@ -329,38 +329,31 @@ end
module OwnershipDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . Map ( AccessPath ) ( OwnershipAbstractValue )
(* Helper function used by both is_owned and get_owned. Not exported. *)
let get_owned_shallow access_path astate =
try find access_path astate with Caml . Not_found -> OwnershipAbstractValue . Unowned
(* return the first non-Unowned ownership value found when checking progressively shorter
prefixes of [ access_path ] * )
let rec get_owned access_path astate =
let keep_looking access_path astate =
match AccessPath . truncate access_path with
| access_path' , Some _ ->
get_owned access_path' astate
| _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . Unowned
match find access_path astate with
| ( OwnershipAbstractValue . Owned | OwnedIf _ ) as v ->
| OwnershipAbstractValue . Unowned ->
keep_looking access_path astate
| exception Caml . Not_found ->
keep_looking access_path astate
(* deep ownership model where only a prefix needs to be owned in the astate *)
let is_owned ( base , accesses ) astate =
let is_owned_shallow access_path astate =
match get_owned_shallow access_path astate with
let is_owned access_path astate =
match get_owned access_path astate with
| OwnershipAbstractValue . Owned ->
| _ ->
| OwnershipAbstractValue . OwnedIf _ | Unowned ->
let rec helper = function
| prefix , _ when is_owned_shallow ( base , prefix ) astate ->
| _ , [] ->
| prefix , hd :: tl ->
helper ( List . append prefix [ hd ] , tl )
helper ( [] , accesses )
returns Owned if any prefix is owned on any prefix , else OwnedIf if it is
OwnedIf in the astate , else UnOwned
* )
let get_owned access_path astate =
if is_owned access_path astate then OwnershipAbstractValue . Owned
else try find access_path astate with Caml . Not_found -> OwnershipAbstractValue . Unowned
let find = ` Use_get_owned_instead