Reviewed By: dulmarod Differential Revision: D2902664 fb-gh-sync-id: 96050e7 shipit-source-id: 96050e7master
@ -1,792 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(* Module for implementing an algorithm for propagating dynamic types. *)
module L = Logging
open Utils
let initial_methods = ref Procname.Set.empty
(* Signature of a module that can be passed as argument to the functor *)
(* Control_Flow below. *)
module type TODO_MAP =
type t
type t'
type ret_t
type map_value
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t'
type map = map_value Map.t
type context
type field_context
val collect_items : Exe_env.t -> Cfg.cfg -> Sil.tenv -> t -> map ->
context -> field_context -> context * field_context * map * ret_t list
val to_t : ret_t -> t
val save_items_to_set : bool
val t_to_string : t -> string
val t'_to_string : t' -> string
val map_value_to_string : map_value -> string
val choose_elem : Set.t -> t option -> t
(* Functor for implementating the following generic algorithm: map : Node *)
(* -> Domain TODO subsetof Node Algorithm: 1. Start with an initial TODO *)
(* set. 2. Choose a node (remove it from TODO), update the map. 3. While *)
(* updating the map, add nodes for which the map changed back to TODO. 4. *)
(* Until the set is empty. *)
module Control_flow =
functor (TM : TODO_MAP) ->
let set_to_string set =
let aux value = print_string ("\n item: \n"^(TM.t_to_string value)) in
TM.Set.iter aux set
(* The invariant holds: old_element notin todo *)
let rec update_todo exe_env cfg0 tenv old_elem todo (map, items) context field_context =
(* print_endline "\ntodo set: \n"; (set_to_string todo); *)
let element = TM.choose_elem todo old_elem in
let todo = TM.Set.remove element todo in
let context, field_context, map, new_set_items =
TM.collect_items exe_env cfg0 tenv element map context field_context in
let add_to_todo set_item todo = TM.Set.add set_item todo in
let new_set_items' = items @ new_set_items in
let todo' =
if (TM.save_items_to_set) then
let new_set_items'' = TM.to_t new_set_items' in
IList.fold_right add_to_todo new_set_items'' todo
else todo in
let items =
if (TM.save_items_to_set) then []
else new_set_items in
if (TM.Set.is_empty todo') then (context, field_context, map, items)
else update_todo exe_env cfg0 tenv (Some element) todo' (map, items) context field_context
let get_formals cfg procname =
let pdesc = match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg procname with
| Some pdesc -> pdesc
| None -> assert false in
Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals pdesc
|> (fun (p, t) -> (Mangled.to_string p, t))
(* Module for defining the map to be updated: in this case it is a map *)
(* from procedure names to a set of types for each of the procedure's *)
(* arguments. *)
module Type_map =
type key = Procname.t
let key_to_string procname =
if Procname.is_constructor procname
then (Procname.java_get_simple_class procname)^"()"
else (Procname.java_get_simple_class procname)^"."^(Procname.java_get_method procname)
module Map = Procname.Map
type type_signature = (string * Sil.typ) list
let rec type_to_string typ =
match typ with
| Sil.Tptr (typ , _) -> type_to_string typ
| Sil.Tstruct { Sil.csu = Csu.Class _; struct_name = Some mangled }
| Sil.Tvar (Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class _, mangled)) -> Mangled.to_string mangled
| _ -> Sil.typ_to_string typ
let string_typ_to_string (s, typ) =
if s = "this" then None
else Some (s^" -> "^(type_to_string typ))
let rec type_signature_to_string list =
match list with
| [] -> ""
| [s, typ] ->
(match string_typ_to_string (s, typ) with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "")
| (s, typ):: rest ->
match string_typ_to_string (s, typ) with
| Some s -> s^", "^(type_signature_to_string rest)
| None -> (type_signature_to_string rest)
let pair_compare = Utils.pair_compare Sil.typ_compare
module TypeSet = Set.Make(struct
type t = type_signature
let compare = pair_compare
let map_value_to_string set =
let elem_to_string typ s =
let st = type_signature_to_string typ in
if s = "" then "["^st^"]" else (s^" and ["^st^"]") in
(TypeSet.fold elem_to_string set "")
type map = TypeSet.t Map.t
type map_value = TypeSet.t
let find_dyn_types procname map =
