@ -409,6 +409,8 @@ module Val = struct
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t = lift_prune2 Itv . prune_ne ArrayBlk . prune_ne
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t = lift_prune2 Itv . prune_ne ArrayBlk . prune_ne
let prune_lt : t -> t -> t = prune_binop Binop . Lt
let is_pointer_to_non_array x = ( not ( PowLoc . is_bot x . powloc ) ) && ArrayBlk . is_bot x . arrayblk
let is_pointer_to_non_array x = ( not ( PowLoc . is_bot x . powloc ) ) && ArrayBlk . is_bot x . arrayblk
(* In the pointer arithmetics, it returns top, if we cannot
(* In the pointer arithmetics, it returns top, if we cannot
@ -804,37 +806,12 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
F . pp_print_string fmt " >= "
F . pp_print_string fmt " >= "
(* Relations between values of logical variables ( registers ) and program variables
" Simple relation " : Since Sil distinguishes logical and program variables , we need a relation for
pruning values of program variables . For example , a C statement [ if ( x ) { .. . } ] is translated to
[ % r = load ( x ) ; if ( % r ) { .. . } ] in Sil . At the load statement , we record the alias between the
values of [ % r ] and [ x ] , then we can prune not only the value of [ % r ] , but also that of [ x ]
inside the if branch . The [ java_tmp ] field is an additional slot for keeping one more alias of
temporary variable in Java . The [ i ] field is to express [ % r = load ( x ) + i ] .
" Empty relation " : For pruning [ vector . length ] with [ vector :: empty () ] results , we adopt a specific
relation between [ % r ] and [ v -> elements ] , where [ % r = v . empty () ] . So , if [ % r != 0 ] , [ v ] ' s array
length ( [ v -> elements -> length ] ) is pruned by [ = 0 ] . On the other hand , if [ % r = = 0 ] , [ v ] ' s array
length is pruned by [> = 1 ] .
" Size relation " : This is for pruning vector's length . When there is a function call ,
[ % r = x . size () ] , the alias target for [ % r ] becomes [ AliasTarget . size { l = x . elements } ] . The
[ java_tmp ] field is an additional slot for keeping one more alias of temporary variable in
Java . The [ i ] field is to express [ % r = x . size () + i ] , which is required to follow the semantics
of [ Array . add ] inside loops precisely .
" Iterator offset relation " : This is for tracking a relation between an iterator offset and a
length of array . If [ % r ] has an alias to [ IteratorOffset { l ; i } ] , which means that [ % r's
iterator offset ] is same to [ length ( l ) + i ] .
" HasNext relation " : This is for tracking return values of the [ hasNext ] function . If [ % r ] has an
alias to [ HasNext { l } ] , which means that [ % r ] is a [ hasNext ] results of the iterator [ l ] . * )
type t =
type t =
| Simple of { i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| Simple of { i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| Empty
| Empty
| Size of { alias_typ : alias_typ ; i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| Size of { alias_typ : alias_typ ; i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| Fgets
| Fgets
| IteratorSimple of { i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| IteratorOffset of { alias_typ : alias_typ ; i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| IteratorOffset of { alias_typ : alias_typ ; i : IntLit . t ; java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| IteratorHasNext of { java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| IteratorHasNext of { java_tmp : Loc . t option }
| Top
| Top
@ -863,6 +840,8 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
pp_intlit i
pp_intlit i
| Fgets ->
| Fgets ->
F . fprintf fmt " %t=fgets(%t) " pp_lhs pp_rhs
F . fprintf fmt " %t=fgets(%t) " pp_lhs pp_rhs
| IteratorSimple { i ; java_tmp } ->
F . fprintf fmt " iterator offset(%t%a)=%t%a " pp_lhs pp_java_tmp java_tmp pp_rhs pp_intlit i
| IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp } ->
| IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp } ->
F . fprintf fmt " iterator offset(%t%a)%alength(%t)%a " pp_lhs pp_java_tmp java_tmp
F . fprintf fmt " iterator offset(%t%a)%alength(%t)%a " pp_lhs pp_java_tmp java_tmp
alias_typ_pp alias_typ pp_rhs pp_intlit i
alias_typ_pp alias_typ pp_rhs pp_intlit i
@ -880,6 +859,7 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
let get_locs = function
let get_locs = function
