Add types to the variable syntax in llair

Each variable now contains its type, alongside its name. This is more
uniform than in LLVM, where the name is usually paired with a type, but
not always, for example, the register type of the result of an
extractvalue is left implicit.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D16984630

fbshipit-source-id: 1c3bc4985
Scott Owens 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 85243ada62
commit 808a61623f

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Datatype:
var = Var_name string
var = Var_name string typ

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Datatype:
| Alloca reg ty targ
| Load reg ty targ
| Store targ targ
| Gep reg targ (targ list)
| Gep reg ty targ (targ list)
| Ptrtoint reg targ ty
| Inttoptr reg targ ty
| Icmp reg cond ty arg arg
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ End
def =
<| r : ty;
params : reg list;
params : (ty # reg) list;
(* None -> entry block, and Some name -> non-entry block *)
blocks : (label option, block) alist |>
@ -468,6 +468,21 @@ Definition do_phi_def:
option_map (λarg. (id, eval s arg)) (alookup entries from_l)
Definition extract_type_def:
(extract_type t [] = Some t)
(extract_type (ArrT n t) (i::idx) =
if i < n then
extract_type t idx
(extract_type (StrT ts) (i::idx) =
if i < length ts then
extract_type (el i ts) idx
(extract_type _ _ = None)
Definition extract_value_def:
(extract_value v [] = Some v)
(extract_value (AggV vs) (i::indices) =
@ -598,7 +613,7 @@ Inductive step_instr:
get_offset t1 ns = Some off
step_instr prog s
(Gep r ((PtrT t1), a1) tindices)
(Gep r t ((PtrT t1), a1) tindices)
(inc_pc (update_result r
<| poison := (v1.poison i1.poison exists (λv. v.poison) indices);
value := PtrV (n2w (w2n w1 + sizeof t1 * n + off)) |>
@ -628,7 +643,7 @@ Inductive step_instr:
step_instr prog s
(Call r t fname targs)
<| ip := <| f := fname; b := None; i := 0 |>;
locals := alist_to_fmap (zip (d.params, map (eval s o snd) targs));
locals := alist_to_fmap (zip (map snd d.params, map (eval s o snd) targs));
globals := s.globals;
allocations:= s.allocations;
stack :=

@ -475,21 +475,6 @@ Definition indices_in_range_def:
(indices_in_range _ _ F)
Definition extract_type_def:
(extract_type t [] = Some t)
(extract_type (ArrT n t) (i::idx) =
if i < n then
extract_type t idx
(extract_type (StrT ts) (i::idx) =
if i < length ts then
extract_type (el i ts) idx
(extract_type _ _ = None)
(* The strict inequality does not hold because of 0 length arrays *)
Theorem offset_size_leq:
∀t indices n.