(Map.find procname map)
Not_found -> TypeSet.empty
let get_set_from_map procname typ_bundle map =
let set = find_dyn_types procname map in
let ext_set = TypeSet.add typ_bundle set in
let add_to_map procname_arg typ map =
let ext_set = get_set_from_map procname_arg typ map in
(Map.add procname_arg ext_set map)
let add_set_to_map procname_arg set map =
(Map.add procname_arg set map)
(* Module for defining a context to be used in the type propagation *)
(* algorithm. A context is a map from variable names to a stack of types. *)
(* The stack is used to model the types that are added in the different *)
(* blocks. Each item of the stack contains a type for the variable and *)
(* either a content type if the variable is an array or types for paths *)
(* starting from the variable. *)
module Context_map =
type key = Sil.pvar
let key_to_string key =
Mangled.to_string (Sil.pvar_get_name key)
module Map = Map.Make (struct
type t = key
let compare = Sil.pvar_compare end)
type var_kind =
| VarArray of Sil.typ
| VarBasic
let path_equal p1 p2 =
if (IList.length p1) != (IList.length p2) then false
else IList.for_all2 (fun el1 el2 -> Ident.fieldname_equal el1 el2) p1 p2
let typ_to_var_kind typ =
match typ with
| Sil.Tarray (typ, _)
| Sil.Tptr(Sil.Tarray (typ, _), _) -> VarArray typ
| _ -> VarBasic
let var_kind_to_string (var_kind : var_kind) =
match var_kind with
| VarBasic -> "basic"
| VarArray typ -> "array - content: "^(Sil.typ_to_string typ)
type level = int
type map_value = {
var_level : level;
type_stack : (Sil.typ * var_kind * level) Stack.t
type map = map_value Map.t
let print_stack stack =
let aux (typ, var_kind, level) =
print_endline (
(string_of_int level)^":"^
(Sil.typ_to_string typ)^"-"^
(var_kind_to_string var_kind)) in
Stack.iter aux stack
let print_map_value map_value =
print_int map_value.var_level;
print_string ":";
print_stack map_value.type_stack
let print_map map =
let aux key value =
print_string ((key_to_string key)^"->");
print_map_value value in
(Map.iter aux map)
(* Updates the type of a path or adds the path with its type if it *)
(* wasn't there. *)
let update_var_kind path new_typ var_kind =
match var_kind, path with
| VarArray typ, [] -> VarArray new_typ
| _ -> assert false
(* Returns the type of a path that is in the context, in case that the *)
(* path appears in the context. Otherwise finds the type in the tenv. *)
let get_type_var_kind tenv var_type path var_kind =
match var_kind, path with
| VarArray typ, [] -> typ
| _ -> assert false
(* Adds a new type for a variable. It replaces the top of the stack if *)
(* the level if the same as the current level, or it adds a new item to *)
(* the stack if it is a new level. *)
let add_type var new_typ curr_level context =
let map_value = Map.find var context in
let stack = map_value.type_stack in
let (typ, var_kind, curr_level) =
if map_value.var_level = curr_level then Stack.pop stack
else stack in
let _ = Stack.push (new_typ, var_kind, curr_level) stack in
let new_map_value = { map_value with type_stack = stack } in
Map.add var new_map_value context
with Not_found ->
let var_kind = typ_to_var_kind new_typ in
let stack = Stack.create () in
let _ = Stack.push (new_typ, var_kind, curr_level) stack in
let map_value = { var_level = curr_level; type_stack = stack } in
Map.add var map_value context
(* Adds a type to a path starting from a variable. It replaces the top *)
(* of the stack if the level if the same as the current level, or it *)
(* adds a new item to the stack if it is a new level. *)
let add_type_content var path new_typ curr_level context =
let map_value = Map.find var context in
let stack = map_value.type_stack in
let (typ, var_kind, curr_level) =
if map_value.var_level = curr_level then Stack.pop stack
else stack in
(* print_string ((key_to_string var)^"->"); print_endline *)
(* (var_kind_to_string var_kind); print_string "the path is "; *)
(* print_endline (Utils.list_to_string Ident.fieldname_to_string *)
(* path); *)
let var_kind = update_var_kind path new_typ var_kind in
let _ = Stack.push (typ, var_kind, curr_level) stack in
let new_map_value = { map_value with type_stack = stack } in
Map.add var new_map_value context
with Not_found -> assert false
(* Adds a method's parameters to the context *)
