@ -24,14 +24,18 @@ let count_newlines (path: string): int =
type source_file =
| Absolute of string
| Relative of string
| RelativeProjectRoot of string (* relative to project root *)
| RelativeInferModel of string (* relative to infer models *)
let source_file_compare sf1 sf2 =
match sf1 , sf2 with
| Absolute p1 , Absolute p2 -> string_compare p1 p2
| Absolute _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Absolute _ -> 1
| Relative p1 , Relative p2 -> string_compare p1 p2
| RelativeProjectRoot p1 , RelativeProjectRoot p2 -> string_compare p1 p2
| RelativeProjectRoot _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , RelativeProjectRoot _ -> 1
| RelativeInferModel p1 , RelativeInferModel p2 -> string_compare p1 p2
let source_file_equal sf1 sf2 =
( source_file_compare sf1 sf2 ) = 0
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ module SourceFileSet = Set.Make(OrderedSourceFile)
let source_file_from_string path =
if Filename . is_relative path then
Relative path
Relative ProjectRoot path
Absolute path
@ -56,27 +60,40 @@ let source_file_from_string path =
let abs_source_file_from_path fname =
Absolute ( filename_to_absolute fname )
(* * convert a project root directory and a full path to a rooted source file *)
let rel_source_file_from_abs_path root fname =
let rel_path_from_abs_path root fname =
let relative_complemented_fname = filename_to_relative root fname in
if string_is_prefix root fname &&
Filename . is_relative relative_complemented_fname then
Relative relative_complemented_fname
(* The project root is not a prefix of the file name *)
abs_source_file_from_path fname
Some relative_complemented_fname
else None (* The project root is not a prefix of the file name *)
(* * convert a project root directory and a full path to a rooted source file *)
let source_file_from_abs_path fname =
if Filename . is_relative fname then
( failwithf
" ERROR: Path %s is relative, when absolute path was expected .@. "
fname ) ;
match rel_path_from_abs_path Config . project_root fname with
| Some path -> RelativeProjectRoot path
| None -> (
match rel_path_from_abs_path Config . models_src_dir fname with
| Some path -> RelativeInferModel path
| None -> Absolute fname (* fname is absolute already *)
let curr_encoding = ` Enc_crc
let source_file_to_string fname =
match fname with
| Relative path
| RelativeProjectRoot path
| RelativeInferModel path
| Absolute path -> path
(* Checking if the path exists may be needed only in some cases, hence the flag check_exists *)
let source_file_to_abs_path fname =
match fname with
| Relative path -> Filename . concat Config . project_root path
| RelativeProjectRoot path -> Filename . concat Config . project_root path
| RelativeInferModel path -> Filename . concat Config . models_src_dir path
| Absolute path -> path
let source_file_line_count source_file =
@ -90,24 +107,39 @@ let inode_equal sf1 sf2 =
let source_file_to_rel_path fname =
match fname with
| Relative path -> path
| Absolute path - > filename_to_relative Config . project_root path
| Relative ProjectRoot path -> path
| _ -> source_file_to_abs_path fname | > filename_to_relative Config . project_root
(* * string encoding of a source file ( including path ) as a single filename *)
let source_file_encoding source_file =
let prefix = match source_file with
| RelativeProjectRoot _ -> " P "
| RelativeInferModel _ -> " MOD "
| Absolute _ -> " ABS " in
let source_file_s = source_file_to_string source_file in
match curr_encoding with
| ` Enc_base ->
Filename . basename source_file_s
| ` Enc_path_with_underscores ->
Escape . escape_path source_file_s
prefix ^ Escape . escape_path source_file_s
| ` Enc_crc ->
let base = Filename . basename source_file_s in
let dir = Filename . dirname source_file_s in
let dir = prefix ^ Filename . dirname source_file_s in
string_append_crc_cutoff ~ key : dir base
let source_file_empty = Absolute " "
let source_file_is_infer_model source_file = match source_file with
| RelativeProjectRoot _ | Absolute _ -> false
| RelativeInferModel _ -> true
(* * Returns true if the file is a C++ model *)
let source_file_is_cpp_model file =
match file with
| RelativeInferModel path ->
string_is_prefix Config . relative_cpp_models_dir path
| _ -> false
(* * {2 Source Dirs} *)
(* * source directory: the directory inside the results dir corresponding to a source file *)
@ -347,13 +379,6 @@ let mark_file_updated fname =
let near_future = Unix . gettimeofday () + . 1 . in
Unix . utimes fname near_future near_future
(* * Returns true if the file is a C++ model *)
let file_is_in_cpp_model file =
let normalized_file_dir = filename_to_absolute ( Filename . dirname file ) in
let normalized_cpp_models_dir = filename_to_absolute Config . cpp_models_dir in
string_is_prefix normalized_cpp_models_dir normalized_file_dir
(* * Fold over all file paths recursively under [dir] which match [p]. *)
let fold_paths_matching ~ dir ~ p ~ init ~ f =
let rec paths path_list dir =