@ -67,29 +67,36 @@ let get_declaring_function pv =
let pp_translation_unit fmt = function None -> () | Some fname -> SourceFile . pp fmt fname
let pp_ f pv =
let pp_ ~ verbose f pv =
let name = pv . pv_name in
match pv . pv_kind with
| Local_var _ ->
Mangled . pp f name
| Callee_var _ ->
F . fprintf f " %a|callee " Mangled . pp name
Mangled . pp f name ;
if verbose then F . pp_print_string f " |callee "
| Abduced_retvar _ ->
F . fprintf f " %a|abducedRetvar " Mangled . pp name
Mangled . pp f name ;
if verbose then F . pp_print_string f " |abducedRetvar "
| Abduced_ref_param ( _ , index , _ ) ->
F . fprintf f " %a|abducedRefParam%d " Mangled . pp name index
Mangled . pp f name ;
if verbose then F . fprintf f " |abducedRefParam%d " index
| Global_var { translation_unit ; is_constexpr ; is_ice ; is_pod } ->
F . fprintf f " #GB<%a%s%s%s>$%a " pp_translation_unit translation_unit
if verbose then
F . fprintf f " #GB<%a%s%s%s>$ " pp_translation_unit translation_unit
( if is_constexpr then " |const " else " " )
( if is_ice then " |ice " else " " )
( if not is_pod then " |!pod " else " " )
Mangled . pp name
( if not is_pod then " |!pod " else " " ) ;
Mangled . pp f name
| Seed_var ->
F . fprintf f " old_%a " Mangled . pp name
(* * Pretty print a pvar which denotes a value, not an address *)
let pp_value f pv = pp_ f pv
let pp_value f pv = pp_ ~ verbose : true f pv
(* * Non-verbose version of pp_value *)
let pp_value_non_verbose f pv = pp_ ~ verbose : false f pv
(* * Pretty print a program variable. *)
let pp pe f pv =