@ -6,28 +6,30 @@
open! IStd
open! IStd
open AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module F = Format
module ConfigName = FbGKInteraction.ConfigName
module ConfigName = FbGKInteraction.ConfigName
module ConfigLifted = AbstractDomain.Flat (ConfigName)
module ConfigTopLifted = struct
module Marker = struct
type t = ConfigName.t top_lifted
type t = MarkerId of IntLit.t | MarkerName of {marker_class: Pvar.t; marker_name: Fieldname.t}
[@@deriving compare]
let pp = AbstractDomain.TopLiftedUtils.pp ~pp:ConfigName.pp
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let leq = AbstractDomain.TopLiftedUtils.leq ~leq:(fun ~lhs ~rhs -> ConfigName.equal lhs rhs)
let pp f = function
| MarkerId i ->
IntLit.pp f i
| MarkerName {marker_name} ->
Fieldname.pp f marker_name
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| Top, _ | _, Top ->
| NonTop x', NonTop y' ->
if ConfigName.equal x' y' then x else Top
let of_int_lit i = MarkerId i
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let of_name marker_class marker_name = MarkerName {marker_class; marker_name}
module MarkerLifted = AbstractDomain.Flat (Marker)
module ConfigWithLocation = struct
module ConfigWithLocation = struct
type t = ConfigName.t * Location.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = ConfigName.t * Location.t [@@deriving compare]
@ -44,15 +46,34 @@ module Loc = struct
let of_pvar pvar = Pvar pvar
let of_pvar pvar = Pvar pvar
module Val = struct
(* NOTE: Instead of syntactically distinguishing config and marker variables with heuristics, we
evalute the values for both of them if possible. Later, one value of them should be actually
used in analyzing config checking or marker start/end statments. *)
include AbstractDomain.Pair (ConfigLifted) (MarkerLifted)
let is_bottom (config, marker) = ConfigLifted.is_bottom config && MarkerLifted.is_bottom marker
let get_config_opt (config, _) = ConfigLifted.get config
let get_marker_opt (_, marker) = MarkerLifted.get marker
module Mem = struct
module Mem = struct
include AbstractDomain.Map (Loc) (ConfigTopLifted)
include AbstractDomain.Map (Loc) (Val)
let add l v mem = if Val.is_bottom v then mem else add l v mem
let get_config_opt l mem = Option.bind (find_opt l mem) ~f:Val.get_config_opt
let get_marker_opt l mem = Option.bind (find_opt l mem) ~f:Val.get_marker_opt
let copy ~to_ ~from mem =
let copy ~to_ ~from mem =
Option.value_map (find_opt from mem) ~default:mem ~f:(fun config -> add to_ config mem)
Option.value_map (find_opt from mem) ~default:mem ~f:(fun config -> add to_ config mem)
module Trace = struct
module Trace = struct
type elem = MarkerStart of IntLit.t | ConfigCheck of ConfigName.t
type elem = MarkerStart of Marker.t | ConfigCheck of ConfigName.t
type t =
type t =
| Empty
| Empty
@ -60,8 +81,8 @@ module Trace = struct
| Call of {callee: Procname.t; location: Location.t; from: t; callee_trace: t}
| Call of {callee: Procname.t; location: Location.t; from: t; callee_trace: t}
let pp_elem f = function
let pp_elem f = function
| MarkerStart i ->
| MarkerStart marker ->
F.fprintf f "MarkerStart(%a)" IntLit.pp i
F.fprintf f "MarkerStart(%a)" Marker.pp marker
| ConfigCheck config ->
| ConfigCheck config ->
F.fprintf f "ConfigCheck(%a)" ConfigName.pp config
F.fprintf f "ConfigCheck(%a)" ConfigName.pp config
@ -82,7 +103,7 @@ module Trace = struct
let make_desc = function
let make_desc = function
| MarkerStart marker ->
| MarkerStart marker ->
F.asprintf "Marker %a start" IntLit.pp marker
F.asprintf "Marker %a start" Marker.pp marker
| ConfigCheck gk_switch ->
| ConfigCheck gk_switch ->
F.asprintf "Config %a is checked" ConfigName.pp gk_switch
F.asprintf "Config %a is checked" ConfigName.pp gk_switch
@ -132,7 +153,7 @@ module TraceWithReported = struct
module MarkerSet = struct
module MarkerSet = struct
include AbstractDomain.Map (IntLit) (TraceWithReported)
include AbstractDomain.Map (Marker) (TraceWithReported)
