** name of the allocation function for the given memory kind *)
val mem_alloc_pname : mem_kind -> Procname.t
@ -927,7 +917,7 @@ val pp_offset_list : printenv -> Format.formatter -> offset list -> unit
val d_offset_list : offset list -> unit
(** Get the location of the instruction *)
val instr_get_loc : instr -> location
val instr_get_loc : instr -> Location.t
(** get the expressions occurring in the instruction *)
val instr_get_exps : instr -> exp list
@ -1321,8 +1311,6 @@ val hpred_replace_exp : (exp * exp) list -> hpred -> hpred
(** {2 Functions for constructing or destructing entities in this module} *)
(** Unknown location *)
val loc_none : location
(** [mk_pvar name proc_name suffix] creates a program var with the given function name and suffix *)
val mk_pvar : Mangled.t -> Procname.t -> pvar
@ -1337,9 +1325,9 @@ val mk_pvar_callee : Mangled.t -> Procname.t -> pvar
val mk_pvar_global : Mangled.t -> pvar
(** create an abducted return variable for a call to [proc_name] at [loc] *)
val mk_pvar_abducted_ret : Procname.t -> location -> pvar
val mk_pvar_abducted_ret : Procname.t -> Location.t -> pvar
val mk_pvar_abducted_ref_param : Procname.t -> pvar -> location -> pvar
val mk_pvar_abducted_ref_param : Procname.t -> pvar -> Location.t -> pvar
(** Turn an ordinary program variable into a callee program variable *)
val pvar_to_callee : Procname.t -> pvar -> pvar

@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ let normalized_specs_to_specs =
module CallStats = struct (** module for tracing stats of function calls *)
module PnameLocHash = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = Procname.t * Sil.location
let hash (pname, loc) = Hashtbl.hash (Procname.hash_pname pname, loc.Sil.line)
type t = Procname.t * Location.t
let hash (pname, loc) = Hashtbl.hash (Procname.hash_pname pname, loc.Location.line)
let equal (pname1, loc1) (pname2, loc2) =
Sil.loc_equal loc1 loc2 && Procname.equal pname1 pname2
Location.equal loc1 loc2 && Procname.equal pname1 pname2
type call_result = (** kind of result of a procedure call *)
@ -272,12 +272,13 @@ module CallStats = struct (** module for tracing stats of function calls *)
let sorted_elems =
let compare ((pname1, loc1), _) ((pname2, loc2), _) =
let n = Procname.compare pname1 pname2 in
if n <> 0 then n else Sil.loc_compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else Location.compare loc1 loc2 in
list_sort compare !elems in
list_iter (fun (x, tr) -> f x tr) sorted_elems
let pp fmt t =
let do_call (pname, loc) tr = F.fprintf fmt "%a %a: %a@\n" Procname.pp pname Sil.pp_loc loc pp_trace tr in
let do_call (pname, loc) tr =
F.fprintf fmt "%a %a: %a@\n" Procname.pp pname Location.pp loc pp_trace tr in
iter do_call t
@ -312,13 +313,8 @@ type payload =
type summary =
{ dependency_map: dependency_map_t; (** maps children procs to timestamp as last seen at the start of an analysys phase for this proc *)
loc: Sil.location; (** original file and line number *)
nodes: int list; (** ids of cfg nodes of the procedure *)
ret_type : Sil.typ; (** type of the return parameter *)
formals : (string * Sil.typ) list; (** name and type of the formal parameters of the procedure *)
phase: phase; (** in FOOTPRINT phase or in RE_EXECUTION PHASE *)
proc_name : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure *)
proc_flags : proc_flags; (** flags of the procedure *)
payload: payload; (** payload containing the result of some analysis *)
sessions: int ref; (** Session number: how many nodes went trough symbolic execution *)
stats: stats; (** statistics: execution time and list of errors *)
@ -410,9 +406,11 @@ let get_signature summary =
let pp_name f () = F.fprintf f "%s" p in
let pp f () = Sil.pp_type_decl pe_text pp_name Sil.pp_exp f typ in
let decl = pp_to_string pp () in
s := if !s = "" then decl else !s ^ ", " ^ decl) summary.formals;
let pp_procname f () = F.fprintf f "%a" Procname.pp summary.proc_name in
let pp f () = Sil.pp_type_decl pe_text pp_procname Sil.pp_exp f summary.ret_type in
s := if !s = "" then decl else !s ^ ", " ^ decl) summary.attributes.Sil.formals;
let pp_procname f () = F.fprintf f "%a"
Procname.pp summary.attributes.Sil.proc_name in
let pp f () =
Sil.pp_type_decl pe_text pp_procname Sil.pp_exp f summary.attributes.Sil.ret_type in
let decl = pp_to_string pp () in
decl ^ "(" ^ !s ^ ")"
@ -665,13 +663,13 @@ let get_timestamp summary =
let get_proc_name summary =
let get_ret_type summary =
let get_formals summary =
let get_attributes summary =
@ -682,7 +680,7 @@ let get_flag proc_name key =
match get_summary proc_name with
| None -> None
| Some summary ->
let proc_flags = summary.proc_flags in
let proc_flags = summary.attributes.Sil.proc_flags in
Some (Hashtbl.find proc_flags key)
with Not_found -> None
@ -694,7 +692,7 @@ let get_iterations proc_name =
| None ->
raise (Failure ("Specs.get_iterations: " ^ (Procname.to_string proc_name) ^ "Not_found"))
| Some summary ->
let proc_flags = summary.proc_flags in
let proc_flags = summary.attributes.Sil.proc_flags in
let time_str = Hashtbl.find proc_flags proc_flag_iterations in
Pervasives.int_of_string time_str
@ -707,7 +705,7 @@ let get_specs_formals proc_name =
raise (Failure ("Specs.get_specs_formals: " ^ (Procname.to_string proc_name) ^ "Not_found"))
| Some summary ->
let specs = get_specs_from_payload summary in
let formals = summary.formals in
let formals = get_formals summary in
(specs, formals)
(** Return the specs for the proc in the spec table *)
@ -748,54 +746,54 @@ let update_dependency_map proc_name =
summary.dependency_map in
set_summary_origin proc_name { summary with dependency_map = current_dependency_map } origin
(** [init_summary loc (proc_name, ret_type, formals, depend_list, loc, nodes,
(** [init_summary (depend_list, nodes,
proc_flags, initial_err_log, calls, cyclomatic, in_out_calls_opt, proc_attributes)]
initializes the summary for [proc_name] given dependent procs in list [depend_list]. *)
let init_summary
(proc_name, ret_type, formals, depend_list, loc,
nodes, proc_flags, initial_err_log, calls, cyclomatic, in_out_calls_opt,
(depend_list, nodes,
proc_flags, initial_err_log, calls, cyclomatic, in_out_calls_opt,
proc_attributes) =
let dependency_map = mk_initial_dependency_map depend_list in
let summary =
dependency_map = dependency_map;
loc = loc;
nodes = nodes;
ret_type = ret_type;
formals = formals;
phase = FOOTPRINT;
proc_name = proc_name;
proc_flags = proc_flags;
sessions = ref 0;
payload = PrePosts [];
stats = empty_stats initial_err_log calls cyclomatic in_out_calls_opt;
status = INACTIVE;
timestamp = 0;
attributes = proc_attributes;
attributes =
{ proc_attributes with
Sil.proc_flags = proc_flags; };
} in
Procname.Hash.replace spec_tbl proc_name (summary, Res_dir)
Procname.Hash.replace spec_tbl proc_attributes.Sil.proc_name (summary, Res_dir)
let reset_summary call_graph proc_name loc =
let dependents = Cg.get_defined_children call_graph proc_name in
let proc_attributes = {
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = !Sil.curr_language;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = false;
formals = [];
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_defined = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = !Config.curr_language;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
} in
init_summary (
Procname.Set.elements dependents,
proc_flags_empty (),
Errlog.empty (),

