@ -89,28 +89,40 @@ let tenv_serializer : t Serialization.serializer =
let global_tenv : t option ref = ref None
let global_tenv : t option ref = ref None
(* * Load a type environment from a file *)
let tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file =
let load_from_file ( filename : DB . filename ) : t option =
DB . source_dir_get_internal_file ( DB . source_dir_from_source_file source_file ) " .tenv "
if DB . equal_filename filename DB . global_tenv_fname then (
if is_none ! global_tenv then
global_tenv := Serialization . read_from_file tenv_serializer DB . global_tenv_fname ;
! global_tenv )
else Serialization . read_from_file tenv_serializer filename
(* * Save a type environment into a file *)
let load source_file : t option =
let store_to_file ( filename : DB . filename ) ( tenv : t ) =
tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file | > Serialization . read_from_file tenv_serializer
(* update in-memory global tenv for later uses by this process, e.g. in single-core mode the
frontend and backend run in the same process * )
if DB . equal_filename filename DB . global_tenv_fname then global_tenv := Some tenv ;
let global_tenv_path = Config . ( captured_dir ^/ global_tenv_filename ) | > DB . filename_from_string
Serialization . write_to_file tenv_serializer filename ~ data : tenv ;
let load_global () : t option =
if is_none ! global_tenv then
global_tenv := Serialization . read_from_file tenv_serializer global_tenv_path ;
! global_tenv
let store_to_filename tenv tenv_filename =
Serialization . write_to_file tenv_serializer tenv_filename ~ data : tenv ;
if Config . debug_mode then
if Config . debug_mode then
let debug_filename = DB . filename_to_string ( DB . filename_add_suffix filename " .debug " ) in
let debug_filename = DB . filename_to_string ( DB . filename_add_suffix tenv_ filename " .debug " ) in
let out_channel = Out_channel . create debug_filename in
let out_channel = Out_channel . create debug_filename in
let fmt = Format . formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
let fmt = Format . formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
Format . fprintf fmt " %a " pp tenv ; Out_channel . close out_channel
Format . fprintf fmt " %a " pp tenv ; Out_channel . close out_channel
let store source_file tenv = tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file | > store_to_filename tenv
let store_global tenv =
(* update in-memory global tenv for later uses by this process, e.g. in single-core mode the
frontend and backend run in the same process * )
global_tenv := Some tenv ;
store_to_filename tenv global_tenv_path
exception Found of Typ . Name . t
exception Found of Typ . Name . t
let language_is tenv lang =
let language_is tenv lang =