[biabduction] Simplify postconditions after re-execution.

This applies some simplifications that were previously
done after footprint (and therefore lost), and some
simplifications that require looking at both pre and

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D19035494

fbshipit-source-id: bad79534a
Radu Grigore 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 6b24ea7bb1
commit 7bfef217de

@ -256,3 +256,9 @@ let hashqueue_of_sequence ?init s =
let set_of_sequence ?(init = Set.empty) s = Sequence.fold s ~init ~f:(fun ids id -> Set.add id ids) let set_of_sequence ?(init = Set.empty) s = Sequence.fold s ~init ~f:(fun ids id -> Set.add id ids)
let counts_of_sequence seq =
let h = Hash.create (Sequence.length seq) in
let get id = Option.value (Hash.find_opt h id) ~default:0 in
let bump id = Hash.replace h id (1 + get id) in
Sequence.iter ~f:bump seq ; get

@ -139,3 +139,5 @@ val to_string : t -> string
val hashqueue_of_sequence : ?init:unit HashQueue.t -> t Sequence.t -> unit HashQueue.t val hashqueue_of_sequence : ?init:unit HashQueue.t -> t Sequence.t -> unit HashQueue.t
val set_of_sequence : ?init:Set.t -> t Sequence.t -> Set.t val set_of_sequence : ?init:Set.t -> t Sequence.t -> Set.t
val counts_of_sequence : t Sequence.t -> t -> int

@ -1152,6 +1152,92 @@ let check_junk pname tenv prop =
else Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set prop ~sigma:sigma_new ~sigma_fp:sigma_fp_new) else Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set prop ~sigma:sigma_new ~sigma_fp:sigma_fp_new)
(** Removes (pure) atoms (such as v=E) containing a variable v that (a) has no other occurrence and
(b) [count v] is 0. The default count is the constant 0. One should use the argument count if
the proposition being simplified should make sense in a larger scope, which is not seen;
[count v] should give the number of occurrences of v in the context. *)
let remove_pure_garbage tenv ?(count = fun _ -> 0) prop =
if Prop.has_footprint prop then L.d_warning "Abs.remove_pure_garbage ignores footprint" ;
(* Normalization may change counts of occurrences. Which free variables we drop depends on counts.
Dropping variables involves exposing the Prop.t, so we must necessarily re-normalize. Since we change
counts again, other variables may become dropable. We start with normalization, which empirically leads
to more dropping. *)
let changed = ref false in
let rec go prop =
let propcount = prop |> Prop.free_vars |> Ident.counts_of_sequence in
let prop = Prop.set prop ~pi:(Prop.get_pure prop) ~sub:Sil.sub_empty in
let drop id = Int.equal 1 (count id + propcount id) in
let keep atom = not (Sequence.exists ~f:drop (Sil.atom_free_vars atom)) in
let pi = List.filter ~f:keep prop.Prop.pi in
let dropped = List.length pi < List.length prop.Prop.pi in
changed := !changed || dropped ;
let prop = Prop.set ~pi prop in
let prop = Prop.normalize tenv prop in
if dropped then go prop else prop
(go prop, !changed)
(* During re-execution, free variables in Prop.t have the whole spec as their scope. Thus, most
functions in Prop abstain from dropping free variables. Here, however, we can do it. Let's call an
atom an orphan when it contains a variable v that does not occur anywhere else in the spec. Orphans
can be dropped. Alpha-renaming can create orphans. Thus, we will perform a best-effort fixpoint
computation (rename, drop)*, stopping when the last drop is a no-op. *)
let abstract_spec pname tenv spec =
let open BiabductionSummary in
let rename spec = spec_normalize tenv spec in
let drop spec =
let changed = ref false in
let precount = spec.pre |> Jprop.to_prop |> Prop.free_vars |> Ident.counts_of_sequence in
let update_post (p, path) =
let p, dropped = remove_pure_garbage tenv p ~count:precount in
changed := !changed || dropped ;
(p, path)
let posts = List.map ~f:update_post spec.posts in
let spec = {spec with posts} in
(spec, !changed)
let rec loop spec =
let s1 = rename spec in
let s2, changed = drop (expose s1) in
if changed then loop s2 else s1
let collapse_posts spec =
let spec = expose spec in
let implies (prop1, _path1) (prop2, _path2) =
(* TODO(rgrigore): [Prover.check_implication] gives up immediately if the consequence contains
a disequality. As a workaround, here we drop pure facts from the consequent that are known to
be true. *)
let module AtomSet = Caml.Set.Make (struct
type t = Sil.atom
let compare = Sil.compare_atom
end) in
let pre_pure =
let pre = Jprop.to_prop spec.pre in
AtomSet.of_list (Prop.get_pure pre)
let prop1_pure = AtomSet.of_list (Prop.get_pure prop1) in
let known = AtomSet.union pre_pure prop1_pure in
let toprove = AtomSet.of_list prop2.Prop.pi in
let toprove = AtomSet.diff toprove known in
let prop2 = Prop.set prop2 ~pi:(AtomSet.elements toprove) in
Prover.check_implication pname tenv prop1 prop2
let rec filter kept x unseen =
(* INV: if a is kept and b is kept or unseen then (not (implies a b)).
We keep x unless that would break the invariant. *)
let others = List.rev_append kept unseen in
let kept = if List.exists ~f:(implies x) others then kept else x :: kept in
match unseen with [] -> kept | y :: unseen -> filter kept y unseen
let posts = match spec.posts with [] | [_] -> spec.posts | p :: posts -> filter [] p posts in
{spec with posts}
rename (collapse_posts (loop spec))
(** Check whether the prop contains junk. If it does, and [Config.allowleak] is true, remove the (** Check whether the prop contains junk. If it does, and [Config.allowleak] is true, remove the
junk, otherwise raise a Leak exception. *) junk, otherwise raise a Leak exception. *)
let abstract_junk pname tenv prop = let abstract_junk pname tenv prop =

