[sledge] Add: SMT-LIB frontend to SLEdge's internal first-order theory solver

The SLEdge internal first-order theory solver targets the "word
problem", where a query has the form `C ⊢ L` where `C` is a
conjunction of literals and `L` is a single literal. This can be
abused to implement a naive SMT solver using an expansion to
disjunctive-normal form and checking `C ⊢ false` for each branch `C`
of the DNF. This is not useful as an SMT solver, but can be used for

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D23459524

fbshipit-source-id: 5483e5a84
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent f12ca72f07
commit 7fd5dc49be

@ -45,19 +45,26 @@ let command ~summary ?readme param =
Trace.flush () ; Trace.flush () ;
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Success: Invalid Accesses: %i@." Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Success: Invalid Accesses: %i@."
(Report.invalid_access_count ()) (Report.invalid_access_count ())
with exn -> with
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in | Smtlib.Unsound ->
Trace.flush () ; Trace.flush () ;
( match exn with Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unsound@."
| Frontend.Invalid_llvm msg -> | Smtlib.Incomplete ->
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Invalid input: %s@." msg Trace.flush () ;
| Unimplemented msg -> Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Incomplete@."
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unimplemented: %s@." msg | exn ->
| Failure msg -> Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Internal error: %s@." msg let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
| _ -> Trace.flush () ;
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unknown error: %s@." ( match exn with
(Printexc.to_string exn) ) ; | Frontend.Invalid_llvm msg ->
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Invalid input: %s@." msg
| Unimplemented msg ->
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unimplemented: %s@." msg
| Failure msg -> Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Internal error: %s@." msg
| _ ->
Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unknown error: %s@."
(Printexc.to_string exn) ) ;
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
in in
Command.basic ~summary ?readme (trace *> param >>| wrap) Command.basic ~summary ?readme (trace *> param >>| wrap)
@ -230,6 +237,17 @@ let disassemble_cmd =
in in
command ~summary ~readme param command ~summary ~readme param
let smt_cmd =
let summary = "process SMT-LIB benchmarks" in
let readme () =
"The <input> file is interpreted as an SMT-LIB 2 benchmark."
let param =
let%map_open input = anon ("<input>" %: string) in
fun () -> Smtlib.process input
command ~summary ~readme param
let summary = "SLEdge static analyzer" let summary = "SLEdge static analyzer"
let readme () = let readme () =
@ -245,4 +263,5 @@ Command.run ~version:Version.version ~build_info:Version.build_info
[ ("buck", Sledge_buck.main ~command ~analyze:(translate >*> analyze)) [ ("buck", Sledge_buck.main ~command ~analyze:(translate >*> analyze))
; ("llvm", llvm_grp) ; ("llvm", llvm_grp)
; ("analyze", analyze_cmd) ; ("analyze", analyze_cmd)
; ("disassemble", disassemble_cmd) ]) ; ("disassemble", disassemble_cmd)
; ("smt", smt_cmd) ])

