@ -13,7 +13,11 @@
open ! IStd
module L = Logging
type action_item = Command of ClangCommand . t | ClangError of string | ClangWarning of string
type action_item =
| CanonicalCommand of ClangCommand . t (* * commands output by [clang -###] *)
| DriverCommand of ClangCommand . t (* * commands prior to [clang -###] treatment *)
| ClangError of string
| ClangWarning of string
let clang_ignore_regex = Option . map ~ f : Str . regexp Config . clang_ignore_regex
@ -50,10 +54,10 @@ let check_for_existing_file args =
check_for_existing_file_arg all_args
(* * Given a list of arguments for clang [args] , return a list of new commands to run according to
the results of ` clang - # # # [ args ] ` . * )
let normalize ~ prog ~ args : action_item list =
let cmd = ClangCommand . mk ClangQuotes . SingleQuotes ~ prog ~ args in
(* * Given a clang command , return a list of new commands to run according to the results of `clang
- # # # [ args ] ` . * )
let clang_driver_action_items : ClangCommand . t -> action_item list =
fun cmd ->
let clang_hashhashhash =
Printf . sprintf " %s 2>&1 "
( ClangCommand . prepend_arg " -### " cmd
@ -77,14 +81,14 @@ let normalize ~prog ~args : action_item list =
let normalized_commands = ref [] in
let one_line line =
if String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " \" " line then
C ommand
C anonicalC ommand
( match
(* massage line to remove edge-cases for splitting *)
" \" " ^ line ^ " \" " | > (* split by whitespace *)
Str . split ( Str . regexp_string " \" \" " )
| prog :: args ->
ClangCommand . mk ClangQuotes . EscapedDoubleQuotes ~ prog ~ args
ClangCommand . mk ~ is_driver : false ClangQuotes . EscapedDoubleQuotes ~ prog ~ args
| [] ->
L . ( die InternalError ) " ClangWrapper: argv cannot be empty " )
else if Str . string_match ( Str . regexp " clang[^ :]*: warning: " ) line 0 then ClangWarning line
@ -114,6 +118,13 @@ let normalize ~prog ~args : action_item list =
! normalized_commands
(* * Given a list of arguments for clang [args], return a list of new commands to run according to
the results of ` clang - # # # [ args ] ` if the command can be analysed . * )
let normalize ~ prog ~ args : action_item list =
let cmd = ClangCommand . mk ~ is_driver : true ClangQuotes . SingleQuotes ~ prog ~ args in
if ClangCommand . may_capture cmd then clang_driver_action_items cmd else [ DriverCommand cmd ]
let exec_action_item ~ prog ~ args = function
| ClangError error ->
(* An error in the output of `clang -### ...`. Outputs the error and fail. This is because
@ -128,8 +139,15 @@ let exec_action_item ~prog ~args = function
* * * Infer needs a working compilation command to run . " prog Pp.cli_args args error
| ClangWarning warning ->
L . external_warning " %s@ \n " warning
| C ommand clang_cmd ->
| C anonicalC ommand clang_cmd ->
Capture . capture clang_cmd
| DriverCommand clang_cmd ->
if Option . is_none Config . buck_compilation_database
| | Config . skip_analysis_in_path_skips_compilation
then Capture . run_clang clang_cmd Utils . echo_in
L . debug Capture Quiet " Skipping seemingly uninteresting clang driver command %s@ \n "
( ClangCommand . command_to_run clang_cmd )
let exe ~ prog ~ args =