@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ sig
type trace = (call_result * bool) list
(** iterate over results of procedure calls *)
val iter : (Procname.t * Sil.location -> trace -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter : (Procname.t * Location.t -> trace -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** trace a procedure call *)
val trace : t -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> call_result -> bool -> unit
val trace : t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> call_result -> bool -> unit
(** pretty print a call trace *)
val pp_trace : Format.formatter -> trace -> unit
@ -126,13 +126,8 @@ type payload =
(** Procedure summary *)
type summary =
{ dependency_map: dependency_map_t; (** maps children procs to timestamp as last seen at the start of an analysys phase for this proc *)
loc: Sil.location; (** original file and line number *)
nodes: int list; (** ids of cfg nodes of the procedure *)
ret_type : Sil.typ; (** type of the return parameter *)
formals : (string * Sil.typ) list; (** name and type of the formal parameters of the procedure *)
phase: phase; (** in FOOTPRINT phase or in RE_EXECUTION PHASE *)
proc_name : Procname.t; (** name of the procedure *)
proc_flags : proc_flags; (** flags of the procedure *)
payload: payload; (** payload containing the result of some analysis *)
sessions: int ref; (** Session number: how many nodes went trough symbolic execution *)
stats: stats; (** statistics: execution time and list of errors *)
@ -219,21 +214,17 @@ val is_inactive : Procname.t -> bool
(** Initialize the summary for [proc_name] given dependent procs in list [depend_list].
Do nothing if a summary exists already. *)
val init_summary :
(Procname.t * (** proc_name *)
Sil.typ * (** ret type *)
(string * Sil.typ) list * (** formals *)
Procname.t list * (** depend list *)
Sil.location * (** loc *)
(Procname.t list * (** depend list *)
int list * (** nodes *)
proc_flags * (** procedure flags *)
Errlog.t * (** initial error log *)
(Procname.t * Sil.location) list * (** calls *)
(Procname.t * Location.t) list * (** calls *)
int * (** cyclomatic *)
(Cg.in_out_calls option) * (** in and out calls *)
Sil.proc_attributes) (** attributes of the procedure *)
-> unit
val reset_summary : Cg.t -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> unit
val reset_summary : Cg.t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> unit
(** Load procedure summary from the given file *)
val load_summary : DB.filename -> summary option

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ type failure_stats = {
mutable node_fail: int; (* number of node failures (i.e. at least one instruction failure) *)
mutable node_ok: int; (* number of node successes (i.e. no instruction failures) *)
mutable first_failure :
(Sil.location * (int * int) * int * Errlog.loc_trace *
(Location.t * (int * int) * int * Errlog.loc_trace *
(Prop.normal Prop.t) option * exn) option (* exception at the first failure *)
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ let instrs_normalize instrs =
let mk_find_duplicate_nodes proc_desc : (Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.NodeSet.t) =
let module M = (* map from (loc,kind) *)
type t = Sil.location * Cfg.Node.nodekind
type t = Location.t * Cfg.Node.nodekind
let compare (loc1, k1) (loc2, k2) =
let n = Sil.loc_compare loc1 loc2 in
let n = Location.compare loc1 loc2 in
if n <> 0 then n else Cfg.Node.kind_compare k1 k2
end) in
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ let mark_instr_fail pre_opt exn =
type log_issue =
Procname.t ->
?loc: Sil.location option ->
?loc: Location.t option ->
?node_id: (int * int) option ->
?session: int option ->
?ltr: Errlog.loc_trace option ->

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ val get_inst_update : Sil.path_pos -> Sil.inst
val get_instr : unit -> Sil.instr option
(** Get last location seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_loc : unit -> Sil.location
val get_loc : unit -> Location.t
(** Get the location trace of the last path seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_loc_trace : unit -> Errlog.loc_trace
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ val mk_find_duplicate_nodes: Cfg.Procdesc.t -> (Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.NodeSet.t)
type log_issue =
Procname.t ->
?loc: Sil.location option ->
?loc: Location.t option ->
?node_id: (int * int) option ->
?session: int option ->
?ltr: Errlog.loc_trace option ->

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Symbolic Execution *)
@ -116,7 +116,9 @@ let rec apply_offlist
match offlist, strexp with
| [], Sil.Eexp (e, inst_curr) ->
let inst_is_uninitialized = function
| Sil.Ialloc -> !Sil.curr_language <> Sil.Java (* java allocation initializes with default values *)
| Sil.Ialloc ->
(* java allocation initializes with default values *)
!Config.curr_language <> Config.Java
| Sil.Iinitial -> true
| _ -> false in
let is_hidden_field () =
@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ module Builtin = struct
type ret_typ = (Prop.normal Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list
type sym_exe_builtin =
Cfg.cfg -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.instr -> Sil.tenv -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Paths.Path.t ->
Ident.t list -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> ret_typ
Ident.t list -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> ret_typ
(* builtin function names for which we do symbolic execution *)
let builtin_functions = Procname.Hash.create 4
@ -644,18 +646,13 @@ let proc_desc_copy cfg pdesc pname pname' =
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = pname';
proc_attributes = Sil.copy_proc_attributes (get_attributes pdesc);
is_defined = is_defined pdesc;
ret_type = get_ret_type pdesc;
formals = get_formals pdesc;
locals = get_locals pdesc;
captured = get_captured pdesc;
loc = get_loc pdesc;
proc_attributes =
{ (Sil.copy_proc_attributes (get_attributes pdesc)) with
Sil.proc_name = pname'; };
let method_exists right_proc_name methods =
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then
list_exists (fun meth_name -> Procname.equal right_proc_name meth_name) methods
else (* ObjC case *)
Specs.summary_exists right_proc_name
@ -784,9 +781,9 @@ let call_constructor_url_update_args tenv cfg pname actual_params =
(** Handles certain method calls in a special way *)
let handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg pname actual_params =
if (!Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java) then
if (!Config.curr_language = Config.Java) then
pname, (call_constructor_url_update_args tenv cfg pname actual_params)
else if (!Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP) then
else if (!Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP) then
(redirect_shared_ptr tenv cfg pname actual_params), actual_params
else pname, actual_params
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ let rec sym_exec cfg tenv pdesc _instr (_prop: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
false cfg pdesc tenv prop path
ret_ids ret_typ_opt n_actual_params resolved_pname loc in
let sentinel_result =
if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.C_CPP then
if !Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP then
sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel_if_present cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path actual_params callee_pname loc
else [(prop_r, path)] in
let do_call (prop, path) =
@ -1206,7 +1203,7 @@ and call_unknown_or_scan is_scan cfg pdesc tenv pre path
| _ -> false)
actual_pars in
(* in Java, assume that skip functions close resources passed as params *)
let pre' = if !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then remove_file_attribute pre else pre in
let pre' = if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then remove_file_attribute pre else pre in
let pre'' = add_constraints_on_retval pdesc pre' ret_ids ret_type_option callee_pname in
let pre''' = add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref pre'' actuals_by_ref callee_pname in
if is_scan (* if scan function, don't mark anything with undef attributes *)
@ -1294,7 +1291,11 @@ and sym_exec_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars summary loc =
match actual_pars, formal_types with
| [], [] -> actual_pars
| (e, t_e):: etl', t:: tl' ->
(e, if (!Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp || !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java) then t_e else t) :: comb etl' tl'
(!Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp ||
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java)
then t_e else t) :: comb etl' tl'
| _,[] ->
if !Config.developer_mode then Errdesc.warning_err (State.get_loc ()) "likely use of variable-arguments function, or function prototype missing@.";
L.d_warning "likely use of variable-arguments function, or function prototype missing"; L.d_ln();
@ -1315,7 +1316,7 @@ and sym_exec_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars summary loc =
check_return_value_ignored ();
(* In case we call an objc instance method we add and extra spec *)
(* were the receiver is null and the semantics of the call is nop*)
if (!Sil.curr_language <> Sil.Java) && !Config.objc_method_call_semantics &&
if (!Config.curr_language <> Config.Java) && !Config.objc_method_call_semantics &&
(Specs.get_attributes summary).Sil.is_objc_instance_method then
handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc path
else (* non-objective-c method call. Standard tabulation *)
@ -1447,7 +1448,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
Sil.Earray (size, [], Sil.inst_none)
let extract_array_type typ =
if (!Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java) then
if (!Config.curr_language = Config.Java) then
match typ with
| Sil.Tptr ( Sil.Tarray (typ', _), _) -> Some typ'
| _ -> None
@ -2237,7 +2238,6 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
let __get_array_size = Builtin.register "__get_array_size" execute___get_array_size (* return the size of the array passed as a parameter *)
let _ = Builtin.register "__get_hidden_field" execute___get_hidden_field (* return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
let __get_type_of = Builtin.register "__get_type_of" execute___get_type_of (* return the get the type of the allocated object passed as a parameter *)
let _ = Builtin.register "__infer_set_flag" execute_skip (** NOTE: __infer_set_flag should have been handled in the translation already (see frontend.ml) *)
let __instanceof = Builtin.register "__instanceof" execute___instanceof (** [__instanceof(val,typ)] implements java's [val instanceof typ] *)
let __cast = Builtin.register "__cast" execute___cast (** [__cast(val,typ)] implements java's [typ(val)] *)
let __new = Builtin.register "__new" (execute_alloc Sil.Mnew false) (* like malloc, but always succeeds *)