@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ Definition translate_ty_def:
Definition translate_glob_var_def:
translate_glob_var (Glob_var g) = Var_name g
translate_glob_var (Glob_var g) t = Var_name g (translate_ty t)
Definition translate_reg_def:
translate_reg (Reg r) = Var_name r
translate_reg (Reg r) t = Var_name r (translate_ty t)
Definition translate_label_def:
@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ Definition translate_const_def:
Record (map (λ(ty, c). translate_const c) tcs))
(translate_const (ArrC tcs) =
Record (map (λ(ty, c). translate_const c) tcs))
(translate_const (GlobalC g) = Var (translate_glob_var g))
(* TODO *)
(translate_const (GlobalC g) = Var (translate_glob_var g ARB))
(* TODO *)
(translate_const (GepC _ _ _ _) = ARB)
(translate_const UndefC = Nondet)
@ -95,10 +96,10 @@ Termination
Definition translate_arg_def:
(translate_arg emap (Constant c) = translate_const c)
(translate_arg emap (Variable r) =
(translate_arg emap (Constant c) t = translate_const c)
(translate_arg emap (Variable r) t =
case flookup emap r of
| None => Var (translate_reg r)
| None => Var (translate_reg r t)
| Some e => e)
@ -112,11 +113,11 @@ End
(* TODO *)
Definition translate_instr_to_exp_def:
(translate_instr_to_exp emap (llvm$Sub _ _ _ ty a1 a2) =
llair$Sub (translate_ty ty) (translate_arg emap a1) (translate_arg emap a2))
(translate_instr_to_exp emap (Extractvalue _ (_, a) cs) =
foldl (λe c. Select e (translate_const c)) (translate_arg emap a) cs)
(translate_instr_to_exp emap (Insertvalue _ (_, a1) (_, a2) cs) =
translate_updatevalue (translate_arg emap a1) (translate_arg emap a2) cs)
llair$Sub (translate_ty ty) (translate_arg emap a1 ty) (translate_arg emap a2 ty))
(translate_instr_to_exp emap (Extractvalue _ (t, a) cs) =
foldl (λe c. Select e (translate_const c)) (translate_arg emap a t) cs)
(translate_instr_to_exp emap (Insertvalue _ (t1, a1) (t2, a2) cs) =
translate_updatevalue (translate_arg emap a1 t1) (translate_arg emap a2 t2) cs)
(* This translation of insertvalue to update and select is quadratic in the
@ -169,25 +170,39 @@ End
(* TODO *)
Definition translate_instr_to_inst_def:
(translate_instr_to_inst emap (llvm$Store (t1, a1) (t2, a2)) =
llair$Store (translate_arg emap a1) (translate_arg emap a2) (sizeof t2))
llair$Store (translate_arg emap a1 t1) (translate_arg emap a2 t2) (sizeof t2))
(translate_instr_to_inst emap (Load r t (t1, a1)) =
Load (translate_reg r) (translate_arg emap a1) (sizeof t))
Load (translate_reg r t1) (translate_arg emap a1 t1) (sizeof t))
(* TODO *)
Definition translate_instr_to_term_def:
translate_instr_to_term f emap (Br a l1 l2) =
Iswitch (translate_arg emap a) [translate_label f l2; translate_label f l1]
Iswitch (translate_arg emap a (IntT W1)) [translate_label f l2; translate_label f l1]
instr_class =
| Exp reg
| Exp reg ty
| Non_exp
| Term
| Call
(* Convert index lists as for GEP into number lists, for the purpose of
* calculating types. Everything goes to 0 but for positive integer constants,
* because those things can't be used to index anything but arrays, and the type
* for the array contents doesn't depend on the index's value. *)
Definition idx_to_num_def:
(idx_to_num (_, (Constant (IntC _ n))) = Num (ABS n))
(idx_to_num (_, _) = 0)
Definition cidx_to_num_def:
(cidx_to_num (IntC _ n) = Num (ABS n))
(cidx_to_num _ = 0)
Definition classify_instr_def:
(classify_instr (Call _ _ _ _) = Call)
(classify_instr (Ret _) = Term)
@ -199,16 +214,19 @@ Definition classify_instr_def:
(classify_instr (Cxa_throw _ _ _) = Non_exp)
(classify_instr Cxa_end_catch = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Cxa_begin_catch _ _) = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Sub r _ _ _ _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Extractvalue r _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Insertvalue r _ _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Alloca r _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Gep r _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Ptrtoint r _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Inttoptr r _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Icmp r _ _ _ _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Cxa_allocate_exn r _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Cxa_get_exception_ptr r _) = Exp r)
(classify_instr (Sub r _ _ t _ _) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Extractvalue r (t, _) idx) =
Exp r (THE (extract_type t (map cidx_to_num idx))))
(classify_instr (Insertvalue r (t, _) _ idx) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Alloca r t _) = Exp r (PtrT t))
(classify_instr (Gep r t _ idx) =
Exp r (PtrT (THE (extract_type t (map idx_to_num idx)))))
(classify_instr (Ptrtoint r _ t) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Inttoptr r _ t) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Icmp r _ _ _ _) = Exp r (IntT W1))
(* TODO *)
(classify_instr (Cxa_allocate_exn r _) = Exp r ARB)
(classify_instr (Cxa_get_exception_ptr r _) = Exp r ARB)
(* Translate a list of instructions into an block. f is the name of the function
@ -235,8 +253,8 @@ Definition translate_instrs_def:
(translate_instrs f live_out emap [] = <| cmnd := []; term := Unreachable |>)
(translate_instrs f live_out emap (i :: is) =
case classify_instr i of
| Exp r =>
let x = translate_reg r in
| Exp r t =>
let x = translate_reg r t in
let e = translate_instr_to_exp emap i in
if r live_out then
let b = translate_instrs f live_out (emap |+ (r, Var x)) is in
@ -257,7 +275,7 @@ Definition dest_label_def:
Definition dest_phi_def:
dest_phi (Phi r _ largs) = (r, largs)
dest_phi (Phi r t largs) = (r, t, largs)
Definition translate_label_opt_def:
@ -269,9 +287,9 @@ Definition translate_header_def:
(translate_header f entry Entry = [])
(translate_header f entry (Head phis _) =
(λ(r, largs).
(translate_reg r,
map (λ(l, arg). (translate_label_opt f entry l, translate_arg fempty arg)) largs))
(λ(r, t, largs).
(translate_reg r t,
map (λ(l, arg). (translate_label_opt f entry l, translate_arg fempty arg t)) largs))
(map dest_phi phis))
@ -333,12 +351,16 @@ Definition remove_phis_def:
remove_phis f used_names bs = flat (snd (generate_move_blocks_list f used_names bs bs))
Definition translate_param_def:
translate_param (t, r) = translate_reg r t
Definition translate_def_def:
translate_def (Lab f) d =
let used_names = ARB in
let entry_name = gen_name used_names "entry" in
let bs = map (translate_block f entry_name UNIV) d.blocks in
<| params := map translate_reg d.params;
<| params := map translate_param d.params;
(* TODO: calculate these from the produced llair, and not the llvm *)
locals := ARB;
entry := Lab_name f entry_name;