let add_params_to_context pname type_signature context =
let aux context (name, typ) =
let varname = Mangled.from_string name in
let pvar = Sil.mk_pvar varname pname in
add_type pvar typ 0 context in
IList.fold_left aux context type_signature
(* Returns the top type of a variable in the context *)
let get_type pvar context =
let map_value =
try Map.find pvar context
with Not_found -> assert false in
match map_value.type_stack with
| (typ, var_kind, level) ->
(* Returns the type of a path starting from a variable in the context *)
let get_type_content tenv pvar path context =
let map_value =
try Map.find pvar context
with Not_found -> assert false in
match map_value.type_stack with
| (typ, var_kind, level) ->
(* print_string ((key_to_string pvar)^"->"); print_endline ("typ is *)
(* "^(Sil.typ_to_string typ)); print_endline (var_kind_to_string *)
(* var_kind); print_string "the path is "; print_endline *)
(* (Utils.list_to_string Ident.fieldname_to_string path); *)
get_type_var_kind tenv typ path var_kind
let defined_methods = ref Procname.Set.empty
let initial_node = ref (Cfg.Node.dummy ())
let rec super tenv t =
match t with
| Sil.Tstruct { Sil.csu = Csu.Class _; struct_name = Some _; superclasses = class_name :: _ } ->
Sil.tenv_lookup tenv class_name
| Sil.Tarray (dom_type, _) -> None
| Sil.Tptr (dom_type, p) ->
let super_dom_type = super tenv dom_type in
(match super_dom_type with
| None -> None
| Some super -> Some (Sil.Tptr (super, p)))
| _ -> None
let rec lub tenv t1 t2 =
let t1 = Sil.expand_type tenv t1 in
let t2 = Sil.expand_type tenv t2 in
if (Sil.typ_equal t1 t2) then t1
else if (Prover.Subtyping_check.check_subtype tenv t1 t2) then t2
else if (Prover.Subtyping_check.check_subtype tenv t2 t1) then t1
let st1 = (super tenv t1) in
let st2 = (super tenv t2) in
match st1, st2 with
| Some st1, Some st2 -> lub tenv st1 st2
| _ -> t1
module Field_context =
module Map = Map.Make (struct
type t = Ident.fieldname
let compare = Ident.fieldname_compare end)
type map = Sil.typ Map.t
let field_context_to_string field_context =
let aux key value s =
(Ident.fieldname_to_string key)^"->"^(Sil.typ_to_string value)^"\n" in
Map.fold aux field_context ""
let add_type tenv field typ field_context =
let old_typ =
Map.find field field_context
with Not_found -> typ in
let new_typ = lub tenv old_typ typ in
Map.add field new_typ field_context
(* Module for one instance of the TODO set: a set of cfg nodes. *)
module Node_TM =
type t = Cfg.Node.t
let t_to_string node = Cfg.Node.get_description Utils.pe_text node
type t' = Type_map.key
let t'_to_string = Type_map.key_to_string
type ret_t = Procname.t
let save_items_to_set = false
let to_t p = assert false
type context =
type field_context =
module Set = Cfg.NodeSet
module IdContext = Map.Make (struct
type t = Ident.t
let compare = end)
type id_map_value =
| Exp of Sil.exp
| Typ of Sil.typ
(* Local context for the type propagation inside one node. Because the *)
(* ids from one node are not visible in another node, we write their *)
(* types or the expressions they are identified with in a separate local *)
(* context. *)
type id_context = id_map_value IdContext.t
let id_context_to_string id_context =
let aux key value s =
let value_to_string value =
match value with
| Exp exp -> (Sil.exp_to_string exp)
| Typ typ -> Sil.typ_to_string typ in
(Ident.to_string key)^"->"^(value_to_string value)^"\n" in
IdContext.fold aux id_context ""
(* Returns the type of constants. Some cases are still TODO. *)
let get_const_type const =
match const with
| Sil.Cint i -> Sil.Tint Sil.IInt
| Sil.Cfloat fl -> Sil.Tfloat Sil.FFloat
| Sil.Cfun fn -> assert false
| Sil.Cstr str ->
Sil.Tptr (
Sil.Tvar (Typename.TN_csu
(Csu.Class Csu.Java, (Mangled.from_string ( "java.lang.String")))),
| Sil.Cattribute atr -> assert false
| Sil.Cexn e -> assert false
| Sil.Cclass cl -> assert false
| Sil.Cptr_to_fld _ -> assert false
| Sil.Ctuple _ -> assert false
let get_id_exptyp id id_context =
try IdContext.find id id_context
with Not_found -> (print_endline (Ident.to_string id)); assert false
let rec retrieve_type tenv field typ =
match typ with
| Sil.Tptr (ityp, _) -> retrieve_type tenv field ityp
| _ ->
let ityp = Sil.expand_type tenv typ in