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Process SMT-LIB benchmarks using SLEdge's first-order theory solver. *)
module Smt = Smtlib_utils.V_2_6
open Fol
module VarEnv = Map.Make (String)
type var_env = Term.t VarEnv.t
type frame = {mutable asserts: Smt.Ast.term list; mutable var_env: var_env}
let init_stack = [{asserts= []; var_env= VarEnv.empty}]
let stack = ref init_stack
let top () = List.hd_exn !stack
let push () =
let {asserts; var_env} = top () in
stack := {asserts; var_env} :: !stack
let pop () =
match !stack with
| [] -> assert false
| [_] -> ()
| _ :: tl -> stack := tl
let reset () = stack := init_stack
let id =
let count = ref (-1) in
fun () ->
incr count ;
let decl_var name =
let v = Term.var (Var.identified ~name ~id:(id ())) in
let top = top () in
top.var_env <- VarEnv.add_exn ~key:name ~data:v top.var_env
let assert_term term =
let top = top () in
top.asserts <- term :: top.asserts
let rec x_let init nes =
List.fold nes ~init ~f:(fun n (name, term) ->
VarEnv.add_exn ~key:name ~data:(x_trm init term) n )
and x_trm : var_env -> Smt.Ast.term -> Term.t =
fun n term ->
match term with
| Const s -> (
try VarEnv.find_exn n s
with _ -> (
try Term.rational (Q.of_string s)
with _ -> (
try Term.rational (Q.of_float (Float.of_string s))
with _ -> fail "not a rational: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () ) ) )
| Arith (Add, e :: es) ->
List.fold ~f:(fun s e -> Term.add s (x_trm n e)) ~init:(x_trm n e) es
| Arith (Minus, e :: es) ->
List.fold ~f:(fun s e -> Term.sub s (x_trm n e)) ~init:(x_trm n e) es
| Arith (Mult, es) -> (
match List.map ~f:(x_trm n) es with
| e :: es ->
List.fold es ~init:e ~f:(fun p e ->
match Term.const_of e with
| Some q -> Term.mulq q p
| None -> (
match Term.const_of p with
| Some q -> Term.mulq q e
| None -> fail "nonlinear: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () ) )
| [] -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| Arith (Div, es) -> (
match List.map ~f:(x_trm n) es with
| e :: es ->
List.fold es ~init:e ~f:(fun p e ->
match Term.const_of e with
| Some q -> Term.mulq (Q.inv q) p
| None -> fail "nonlinear: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| [] -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| If (c, t, e) ->
Term.ite ~cnd:(x_fml n c) ~thn:(x_trm n t) ~els:(x_trm n e)
| App _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Let (nes, e) -> x_trm (x_let n nes) e
| Attr (e, _) -> x_trm n e
| Fun _ | HO_app _ -> fail "higher-order: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Match _ -> fail "datatype: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Cast _ -> fail "cast: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Arith ((Add | Minus), _) -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| True | False
|Arith ((Leq | Lt | Geq | Gt), _)
|Is_a _ | Eq _ | Imply _ | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Distinct _ | Forall _
|Exists _ ->
Formula.inject (x_fml n term)
and x_fml : var_env -> Smt.Ast.term -> Formula.t =
fun n term ->
match term with
| True -> Formula.tt
| False -> Formula.ff
| If (cnd, pos, neg) ->
Formula.cond ~cnd:(x_fml n cnd) ~pos:(x_fml n pos) ~neg:(x_fml n neg)
| App _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Let (nes, b) -> x_fml (x_let n nes) b
| Eq (d, e) -> Formula.eq (x_trm n d) (x_trm n e)
| Imply (a, b) -> x_fml n (Or [Not a; b])
| And bs -> Formula.andN (List.map ~f:(x_fml n) bs)
| Or bs -> Formula.orN (List.map ~f:(x_fml n) bs)
| Distinct es ->
|> List.map ~f:(x_trm n)
|> Iter.diagonal_l
|> Iter.map ~f:(fun (d, e) -> Formula.dq d e)
|> Iter.to_list
|> Formula.andN
| Not b -> Formula.not_ (x_fml n b)
| Attr (b, _) -> x_fml n b
| Cast _ -> fail "cast: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Arith ((Leq | Lt | Geq | Gt), _) ->
fail "inequality: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Fun _ | HO_app _ -> fail "higher-order: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Match _ | Is_a _ -> fail "datatype: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Forall _ | Exists _ -> fail "quantifier: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Const _ | Arith ((Add | Minus | Mult | Div), _) ->
Formula.dq0 (x_trm n term)
let x_context {asserts; var_env} =
Context.dnf (Formula.andN (List.map ~f:(x_fml var_env) asserts))
let check_unsat (_, asserts, ctx) =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Formula.pp asserts Context.pp ctx Context.pp_raw ctx]
( Context.is_unsat ctx
|| Formula.equal Formula.ff
(Formula.map_terms ~f:(Context.normalize ctx) asserts) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%b"]
exception Unsound
exception Incomplete
let expect_unsat = ref false
let check_sat () =
let unsat = Iter.for_all ~f:check_unsat (x_context (top ())) in
if (not unsat) && !expect_unsat then raise Incomplete
else if unsat && not !expect_unsat then raise Unsound
let process_stmt (stmt : Smt.Ast.statement) =
match stmt.stmt with
| Stmt_set_logic _ -> ()
| Stmt_set_info (":status", "unsat") -> expect_unsat := true
| Stmt_set_info (":status", _) -> expect_unsat := false
| Stmt_set_info _ | Stmt_set_option _ | Stmt_decl_sort _ -> ()
| Stmt_decl {fun_name; fun_args= []} -> decl_var fun_name
| Stmt_decl _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_stmt stmt ()
| Stmt_fun_def {fr_decl= {fun_name; fun_args= []}; fr_body} ->
assert_term (Eq (Const fun_name, fr_body))
| Stmt_fun_def _ | Stmt_fun_rec _ | Stmt_funs_rec _ ->
fail "function definition: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_stmt stmt ()
| Stmt_data _ -> fail "datatype definition" ()
| Stmt_assert term -> assert_term term
| Stmt_get_assertions | Stmt_get_assignment | Stmt_get_info _
|Stmt_get_model | Stmt_get_option _ | Stmt_get_proof
|Stmt_get_unsat_assumptions | Stmt_get_unsat_core | Stmt_get_value _ ->
| Stmt_check_sat -> check_sat ()
| Stmt_check_sat_assuming _ -> fail "check-sat-assuming" ()
| Stmt_pop n ->
for _ = 1 to n do
pop ()
| Stmt_push n ->
for _ = 1 to n do
push ()
| Stmt_reset | Stmt_reset_assertions -> reset ()
| Stmt_exit -> ()
let process filename =
List.iter ~f:process_stmt (Smt.parse_file_exn filename)