let pp f x =
let pp f x =
if is_empty x then F.pp_print_string f "{ }"
if is_empty x then F.pp_print_string f "{ }"
@ -142,7 +163,7 @@ module MarkerSet = struct
(fun marker _trace ->
(fun marker _trace ->
if !is_first then is_first := false else F.fprintf f ",@ " ;
if !is_first then is_first := false else F.fprintf f ",@ " ;
IntLit.pp f marker )
Marker.pp f marker )
x ;
x ;
F.fprintf f " }@]" )
F.fprintf f " }@]" )
@ -180,7 +201,7 @@ module MarkerSet = struct
if reported then trace_reported
if reported then trace_reported
let desc =
let desc =
F.asprintf "Config %a is checked inside marker %a" ConfigName.pp config IntLit.pp marker
F.asprintf "Config %a is checked inside marker %a" ConfigName.pp config Marker.pp marker
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:location ~ltr:(Trace.make_err_trace trace)
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:location ~ltr:(Trace.make_err_trace trace)
ConfigChecksBetweenMarkers IssueType.config_checks_between_markers desc ;
ConfigChecksBetweenMarkers IssueType.config_checks_between_markers desc ;
@ -189,7 +210,7 @@ module MarkerSet = struct
mapi report_on_marker markers
mapi report_on_marker markers
module InvMarkerSet = AbstractDomain.InvertedSet (IntLit)
module InvMarkerSet = AbstractDomain.InvertedSet (Marker)
module Context = struct
module Context = struct
(** We use opposite orders in collecting the sets of started and ended markers. This is because we
(** We use opposite orders in collecting the sets of started and ended markers. This is because we
@ -315,8 +336,12 @@ module Dom = struct
&& ConfigChecks.leq ~lhs:lhs.config_checks ~rhs:rhs.config_checks
&& ConfigChecks.leq ~lhs:lhs.config_checks ~rhs:rhs.config_checks
let load_constant id config marker ({mem} as astate) =
{astate with mem= Mem.add id (config, marker) mem}
let load_constant_config id config ({mem} as astate) =
let load_constant_config id config ({mem} as astate) =
{astate with mem= Mem.add id (NonTop config) mem}
{astate with mem= Mem.add id (config, MarkerLifted.bottom) mem}
let mem_copy ~to_ ~from ({mem} as astate) = {astate with mem= Mem.copy ~to_ ~from mem}
let mem_copy ~to_ ~from ({mem} as astate) = {astate with mem= Mem.copy ~to_ ~from mem}
@ -329,27 +354,46 @@ module Dom = struct
{astate with context= Context.call_marker_start marker location context}
{astate with context= Context.call_marker_start marker location context}
let call_marker_start_id id location ({mem} as astate) =
Mem.get_marker_opt (Loc.of_id id) mem
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun marker -> call_marker_start marker location astate)
let call_marker_end marker ({context} as astate) =
let call_marker_end marker ({context} as astate) =
{astate with context= Context.call_marker_end marker context}
{astate with context= Context.call_marker_end marker context}
let call_config_check analysis_data id location ({mem; context; config_checks} as astate) =
let call_marker_end_id id ({mem} as astate) =
match Mem.find_opt (Loc.of_id id) mem with
Mem.get_marker_opt (Loc.of_id id) mem
| Some (NonTop config) ->
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun marker -> call_marker_end marker astate)
let trace_elem = Trace.config_check config in
let context = Context.call_config_check trace_elem location context in
let context =
let call_config_check analysis_data e location ({mem; context; config_checks} as astate) =
{ context with
let astate' =
started_markers= MarkerSet.report analysis_data config location context.started_markers
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* loc =
match (e : Exp.t) with
let context_with_trace =
| Var id ->
{ContextWithTrace.context; trace= Trace.singleton trace_elem location}
Some (Loc.of_id id)
| Lvar pvar ->
{ astate with
Some (Loc.of_pvar pvar)
config_checks= ConfigChecks.weak_add config context_with_trace location config_checks }
| _ ->
| _ ->
let+ config = Mem.get_config_opt loc mem in
