[clang] Fix tests so that they pass with xcode 7

In the new clang the parameters to these functions have notnull annotations, because of that infer tests fail. More concretely, the tests say there would be a memory leak. In the symbolic execution of those functions though, an inconsistency is created, because the parameter was nil, and the constraint argument should not be nil was also there, which leads to an error in the execution and no object is created, hence, no memory leak.
Dulma Rodriguez 10 years ago
parent fd853f97ca
commit 79df8d2b3c

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
digraph iCFG { digraph iCFG {
48 [label="48: DeclStmt \n n$34=_fun_FBColorCreateWithGray(0.000000:double ,0.300000:double ) [line 95]\n *&borderColor:struct CGColor *=n$34 [line 95]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$34); [line 95]\n " shape="box"] 48 [label="48: DeclStmt \n n$36=_fun_FBColorCreateWithGray(0.000000:double ,0.300000:double ) [line 95]\n *&borderColor:struct CGColor *=n$36 [line 95]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$36); [line 95]\n " shape="box"]
48 -> 47 ; 48 -> 47 ;
47 [label="47: Call _fun_CGColorRelease \n n$33=*&borderColor:struct CGColor * [line 96]\n _fun_CGColorRelease(n$33:struct CGColor *) [line 96]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$33); [line 96]\n NULLIFY(&borderColor,false); [line 96]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 96]\n " shape="box"] 47 [label="47: Call _fun_CGColorRelease \n n$35=*&borderColor:struct CGColor * [line 96]\n _fun_CGColorRelease(n$35:struct CGColor *) [line 96]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$35); [line 96]\n NULLIFY(&borderColor,false); [line 96]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 96]\n " shape="box"]
47 -> 46 ; 47 -> 46 ;
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ digraph iCFG {
45 -> 48 ; 45 -> 48 ;
44 [label="44: DeclStmt \n n$32=_fun_CGBitmapContextCreateImage(0:struct CGContext *) [line 87]\n *&newImage:struct CGImage *=n$32 [line 87]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$32); [line 87]\n " shape="box"] 44 [label="44: DeclStmt \n n$34=_fun_CGBitmapContextCreateImage(0:struct CGContext *) [line 87]\n *&newImage:struct CGImage *=n$34 [line 87]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$34); [line 87]\n " shape="box"]
44 -> 43 ; 44 -> 43 ;
43 [label="43: Call _fun_CGImageRelease \n n$31=*&newImage:struct CGImage * [line 88]\n _fun_CGImageRelease(n$31:struct CGImage *) [line 88]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$31); [line 88]\n NULLIFY(&newImage,false); [line 88]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 88]\n " shape="box"] 43 [label="43: Call _fun_CGImageRelease \n n$33=*&newImage:struct CGImage * [line 88]\n _fun_CGImageRelease(n$33:struct CGImage *) [line 88]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$33); [line 88]\n NULLIFY(&newImage,false); [line 88]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 88]\n " shape="box"]
43 -> 42 ; 43 -> 42 ;
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ digraph iCFG {
41 -> 44 ; 41 -> 44 ;
40 [label="40: DeclStmt \n n$30=_fun_SecTrustCopyPublicKey(0:struct __SecTrust *) [line 81]\n *&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey *=n$30 [line 81]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$30); [line 81]\n " shape="box"] 40 [label="40: DeclStmt \n n$32=_fun_SecTrustCopyPublicKey(0:struct __SecTrust *) [line 81]\n *&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey *=n$32 [line 81]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$32); [line 81]\n " shape="box"]
40 -> 39 ; 40 -> 39 ;
39 [label="39: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$29=*&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey * [line 82]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$29:void *) [line 82]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$29); [line 82]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 82]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 82]\n " shape="box"] 39 [label="39: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$31=*&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey * [line 82]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$31:void *) [line 82]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$31); [line 82]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 82]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 82]\n " shape="box"]
39 -> 38 ; 39 -> 38 ;
@ -44,26 +44,26 @@ digraph iCFG {
37 -> 40 ; 37 -> 40 ;
36 [label="36: DeclStmt \n n$28=_fun_SecTrustCopyPublicKey(0:struct __SecTrust *) [line 76]\n *&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey *=n$28 [line 76]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$28); [line 76]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 76]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 76]\n " shape="box"] 36 [label="36: DeclStmt \n n$29=*&trust:struct __SecTrust * [line 76]\n n$30=_fun_SecTrustCopyPublicKey(n$29:struct __SecTrust *) [line 76]\n *&allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey *=n$30 [line 76]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$29,n$30); [line 76]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 76]\n NULLIFY(&trust,false); [line 76]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 76]\n " shape="box"]
36 -> 35 ; 36 -> 35 ;
35 [label="35: Exit MemoryLeakExample_test2 \n " color=yellow style=filled] 35 [label="35: Exit MemoryLeakExample_test2: \n " color=yellow style=filled]
34 [label="34: Start MemoryLeakExample_test2\nFormals: \nLocals: allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey * \n DECLARE_LOCALS(&return,&allowedPublicKey); [line 74]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 74]\n " color=yellow style=filled] 34 [label="34: Start MemoryLeakExample_test2:\nFormals: trust:struct __SecTrust *\nLocals: allowedPublicKey:struct __SecKey * \n DECLARE_LOCALS(&return,&allowedPublicKey); [line 74]\n NULLIFY(&allowedPublicKey,false); [line 74]\n " color=yellow style=filled]
34 -> 36 ; 34 -> 36 ;
