[ppx_trace] Add trace function and extension to support unhandled exceptions

Add support to ppx_trace to rewrite `[%trace]` into a call to the
corresponding `Trace` function:

val trace :
     ?call:(pf -> unit)
  -> ?retn:(pf -> 'a -> unit)
  -> ?rais:(pf -> exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> unit)
  -> string
  -> string
  -> (unit -> 'a)
  -> 'a
(** [trace ~call ~retn ~rais mod_name fun_name k] either simply invokes
    [k ()], when not enabled, or else increases the indentation level and
    emits the [call] message, then invokes [k ()], then decreases the
    indentation level and either emits the [retn] or [rais] message,
    depending on whether [k ()] returned normally or exceptionally. *)

The main motivation over the existing `Trace.call` and `Trace.retn` is
that by packaging them together, unhandled exceptions can be treated

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D23636200

fbshipit-source-id: f61c267fd
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 3ef4ce321c
commit 7712de24e5

@ -11,17 +11,32 @@
"debug" mode or not. To enable "debug" mode, pass
[--cookie 'ppx_trace_enabled="1"'] (or with [true] instead or [1]).
It rewrites [\[%Trace.info f\]] to a call
[\[Trace.info mod_name fun_name f\]] where [mod_name] and [fun_name] are
the enclosing module and function names in the parsetree. This is only
done in debug mode, otherwise [\[%Trace.info f\]] is rewritten to [()].
Similarly, [\[%Trace.call\]] is rewritten to a call to [Trace.call] or
[()], and [\[%Trace.retn\]] to a call to [Trace.retn] or [Fun.id].
It rewrites [\[%trace\] ~call ~retn ~rais] to a call
[Trace.trace ~call ~retn ~rais mod_name fun_name] where [mod_name] and
[fun_name] are the enclosing module and function names in the parsetree.
This is only done in debug mode, otherwise
[\[%trace\] ~call ~retn ~rais] is rewritten to [(fun k -> k ())].
Similarly, [\[%Trace.info\]], [\[%Trace.infok\]], [\[%Trace.printf\]],
[\[%Trace.fprintf\]], [\[%Trace.kprintf\]], and [\[%Trace.call\]] are
rewritten to their analogues in the [Trace] module, or [()]; and
[\[%Trace.retn\]] is rewritten to a call to [Trace.retn] or
[(fun x -> x)].
For example, this enables writing
let func arg =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_arg_type arg)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_result_type)
@@ fun () -> func arg
let func arg =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_arg_type arg]
func arg
@ -90,6 +105,11 @@ let vb_stack_with, vb_stack_top =
(* (fun x -> x) *)
let fun_id loc = pexp_fun ~loc Nolabel None (pvar ~loc "x") (evar ~loc "x")
(* (fun k -> k ()) *)
let fun_go loc =
pexp_fun ~loc Nolabel None (pvar ~loc "k")
(eapply ~loc (evar ~loc "k") [eunit ~loc])
let mapper =
inherit Ast_traverse.map as super
@ -106,6 +126,14 @@ let mapper =
(Nolabel, mod_name) :: (Nolabel, fun_name) :: args
match exp.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_apply
( { pexp_desc= Pexp_extension ({txt= "trace"; loc}, PStr [])
; pexp_loc }
, args ) ->
if not !debug then fun_go pexp_loc
pexp_apply ~loc:exp.pexp_loc (evar ~loc "Trace.trace")
(append_here_args args)
| Pexp_extension
( { txt=
( "Trace.info" | "Trace.infok" | "Trace.printf"

@ -173,16 +173,20 @@ let info mod_name fun_name fmt =
let infok mod_name fun_name k =
k {pf= (fun fmt -> info mod_name fun_name fmt)}
let incf mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then (
let incf_ _mod_name fun_name fmt =
Format.fprintf fs "@\n@[<2>@[<hv 2>( %s:@ " fun_name ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt )
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt
let incf mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then incf_ mod_name fun_name fmt
else Format.ifprintf fs fmt
let decf mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then (
let decf_ _mod_name fun_name fmt =
Format.fprintf fs "@]@\n@[<2>) %s:@ " fun_name ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt )
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.fprintf fs "@]") fs fmt
let decf mod_name fun_name fmt =
if enabled mod_name fun_name then decf_ mod_name fun_name fmt
else Format.ifprintf fs fmt
let call mod_name fun_name k =
@ -192,6 +196,33 @@ let retn mod_name fun_name k result =
k {pf= (fun fmt -> decf mod_name fun_name fmt)} result ;
let trace :
?call:(pf -> unit)
-> ?retn:(pf -> 'a -> unit)
-> ?rais:(pf -> exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> unit)
-> string
-> string
-> (unit -> 'a)
-> 'a =
fun ?call ?retn ?rais mod_name fun_name k ->
let call = Option.value call ~default:(fun {pf} -> pf "") in
let retn = Option.value retn ~default:(fun {pf} _ -> pf "") in
let rais =
Option.value rais ~default:(fun {pf} exc _ ->
pf "%s" (Printexc.to_string exc) )
if not (enabled mod_name fun_name) then k ()
else (
call {pf= (fun fmt -> incf_ mod_name fun_name fmt)} ;
match k () with
| result ->
retn {pf= (fun fmt -> decf_ mod_name fun_name fmt)} result ;
| exception exc ->
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
rais {pf= (fun fmt -> decf_ mod_name fun_name fmt)} exc bt ;
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exc bt )
let raisef ?margin exn fmt =
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
let fs = Format.str_formatter in

@ -45,6 +45,20 @@ val call : string -> string -> (pf -> 'a) -> 'a
val retn : string -> string -> (pf -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a
(** Decrease indentation level and emit a message, if enabled. *)
val trace :
?call:(pf -> unit)
-> ?retn:(pf -> 'a -> unit)
-> ?rais:(pf -> exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> unit)
-> string
-> string
-> (unit -> 'a)
-> 'a
(** [trace ~call ~retn ~rais mod_name fun_name k] either simply invokes
[k ()], when not enabled, or else increases the indentation level and
emits the [call] message, then invokes [k ()], then decreases the
indentation level and either emits the [retn] or [rais] message,
depending on whether [k ()] returned normally or exceptionally. *)
val flush : unit -> unit
(** Flush the internal buffers. *)
