[log] add mem usage statistics

Log stats obtained via `Gc.stat ()` for various phases:
- capture (doesn't include child infer processes created by the build
- analysis
- worker processes of the analysis, aggregated
- reporting phase
- total GC stats for the main infer process

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D22140131

fbshipit-source-id: b0ee39559
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5df13f69e7
commit 727cc8ce6d

@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ include struct
; mutable proc_locker_unlock_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable restart_scheduler_useful_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable restart_scheduler_total_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable scheduler_process_analysis_time: ExecutionDuration.t }
(* - scheduler_process_analysis_time.wall counts the wall time of the analysis
- scheduler_process_analysis_time.(user|sys) counts the (user|sys) time
only of the scheduler_process
; mutable scheduler_process_analysis_time: ExecutionDuration.t
(** - [scheduler_process_analysis_time.wall] counts the wall time of the analysis phase
- [scheduler_process_analysis_time.(user|sys)] counts the [(user|sys)] time only of
the scheduler_process *)
; mutable gc_stats: GCStats.t option }
[@@deriving fields]
@ -45,7 +44,8 @@ let global_stats =
; proc_locker_unlock_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; restart_scheduler_useful_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; restart_scheduler_total_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero }
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; gc_stats= None }
let get () = global_stats
@ -109,13 +109,15 @@ let copy from ~into : unit =
; proc_locker_unlock_time
; restart_scheduler_useful_time
; restart_scheduler_total_time
; scheduler_process_analysis_time } =
; scheduler_process_analysis_time
; gc_stats } =
Fields.Direct.set_all_mutable_fields into ~summary_file_try_load ~summary_read_from_disk
~summary_cache_hits ~summary_cache_misses ~ondemand_procs_analyzed ~ondemand_local_cache_hits
~ondemand_local_cache_misses ~proc_locker_lock_time ~proc_locker_unlock_time
~restart_scheduler_useful_time ~restart_scheduler_total_time ~scheduler_process_analysis_time
let merge stats1 stats2 =
@ -136,7 +138,8 @@ let merge stats1 stats2 =
; restart_scheduler_total_time=
ExecutionDuration.add stats1.restart_scheduler_total_time stats2.restart_scheduler_total_time
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero }
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; gc_stats= Option.merge stats1.gc_stats stats2.gc_stats ~f:GCStats.merge }
let initial =
@ -151,12 +154,21 @@ let initial =
; proc_locker_unlock_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; restart_scheduler_useful_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; restart_scheduler_total_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero }
; scheduler_process_analysis_time= ExecutionDuration.zero
; gc_stats= None }
let reset () =
copy initial ~into:global_stats ;
global_stats.gc_stats <- Some (GCStats.get ~since:ProgramStart)
let reset () = copy initial ~into:global_stats
let pp f stats =
let pp_field pp_value stats f field =
let field_value = Field.get field stats in
let field_name = Field.name field in
F.fprintf f "%s = %a@;" field_name pp_value field_value
let pp_hit_percent hit miss f =
let total = hit + miss in
if Int.equal total 0 then F.pp_print_string f "N/A%%" else F.fprintf f "%d%%" (hit * 100 / total)
@ -186,6 +198,7 @@ let pp f stats =
~restart_scheduler_useful_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~restart_scheduler_total_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~scheduler_process_analysis_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~gc_stats:(pp_field (Pp.option GCStats.pp) stats f)
F.fprintf f "@[Backend stats:@\n@[<v2> %t@]@]@." (pp_stats stats)
@ -207,6 +220,9 @@ let log_to_scuba stats =
~label:("backend_stats." ^ Field.name field ^ "_wall")
~duration_ms:(ExecutionDuration.wall_time field_value |> secs_to_ms) ]
let create_scuba_option scuba_creator field =
match Field.get field stats with None -> [] | Some value -> scuba_creator value
let entries =
Fields.to_list ~summary_file_try_load:create_counter ~summary_read_from_disk:create_counter
~summary_cache_hits:create_counter ~summary_cache_misses:create_counter
@ -215,6 +231,7 @@ let log_to_scuba stats =
~proc_locker_unlock_time:create_time_entry ~restart_scheduler_useful_time:create_time_entry
~gc_stats:(create_scuba_option (GCStats.to_scuba_entries ~prefix:"backend"))
|> List.concat
ScubaLogging.log_many entries