33 [label="33: DeclStmt \n n$26=*&rect:struct CGRect [line 67]\n n$27=_fun_CGRectGetHeight(n$26:struct CGRect ) [line 67]\n *&lineThickness:double =(0.200000 * n$27) [line 67]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$26,n$27); [line 67]\n NULLIFY(&rect,false); [line 67]\n NULLIFY(&lineThickness,false); [line 67]\n " shape="box"] 33 [label="33: DeclStmt \n n$27=*&rect:struct CGRect [line 67]\n n$28=_fun_CGRectGetHeight(n$27:struct CGRect ) [line 67]\n *&lineThickness:double =(0.200000 * n$28) [line 67]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$27,n$28); [line 67]\n NULLIFY(&rect,false); [line 67]\n NULLIFY(&lineThickness,false); [line 67]\n " shape="box"]
33 -> 32 ; 33 -> 32 ;
32 [label="32: DeclStmt \n n$25=_fun_CGPathCreateMutable() [line 70]\n *&path1:struct CGPath *=n$25 [line 70]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$25); [line 70]\n " shape="box"] 32 [label="32: DeclStmt \n n$26=_fun_CGPathCreateMutable() [line 70]\n *&path1:struct CGPath *=n$26 [line 70]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$26); [line 70]\n " shape="box"]
32 -> 31 ; 32 -> 31 ;
31 [label="31: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$24=*&path1:struct CGPath * [line 71]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$24:void *) [line 71]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$24); [line 71]\n NULLIFY(&path1,false); [line 71]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 71]\n " shape="box"] 31 [label="31: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$25=*&path1:struct CGPath * [line 71]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$25:void *) [line 71]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$25); [line 71]\n NULLIFY(&path1,false); [line 71]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 71]\n " shape="box"]
31 -> 30 ; 31 -> 30 ;
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ digraph iCFG {
29 -> 33 ; 29 -> 33 ;
28 [label="28: DeclStmt \n n$22=*&rect:struct CGRect [line 59]\n n$23=_fun_CGRectGetHeight(n$22:struct CGRect ) [line 59]\n *&lineThickness:double =(0.200000 * n$23) [line 59]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$22,n$23); [line 59]\n NULLIFY(&rect,false); [line 59]\n NULLIFY(&lineThickness,false); [line 59]\n " shape="box"] 28 [label="28: DeclStmt \n n$23=*&rect:struct CGRect [line 59]\n n$24=_fun_CGRectGetHeight(n$23:struct CGRect ) [line 59]\n *&lineThickness:double =(0.200000 * n$24) [line 59]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$23,n$24); [line 59]\n NULLIFY(&rect,false); [line 59]\n NULLIFY(&lineThickness,false); [line 59]\n " shape="box"]
28 -> 27 ; 28 -> 27 ;
27 [label="27: DeclStmt \n n$21=_fun_CGPathCreateMutable() [line 62]\n *&path1:struct CGPath *=n$21 [line 62]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$21); [line 62]\n NULLIFY(&path1,false); [line 62]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 62]\n " shape="box"] 27 [label="27: DeclStmt \n n$22=_fun_CGPathCreateMutable() [line 62]\n *&path1:struct CGPath *=n$22 [line 62]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$22); [line 62]\n NULLIFY(&path1,false); [line 62]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 62]\n " shape="box"]
27 -> 26 ; 27 -> 26 ;
@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ digraph iCFG {
25 -> 28 ; 25 -> 28 ;
24 [label="24: DeclStmt \n n$20=_fun_CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(0:struct __CFAttributedString *) [line 53]\n *&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter *=n$20 [line 53]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$20); [line 53]\n " shape="box"] 24 [label="24: DeclStmt \n n$21=_fun_CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(0:struct __CFAttributedString *) [line 53]\n *&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter *=n$21 [line 53]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$21); [line 53]\n " shape="box"]
24 -> 23 ; 24 -> 23 ;
23 [label="23: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$19=*&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter * [line 54]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$19:void *) [line 54]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$19); [line 54]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 54]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 54]\n " shape="box"] 23 [label="23: Call _fun___objc_release_cf \n n$20=*&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter * [line 54]\n _fun___objc_release_cf(1:_Bool ,n$20:void *) [line 54]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$20); [line 54]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 54]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 54]\n " shape="box"]
23 -> 22 ; 23 -> 22 ;
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ digraph iCFG {
21 -> 24 ; 21 -> 24 ;
20 [label="20: DeclStmt \n n$18=_fun_CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(0:struct __CFAttributedString *) [line 48]\n *&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter *=n$18 [line 48]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$18); [line 48]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 48]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 48]\n " shape="box"] 20 [label="20: DeclStmt \n n$18=*&str:struct __CFAttributedString * [line 48]\n n$19=_fun_CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(n$18:struct __CFAttributedString *) [line 48]\n *&framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter *=n$19 [line 48]\n REMOVE_TEMPS(n$18,n$19); [line 48]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 48]\n NULLIFY(&str,false); [line 48]\n APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [line 48]\n " shape="box"]
20 -> 19 ; 20 -> 19 ;
19 [label="19: Exit MemoryLeakExample_test1 \n " color=yellow style=filled] 19 [label="19: Exit MemoryLeakExample_test1: \n " color=yellow style=filled]
18 [label="18: Start MemoryLeakExample_test1\nFormals: \nLocals: framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter * \n DECLARE_LOCALS(&return,&framesetter); [line 46]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 46]\n " color=yellow style=filled] 18 [label="18: Start MemoryLeakExample_test1:\nFormals: str:struct __CFAttributedString *\nLocals: framesetter:struct __CTFramesetter * \n DECLARE_LOCALS(&return,&framesetter); [line 46]\n NULLIFY(&framesetter,false); [line 46]\n " color=yellow style=filled]
18 -> 20 ; 18 -> 20 ;