match ityp with
| Sil.Tstruct { Sil.instance_fields } ->
let (_, typ, _) =
try ((IList.find (fun (f, t, _) -> Ident.fieldname_equal f field)) instance_fields)
with Not_found -> assert false in
| _ -> assert false
(* Returns a type for an expression taking into account the types of *)
(* variables in the context and the context of ids. *)
let get_type tenv exp id_context context field_context =
let rec aux exp =
match exp with
| Sil.Var id ->
(match get_id_exptyp id id_context with
| Exp exp -> aux exp
| Typ typ -> typ)
| Sil.UnOp (unop, exp, typ) -> aux exp
| Sil.BinOp (binop, exp1, exp2) -> aux exp1
| Sil.Const const -> get_const_type const
| Sil.Cast (typ, exp) -> typ
| Sil.Lfield (e, fld, typ) ->
(try Field_context.Map.find fld field_context
with Not_found -> retrieve_type tenv fld typ)
| Sil.Lindex (Sil.Var id, i) ->
(match get_id_exptyp id id_context with
| Exp (Sil.Lvar pvar) ->
Context_map.get_type_content tenv pvar [] context
| _ -> assert false)
| Sil.Sizeof (typ, sub) -> assert false
| Sil.Lvar pvar ->
Context_map.get_type pvar context
| _ -> assert false in
aux exp
module Map = Type_map.Map
let map_value_to_string = Type_map.map_value_to_string
type map = Type_map.TypeSet.t Map.t
type map_value = Type_map.TypeSet.t
(* Chooses the next node to be analysed. It will be the successor of the *)
(* current node. When the node doesn't have a successor it goes back the *)
(* same path it analysed already and chooses the first of the ancestors *)
(* that has a successor. *)
let choose_elem set el =
let choose_start_node () =
if Set.mem !initial_node set then !initial_node else Set.min_elt set in
let rec aux old_node =
(* print_endline "old node in aux is "; print_endline (t_to_string *)
(* old_node); *)
let backtrack () =
(* print_endline "backtracking..."; *)
let preds = Cfg.Node.get_preds old_node in
let pred =
try IList.find (fun p -> not (Set.mem p set)) preds
with Not_found ->
try IList.hd preds
with Failure "hd" -> Set.min_elt set in
(aux pred) in
if (Set.mem old_node set) then backtrack ()
let succs = Cfg.Node.get_succs old_node in
let node =
try IList.find (fun n -> ( Set.mem n set)) succs
with Not_found -> backtrack () in
node in
match el with
| Some old_node ->
(* print_endline "choosing an element when old_element is "; *)
(* print_endline (t_to_string old_node); *)
aux old_node
| None -> choose_start_node ()
let instr_to_string instr =
let pp fmt () = Sil.pp_instr Utils.pe_text fmt instr in
Utils.pp_to_string pp ()
(* Goes through the instructions of a node and propagates the types. *)
(* When it analyses a virtual method call it adds the current dynamic *)
(* types that the method is called with to the map. It also collects the *)
(* procedure names when their map changes so that they can be *)
(* reanalysed. *)
let collect_items exe_env cfg0 tenv node map context field_context =
(* print_endline "\n\nAnalyzing node: "; print_endline (t_to_string *)
(* node); *)
let set_ids ids rtype id_context =
match ids with
| [ret_id] -> IdContext.add ret_id (Typ rtype) id_context
| _ -> id_context in
let aux (id_context, context, field_context, map, list) instr =
(* print_string "\nAnalyzing instruction: "; print_endline *)
(* (instr_to_string instr); *)
match instr with
| Sil.Letderef (id, exp, typ, loc) ->
let id_context = IdContext.add id (Exp exp) id_context in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Set (exp1, typ, exp, loc) ->
let exp_typ = get_type tenv exp id_context context field_context in
let context, field_context =
(match exp1 with
| Sil.Lvar pvar ->
(* print_endline ("trying to add variable "^(Context_map.key_to_string *)
(* pvar) ); print_endline ("with type "^(Sil.typ_to_string exp_typ)); *)
(* print_endline "Context"; Context_map.print_map context; *)
Context_map.add_type pvar exp_typ 0 context, field_context
| Sil.Lfield (e, fld, typ) ->
context, Field_context.add_type tenv fld exp_typ field_context
| Sil.Lindex (Sil.Var id, _) ->
(match get_id_exptyp id id_context with
| Exp (Sil.Lvar pvar) ->
Context_map.add_type_content pvar [] exp_typ 0 context, field_context
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false) in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname), actual_params, loc, call_flags)