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ type deref_error =
| Deref_freed of Sil.res_action (** dereference a freed pointer *)
| Deref_minusone (** dereference -1 *)
| Deref_null of Sil.path_pos (** dereference null *)
| Deref_undef of Procname.t * Sil.location * Sil.path_pos (** dereference a value coming from the given undefined function *)
(** dereference a value coming from the given undefined function *)
| Deref_undef of Procname.t * Location.t * Sil.path_pos
| Deref_undef_exp (** dereference an undefined expression *)
type invalid_res =
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ let hpred_star_typing (hpred1 : Sil.hpred) (e2, te2) : Sil.hpred =
(** Implementation of [*] between predicates and typings *)
let sigma_star_typ (sigma1 : Sil.hpred list) (typings2 : (Sil.exp * Sil.exp) list) : Sil.hpred list =
if !Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp || !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java then
if !Config.Experiment.activate_subtyping_in_cpp || !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then
let typing_lhs_compare (e1, _) (e2, _) = Sil.exp_compare e1 e2 in
let sigma1 = list_stable_sort hpred_lhs_compare sigma1 in
@ -829,7 +830,7 @@ let exe_spec
let caller_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name caller_pdesc in
let posts =
match ret_ids with
| [ret_id] when !Config.idempotent_getters && !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java ->
| [ret_id] when !Config.idempotent_getters && !Config.curr_language = Config.Java ->
(* if we have seen a previous call to the same function, only use specs whose return value
is consistent with constraints on the return value of the previous call w.r.t to nullness.
meant to eliminate false NPE warnings from the common "if (get() != null) get().something()"
@ -1076,7 +1077,9 @@ let exe_call_postprocess tenv ret_ids trace_call callee_pname loc initial_prop r
res_with_path_idents in
let should_add_ret_attr _ =
let is_likely_getter pn = list_length (Procname.java_get_parameters pn) = 0 in
!Config.idempotent_getters && !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java && is_likely_getter callee_pname in
!Config.idempotent_getters &&
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
is_likely_getter callee_pname in
match ret_ids with
| [ret_id] when should_add_ret_attr ()->
(* add attribute to remember what function call a return id came from *)

@ -39,4 +39,7 @@ val lookup_global_errors : 'a Prop.t -> Mangled.t option
val d_splitting : splitting -> unit
(** Execute the function call and return the list of results with return value *)
val exe_function_call: Sil.tenv -> Cfg.cfg -> Ident.t list -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Paths.Path.t -> (Prop.normal Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list
val exe_function_call:
Sil.tenv -> Cfg.cfg -> Ident.t list -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Procname.t -> Location.t ->
(Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Paths.Path.t ->
(Prop.normal Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list

@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ module Escape = struct
(** flags for a procedure, these can be set programmatically by __infer_set_flag: see frontend.ml *)
(** flags for a procedure *)
type proc_flags = (string, string) Hashtbl.t
let proc_flags_empty () : proc_flags = Hashtbl.create 1

@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ module Escape : sig
(** flags for a procedure, these can be set programmatically by __infer_set_flag: see frontend.ml *)
(** flags for a procedure *)
type proc_flags = (string, string) Hashtbl.t
(** keys for proc_flags *)

@ -20,18 +20,19 @@ module PP = struct
(** Print a range of lines of the source file in [loc], including [nbefore] lines before loc
and [nafter] lines after [loc] *)
let pp_loc_range linereader nbefore nafter fmt loc =
let printline n = match Printer.LineReader.from_loc linereader { loc with Sil.line = n } with
| Some s -> F.fprintf fmt "%s%s@\n" (if n = loc.Sil.line then "-->" else " ") s
let printline n =
match Printer.LineReader.from_loc linereader { loc with Location.line = n } with
| Some s -> F.fprintf fmt "%s%s@\n" (if n = loc.Location.line then "-->" else " ") s
| _ -> () in
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d@\n" (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file) loc.Sil.line;
for n = loc.Sil.line - nbefore to loc.Sil.line + nafter do printline n done
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d@\n" (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file) loc.Location.line;
for n = loc.Location.line - nbefore to loc.Location.line + nafter do printline n done
end (* PP *)
(** State that persists in the .specs files. *)
module ST = struct
let add summary key value =
proc_flags_add summary.Specs.proc_flags key value
proc_flags_add summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.proc_flags key value
let pname_add proc_name key value =
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe proc_name in
@ -42,14 +43,14 @@ module ST = struct
let pname_find proc_name key =
if Procname.Set.mem proc_name !files_open then
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe proc_name in
proc_flags_find summary.Specs.proc_flags key
proc_flags_find summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.proc_flags key
else begin
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some summary ->
files_open := Procname.Set.add proc_name !files_open;
proc_flags_find summary.Specs.proc_flags key
proc_flags_find summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.proc_flags key
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ module ST = struct
if !verbose then
let file = DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file in
let file = DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file in
L.stdout "%s: %s: %s@."
@ -312,8 +313,11 @@ let callback_monitor_nullcheck all_procs get_proc_desc idenv tenv proc_name proc
not (Sil.ExpSet.exists (fun exp -> equal_formal_param exp formal_name) !checks_to_formals) in
let missing = list_filter was_not_found formal_names in
let loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let pp_file_loc fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d" (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file) loc.Sil.line in
L.stdout "Null Checks of Formal Parameters: %d out of %d parameters checked (missing checks on: %a)[%a]@." nchecks nformals (pp_seq Mangled.pp) missing pp_file_loc ();
let pp_file_loc fmt () =
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d" (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file) loc.Location.line in
L.stdout "Null Checks of Formal Parameters: ";
L.stdout "%d out of %d parameters checked (missing checks on: %a)[%a]@."
nchecks nformals (pp_seq Mangled.pp) missing pp_file_loc ();
let linereader = Printer.LineReader.create () in
L.stdout "%a@." (PP.pp_loc_range linereader 10 10) loc

@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ module ST : sig
Procname.t ->
Cfg.Procdesc.t ->
string ->
Sil.location ->
Location.t ->
?advice: string option ->
?field_name: Ident.fieldname option ->
?origin_loc: Sil.location option ->
?origin_loc: Location.t option ->
?exception_kind: (string -> Localise.error_desc -> exn) ->
?always_report: bool ->
string ->
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ end (* ST *)
module PP : sig
(** Print a range of lines of the source file in [loc], including [nbefore] lines before loc
and [nafter] lines after [loc] *)
val pp_loc_range : Printer.LineReader.t -> int -> int -> Format.formatter -> Sil.location -> unit
val pp_loc_range : Printer.LineReader.t -> int -> int -> Format.formatter -> Location.t -> unit
end (* PP *)
val callback_check_access : Callbacks.proc_callback_t

@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ module Err = struct
} in
[(Specs.spec_normalize spec)] in
let new_summ = { old_summ with
Specs.loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc;
Specs.attributes =
{ old_summ.Specs.attributes with
Sil.loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc };
Specs.nodes = nodes;
Specs.payload = Specs.PrePosts specs } in
Specs.add_summary proc_name new_summ