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Process SMT-LIB benchmarks using SLEdge's first-order theory solver. *)
exception Unsound
exception Incomplete
val process : string -> unit

@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
(package sledge) (package sledge)
(libraries apron apron.boxMPQ ctypes ctypes.foreign dune-build-info llvm (libraries apron apron.boxMPQ ctypes ctypes.foreign dune-build-info llvm
llvm.irreader llvm.analysis llvm.scalar_opts llvm.target llvm.ipo llvm.irreader llvm.analysis llvm.scalar_opts llvm.target llvm.ipo
llvm.linker shexp.process yojson trace nonstdlib sledge model) llvm.linker shexp.process yojson trace nonstdlib sledge model
(flags (flags
(:standard -w -58 -open NS -open Sledge -open Model)) (:standard -w -58 -open NS -open Sledge -open Model))
(preprocess (preprocess

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ The [-trace <spec>] argument of each subcommand enables debug tracing according
. translate translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR . translate translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR
analyze analyze LLAIR code analyze analyze LLAIR code
disassemble print LLAIR code in textual form disassemble print LLAIR code in textual form
smt process SMT-LIB benchmarks
version print version information version print version information
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively) help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
@ -224,6 +225,23 @@ The <input> file must be LLAIR code, as produced by `sledge llvm translate`.
(alias: -?) (alias: -?)
====== sledge smt ======
process SMT-LIB benchmarks
sledge smt <input>
The <input> file is interpreted as an SMT-LIB 2 benchmark.
=== flags ===
[-colors] enable printing in colors
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
====== sledge version ====== ====== sledge version ======
print version information print version information

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ depends: [
"ppx_compare" "ppx_compare"
"ppx_hash" "ppx_hash"
"shexp" "shexp"
"yojson" "yojson"
"zarith" "zarith"
] ]