when not (SymExec.function_is_builtin callee_pname) ->
(* TODO: constraint for virtual calls *)
let cfg =
if (Procname.Set.mem callee_pname !defined_methods) then
Exe_env.get_cfg exe_env callee_pname
else cfg0 in
let pdesc = match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg callee_pname with
| Some pdesc -> pdesc
| None -> assert false in
let return_type = Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type pdesc in
let id_context = set_ids ret_ids return_type id_context in
if (Procname.Set.mem callee_pname !defined_methods) then
let formals = Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals pdesc in
let create_typ_bundle (exp, typ) (name, typ2) =
(Mangled.to_string name, (get_type tenv exp id_context context field_context)) in
let typ_bundle = IList.map2 create_typ_bundle actual_params formals in
let set = Type_map.find_dyn_types callee_pname map in
if Type_map.TypeSet.mem typ_bundle set
then id_context, context, field_context, map, list
let ext_set = Type_map.TypeSet.add typ_bundle set in
let map' = Type_map.add_set_to_map callee_pname ext_set map in
let list = callee_pname:: list in
id_context, context, field_context, map', list
else id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname), [(exp, class_type)], loc, call_flags)
when Procname.equal callee_pname SymExec.ModelBuiltins.__new ->
let id_context = set_ids ret_ids class_type id_context in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname),
[(array_size, array_type)], loc, call_flags)
when Procname.equal callee_pname SymExec.ModelBuiltins.__new_array ->
let id_context = set_ids ret_ids array_type id_context in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname),
[(sil_ex, type_of_ex); (Sil.Sizeof (typ, _), Sil.Tvoid)], loc, call_flags)
when Procname.equal callee_pname SymExec.ModelBuiltins.__cast ->
let id_context = set_ids ret_ids typ id_context in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname),
[(sil_ex, type_of_ex); (_, Sil.Tvoid)], loc, call_flags)
when Procname.equal callee_pname SymExec.ModelBuiltins.__instanceof ->
let id_context = set_ids ret_ids (Sil.Tint Sil.IBool) id_context in
id_context, context, field_context, map, list
| _ -> id_context, context, field_context, map, list in
let instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs node in
let id_context, context, field_context, map, items =
IList.fold_left aux (IdContext.empty, context, field_context, map, []) instrs in
context, field_context, map, items
(* Module for the second instance of the TODO set: a set of procedure *)
(* names. *)
module Typeprop_node = Control_flow (Node_TM)
module TM =
type t = Procname.t
let t_to_string = Procname.to_string
type t' = Type_map.key
let t'_to_string = Type_map.key_to_string
type ret_t = Procname.t
module Map = Type_map.Map
let map_value_to_string = Type_map.map_value_to_string
type map = Type_map.TypeSet.t Map.t
type map_value = Type_map.TypeSet.t
module Set = Procname.Set
let set_to_string set =
let aux value = print_string ("\n item: "^(t_to_string value)) in
Set.iter aux set
let choose_elem set el =
let element = Set.min_elt set in
let save_items_to_set = true
let to_t p = p
type context =
type field_context =
let map_to_string map =
let aux key value s =
s^(t'_to_string key)^" -> "^(map_value_to_string value)^"\n\n" in
(Map.fold aux map "")
let get_initial_node cfg proc_name =
let pdesc =
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg proc_name with
| Some pdesc -> pdesc
| None ->
L.out "#### ERROR: cannot find %a ####@.@." Procname.pp proc_name;
assert false in
let start_node = Cfg.Procdesc.get_start_node pdesc in
(* Collects all the nodes from a procedure. Ignores the exceptions nodes *)
(* for now for simplicity. *)
let collect_nodes pname initial_node =
let rec aux nodes set =
match nodes with
| [] -> set
| node:: rest ->
if (Cfg.NodeSet.mem node set) then (aux rest set)
let set' = Cfg.NodeSet.add node set in
let succs = Cfg.Node.get_succs node in
(* let exns = Cfg.Node.get_exn node in *)
(aux (succs(*@exns*)@rest) set') in
(aux [initial_node] Cfg.NodeSet.empty)
(* For each of the types in the set of types assigned to the method, *)
(* execute the type propagation algorithm and collect the updated map of *)