@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ type rules
val abstract : Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t val abstract : Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t
(** Abstract a proposition. *) (** Abstract a proposition. *)
val abstract_spec :
Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal BiabductionSummary.spec -> BiabductionSummary.NormSpec.t
(** Normalizes names and applies simplifications, soem of which require looking at both pre and
post. *)
val abstract_junk : Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t val abstract_junk : Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t
(** Check whether the prop contains junk. If it does, and [Config.allowleak] is true, remove the (** Check whether the prop contains junk. If it does, and [Config.allowleak] is true, remove the
junk, otherwise raise a Leak exception. *) junk, otherwise raise a Leak exception. *)

@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ module Jprop = struct
do_filter [] jpl do_filter [] jpl
let shallow_map ~f = function
| Prop (n, p) ->
Prop (n, f p)
| Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) ->
Joined (n, f p, jp1, jp2)
let rec map (f : 'a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) = function let rec map (f : 'a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) = function
| Prop (n, p) -> | Prop (n, p) ->
Prop (n, f p) Prop (n, f p)
@ -168,17 +175,17 @@ module NormSpec : sig
val normalize : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> t val normalize : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> t
val tospecs : t list -> Prop.normal spec list
val compact : Sil.sharing_env -> t -> t val compact : Sil.sharing_env -> t -> t
(** Return a compact representation of the spec *) (** Return a compact representation of the spec *)
val tospec : t -> Prop.normal spec
val erase_join_info_pre : Tenv.t -> t -> t val erase_join_info_pre : Tenv.t -> t -> t
(** Erase join info from pre of spec *) (** Erase join info from pre of spec *)
end = struct end = struct
type t = Prop.normal spec type t = Prop.normal spec
let tospecs specs = specs let tospec spec = spec
let gen_free_vars tenv (spec : Prop.normal spec) = let gen_free_vars tenv (spec : Prop.normal spec) =
let open Sequence.Generator in let open Sequence.Generator in
@ -197,7 +204,6 @@ end = struct
; visited= spec.visited } ; visited= spec.visited }
(** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *)
let normalize tenv (spec : Prop.normal spec) : Prop.normal spec = let normalize tenv (spec : Prop.normal spec) : Prop.normal spec =
let idlist = free_vars tenv spec |> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence |> Ident.HashQueue.keys in let idlist = free_vars tenv spec |> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence |> Ident.HashQueue.keys in
let count = ref 0 in let count = ref 0 in
@ -225,11 +231,13 @@ end = struct
normalize tenv spec' normalize tenv spec'
end end
(** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *) (** Convert spec into normal form *)
let spec_normalize = NormSpec.normalize let spec_normalize = NormSpec.normalize
let expose = NormSpec.tospec
(** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *) (** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *)
let normalized_specs_to_specs = NormSpec.tospecs let normalized_specs_to_specs = List.map ~f:NormSpec.tospec
type phase = FOOTPRINT | RE_EXECUTION [@@deriving compare] type phase = FOOTPRINT | RE_EXECUTION [@@deriving compare]
@ -279,11 +287,14 @@ let pp_specs pe fmt specs =
F.fprintf fmt "%a<br>@\n" (pp_spec0 pe (Some (cnt + 1, total))) spec ) F.fprintf fmt "%a<br>@\n" (pp_spec0 pe (Some (cnt + 1, total))) spec )
let get_specs_from_preposts preposts = Option.value_map ~f:NormSpec.tospecs ~default:[] preposts let get_specs_from_preposts preposts =
Option.value_map ~f:(List.map ~f:NormSpec.tospec) ~default:[] preposts
type t = {preposts: NormSpec.t list; phase: phase} type t = {preposts: NormSpec.t list; phase: phase}
let opt_get_phase = function None -> FOOTPRINT | Some {phase} -> phase let opt_get_phase = function None -> FOOTPRINT | Some {phase} -> phase
let pp pe fmt {preposts; phase} = let pp pe fmt {preposts; phase} =
F.fprintf fmt "phase= %s@\n%a" (string_of_phase phase) (pp_specs pe) (NormSpec.tospecs preposts) F.fprintf fmt "phase= %s@\n%a" (string_of_phase phase) (pp_specs pe)
(List.map ~f:NormSpec.tospec preposts)