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Gc = Caml.Gc
(** a subset of {!Gc.stat} that can be aggregated across multiple processes *)
type t =
{ minor_words: float
; promoted_words: float
; major_words: float
; minor_collections: int
; major_collections: int
; compactions: int
; max_top_heap_words: int (** like [Gc.top_heap_words], aggregated with [max] *)
; added_top_heap_words: int (** like [Gc.top_heap_words], aggregated with [(+)] *) }
type since = ProgramStart | PreviousStats of t
let get ~since =
let stats = Gc.stat () in
match since with
| ProgramStart ->
{ minor_words= stats.minor_words
; promoted_words= stats.promoted_words
; major_words= stats.major_words
; minor_collections= stats.minor_collections
; major_collections= stats.major_collections
; compactions= stats.compactions
; max_top_heap_words= stats.top_heap_words
; added_top_heap_words= stats.top_heap_words }
| PreviousStats stats_prev ->
(* [top_heap_words] is going to be inaccurate if it was reached in the previous time period *)
{ minor_words= stats.minor_words -. stats_prev.minor_words
; promoted_words= stats.promoted_words -. stats_prev.promoted_words
; major_words= stats.major_words -. stats_prev.major_words
; minor_collections= stats.minor_collections - stats_prev.minor_collections
; major_collections= stats.major_collections - stats_prev.major_collections
; compactions= stats.compactions - stats_prev.compactions
; max_top_heap_words= stats.top_heap_words
; added_top_heap_words= stats.top_heap_words }
let merge stats1 stats2 =
{ minor_words= stats1.minor_words +. stats2.minor_words
; promoted_words= stats1.promoted_words +. stats2.promoted_words
; major_words= stats1.major_words +. stats2.major_words
; minor_collections= stats1.minor_collections + stats2.minor_collections
; major_collections= stats1.major_collections + stats2.major_collections
; compactions= stats1.compactions + stats2.compactions
; max_top_heap_words= max stats1.max_top_heap_words stats2.max_top_heap_words
; added_top_heap_words= stats1.added_top_heap_words + stats2.added_top_heap_words }
let pp f
({ minor_words
; promoted_words
; major_words
; minor_collections
; major_collections
; compactions
; max_top_heap_words
; added_top_heap_words }[@warning "+9"]) =
F.fprintf f
"@[<v2> minor_words: %g@;\
promoted_words: %g@;\
major_words: %g@;\
minor_collections: %d@;\
major_collections: %d@;\
compactions: %d@;\
max top_heap_words: %d@;\
cumulative top_heap_words: %d@;\
minor_words promoted_words major_words minor_collections major_collections compactions
max_top_heap_words added_top_heap_words
let to_scuba_entries ~prefix (stats : t) =
let create_counter field value =
LogEntry.mk_count ~label:(Printf.sprintf "%s_gc_stats.%s" prefix field) ~value
[ create_counter "minor_words" (Float.to_int stats.minor_words)
; create_counter "promoted_words" (Float.to_int stats.promoted_words)
; create_counter "major_words" (Float.to_int stats.major_words)
; create_counter "minor_collections" stats.minor_collections
; create_counter "major_collections" stats.major_collections
; create_counter "compactions" stats.compactions
; create_counter "max_top_heap_words" stats.max_top_heap_words
; create_counter "added_top_heap_words" stats.added_top_heap_words ]
let log_to_scuba ~prefix stats = ScubaLogging.log_many (to_scuba_entries ~prefix stats)
let log ~name debug_kind stats =
L.debug debug_kind Quiet "@[GC stats for %s:@\n%a@]@." name pp stats ;
log_to_scuba ~prefix:name stats
let log_f ~name debug_kind f =
let stats_before_f = get ~since:ProgramStart in
let r = f () in
let stats_f = get ~since:(PreviousStats stats_before_f) in
log ~name debug_kind stats_f ;

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val log : name:string -> L.debug_kind -> t -> unit
(** log to infer's log file and to Scuba *)
val log_f : name:string -> L.debug_kind -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
(** log GC stats for the duration of the function passed as argument to infer's log file and to
Scuba *)
type since =
| ProgramStart (** get GC stats from the beginning of the program *)
| PreviousStats of t
(** get GC stats relative to another point in time where GC stats were obtained with
[get ~since:ProgramStart] *)
val get : since:since -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t
(** combine statistics from two processes *)
val to_scuba_entries : prefix:string -> t -> LogEntry.t list

@ -169,16 +169,18 @@ let capture ~changed_files = function
(* shadowed for tracing *)
let capture ~changed_files mode =
GCStats.log_f ~name:"capture" Capture
@@ fun () ->
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "capture"
@@ fun () ->
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"capture" ())) ;
capture ~changed_files mode ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
let capture ~changed_files mode =
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "capture" (fun () -> capture ~changed_files mode)
let execute_analyze ~changed_files =
GCStats.log_f ~name:"analysis_scheduler" Analysis
@@ fun () ->
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"analyze" ())) ;
InferAnalyze.main ~changed_files ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
@ -208,6 +210,8 @@ let report ?(suppress_console = false) () =
(* shadowed for tracing *)
let report ?suppress_console () =
GCStats.log_f ~name:"report" Analysis
@@ fun () ->
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"report" ())) ;
report ?suppress_console () ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
@ -451,7 +455,10 @@ let run_epilogue () =
let run_epilogue () = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_epilogue" run_epilogue
let run_epilogue () =
GCStats.log ~name:"main_process_full" Analysis (GCStats.get ~since:ProgramStart) ;
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_epilogue" run_epilogue
let read_config_changed_files () =
match Config.changed_files_index with