(* types and list of new procedures that were updated and need to be *)
(* analysed again. *)
let collect_items exe_env cfg0 tenv pname map context field_context =
let cfg = Exe_env.get_cfg exe_env pname in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_tenv exe_env pname in
let init = get_initial_node cfg pname in
initial_node := init;
let nodes_todo = collect_nodes pname init in
let set = Type_map.find_dyn_types pname map in
let process_type_bundle type_bundle (map, items) =
let context = Context_map.add_params_to_context pname type_bundle context in
let context, field_context, map, items =
Typeprop_node.update_todo exe_env cfg tenv None
nodes_todo (map, items) context field_context in
map, items in
let map, items = Type_map.TypeSet.fold process_type_bundle set (map, []) in
Context_map.Map.empty, field_context, map, items
module Typeprop = Control_flow (TM)
let map_to_string map =
let aux key value s =
let initial =
try ignore(Procname.Set.find key !initial_methods); true
with Not_found -> false in
if initial then s
else s^(TM.t'_to_string key)^" is called with types: "^(TM.map_value_to_string value)^"\n\n" in
(TM.Map.fold aux map "")
let arg_desc =
let base_arg =
let options_to_keep = ["-results_dir"] in
let filter arg_desc =
IList.filter (fun desc ->
let (option_name, _, _, _) = desc in
IList.mem string_equal option_name options_to_keep)
arg_desc in
let desc = (filter Utils.base_arg_desc) in
Utils.Arg.create_options_desc false "Parsing Options" desc in
let usage =
"Usage: Typeprop -results_dir out \n"
let () =
Utils.Arg.parse arg_desc (fun arg -> ()) usage
(* Initialises the map of types of the methods that are never called with *)
(* the static types. *)
let initialize_map exe_env methods =
let init_method exe_env pname map =
let cfg = Exe_env.get_cfg exe_env pname in
let formals = get_formals cfg pname in
initial_methods := Procname.Set.add pname !initial_methods;
Type_map.add_to_map pname formals map in
let meth_list = Procname.Set.elements methods in
let map' = (IList.fold_right (init_method exe_env) meth_list Type_map.Map.empty) in
(* Collects all the methods that are defined in the program. *)
let collect_methods exe_env =
let global_cg = Exe_env.get_cg exe_env in
let nodes, edges = Cg.get_nodes_and_edges global_cg in
let do_node (n, defined, restricted) defined_methods =
if defined then
Procname.Set.add n defined_methods
else defined_methods in
let do_edge (n1, n2) no_main_methods =
if Cg.node_defined global_cg n1 && Cg.node_defined global_cg n2 then
Procname.Set.add n2 no_main_methods
else no_main_methods in
let defined = IList.fold_right do_node nodes Procname.Set.empty in
let no_main_methods = IList.fold_right do_edge edges Procname.Set.empty in
let main_methods = Procname.Set.diff defined no_main_methods in
defined_methods := defined;
(* TM.set_to_string main_methods; *)
(* Performs type propagation for a program *)
let type_prop_do exe_env =
let main_methods = collect_methods exe_env in
let map = initialize_map exe_env main_methods in
let tenv = Sil.create_tenv () in
let context, field_context, map, list =
Typeprop.update_todo exe_env (Obj.magic ()) tenv None main_methods
(map, []) Context_map.Map.empty Field_context.Map.empty in
(* Loads the local control graphs of a program to create a global control *)
(* graph. *)
let load_cg_files _exe_env (source_dirs : DB.source_dir list) =
let load_cg_file (_exe_env: Exe_env.initial) (source_dir : DB.source_dir) =
match Exe_env.add_cg _exe_env source_dir with
| None -> ()
| Some cg ->
(*L.err "loaded %s@." (DB.source_dir_to_string source_dir) *) () in
IList.iter (fun source_dir -> load_cg_file _exe_env source_dir) source_dirs;
let exe_env = Exe_env.freeze _exe_env in
(* Loads the control graph and executes the type propagation algorithm. *)
(* TODO: serialize and save the map after its computation. *)
let type_prop () =
let source_dirs = DB.find_source_dirs () in
let _exe_env = Exe_env.create None in
let exe_env = load_cg_files _exe_env source_dirs in
let map = type_prop_do exe_env in
print_endline "\n";
print_endline (map_to_string map);
print_endline "\n";
let () = type_prop ()
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
val type_prop : unit -> unit
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