@ -94,9 +94,37 @@ module Make (Trm : TERM) = struct
| _ -> cons ~pos ~neg
let _And ~pos ~neg =
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold pos (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| And {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b pos), Fmls.union n neg)
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold neg (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| Or {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union n pos, Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b neg))
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> And {pos; neg}) tt ff ~pos ~neg
let _Or ~pos ~neg =
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold pos (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| Or {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b pos), Fmls.union n neg)
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold neg (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| And {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union n pos, Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b neg))
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> Or {pos; neg}) ff tt ~pos ~neg
let join _Cons zero split_pos_neg p q =