@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ module Jprop : sig
val map : ('a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) -> 'a t -> 'b t val map : ('a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) -> 'a t -> 'b t
(** map the function to each prop in the jprop, pointwise *) (** map the function to each prop in the jprop, pointwise *)
val shallow_map : f:('a Prop.t -> 'a Prop.t) -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** map f over the top-level prop *)
val to_prop : 'a t -> 'a Prop.t val to_prop : 'a t -> 'a Prop.t
(** Extract the toplevel jprop of a prop *) (** Extract the toplevel jprop of a prop *)
end end
@ -62,13 +65,15 @@ module NormSpec : sig
(** Erase join info from pre of spec *) (** Erase join info from pre of spec *)
end end
val expose : NormSpec.t -> Prop.normal spec
val normalized_specs_to_specs : NormSpec.t list -> Prop.normal spec list val normalized_specs_to_specs : NormSpec.t list -> Prop.normal spec list
(** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *) (** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *)
val pp_spec : Format.formatter -> _ spec -> unit val pp_spec : Format.formatter -> _ spec -> unit
val spec_normalize : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> NormSpec.t val spec_normalize : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> NormSpec.t
(** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *) (** Convert spec into normal form. *)

@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ module Core : sig
; pi_fp: pi (** abduced pure part *) } ; pi_fp: pi (** abduced pure part *) }
[@@deriving compare] [@@deriving compare]
val has_footprint : 'a t -> bool
val prop_emp : normal t val prop_emp : normal t
(** Proposition [true /\ emp]. *) (** Proposition [true /\ emp]. *)
@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ end = struct
; pi_fp: pi (** abduced pure part *) } ; pi_fp: pi (** abduced pure part *) }
[@@deriving compare] [@@deriving compare]
let has_footprint {sigma_fp; pi_fp} = not (List.is_empty sigma_fp && List.is_empty pi_fp)
(** Proposition [true /\ emp]. *) (** Proposition [true /\ emp]. *)
let prop_emp : normal t = {sub= Sil.sub_empty; pi= []; sigma= []; pi_fp= []; sigma_fp= []} let prop_emp : normal t = {sub= Sil.sub_empty; pi= []; sigma= []; pi_fp= []; sigma_fp= []}

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ type struct_init_mode = No_init | Fld_init
(** {2 Basic Functions for propositions} *) (** {2 Basic Functions for propositions} *)
val has_footprint : 'a t -> bool
(** sigma_fp is nonempty or pi_fp is nonempty *)
val compare_prop : 'a t -> 'a t -> int val compare_prop : 'a t -> 'a t -> int
(** Compare propositions *) (** Compare propositions *)