| Simple { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Simple { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Size { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Size { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| IteratorSimple { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = Some tmp } ->
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = Some tmp } ->
PowLoc . singleton tmp
PowLoc . singleton tmp
@ -887,6 +867,7 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
| Size { java_tmp = None }
| Size { java_tmp = None }
| Empty
| Empty
| Fgets
| Fgets
| IteratorSimple { java_tmp = None }
| IteratorOffset { java_tmp = None }
| IteratorOffset { java_tmp = None }
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None }
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None }
| Top ->
| Top ->
@ -905,6 +886,8 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
Size { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp = Option . bind java_tmp ~ f }
Size { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp = Option . bind java_tmp ~ f }
| Fgets ->
| Fgets ->
| IteratorSimple { i ; java_tmp } ->
IteratorSimple { i ; java_tmp = Option . bind java_tmp ~ f }
| IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp } ->
| IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp } ->
IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp = Option . bind java_tmp ~ f }
IteratorOffset { alias_typ ; i ; java_tmp = Option . bind java_tmp ~ f }
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp } ->
| IteratorHasNext { java_tmp } ->
@ -994,6 +977,8 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
let set_java_tmp loc = function
let set_java_tmp loc = function
| Size a ->
| Size a ->
Size { a with java_tmp = Some loc }
Size { a with java_tmp = Some loc }
| IteratorSimple a ->
IteratorSimple { a with java_tmp = Some loc }
| IteratorOffset a ->
| IteratorOffset a ->
IteratorOffset { a with java_tmp = Some loc }
IteratorOffset { a with java_tmp = Some loc }
| IteratorHasNext _ ->
| IteratorHasNext _ ->
@ -1162,6 +1147,22 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let forget_size_alias arr_locs x = M . map ( AliasTargets . forget_size_alias arr_locs ) x
let forget_size_alias arr_locs x = M . map ( AliasTargets . forget_size_alias arr_locs ) x
let incr_iterator_simple_alias ~ prev loc n x =
let accum_tgt ~ lhs ~ rhs tgt acc =
if Loc . equal rhs loc then
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { i ; java_tmp } ->
add_alias ~ lhs ~ rhs ( AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { i = IntLit . sub i n ; java_tmp } ) acc
| _ ->
else acc
let accum_tgts lhs tgts acc =
AliasTargets . fold ( fun rhs tgts acc -> accum_tgt ~ lhs ~ rhs tgts acc ) tgts acc
M . fold accum_tgts prev x
let store_n ~ prev loc id n x =
let store_n ~ prev loc id n x =
let accum_size_alias rhs tgt acc =
let accum_size_alias rhs tgt acc =
match tgt with
match tgt with
@ -1172,7 +1173,19 @@ module AliasMap = struct
| _ ->
| _ ->
AliasTargets . fold accum_size_alias ( find_id id prev ) x
let tgts = find_id id prev in
let x = AliasTargets . fold accum_size_alias tgts x in
match AliasTargets . find_simple_alias tgts with
| Some loc' when Loc . equal loc loc' ->
incr_iterator_simple_alias ~ prev loc n x
| _ ->
let add_iterator_simple_alias id int x =
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~ rhs : int
( AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { i = IntLit . zero ; java_tmp = None } )
let add_iterator_offset_alias id arr x =
let add_iterator_offset_alias id arr x =
@ -1181,18 +1194,31 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let incr_iterator_offset_alias id x =
let incr_iterator_offset_alias =
let apply_i ~ f = function
| AliasTarget . IteratorSimple ( { i } as tgt ) ->
AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { tgt with i = f i }
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset ( { i } as tgt ) ->
AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i = f i }
| _ ->
assert false
let java_tmp_none = function
| AliasTarget . IteratorSimple tgt ->
AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { tgt with java_tmp = None }
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset tgt ->
AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with java_tmp = None }
| _ ->
assert false
fun id x ->
let accum_incr_iterator_offset_alias rhs tgt acc =
let accum_incr_iterator_offset_alias rhs tgt acc =
match tgt with
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset ( { i ; java_tmp } as tgt ) ->
| AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { java_tmp } | AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { java_tmp } ->
let i = IntLit . ( add i one ) in
let tgt = apply_i tgt ~ f : IntLit . ( add one ) in
let acc =
let acc = add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~ rhs tgt acc in
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~ rhs ( AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i } ) acc
Option . value_map java_tmp ~ default : x ~ f : ( fun java_tmp ->
Option . value_map java_tmp ~ default : x ~ f : ( fun java_tmp ->
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc java_tmp ) ~ rhs
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc java_tmp ) ~ rhs ( java_tmp_none tgt ) acc )
( AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i ; java_tmp = None } )
acc )
| _ ->
| _ ->
@ -1206,6 +1232,7 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator x =
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator x =
let accum_has_next_alias _ rhs tgt acc =
let accum_has_next_alias _ rhs tgt acc =
match tgt with
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . IteratorSimple { java_tmp = Some java_tmp }
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some java_tmp } ->
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some java_tmp } ->
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id ret_id ) ~ rhs : java_tmp
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id ret_id ) ~ rhs : java_tmp
( AliasTarget . IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None } )
( AliasTarget . IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None } )
@ -1315,6 +1342,14 @@ module Alias = struct
List . fold arr_locs ~ init : ( lift_map ( AliasMap . forget loc ) prev ) ~ f : accum_size_alias
List . fold arr_locs ~ init : ( lift_map ( AliasMap . forget loc ) prev ) ~ f : accum_size_alias
let add_iterator_simple_alias : Ident . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
fun id int_locs a ->
let accum_iterator_simple_alias int_loc acc =
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_iterator_simple_alias id int_loc ) acc
PowLoc . fold accum_iterator_simple_alias int_locs a
let add_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
let add_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
fun id arr_locs a ->
fun id arr_locs a ->
let accum_iterator_offset_alias arr_loc acc =
let accum_iterator_offset_alias arr_loc acc =
@ -1865,14 +1900,28 @@ module MemReach = struct
let incr_or_not_size_alias locs m = { m with alias = Alias . incr_or_not_size_alias locs m . alias }
let incr_or_not_size_alias locs m = { m with alias = Alias . incr_or_not_size_alias locs m . alias }
let add_iterator_ offset_alias id m =
let add_iterator_ alias_common ~ cond ~ alias_add id m =
let arr_ locs =
let locs =
let a dd_arr l v acc = if Itv . is_zero ( Val . array_sizeof v ) then PowLoc . add l acc else acc in
let a ccum_loc l v acc = if cond v then PowLoc . add l acc else acc in
MemPure . fold a dd_arr m . mem_pure PowLoc . empty
MemPure . fold a ccum_loc m . mem_pure PowLoc . empty
{ m with alias = Alias . add_iterator_offset_alias id arr_locs m . alias }
{ m with alias = alias_add id locs m . alias }
let add_iterator_simple_alias =
~ cond : ( fun v -> Itv . is_zero ( Val . get_itv v ) )
~ alias_add : Alias . add_iterator_simple_alias
let add_iterator_offset_alias =
~ cond : ( fun v -> Itv . is_zero ( Val . array_sizeof v ) )
~ alias_add : Alias . add_iterator_offset_alias
let add_iterator_alias id m = add_iterator_offset_alias id m | > add_iterator_simple_alias id
let incr_iterator_offset_alias id m = { m with alias = Alias . incr_iterator_offset_alias id m . alias }
let incr_iterator_offset_alias id m = { m with alias = Alias . incr_iterator_offset_alias id m . alias }
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator m =
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator m =
@ -2232,9 +2281,7 @@ module Mem = struct
let incr_or_not_size_alias locs = map ~ f : ( MemReach . incr_or_not_size_alias locs )
let incr_or_not_size_alias locs = map ~ f : ( MemReach . incr_or_not_size_alias locs )
let add_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> t -> t =
let add_iterator_alias : Ident . t -> t -> t = fun id -> map ~ f : ( MemReach . add_iterator_alias id )
fun id -> map ~ f : ( MemReach . add_iterator_offset_alias id )
let incr_iterator_offset_alias : Exp . t -> t -> t =
let incr_iterator_offset_alias : Exp . t -> t -> t =
fun iterator m ->
fun iterator m ->