[SelfInBlock] Refactor the reporting to run only once over the domain

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D19744946

fbshipit-source-id: d7983000f
Dulma Churchill 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent a6da208e9d
commit 7631d34f43

@ -16,14 +16,8 @@ module DomainData = struct
[@@deriving compare]
let is_self kind = match kind with SELF -> true | _ -> false
let is_weak_self kind = match kind with WEAK_SELF -> true | _ -> false
let is_unchecked_strong_self kind = match kind with UNCHECKED_STRONG_SELF -> true | _ -> false
let is_captured_strong_self kind = match kind with CAPTURED_STRONG_SELF -> true | _ -> false
let pp_self_pointer_kind fmt kind =
let s =
match kind with
@ -386,102 +380,106 @@ let make_trace_use_self_weakself domain =
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
let report_mix_self_weakself_issues summary domain =
let weakSelf_opt =
Vars.filter (fun _ {kind} -> DomainData.is_weak_self kind) domain |> Vars.choose_opt
let make_trace_captured_strong_self domain =
let trace_elems =
(fun _ {pvar; loc; kind} trace_elems ->
match kind with
let trace_elem_desc = F.asprintf "Using captured %a" (Pvar.pp Pp.text) pvar in
let trace_elem = Errlog.make_trace_element 0 loc trace_elem_desc [] in
trace_elem :: trace_elems
| _ ->
trace_elems )
domain []
let self_opt = Vars.filter (fun _ {kind} -> DomainData.is_self kind) domain |> Vars.choose_opt in
match (weakSelf_opt, self_opt) with
| Some (_, {pvar= weakSelf; loc= weakLoc}), Some (_, {pvar= self; loc= selfLoc}) ->
List.sort trace_elems ~compare:(fun {Errlog.lt_loc= loc1} {Errlog.lt_loc= loc2} ->
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
let report_mix_self_weakself_issues summary domain (weakSelf : DomainData.t) (self : DomainData.t) =
let message =
"This block uses both `%a` (%a) and `%a` (%a). This could lead to retain cycles or \
unexpected behavior."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf Location.pp weakLoc (Pvar.pp Pp.text) self Location.pp selfLoc
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf.pvar Location.pp weakSelf.loc (Pvar.pp Pp.text) self.pvar
Location.pp self.loc
let ltr = make_trace_use_self_weakself domain in
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:selfLoc IssueType.mixed_self_weakself message
| _ ->
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:self.loc IssueType.mixed_self_weakself message
let report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain attributes =
if attributes.ProcAttributes.is_no_escape_block then
let weakSelf_opt =
Vars.filter (fun _ {kind} -> DomainData.is_weak_self kind) domain |> Vars.choose_opt
match weakSelf_opt with
| Some (_, {pvar= weakSelf; loc= weakLoc}) ->
let report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain (weakSelf : DomainData.t) =
let message =
"This block uses `%a` at %a. This is probably not needed since the block is passed to \
a method in a position annotated with NS_NOESCAPE. Use `self` instead."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf Location.pp weakLoc
"This block uses `%a` at %a. This is probably not needed since the block is passed to a \
method in a position annotated with NS_NOESCAPE. Use `self` instead."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf.pvar Location.pp weakSelf.loc
let ltr = make_trace_use_self_weakself domain in
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:weakLoc IssueType.weak_self_in_noescape_block message
| _ ->
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:weakSelf.loc IssueType.weak_self_in_noescape_block message
let report_weakself_multiple_issues summary domain =
let weakSelfs =
Vars.filter (fun _ {kind} -> DomainData.is_weak_self kind) domain
|> Vars.bindings |> List.map ~f:snd
let sorted_WeakSelfs =
List.sort weakSelfs ~compare:(fun {DomainData.loc= loc1} {DomainData.loc= loc2} ->
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
match sorted_WeakSelfs with
| {pvar= weakSelf; loc= weakLoc1} :: {loc= weakLoc2} :: _ ->
let report_weakself_multiple_issue summary domain (weakSelf1 : DomainData.t)
(weakSelf2 : DomainData.t) =
let message =
"This block uses the weak pointer `%a` more than once (%a) and (%a). This could lead to \
unexpected behavior. Even if `%a` is not nil in the first use, it could be nil in the \
following uses since the object that `%a` points to could be freed anytime; assign it \
to a strong variable first."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf Location.pp weakLoc1 Location.pp weakLoc2 (Pvar.pp Pp.text)
weakSelf (Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf
following uses since the object that `%a` points to could be freed anytime; assign it to a \
strong variable first."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf1.pvar Location.pp weakSelf1.loc Location.pp weakSelf2.loc
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf1.pvar (Pvar.pp Pp.text) weakSelf1.pvar
let ltr = make_trace_use_self_weakself domain in
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:weakLoc1 IssueType.multiple_weakself message
| _ ->