@ -789,14 +789,7 @@ let execute_filter_prop summary exe_env tenv proc_cfg
(plist, visited) (plist, visited)
in in
let pre = let pre =
let p = BiabductionSummary.Jprop.shallow_map ~f:(PropUtil.remove_locals_ret tenv pdesc) precondition
PropUtil.remove_locals_ret tenv pdesc (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop precondition)
match precondition with
| BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Prop (n, _) ->
BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Prop (n, p)
| BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Joined (n, _, jp1, jp2) ->
BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2)
in in
let spec = BiabductionSummary.{pre; posts; visited} in let spec = BiabductionSummary.{pre; posts; visited} in
L.d_decrease_indent () ; do_after_node init_node ; Some spec L.d_decrease_indent () ; do_after_node init_node ; Some spec
@ -867,7 +860,7 @@ let perform_analysis_phase exe_env tenv (summary : Summary.t) (proc_cfg : ProcCf
(Localise.verbatim_desc "Leak_while_collecting_specs_after_footprint") (Localise.verbatim_desc "Leak_while_collecting_specs_after_footprint")
in in
Reporting.log_issue_deprecated_using_state Exceptions.Error pname exn ; Reporting.log_issue_deprecated_using_state Exceptions.Error pname exn ;
(* retuning no specs *) [] (* returning no specs *) []
in in
(specs, BiabductionSummary.FOOTPRINT) (specs, BiabductionSummary.FOOTPRINT)
in in
@ -1050,8 +1043,9 @@ let update_specs tenv prev_summary phase (new_specs : BiabductionSummary.NormSpe
in in
let res = ref [] in let res = ref [] in
let convert pre (post_set, visited) = let convert pre (post_set, visited) =
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name prev_summary in
res := res :=
BiabductionSummary.spec_normalize tenv Abs.abstract_spec pname tenv
BiabductionSummary.{pre; posts= Paths.PathSet.elements post_set; visited} BiabductionSummary.{pre; posts= Paths.PathSet.elements post_set; visited}
:: !res :: !res
in in

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.Nu
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefNullableRet(boolean):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefNullableRet(...),start of procedure nullableRet(...),Taking true branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.nullableRet(boolean)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefNullableRet(boolean):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefNullableRet(...),start of procedure nullableRet(...),Taking true branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.nullableRet(boolean)]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRet():void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRet(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet()] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRet():void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRet(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet()]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRetWrapper():void, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRetWrapper(),start of procedure undefNullableWrapper(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet(),return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.undefNullableWrapper()] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRetWrapper():void, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRetWrapper(),start of procedure undefNullableWrapper(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet(),return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.undefNullableWrapper()]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions$L):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(...),start of procedure returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(...),Taking true branch,Taking false branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(NullPointerExceptions$L)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions$L):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(...),start of procedure returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(...),Taking true branch,Taking true branch,Taking false branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(NullPointerExceptions$L)]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock1(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 4, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock1(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock1(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 4, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock1(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock2(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 6, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock2(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock2(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 6, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock2(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.hashmapNPE(java.util.HashMap,java.lang.Object):java.lang.String, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure hashmapNPE(...)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.hashmapNPE(java.util.HashMap,java.lang.Object):java.lang.String, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [start of procedure hashmapNPE(...)]

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.Nu
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefNullableRet(boolean):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure derefNullableRet(...),start of procedure nullableRet(...),Taking true branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.nullableRet(boolean)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefNullableRet(boolean):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure derefNullableRet(...),start of procedure nullableRet(...),Taking true branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.nullableRet(boolean)]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRet():void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRet(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet()] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRet():void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRet(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet()]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRetWrapper():void, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRetWrapper(),start of procedure undefNullableWrapper(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet(),return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.undefNullableWrapper()] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.derefUndefNullableRetWrapper():void, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure derefUndefNullableRetWrapper(),start of procedure undefNullableWrapper(),Skipping undefNullableRet(): unknown method,Definition of undefNullableRet(),return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.undefNullableWrapper()]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions$L):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(...),start of procedure returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(...),Taking true branch,Taking false branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(NullPointerExceptions$L)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions$L):void, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterLoopOnList(...),start of procedure returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(...),Taking true branch,Taking true branch,Taking false branch,return from a call to Object NullPointerExceptions.returnsNullAfterLoopOnList(NullPointerExceptions$L)]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock1(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 4, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock1(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock1(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 4, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock1(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock2(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 6, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock2(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.dereferenceAfterUnlock2(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock):void, 6, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B1, ERROR, [start of procedure dereferenceAfterUnlock2(...),Skipping toString(): unknown method]
codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.hashmapNPE(java.util.HashMap,java.lang.Object):java.lang.String, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure hashmapNPE(...)] codetoanalyze/java/infer/NullPointerExceptions.java, codetoanalyze.java.infer.NullPointerExceptions.hashmapNPE(java.util.HashMap,java.lang.Object):java.lang.String, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, B2, ERROR, [start of procedure hashmapNPE(...)]