@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ struct
let new_summ =
old_summ with
Specs.loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc;
Specs.nodes = nodes;
Specs.payload = Extension.mkpayload final_typestate_opt;
Specs.attributes =
old_summ.Specs.attributes with
Sil.method_annotation = method_annotation
Sil.loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc;
} in
Specs.add_summary proc_name new_summ

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let check_condition case_zero find_canonical_duplicate get_proc_desc curr_pname
throwable_found := true
| _ -> () in
let do_node n =
if Sil.loc_equal loc (Cfg.Node.get_loc n)
if Location.equal loc (Cfg.Node.get_loc n)
then list_iter do_instr (Cfg.Node.get_instrs n) in
Cfg.Procdesc.iter_nodes do_node (Cfg.Node.get_proc_desc node);
!throwable_found in

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let callback_printf_args
(* Check if format string lines up with arguments *)
let rec check_type_names instr_loc n_arg instr_proc_name fmt_type_names arg_type_names =
let instr_name = Procname.to_simplified_string instr_proc_name in
let instr_line = Sil.loc_to_string instr_loc in
let instr_line = Location.to_string instr_loc in
match (fmt_type_names, arg_type_names) with
| ft:: fs, gt:: gs ->
if not (format_type_matches_given_type ft gt) then

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ let active_procedure_checkers () =
RepeatedCallsChecker.callback_check_repeated_calls, checkers_enabled;
PrintfArgs.callback_printf_args, checkers_enabled;
] in
list_map (fun (x, y) -> (x, y, Some Sil.Java)) l in
list_map (fun (x, y) -> (x, y, Some Config.Java)) l in
let c_cpp_checkers =
let l =
Checkers.callback_print_c_method_calls, false;
CheckDeadCode.callback_check_dead_code, checkers_enabled;
] in
list_map (fun (x, y) -> (x, y, Some Sil.C_CPP)) l in
list_map (fun (x, y) -> (x, y, Some Config.C_CPP)) l in
java_checkers @ c_cpp_checkers
let active_cluster_checkers () =
[(Checkers.callback_check_cluster_access, false, Some Sil.Java)]
[(Checkers.callback_check_cluster_access, false, Some Config.Java)]
let register () =
let register registry (callback, active, language_opt) =

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ struct
(** Check if the procedure performs an allocation operation.
If [paths] is AllPaths, check if an allocation happens on all paths.
If [paths] is SomePath, check if a path with an allocation exists. *)
let proc_performs_allocation pdesc paths : Sil.location option =
let proc_performs_allocation pdesc paths : Location.t option =
let node_allocates node : Sil.location option =
let node_allocates node : Location.t option =
let found = ref None in
let proc_is_new pn =
Procname.equal pn SymExec.ModelBuiltins.__new ||
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ struct
!found in
let module DFAllocCheck = Dataflow.MakeDF(struct
type t = Sil.location option
let equal = opt_equal Sil.loc_equal
type t = Location.t option
let equal = opt_equal Location.equal
let _join _paths l1o l2o = (* join with left priority *)
match l1o, l2o with
| None, None ->
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ struct
let description =
Printf.sprintf "call to %s seen before on line %d (may allocate at %s:%n)"
(Procname.to_simplified_string callee_pname)
(DB.source_file_to_string alloc_loc.Sil.file)
alloc_loc.Sil.line in
(DB.source_file_to_string alloc_loc.Location.file)
alloc_loc.Location.line in
curr_pname curr_pdesc checkers_repeated_calls_name loc description
| None -> ()

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module ComplexExpressions = struct
end (* ComplexExpressions *)
type check_return_type =
Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.typ -> Sil.typ option -> Sil.location -> unit
Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.typ -> Sil.typ option -> Location.t -> unit
type find_canonical_duplicate = Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.Node.t

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(** Module type for the type checking functions. *)
type check_return_type =
Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.typ -> Sil.typ option -> Sil.location -> unit
Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Sil.typ -> Sil.typ option -> Location.t -> unit
type find_canonical_duplicate = Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.Node.t

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ end (* InstrRef *)
type origin_descr =
string *
Sil.location option *
Location.t option *
Annotations.annotated_signature option (* callee signature *)
type parameter_not_nullable =
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ type parameter_not_nullable =
string * (* description *)
int * (* parameter number *)
Procname.t *
Sil.location * (* callee location *)
Location.t * (* callee location *)
(** Instance of an error *)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ module H = Hashtbl.Make(struct
string_equal s1 s2 &&
int_equal n1 n2 &&
Procname.equal pn1 pn2 &&
Sil.loc_equal cl1 cl2
Location.equal cl1 cl2
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent _, _
| _, Parameter_annotation_inconsistent _ -> false
| Return_annotation_inconsistent (ann1, pn1, od1),
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ module H = Hashtbl.Make(struct
end (* H *))
type err_state = {
loc: Sil.location; (** location of the error *)
loc: Location.t; (** location of the error *)
mutable always: bool; (** always fires on its associated node *)
@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ type st_report_error =
Procname.t ->
Cfg.Procdesc.t ->
string ->
Sil.location ->
Location.t ->
?advice: string option ->
?field_name: Ident.fieldname option ->
?origin_loc: Sil.location option ->
?origin_loc: Location.t option ->
?exception_kind: (string -> Localise.error_desc -> exn) ->
?always_report: bool ->
string ->
@ -309,14 +309,14 @@ let report_error_now
let do_print_base ew_string kind_s s =
L.stdout "%s %s in %s %s@." ew_string kind_s (Procname.java_get_method proc_name) s in
let do_print ew_string kind_s s =
L.stdout "%s:%d " (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file) loc.Sil.line;
L.stdout "%s:%d " (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file) loc.Location.line;
do_print_base ew_string kind_s s in
let do_print_demo ew_string kind_s s = (* demo mode print for Eclipse and ocaml plugin *)
let process_path s = filename_to_relative (Sys.getcwd ()) s in
"File %s, line %d, characters 0-10:\n"
(process_path (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Sil.file))
(process_path (DB.source_file_to_string loc.Location.file))
do_print_base ew_string kind_s s in
let is_err, kind_s, description, advice, field_name, origin_loc = match err_instance with

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ end (* Strict *)
type origin_descr =
string *
Sil.location option *
Location.t option *
Annotations.annotated_signature option (* callee signature *)
type parameter_not_nullable =
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type parameter_not_nullable =
string * (* description *)
int * (* parameter number *)
Procname.t *
Sil.location * (* callee location *)
Location.t * (* callee location *)
(** Instance of an error *)
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ type st_report_error =
Procname.t ->
Cfg.Procdesc.t ->
string ->
Sil.location ->
Location.t ->
?advice: string option ->
?field_name: Ident.fieldname option ->
?origin_loc: Sil.location option ->
?origin_loc: Location.t option ->
?exception_kind: (string -> Localise.error_desc -> exn) ->
?always_report: bool ->
string ->
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type st_report_error =
val report_error :
st_report_error ->
(Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.Node.t) -> Cfg.Node.t ->
err_instance -> InstrRef.t option -> Sil.location ->
err_instance -> InstrRef.t option -> Location.t ->
Procname.t -> unit
val report_forall_checks_and_reset : st_report_error -> Procname.t -> unit

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ open Utils
type proc_origin =
Procname.t * Sil.location * Annotations.annotated_signature * bool (* is_library *)
Procname.t * Location.t * Annotations.annotated_signature * bool (* is_library *)
type t =
| Const of Sil.location
| Field of Ident.fieldname * Sil.location
| Const of Location.t
| Field of Ident.fieldname * Location.t
| Formal of string
| Proc of proc_origin
| New
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ type t =
let equal o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
| Const loc1, Const loc2 ->
Sil.loc_equal loc1 loc2
Location.equal loc1 loc2
| Const _, _
| _, Const _ -> false
| Field (fn1, loc1), Field (fn2, loc2) ->
Ident.fieldname_equal fn1 fn2 &&
Sil.loc_equal loc1 loc2
Location.equal loc1 loc2
| Field _, _
| _, Field _ -> false
| Formal s1, Formal s2 ->
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let equal o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with
| _, Formal _ -> false
| Proc (pn1, loc1, as1, b1), Proc (pn2, loc2, as2, b2) ->
Procname.equal pn1 pn2 &&
Sil.loc_equal loc1 loc2 &&
Location.equal loc1 loc2 &&
Annotations.equal as1 as2 &&
bool_equal b1 b2
| Proc _, _
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let to_string = function
let get_description origin =
let atline loc =
" at line " ^ (string_of_int loc.Sil.line) in
" at line " ^ (string_of_int loc.Location.line) in
match origin with
| Const loc ->
Some ("null constant" ^ atline loc, Some loc, None)