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:weakSelf1.loc IssueType.multiple_weakself message
let make_trace_captured_strong_self domain =
let trace_elems =
(fun _ {pvar; loc; kind} trace_elems ->
match kind with
let trace_elem_desc = F.asprintf "Using captured %a" (Pvar.pp Pp.text) pvar in
let trace_elem = Errlog.make_trace_element 0 loc trace_elem_desc [] in
trace_elem :: trace_elems
| _ ->
trace_elems )
domain []
let report_captured_strongself_issue domain summary (capturedStrongSelf : DomainData.t) =
let message =
"The variable `%a`, used at `%a`, is a strong pointer to `self` captured in this block. This \
could lead to retain cycles or unexpected behavior since to avoid retain cycles one usually \
uses a local strong pointer or a captured weak pointer instead."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) capturedStrongSelf.pvar Location.pp capturedStrongSelf.loc
List.sort trace_elems ~compare:(fun {Errlog.lt_loc= loc1} {Errlog.lt_loc= loc2} ->
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
let ltr = make_trace_captured_strong_self domain in
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc:capturedStrongSelf.loc IssueType.captured_strong_self
let report_captured_strongself_issues summary domain =
let capturedStrongSelf_opt =
Vars.filter (fun _ {kind} -> DomainData.is_captured_strong_self kind) domain |> Vars.choose_opt
let report_issues summary domain attributes =
let process_domain_item _ (domain_data : DomainData.t) (weakSelfList, selfList) =
match domain_data.kind with
report_captured_strongself_issue domain summary domain_data ;
(weakSelfList, selfList)
| DomainData.WEAK_SELF ->
if attributes.ProcAttributes.is_no_escape_block then
report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain domain_data ;
(domain_data :: weakSelfList, selfList)
| DomainData.SELF ->
(weakSelfList, domain_data :: selfList)
| _ ->
(weakSelfList, selfList)
match capturedStrongSelf_opt with
| Some (_, {pvar; loc}) ->
let message =
"The variable `%a`, used at `%a`, is a strong pointer to `self` captured in this block. \
This could lead to retain cycles or unexpected behavior since to avoid retain cycles \
one usually uses a local strong pointer or a captured weak pointer instead."
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) pvar Location.pp loc
let weakSelfList, selfList = Vars.fold process_domain_item domain ([], []) in
let sorted_WeakSelfList =
List.sort weakSelfList ~compare:(fun {DomainData.loc= loc1} {DomainData.loc= loc2} ->
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
let ltr = make_trace_captured_strong_self domain in
Reporting.log_error summary ~ltr ~loc IssueType.captured_strong_self message
let sorted_selfList =
List.sort selfList ~compare:(fun {DomainData.loc= loc1} {DomainData.loc= loc2} ->
Location.compare loc1 loc2 )
( match (sorted_WeakSelfList, sorted_selfList) with
| weakSelf :: _, self :: _ ->
report_mix_self_weakself_issues summary domain weakSelf self
| _ ->
() ) ;
match sorted_WeakSelfList with
| weakSelf1 :: weakSelf2 :: _ ->
report_weakself_multiple_issue summary domain weakSelf1 weakSelf2
| _ ->
@ -497,10 +495,7 @@ let checker {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
( if Procname.is_objc_block procname then
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial with
| Some domain ->
report_mix_self_weakself_issues summary domain.vars ;
report_weakself_multiple_issues summary domain.vars ;
report_captured_strongself_issues summary domain.vars ;
report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain.vars attributes
report_issues summary domain.vars attributes
| None ->
() ) ;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/NoescapeBlock.m, objc_blockA::weak_in_noescape_block_bad:_1, 1, WEAK_SELF_IN_NO_ESCAPE_BLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [Using &weakSelf]
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/StrongSelf.m, objc_blockSelfInBlockTest::mixSelfWeakSelf_bad_1, 5, MIXED_SELF_WEAKSELF, no_bucket, ERROR, [Using &weakSelf,Using &self,Using &self]
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/StrongSelf.m, objc_blockSelfInBlockTest::mixSelfWeakSelf_bad_1, 4, MIXED_SELF_WEAKSELF, no_bucket, ERROR, [Using &weakSelf,Using &self,Using &self]
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/StrongSelf.m, objc_blockSelfInBlockTest::strongSelfCheck3_bad_7, 2, STRONG_SELF_NOT_CHECKED, no_bucket, ERROR, [&strongSelf assigned here,Using &strongSelf not checked for null]
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/StrongSelf.m, objc_blockSelfInBlockTest::strongSelfCheckOnce_bad_5, 6, STRONG_SELF_NOT_CHECKED, no_bucket, ERROR, [&strongSelf assigned here,Using &strongSelf not checked for null,Using &strongSelf not checked for null]
codetoanalyze/objc/self-in-block/StrongSelf.m, objc_blockSelfInBlockTest::strongSelfCheckOnce_bad_5, 8, STRONG_SELF_NOT_CHECKED, no_bucket, ERROR, [&strongSelf assigned here,Using &strongSelf not checked for null,Using &strongSelf not checked for null,Using &strongSelf not checked for null,Using &strongSelf not checked for null]