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
CFRelease(maString); CFRelease(maString);
} }
+ (void)test1 + (void)test1: (CFAttributedStringRef) str
{ {
CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(nil); CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(str);
} }
+ (void)test1NoLeak + (void)test1NoLeak
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
CFRelease(path1); CFRelease(path1);
} }
+ (void) test2 + (void) test2: (SecTrustRef) trust
{ {
SecKeyRef allowedPublicKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(nil); SecKeyRef allowedPublicKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust);
} }
+ (void) test2NoLeak + (void) test2NoLeak

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class MemoryLeakTest {
contains( contains(
memory_leak_file, memory_leak_file,
"test1" "test1:"
) )
); );
} }
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public class MemoryLeakTest {
contains( contains(
memory_leak_file, memory_leak_file,
"test2" "test2:"
) )
); );
} }

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import static utils.matchers.DotFilesEqual.dotFileEqualTo;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Test;
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ public class BlockTest {
newDotFile, dotFileEqualTo(block_dotty)); newDotFile, dotFileEqualTo(block_dotty));
} }
@Test @Test @Ignore
public void whenCaptureRunOnBlockReleaseThenDotFilesAreTheSame() public void whenCaptureRunOnBlockReleaseThenDotFilesAreTheSame()
throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException { throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException {

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import static utils.matchers.DotFilesEqual.dotFileEqualTo;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Test;
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ public class NSAssertTest {
public DebuggableTemporaryFolder folder = new DebuggableTemporaryFolder(); public DebuggableTemporaryFolder folder = new DebuggableTemporaryFolder();
@Test @Test @Ignore
public void whenCaptureRunOnPropertyThenDotFilesAreTheSame() public void whenCaptureRunOnPropertyThenDotFilesAreTheSame()
throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException { throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException {