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
type proc_origin = (** Case Proc *)
Procname.t * Sil.location * Annotations.annotated_signature * bool (* is_library *)
Procname.t * Location.t * Annotations.annotated_signature * bool (* is_library *)
type t =
| Const of Sil.location (** A constant in the source *)
| Field of Ident.fieldname * Sil.location (** A field access *)
| Const of Location.t (** A constant in the source *)
| Field of Ident.fieldname * Location.t (** A field access *)
| Formal of string (** A formal parameter *)
| Proc of proc_origin (** A procedure call *)
| New (** A new object creation *)

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module M = Map.Make (struct
type t = Sil.exp
let compare = Sil.exp_compare end)
type range = Sil.typ * TypeAnnotation.t * (Sil.location list)
type range = Sil.typ * TypeAnnotation.t * (Location.t list)
type 'a t =
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let empty ext =
extension = ext.empty;
let locs_compare = list_compare Sil.loc_compare
let locs_compare = list_compare Location.compare
let locs_equal locs1 locs2 = locs_compare locs1 locs2 = 0
let range_equal (typ1, ta1, locs1) (typ2, ta2, locs2) =
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ let equal t1 t2 =
M.equal range_equal t1.map t2.map
let pp ext fmt typestate =
let pp_loc fmt loc = F.fprintf fmt "%d" loc.Sil.line in
let pp_loc fmt loc = F.fprintf fmt "%d" loc.Location.line in
let pp_locs fmt locs = F.fprintf fmt " [%a]" (pp_seq pp_loc) locs in
let pp_one exp (typ, ta, locs) =
F.fprintf fmt " %a -> [%s] %s %a%a@\n"
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ exception JoinFail
let type_join typ1 typ2 =
if PatternMatch.type_is_object typ1 then typ2 else typ1
let locs_join locs1 locs2 =
list_merge_sorted_nodup Sil.loc_compare [] locs1 locs2
list_merge_sorted_nodup Location.compare [] locs1 locs2
(** Add a list of locations to a range. *)
let range_add_locs (typ, ta, locs1) locs2 =

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type 'a ext =
(** Typestate extended with elements of type 'a. *)
type 'a t
type range = Sil.typ * TypeAnnotation.t * (Sil.location list)
type range = Sil.typ * TypeAnnotation.t * (Location.t list)
val add_id : Ident.t -> range -> 'a t -> 'a t
val add_pvar : Sil.pvar -> range -> 'a t -> 'a t
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ val join : 'a ext -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val lookup_id : Ident.t -> 'a t -> range option
val lookup_pvar : Sil.pvar -> 'a t -> range option
val pp : 'a ext -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
val range_add_locs : range -> (Sil.location list) -> range
val range_add_locs : range -> (Location.t list) -> range
val remove_id : Ident.t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val set_extension : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

@ -11,14 +11,17 @@
val bin_op_to_string : Clang_ast_t.binary_operator_info -> string
val binary_operation_instruction : CContext.t -> Clang_ast_t.binary_operator_info -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.exp ->
Sil.location -> bool -> Sil.exp * Sil.instr list * Ident.t list
val binary_operation_instruction :
CContext.t -> Clang_ast_t.binary_operator_info -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.exp ->
Location.t -> bool -> Sil.exp * Sil.instr list * Ident.t list
val unary_operation_instruction : Clang_ast_t.unary_operator_info -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.location ->
val unary_operation_instruction :
Clang_ast_t.unary_operator_info -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Location.t ->
Ident.t list * Sil.exp * Sil.instr list
val compound_assignment_binary_operation_instruction : Clang_ast_t.binary_operator_info -> Sil.exp ->
Sil.typ -> Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> Ident.t list * Sil.exp * Sil.instr list
val assignment_arc_mode : CContext.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.exp -> Sil.location -> bool -> bool -> Sil.exp * Sil.instr list * Ident.t list
Sil.typ -> Sil.exp -> Location.t -> Ident.t list * Sil.exp * Sil.instr list
val assignment_arc_mode :
CContext.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.exp -> Location.t -> bool -> bool ->
Sil.exp * Sil.instr list * Ident.t list

@ -10,33 +10,35 @@
(** Translate an enumeration declaration by adding it to the tenv and *)
(** translating the code and adding it to a fake procdesc *)
open Utils
open CFrontend_utils
let create_empty_procdesc () =
let procname = Procname.from_string_c_fun "__INFER_$GLOBAL_VAR_env" in
let proc_name = Procname.from_string_c_fun "__INFER_$GLOBAL_VAR_env" in
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.C_CPP;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
formals = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.C_CPP;
loc = Location.loc_none;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
} in
create {
cfg = Cfg.Node.create_cfg ();
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
formals = [];
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = Sil.loc_none;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ let compute_icfg tenv source_file ast =
| _ -> assert false (* NOTE: Assumes that an AST alsways starts with a TranslationUnitDecl *)
let init_global_state source_file =
Sil.curr_language := Sil.C_CPP;
Config.curr_language := Config.C_CPP;
DB.current_source := source_file;
DB.Results_dir.init ();
Ident.reset_name_generator ();

@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ let clang_to_sil_location clang_loc parent_line_number procdesc_opt =
match procdesc_opt with
| Some procdesc ->
let proc_loc = Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc procdesc in
if (DB.source_file_equal proc_loc.Sil.file DB.source_file_empty) then
if (DB.source_file_equal proc_loc.Location.file DB.source_file_empty) then
!curr_file, !Config.nLOC
else proc_loc.Sil.file, proc_loc.Sil.nLOC
else proc_loc.Location.file, proc_loc.Location.nLOC
| None ->
match clang_loc.Clang_ast_t.sl_file with
| Some f ->
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ let clang_to_sil_location clang_loc parent_line_number procdesc_opt =
else -1 in
file_db, nloc
| None -> !curr_file, !Config.nLOC in
{ Sil.line = line; Sil.col = col; Sil.file = file; Sil.nLOC = nLOC }
{ Location.line = line; Location.col = col; Location.file = file; Location.nLOC = nLOC }
let should_translate_lib source_range =
if !CFrontend_config.no_translate_libs then
match source_range with (loc_start, loc_end) ->
let loc_start = choose_sloc_to_update_curr_file loc_start loc_end in
let loc = clang_to_sil_location loc_start (-1) None in
DB.source_file_equal loc.Sil.file !DB.current_source
DB.source_file_equal loc.Location.file !DB.current_source
else true
let should_translate_enum source_range =
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let should_translate_enum source_range =
match source_range with (loc_start, loc_end) ->
let loc_start = choose_sloc_to_update_curr_file loc_start loc_end in
let loc = clang_to_sil_location loc_start (-1) None in
DB.source_file_equal loc.Sil.file !DB.current_source
DB.source_file_equal loc.Location.file !DB.current_source
else true
let get_sil_location_from_range source_range prefer_first =

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ val current_source_file : DB.source_file ref
val curr_file : DB.source_file ref
val clang_to_sil_location : Clang_ast_t.source_location -> int -> Cfg.Procdesc.t option ->
val get_sil_location : Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> int -> CContext.t -> Sil.location
val get_sil_location : Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> int -> CContext.t -> Location.t
val get_line : Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> int -> int
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ val check_source_file : string -> unit
val source_file_from_path : string -> DB.source_file
val get_sil_location_from_range : Clang_ast_t.source_range -> bool -> Sil.location
val get_sil_location_from_range : Clang_ast_t.source_range -> bool -> Location.t

