@ -16,127 +16,112 @@ type t =
| Tuple of {elts: t vector; packed: bool}
| Tuple of {elts: t vector; packed: bool}
| Struct of
| Struct of
{ name: string
{ name: string
; elts: t vector [@compare.ignore] (* possibly cyclic, name unique *)
; elts: t vector (* possibly cyclic, name unique *)
[@compare.ignore] [@sexp_drop_if fun _ -> true]
; packed: bool }
; packed: bool }
| Opaque of {name: string}
| Opaque of {name: string}
| Bytes
[@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
[@@deriving compare, sexp]
let equal x y = compare x y = 0
let equal x y = compare x y = 0
let rec fmt ff typ =
let rec pp fs typ =
let pf pp =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs pp
match typ with
match typ with
| Function {return; args} ->
| Function {return; args} ->
Format.fprintf ff "@[%a@ (@[%a@])@]" (option_fmt "%a" fmt) return fmts
pf "%a@ (@[%a@])" (Option.pp "%a" pp) return pps args
| Integer {bits} -> pf "i%i" bits
| Integer {bits} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[i%i@]" bits
| Float {bits; enc} ->
| Float {bits; enc} ->
let fmt_enc ff = function
let enc_str =
| `IEEE -> ()
match enc with
| `Extended -> Format.pp_print_string ff "extend"
| `IEEE -> ""
| `Pair -> Format.pp_print_string ff "pair"
| `Extended -> "extend"
| `Pair -> "pair"
Format.fprintf ff "@[f%i%a@]" bits fmt_enc enc
pf "f%i%s" bits enc_str
| Pointer {elt} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[%a*@]" fmt elt
| Pointer {elt} -> pf "%a*" pp elt
| Array {elt; len} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[[%i x %a]@]" len fmt elt
| Array {elt; len} -> pf "[%i x %a]" len pp elt
| Tuple {elts; packed} ->
| Tuple {elts; packed} ->
let opn, cls = if packed then ("<{", "}>") else ("{", "}") in
let opn, cls = if packed then ("<{", "}>") else ("{", "}") in
Format.fprintf ff "@[%s @[%a@] %s@]" opn fmts elts cls
pf "%s @[%a@] %s" opn pps elts cls
| Struct {name} | Opaque {name} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[%%%s@]" name
| Struct {name} | Opaque {name} -> pf "%%%s" name
| Bytes -> Format.fprintf ff "bytes"
and pps fs typs = Vector.pp ",@ " pp fs typs
and fmts ff typs = vector_fmt ",@ " fmt ff typs
let pp_defn fs = function
let fmt_defn ff = function
| Struct {name; elts; packed} ->
| Struct {name; elts; packed} ->
let opn, cls = if packed then ("<{", "}>") else ("{", "}") in
let opn, cls = if packed then ("<{", "}>") else ("{", "}") in
Format.fprintf ff "@[<2>%%%s =@ @[%s %a@] %s@]" name opn fmts elts cls
Format.fprintf fs "@[<2>%%%s =@ @[%s %a@] %s@]" name opn pps elts cls
| Opaque {name} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[<2>%%%s =@ opaque@]" name
| Opaque {name} -> Format.fprintf fs "@[<2>%%%s =@ opaque@]" name
| typ -> fmt ff typ
| typ -> pp fs typ
(** Invariants *)
let is_sized = function
let is_sized = function
| Function _ | Bytes -> false
| Function _ | Opaque _ -> false
| Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _ | Array _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ -> true
| Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _ | Array _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ -> true
| Opaque _ ->
(* This is optimisic since sizedness of Opaque types is indeterminate,
as they are not sized but may become sized through linking. *)
let invariant t =
Invariant.invariant [%here] t [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
match t with
| Function {return; args} ->
assert (Option.for_all ~f:is_sized return) ;
assert (Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized args)
| Array {elt} -> assert (is_sized elt)
| Tuple {elts} | Struct {elts} -> assert (Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized elts)
| Integer {bits} | Float {bits} -> assert (bits > 0)
| Pointer _ | Opaque _ -> assert true
(** Constructors *)
