@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Access = struct
| Write of { exp : AccessExpression . t }
| Write of { exp : AccessExpression . t }
| ContainerRead of { exp : AccessExpression . t ; pname : Procname . t }
| ContainerRead of { exp : AccessExpression . t ; pname : Procname . t }
| ContainerWrite of { exp : AccessExpression . t ; pname : Procname . t }
| ContainerWrite of { exp : AccessExpression . t ; pname : Procname . t }
| InterfaceCall of Procname . t
| InterfaceCall of { exp : AccessExpression . t ; pname : Procname . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let make_field_access exp ~ is_write = if is_write then Write { exp } else Read { exp }
let make_field_access exp ~ is_write = if is_write then Write { exp } else Read { exp }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Access = struct
if is_write then ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } else ContainerRead { exp ; pname }
if is_write then ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } else ContainerRead { exp ; pname }
let make_unannotated_call_access pname = InterfaceCall pname
let make_unannotated_call_access exp pname = InterfaceCall { exp ; pname }
let is_write = function
let is_write = function
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
@ -50,10 +50,8 @@ module Access = struct
let get_access_exp = function
let get_access_exp = function
| Read { exp } | Write { exp } | ContainerWrite { exp } | ContainerRead { exp } ->
| Read { exp } | Write { exp } | ContainerWrite { exp } | ContainerRead { exp } | InterfaceCall { exp } ->
Some exp
| InterfaceCall _ ->
let should_keep formals access =
let should_keep formals access =
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ module Access = struct
&& ( not ( Pvar . is_static_local pvar ) )
&& ( not ( Pvar . is_static_local pvar ) )
&& ( Pvar . is_global pvar | | FormalMap . is_formal base formals )
&& ( Pvar . is_global pvar | | FormalMap . is_formal base formals )
match get_access_exp access with None -> true | Some acc_exp - > check_access acc_exp
get_access_exp access | > check_access
let map ~ f access =
let map ~ f access =
@ -88,8 +86,9 @@ module Access = struct
| ContainerRead ( { exp } as record ) ->
| ContainerRead ( { exp } as record ) ->
let exp' = f exp in
let exp' = f exp in
if phys_equal exp exp' then access else ContainerRead { record with exp = exp' }
if phys_equal exp exp' then access else ContainerRead { record with exp = exp' }
| InterfaceCall _ as intfcall ->
| InterfaceCall ( { exp } as record ) ->
let exp' = f exp in
if phys_equal exp exp' then access else InterfaceCall { record with exp = exp' }
let pp fmt = function
let pp fmt = function
@ -101,8 +100,9 @@ module Access = struct
F . fprintf fmt " Read of container %a via %a " AccessExpression . pp exp Procname . pp pname
F . fprintf fmt " Read of container %a via %a " AccessExpression . pp exp Procname . pp pname
| ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } ->
| ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } ->
F . fprintf fmt " Write to container %a via %a " AccessExpression . pp exp Procname . pp pname
F . fprintf fmt " Write to container %a via %a " AccessExpression . pp exp Procname . pp pname
| InterfaceCall pname ->
| InterfaceCall { exp ; pname } ->
F . fprintf fmt " Call to un-annotated interface method %a " Procname . pp pname
F . fprintf fmt " Call to un-annotated interface method %a.%a " AccessExpression . pp exp
Procname . pp pname
let mono_lang_pp = MF . wrap_monospaced pp_exp
let mono_lang_pp = MF . wrap_monospaced pp_exp
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ module Access = struct
| ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } ->
| ContainerWrite { exp ; pname } ->
F . fprintf fmt " Write to container %a via call to %s " mono_lang_pp exp
F . fprintf fmt " Write to container %a via call to %s " mono_lang_pp exp
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Procname . get_method pname ) )
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Procname . get_method pname ) )
| InterfaceCall pname ->
| InterfaceCall { pname } ->
F . fprintf fmt " Call to un-annotated interface method %a " Procname . pp pname
F . fprintf fmt " Call to un-annotated interface method %a " Procname . pp pname
@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ module AccessSnapshot = struct
make { access ; lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } loc | > filter formals
make { access ; lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } loc | > filter formals
let make_unannotated_call_access formals pname lock ownership loc =
let make_unannotated_call_access formals exp pname lock ownership loc =
let lock = LockDomain . is_locked lock in
let lock = LockDomain . is_locked lock in
let access = Access . make_unannotated_call_access pname in
let access = Access . make_unannotated_call_access exp pname in
make_if_not_owned formals access lock ownership loc
make_if_not_owned formals access lock ownership loc
@ -531,9 +531,18 @@ let pp fmt {threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map} =
ownership AttributeMapDomain . pp attribute_map
ownership AttributeMapDomain . pp attribute_map
let add_unannotated_call_access formals pname loc ( astate : t ) =
let add_unannotated_call_access formals pname actuals loc ( astate : t ) =
let snapshot =
match actuals with
AccessSnapshot . make_unannotated_call_access formals pname astate . locks astate . threads Unowned
| [] ->
| receiver_hilexp :: _ -> (
{ astate with accesses = AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot astate . accesses }
match HilExp . get_access_exprs receiver_hilexp with
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ ->
(* if no access exps involved, or if more than one ( should be impossible ) , ignore *)
| [ receiver ] ->
let snapshot =
AccessSnapshot . make_unannotated_call_access formals receiver pname astate . locks
astate . threads Unowned loc
{ astate with accesses = AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot astate . accesses } )