@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ let should_create_procdesc cfg procname defined generated =
(** Creates a procedure description. *)
let create_local_procdesc cfg tenv ms fbody captured is_objc_inst_method =
let defined = not ((list_length fbody) == 0) in
let procname = CMethod_signature.ms_get_name ms in
let pname = Procname.to_string procname in
let proc_name = CMethod_signature.ms_get_name ms in
let pname = Procname.to_string proc_name in
let attributes = sil_func_attributes_of_attributes (CMethod_signature.ms_get_attributes ms) in
let is_generated = CMethod_signature.ms_is_generated ms in
let create_new_procdesc () =
@ -262,26 +262,27 @@ let create_local_procdesc cfg tenv ms fbody captured is_objc_inst_method =
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = is_objc_inst_method;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.C_CPP;
Sil.func_attributes = attributes;
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = is_generated;
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = defined;
ret_type = ret_type;
formals = formals;
locals = [];
captured = captured';
exceptions = [];
func_attributes = attributes;
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = defined;
is_objc_instance_method = is_objc_inst_method;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.C_CPP;
loc = loc_start;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
} in
create {
} in
if defined then
(if !Config.arc_mode then
@ -293,13 +294,13 @@ let create_local_procdesc cfg tenv ms fbody captured is_objc_inst_method =
Cfg.Procdesc.set_start_node procdesc start_node;
Cfg.Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node) in
let generated = CMethod_signature.ms_is_generated ms in
if should_create_procdesc cfg procname defined generated then
if should_create_procdesc cfg proc_name defined generated then
(create_new_procdesc (); true)
else false
(** Create a procdesc for objc methods whose signature cannot be found. *)
let create_external_procdesc cfg procname is_objc_inst_method type_opt =
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg procname with
let create_external_procdesc cfg proc_name is_objc_inst_method type_opt =
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg proc_name with
| Some _ -> ()
| None ->
let ret_type, formals =
@ -307,31 +308,32 @@ let create_external_procdesc cfg procname is_objc_inst_method type_opt =
| Some (ret_type, arg_types) ->
ret_type, list_map (fun typ -> ("x", typ)) arg_types
| None -> Sil.Tvoid, []) in
let loc = Sil.loc_none in
let loc = Location.loc_none in
let _ =
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = is_objc_inst_method;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.C_CPP;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = is_objc_inst_method;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.C_CPP;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = ret_type;
formals = formals;
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = loc;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
} in

@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ struct
let try_claim_priority_node trans_state stmt_info =
match trans_state.priority with
| Free ->
Printing.log_out "Priority is free. Locking priority node in %s\n@." stmt_info.Clang_ast_t.si_pointer;
Printing.log_out "Priority is free. Locking priority node in %s\n@."
{ trans_state with priority = Busy stmt_info.Clang_ast_t.si_pointer }
| _ ->
Printing.log_out "Priority busy in %s. No claim possible\n@." stmt_info.Clang_ast_t.si_pointer;

@ -56,15 +56,18 @@ val fix_param_exps_mismatch : 'a list -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> (Sil.exp *
val get_selector_receiver : Clang_ast_t.obj_c_message_expr_info -> string * Clang_ast_t.receiver_kind
val define_condition_side_effects : CContext.t -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Sil.instr list -> Sil.location ->
val define_condition_side_effects :
CContext.t -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Sil.instr list -> Location.t ->
(Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list * Sil.instr list
val extract_stmt_from_singleton : Clang_ast_t.stmt list -> string -> Clang_ast_t.stmt
val is_null_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val compute_instr_ids_exp_to_parent : Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.instr list -> Ident.t list -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list ->
Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Sil.location -> priority_node -> Sil.instr list * Ident.t list * (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list
val compute_instr_ids_exp_to_parent :
Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.instr list -> Ident.t list -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list ->
Sil.exp -> Sil.typ -> Location.t -> priority_node ->
Sil.instr list * Ident.t list * (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list
val get_name_decl_ref_exp_info : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> string
@ -78,12 +81,13 @@ val is_member_exp : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val get_type_from_exp_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> Clang_ast_t.qual_type
val cast_operation : CContext.t -> Clang_ast_t.cast_kind -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Sil.typ -> Sil.location ->
val cast_operation :
CContext.t -> Clang_ast_t.cast_kind -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Sil.typ -> Location.t ->
bool -> Ident.t list * Sil.instr list * Sil.exp
val trans_assertion_failure : Sil.location -> CContext.t -> trans_result
val trans_assertion_failure : Location.t -> CContext.t -> trans_result
val trans_assume_false : Sil.location -> CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t list -> trans_result
val trans_assume_false : Location.t -> CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t list -> trans_result
val is_owning_method : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
@ -95,16 +99,19 @@ val contains_opaque_value_expr : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val get_decl_ref_info : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> int -> string * int
val builtin_trans : trans_state -> Sil.location -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info ->
val builtin_trans : trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info ->
Sil.typ -> Procname.t option -> trans_result option
val alloc_trans : trans_state -> Sil.location -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.typ -> bool -> trans_result
val alloc_trans :
trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.typ -> bool -> trans_result
val new_or_alloc_trans : trans_state -> Sil.location -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> string -> string -> trans_result
val new_or_alloc_trans :
trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> string -> string -> trans_result
val cpp_new_trans : trans_state -> Sil.location -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.typ -> trans_result
val cpp_new_trans : trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Sil.typ -> trans_result
val cast_trans : CContext.t -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Sil.location -> Procname.t option -> Sil.typ ->
val cast_trans :
CContext.t -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Location.t -> Procname.t option -> Sil.typ ->
(Ident.t * Sil.instr * Sil.exp) option
(** Module for creating cfg nodes and other utility functions related to them. *)
@ -115,12 +122,13 @@ sig
val need_unary_op_node : Clang_ast_t.unary_operator_info -> bool
val create_node : Cfg.Node.nodekind -> Ident.t list -> Sil.instr list ->
Sil.location -> CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t
Location.t -> CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t
val is_join_node : Cfg.Node.t -> bool
val create_prune_node : bool -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Ident.t list -> Sil.instr list -> Sil.location -> Sil.if_kind ->
CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t
val create_prune_node :
bool -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Ident.t list -> Sil.instr list -> Location.t ->
Sil.if_kind -> CContext.t -> Cfg.Node.t
val is_prune_node : Cfg.Node.t -> bool
@ -156,14 +164,15 @@ sig
(* Used for function call and method call. It deals with creating or not *)
(* a cfg node depending of owning the priority_node and the nodes returned *)
(* by the parameters of the call *)
val compute_results_to_parent : trans_state -> Sil.location -> string -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> trans_result -> trans_result
val compute_results_to_parent :
trans_state -> Location.t -> string -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> trans_result -> trans_result
(** Module for translating goto instructions by keeping a map of labels. *)
module GotoLabel :
val find_goto_label : CContext.t -> string -> Sil.location -> Cfg.Node.t
val find_goto_label : CContext.t -> string -> Location.t -> Cfg.Node.t
val reset_all_labels : unit -> unit
@ -193,7 +202,8 @@ sig
exception SelfClassException of string
val add_self_parameter_for_super_instance : CContext.t -> Procname.t -> Sil.location -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_message_expr_info ->
val add_self_parameter_for_super_instance :
CContext.t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_message_expr_info ->
trans_result -> trans_result
val is_var_self : Sil.pvar -> bool -> bool

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ let extract_callbacks procdesc cfg_file cfg tenv harness_name harness_lvar callb
* implements. translation always places interfaces at the end of the supertypes list *)
Mangled.get_mangled (list_hd (list_rev l))
else typ_str in
Mangled.from_string (pretty_typ_str ^ "[line " ^ Sil.loc_to_string loc ^ "]") in
Mangled.from_string (pretty_typ_str ^ "[line " ^ Location.to_string loc ^ "]") in
let create_instrumentation_fields created_flds node instr = match instr with
| Sil.Call([], Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee), args, loc, _) ->