let function_ ~return ~args = Function {return; args} |> check invariant
let integer ~bits = Integer {bits} |> check invariant
let float ~bits ~enc = Float {bits; enc} |> check invariant
let pointer ~elt = Pointer {elt} |> check invariant
let array ~elt ~len = Array {elt; len} |> check invariant
let tuple elts ~packed = Tuple {elts; packed} |> check invariant
let opaque ~name = Opaque {name} |> check invariant
let struct_ =
let defns : (string, t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create (module String) in
let dummy_typ = Opaque {name= "dummy"} in
fun ~name ~packed elt_thks ->
match Hashtbl.find defns name with
| Some typ -> typ
| None ->
(* Add placeholder defn to prevent computing [elts] in calls to
[struct] from [elts] for recursive occurrences of [name]. *)
let elts = Array.create ~len:(Vector.length elt_thks) dummy_typ in
let typ = Struct {name; elts= Vector.of_array elts; packed} in
Hashtbl.set defns ~key:name ~data:typ ;
Vector.iteri elt_thks ~f:(fun i (lazy elt) -> elts.(i) <- elt) ;
typ |> check invariant
(** Queries *)
let rec prim_bit_size_of = function
let rec prim_bit_size_of = function
| Integer {bits} | Float {bits} -> Some bits
| Integer {bits} | Float {bits} -> Some bits
| Array {elt; len} ->
| Array {elt; len} ->
Option.map (prim_bit_size_of elt) ~f:(fun n -> n * len)
Option.map (prim_bit_size_of elt) ~f:(fun n -> n * len)
| Opaque _ | Function _ | Pointer _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ | Bytes -> None
| Function _ | Pointer _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ | Opaque _ -> None
let castable t0 t1 =
let rec compatible t0 t1 =
match (t0, t1) with
match (t0, t1, prim_bit_size_of t0, prim_bit_size_of t1) with
| Pointer _, Pointer _ -> true
| ( (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _)
| _ -> (
, (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _)
match (prim_bit_size_of t0, prim_bit_size_of t1) with
, _
| Some n0, Some n1 -> Int.equal n0 n1
, _ ) ->
| _ -> false )
| Array {elt= t; len= m}, Array {elt= u; len= n}, _, _
let rec convertible t0 t1 =
when m = n && compatible t u ->
castable t0 t1
| ( (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _ | Array _)
match (t0, t1) with
, (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _ | Array _)
| (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _), (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _) ->
, Some s0
, Some s1 )
when s0 = s1 ->
| Array {elt= t; len= m}, Array {elt= u; len= n} ->
m = n && convertible t u
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
let mkFunction ~return ~args =
assert (
Option.for_all ~f:is_sized return && Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized args ) ;
Function {return; args}
let mkInteger ~bits = Integer {bits}
let mkFloat ~bits ~enc = Float {bits; enc}
let mkPointer ~elt = Pointer {elt}
let mkArray ~elt ~len =
assert (is_sized elt) ;
Array {elt; len}
let defns : (string, t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create (module String) ()
let mkTuple ~packed elts =
assert (Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized elts) ;
Tuple {elts; packed}
let mkStruct ~name ~packed elt_thks =
match Hashtbl.find defns name with
| Some typ -> typ
| None ->
(* Add placeholder defn to prevent computing [elts] in calls to
[mkStruct] from [elts] for recursive occurrences of [name]. *)
let elts =
Array.create ~len:(Vector.length elt_thks) (mkInteger ~bits:0)
let typ = Struct {name; elts= Vector.of_array elts; packed} in
Hashtbl.set defns ~key:name ~data:typ ;
Vector.iteri elt_thks ~f:(fun i elt_thk ->
let elt = Lazy.force elt_thk in
assert (is_sized elt) ;
elts.(i) <- elt ) ;
let mkOpaque ~name = Opaque {name}
let mkBytes = Bytes
let i1 = mkInteger ~bits:1
let i8p = mkPointer ~elt:(mkInteger ~bits:8)