let trace_elem = Trace.config_check config in
let context = Context.call_config_check trace_elem location context in
let context =
{ context with
started_markers= MarkerSet.report analysis_data config location context.started_markers }
let context_with_trace =
{ContextWithTrace.context; trace= Trace.singleton trace_elem location}
{ astate with
config_checks= ConfigChecks.weak_add config context_with_trace location config_checks }
Option.value astate' ~default:astate
let instantiate_callee analysis_data ~callee
let instantiate_callee analysis_data ~callee
@ -391,24 +435,41 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
let exec_instr astate ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; analyze_dependency} as analysis_data) _node
let exec_instr astate ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; analyze_dependency} as analysis_data) _node
instr =
instr =
match (instr : Sil.instr) with
match (instr : Sil.instr) with
| Load {id; e} -> (
| Load {id; e= Lvar pvar} ->
match FbGKInteraction.get_config e with
Dom.load_config id pvar astate
| Some config ->
| Load {id; e} ->
Dom.load_constant_config (Loc.of_id id) config astate
let config =
| None -> (
Option.value_map (FbGKInteraction.get_config e) ~default:ConfigLifted.bottom
match e with Lvar pvar -> Dom.load_config id pvar astate | _ -> astate ) )
let marker =
Option.value_map (FbGKInteraction.get_marker e) ~default:MarkerLifted.bottom
~f:(fun (marker_class, marker_name) ->
Marker.of_name marker_class marker_name |> MarkerLifted.v )
Dom.load_constant (Loc.of_id id) config marker astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), (Lvar pvar, _) :: (e, _) :: _, _, _)
when FbGKInteraction.is_config_load callee ->
Option.value_map (FbGKInteraction.get_config e) ~default:astate ~f:(fun config ->
Dom.load_constant_config (Loc.of_pvar pvar) (ConfigLifted.v config) astate )
| Store {e1= Lvar pvar; e2= Exp.Var id} ->
| Store {e1= Lvar pvar; e2= Exp.Var id} ->
Dom.store_config pvar id astate
Dom.store_config pvar id astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), _ :: (Const (Cint marker), _) :: _, location, _)
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), _ :: (Const (Cint marker), _) :: _, location, _)
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_start tenv callee ->
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_start_java tenv callee ->
Dom.call_marker_start marker location astate
Dom.call_marker_start (Marker.of_int_lit marker) location astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), _ :: (Const (Cint marker), _) :: _, _, _)
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), _ :: (Const (Cint marker), _) :: _, _, _)
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_end tenv callee ->
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_end_java tenv callee ->
Dom.call_marker_end marker astate
Dom.call_marker_end (Marker.of_int_lit marker) astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), (Var id, _) :: _, location, _)
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_start_objc callee ->
Dom.call_marker_start_id id location astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), (Var id, _) :: _, _, _)
when FbGKInteraction.is_marker_end_objc callee ->
Dom.call_marker_end_id id astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), args, location, _) -> (
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), args, location, _) -> (
match FbGKInteraction.get_config_check tenv callee args with
match FbGKInteraction.get_config_check tenv callee args with
| Some id ->
| Some e ->
Dom.call_config_check analysis_data id location astate
Dom.call_config_check analysis_data e location astate
| None ->
| None ->
Option.value_map (analyze_dependency callee) ~default:astate
Option.value_map (analyze_dependency callee) ~default:astate
~f:(fun (_, callee_summary) ->
~f:(fun (_, callee_summary) ->