@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ type env = { instrs : Sil.instr list;
cache : Sil.exp TypMap.t;
(* set of types currently being inhabited. consult to prevent infinite recursion *)
cur_inhabiting : TypSet.t;
pc : Sil.location;
pc : Location.t;
harness_name : Procname.t }
(** add an instruction to the env, update tmp_vars, and bump the pc *)
let env_add_instr instr tmp_vars env =
let incr_pc pc = { pc with Sil.line = pc.Sil.line + 1 } in
let incr_pc pc = { pc with Location.line = pc.Location.line + 1 } in
{ env with instrs = instr :: env.instrs; tmp_vars = tmp_vars @ env.tmp_vars; pc = incr_pc env.pc }
(** call flags for an allocation or call to a constructor *)
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ let write_harness_to_file harness_instrs harness_file =
(** add the harness proc to the cg and make sure its callees can be looked up by sym execution *)
let add_harness_to_cg harness_name harness_cfg harness_node loc cg tenv =
Cg.add_node cg harness_name;
let create_dummy_procdesc procname =
let create_dummy_procdesc proc_name =
(* convert a java type string to a type *)
let rec lookup_typ typ_str = match typ_str with
| "" | "void" -> Sil.Tvoid
@ -274,33 +274,34 @@ let add_harness_to_cg harness_name harness_cfg harness_node loc cg tenv =
match Sil.get_typ (Mangled.from_string typ_str) None tenv with
| Some typ -> typ
| None -> failwith ("Failed to look up typ " ^ typ_str) in
let return_typ = lookup_typ (Procname.java_get_return_type procname) in
let params =
let param_strs = Procname.java_get_parameters procname in
let ret_type = lookup_typ (Procname.java_get_return_type proc_name) in
let formals =
let param_strs = Procname.java_get_parameters proc_name in
list_fold_right (fun typ_str params -> ("", lookup_typ typ_str) :: params) param_strs [] in
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_defined = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.Java;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
} in
create {
cfg = harness_cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = return_typ;
formals = params;
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = loc;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
} in
list_iter (fun p ->
@ -334,26 +335,27 @@ let setup_harness_cfg harness_name harness_cfg env proc_file_map tenv =
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
formals = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = true;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.Java;
loc = env.pc;
locals = [];
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
proc_name = harness_name;
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
} in
create {
cfg = harness_cfg;
name = harness_name;
is_defined = true;
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
formals = [];
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = env.pc;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
} in
let harness_node =
(* important to reverse the list or there will be scoping issues! *)
@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ let inhabit_trace trace cb_flds harness_name proc_file_map tenv = if list_length
let harness_cfg = Cfg.Node.create_cfg () in
let harness_file = create_dummy_harness_file harness_name harness_cfg tenv in
let empty_env =
let pc = { Sil.line = 1; col = 1; file = harness_file; nLOC = 0; } in
let pc = { Location.line = 1; col = 1; file = harness_file; nLOC = 0; } in
{ instrs = [];
tmp_vars = [];
cache = TypMap.empty;

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ let () =
let init_global_state source_file =
Sil.curr_language := Sil.Java;
Config.curr_language := Config.Java;
DB.current_source := source_file;
DB.Results_dir.init ();
Ident.reset_name_generator ();
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ let do_all_files classpath sources classes =
let program = JClasspath.load_program classpath classes sources in
let tenv = load_tenv program in
let linereader = Printer.LineReader.create () in
let never_null_matcher = Inferconfig.NeverReturnNull.load_matcher Sil.Java in
let never_null_matcher = Inferconfig.NeverReturnNull.load_matcher Config.Java in
let proc_file_map =
(do_source_file never_null_matcher linereader classes program tenv)

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ type invoke_kind =
exception Frontend_error of string
let constr_loc_map : Sil.location JBasics.ClassMap.t ref = ref JBasics.ClassMap.empty
let constr_loc_map : Location.t JBasics.ClassMap.t ref = ref JBasics.ClassMap.empty
let init_loc_map : Sil.location JBasics.ClassMap.t ref = ref JBasics.ClassMap.empty
let init_loc_map : Location.t JBasics.ClassMap.t ref = ref JBasics.ClassMap.empty
(** Fix the line associated to a method definition.
Since Sawja often reports a method off by a few lines, we search
@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ let fix_method_definition_line linereader proc_name loc =
else Procname.java_get_method proc_name in
let regex = Str.regexp (Str.quote method_name) in
let method_is_defined_here linenum =
match Printer.LineReader.from_file_linenum_original linereader loc.Sil.file linenum with
match Printer.LineReader.from_file_linenum_original linereader loc.Location.file linenum with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some line ->
(try ignore (Str.search_forward regex line 0); true
with Not_found -> false) in
let line = ref loc.Sil.line in
let line = ref loc.Location.line in
while not (method_is_defined_here !line) do
line := !line -1;
if !line < 0 then raise Not_found
{ loc with Sil.line = !line }
{ loc with Location.line = !line }
with Not_found -> loc
let get_location impl pc meth_kind cn =
if meth_kind = JContext.Init then
JBasics.ClassMap.find cn !init_loc_map
with Not_found -> Sil.dummy_location
with Not_found -> Location.dummy
let line_number =
let ln =
@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ let get_location impl pc meth_kind cn =
match ln with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n in
{ Sil.line = line_number; Sil.col = -1; Sil.file = !DB.current_source; Sil.nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
{ Location.line = line_number;
col = -1;
file = !DB.current_source;
nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
let get_undefined_method_call ovt =
let get_undefined_method ovt =
@ -270,7 +273,7 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
meth_kind = JContext.Init &&
not (JTransStaticField.has_static_final_fields node))
let procname = JTransType.get_method_procname cn ms (JTransType.get_method_kind m) in
let proc_name = JTransType.get_method_procname cn ms (JTransType.get_method_kind m) in
let create_new_procdesc () =
let trans_access = function
| `Default -> Sil.Default
@ -287,31 +290,32 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = trans_access am.Javalib.am_access;
Sil.exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name am.Javalib.am_exceptions;
Sil.is_abstract = true;
Sil.is_bridge_method = am.Javalib.am_bridge;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = am.Javalib.am_synthetic;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = method_annotation;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name am.Javalib.am_exceptions;
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = true;
is_bridge_method = am.Javalib.am_bridge;
is_defined = true;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = am.Javalib.am_synthetic;
language = Config.Java;
loc = Location.dummy;
locals = [];
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = true;
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
formals = formals;
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = Sil.dummy_location;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes
} in
let start_kind = Cfg.Node.Start_node procdesc in
let start_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg Sil.dummy_location start_kind [] procdesc [] in
let start_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg Location.dummy start_kind [] procdesc [] in
let exit_kind = (Cfg.Node.Exit_node procdesc) in
let exit_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg Sil.dummy_location exit_kind [] procdesc [] in
let exit_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg Location.dummy exit_kind [] procdesc [] in
Cfg.Node.set_succs_exn start_node [exit_node] [exit_node];
Cfg.Procdesc.set_start_node procdesc start_node;
Cfg.Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node
@ -323,25 +327,26 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = trans_access cm.Javalib.cm_access;
Sil.exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions;
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = cm.Javalib.cm_bridge;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = method_annotation;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions;
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = cm.Javalib.cm_bridge;
is_defined = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic;
language = Config.Java;
loc = Location.dummy;
locals = [];
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
formals = formals;
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = Sil.dummy_location;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
} in
@ -350,7 +355,7 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
let locals, formals = locals_formals program tenv cn impl meth_kind in
let loc_start =
let loc = (get_location impl 0 JContext.Normal cn) in
fix_method_definition_line linereader procname loc in
fix_method_definition_line linereader proc_name loc in
let loc_exit = (get_location impl (Array.length (JBir.code impl) - 1) JContext.Normal cn) in
let method_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_method cm.Javalib.cm_annotations in
update_constr_loc cn ms loc_start;
@ -360,25 +365,26 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = trans_access cm.Javalib.cm_access;
Sil.exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions;
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = cm.Javalib.cm_bridge;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = method_annotation;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = list_map JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions;
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = cm.Javalib.cm_bridge;
is_defined = true;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic;
language = Config.Java;
loc = loc_start;
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = true;
ret_type = JTransType.return_type program tenv ms meth_kind;
formals = formals;
locals = locals;
captured = [];
loc = loc_start;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
} in
let start_kind = Cfg.Node.Start_node procdesc in
@ -387,13 +393,13 @@ let create_local_procdesc program linereader cfg tenv node m =
let exit_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg loc_exit exit_kind [] procdesc [] in
let exn_kind = Cfg.Node.exn_sink_kind in
let exn_node = Cfg.Node.create cfg loc_exit exn_kind [] procdesc [] in
JContext.add_exn_node procname exn_node;
JContext.add_exn_node proc_name exn_node;
Cfg.Procdesc.set_start_node procdesc start_node;
Cfg.Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node;
Cfg.Node.add_locals_ret_declaration start_node locals;
with JBir.Subroutine ->
L.err "create_local_procdesc raised JBir.Subroutine on %a@." Procname.pp procname in
match lookup_procdesc cfg procname with
L.err "create_local_procdesc raised JBir.Subroutine on %a@." Procname.pp proc_name in
match lookup_procdesc cfg proc_name with
| Unknown -> create_new_procdesc ()
| Created defined_status ->
@ -410,31 +416,32 @@ let create_external_procdesc program cfg tenv cn ms method_annotation kind =
| None -> Sil.Tvoid
| Some vt -> JTransType.value_type program tenv vt in
let formals = formals_from_signature program tenv cn ms kind in
let procname = JTransType.get_method_procname cn ms kind in
let proc_name = JTransType.get_method_procname cn ms kind in
ignore (
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.Java;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = method_annotation;
Sil.is_generated = false;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = false;
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Config.Java;
loc = Location.dummy;
locals = [];
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
ret_type = return_type;
} in
create {
cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = return_type;
formals = formals;
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = Sil.dummy_location;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
@ -848,7 +855,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
cfg (get_location (JContext.get_impl context) pc meth_kind cn) node_kind sil_instrs (JContext.get_procdesc context) temps in
let return_not_null () =
(match_never_null loc.Sil.file proc_name
(match_never_null loc.Location.file proc_name
|| list_exists (fun p -> Procname.equal p proc_name) JTransType.never_returning_null) in
match instr with

