@ -13,15 +13,13 @@ module L = Logging
(** enable debug mode (to get more data saved to disk for future inspections) *)
let debug_mode = Config.debug_mode || Config.frontend_stats
let buffer_len = 262143
(* This function reads the json file in fname, validates it, and encoded in the AST data structure
(** This function reads the json file in fname, validates it, and encodes in the AST data structure
defined in Clang_ast_t. *)
let validate_decl_from_file fname =
Ag_util.Biniou.from_file ~len:buffer_len Clang_ast_b.read_decl fname
Ag_util.Biniou.from_file ~len:CFrontend_config.biniou_buffer_size Clang_ast_b.read_decl fname
let validate_decl_from_channel chan =
Ag_util.Biniou.from_channel ~len:buffer_len Clang_ast_b.read_decl chan
Ag_util.Biniou.from_channel ~len:CFrontend_config.biniou_buffer_size Clang_ast_b.read_decl chan
let register_perf_stats_report source_file =
let stats_dir = Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.frontend_stats_dir_name in
@ -150,15 +148,14 @@ let cc1_capture clang_cmd =
then (
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "@\n Skip compilation and analysis of source file %s@\n@\n" source_path ;
() )
else (
( match Config.clang_biniou_file with
match Config.clang_biniou_file with
| Some fname
-> run_and_validate_clang_frontend (`File fname)
| None
-> run_plugin_and_frontend source_path
(fun chan_in -> run_and_validate_clang_frontend (`Pipe chan_in))
clang_cmd ) ;
() )
let capture clang_cmd =
if ClangCommand.can_attach_ast_exporter clang_cmd then