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let translate_exceptions context exit_nodes get_body_nodes handler_table =
let catch_nodes = get_body_nodes handler.JBir.e_handler in
let loc = match catch_nodes with
| n:: _ -> Cfg.Node.get_loc n
| [] -> Sil.dummy_location in
| [] -> Location.dummy in
let exn_type =
let class_name =
match handler.JBir.e_catch_type with
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ let translate_exceptions context exit_nodes get_body_nodes handler_table =
let nodes_first_handler = List.fold_left process_handler exit_nodes (List.rev handler_list) in
let loc = match nodes_first_handler with
| n:: _ -> Cfg.Node.get_loc n
| [] -> Sil.dummy_location in
| [] -> Location.dummy in
let entry_node = create_entry_node loc in
Cfg.Node.set_succs_exn entry_node nodes_first_handler exit_nodes;
Hashtbl.add catch_block_table handler_list [entry_node] in

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ val is_static_final_field : JContext.t -> JBasics.class_name -> JBasics.field_si
val has_static_final_fields : JCode.jcode Javalib.interface_or_class -> bool
val translate_instr_static_field : JContext.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> JBasics.field_signature -> Sil.typ ->
Sil.location -> Ident.t list * Sil.instr list * Sil.exp
Location.t -> Ident.t list * Sil.instr list * Sil.exp
val static_field_init : JCode.jcode Javalib.interface_or_class -> JBasics.class_name -> JBir.instr array -> JBir.instr array

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open Utils
let arg_desc =
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ let print_usage_exit () =
let init_global_state source_filename =
Sil.curr_language := Sil.C_CPP;
Config.curr_language := Config.C_CPP;
begin match !Config.project_root with
| None -> DB.current_source := DB.abs_source_file_from_path source_filename
| Some project_root ->

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ exception ImproperTypeError of string
exception MalformedMetadata of string
exception Unimplemented of string
let source_only_location () : Sil.location =
let open Sil in { line = -1; col = -1; file = !DB.current_source; nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
let source_only_location () : Location.t =
let open Location in { line = -1; col = -1; file = !DB.current_source; nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
let ident_of_variable (var : LAst.variable) : Ident.t = (* TODO: use unique stamps *)
Ident.create_normal (Ident.string_to_name (LAst.string_of_variable var)) 0
@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ let rec trans_typ : LAst.typ -> Sil.typ = function
| Tmetadata -> raise (ImproperTypeError "Tried to generate Sil type from LLVM metadata type.")
let location_of_annotation_option (metadata : LAst.metadata_map)
: LAst.annotation option -> Sil.location = function
: LAst.annotation option -> Location.t = function
| None -> source_only_location () (* no source line/column numbers *)
| Some (Annotation i) ->
begin match MetadataMap.find i metadata with
| Components (TypOperand (_, Const (Cint line_num)) :: _) ->
let open Sil in
let open Location in
{ line = line_num; col = -1; file = !DB.current_source; nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
| Location loc ->
let open Sil in
let open Location in
{ line = loc.line; col = loc.col; file = !DB.current_source; nLOC = !Config.nLOC }
| _ -> raise (MalformedMetadata ("Instruction annotation refers to metadata node " ^
"without line number as first component."))
@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ let rec trans_annotated_instructions
| _ -> raise (ImproperTypeError "Not expecting alloca instruction to a numbered variable.")
| Call (ret_var, func_var, typed_args) ->
let new_sil_instr = Sil.Call ([ident_of_variable ret_var],
let new_sil_instr = Sil.Call (
[ident_of_variable ret_var],
Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun (procname_of_function_variable func_var)),
list_map (fun (tp, arg) -> (trans_operand arg, trans_typ tp)) typed_args,
location, Sil.cf_default) in
@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ let callees_of_function_def : LAst.function_def -> Procname.t list = function
| Call (_, func_var, _) -> Some (procname_of_function_variable func_var)
| _ -> None
end in
list_flatten_options (list_map
list_flatten_options (
(fun annotated_instr -> callee_of_instruction (fst annotated_instr))
@ -113,33 +115,36 @@ let callees_of_function_def : LAst.function_def -> Procname.t list = function
let trans_function_def (cfg : Cfg.cfg) (cg: Cg.t) (metadata : LAst.metadata_map)
(func_def : LAst.function_def) : unit = match func_def with
FunctionDef (func_name, ret_tp_opt, params, annotated_instrs) ->
let procname = procname_of_function_variable func_name in
let proc_name = procname_of_function_variable func_name in
let ret_type =
match ret_tp_opt with
| None -> Sil.Tvoid
| Some ret_tp -> trans_typ ret_tp in
let (proc_attrs : Sil.proc_attributes) =
let open Sil in
{ access = Sil.Default;
captured = [];
exceptions = [];
formals = list_map (fun (tp, name) -> (name, trans_typ tp)) params;
func_attributes = [];
is_abstract = false;
is_bridge_method = false;
is_defined = true; (** is defined and not just declared *)
is_generated = false;
is_objc_instance_method = false;
is_synthetic_method = false;
language = Sil.C_CPP;
func_attributes = [];
language = Config.C_CPP;
loc = source_only_location ();
locals = []; (* TODO *)
method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
is_generated = false
proc_flags = proc_flags_empty ();
} in
let (procdesc_builder : Cfg.Procdesc.proc_desc_builder) =
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
{ cfg = cfg;
name = procname;
is_defined = true; (** is defined and not just declared *)
proc_attributes = proc_attrs;
ret_type = (match ret_tp_opt with
| None -> Sil.Tvoid
| Some ret_tp -> trans_typ ret_tp);
formals = list_map (fun (tp, name) -> (name, trans_typ tp)) params;
locals = []; (* TODO *)
captured = [];
loc = source_only_location ()
} in
let procdesc = Cfg.Procdesc.create procdesc_builder in
let start_kind = Cfg.Node.Start_node procdesc in
@ -159,8 +164,8 @@ let trans_function_def (cfg : Cfg.cfg) (cg: Cg.t) (metadata : LAst.metadata_map)
Cfg.Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node;
link_nodes start_node nodes;
Cfg.Node.add_locals_ret_declaration start_node locals;
Cg.add_node cg procname;
list_iter (Cg.add_edge cg procname) (callees_of_function_def func_def)
Cg.add_node cg proc_name;
list_iter (Cg.add_edge cg proc_name) (callees_of_function_def func_def)
let trans_program : LAst.program -> Cfg.cfg * Cg.t * Sil.tenv = function
Program (func_defs, metadata) ->
