@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ module Access = struct
| InterfaceCall of Typ . Procname . t
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
let suffix_matches ( _ , accesses1 ) ( _ , accesses2 ) =
match ( List . rev accesses1 , List . rev accesses2 ) with
| access1 :: _ , access2 :: _ ->
@ -44,6 +46,24 @@ module Access = struct
if is_write then Write access_path else Read access_path
let make_container_access access_path pname ~ is_write =
if is_write then ContainerWrite ( access_path , pname ) else ContainerRead ( access_path , pname )
let is_write = function
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
| ContainerWrite _ | Write _ ->
let is_container_write = function
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | Write _ | ContainerRead _ ->
| ContainerWrite _ ->
let get_access_path = function
| Read access_path
| Write access_path
@ -67,8 +87,6 @@ module Access = struct
let equal t1 t2 = Int . equal ( compare t1 t2 ) 0
let pp fmt = function
| Read access_path ->
F . fprintf fmt " Read of %a " AccessPath . pp access_path
@ -88,21 +106,9 @@ module TraceElem = struct
type t = { site : CallSite . t ; kind : Kind . t } [ @@ deriving compare ]
let is_write { kind } =
match kind with
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
| ContainerWrite _ | Write _ ->
let is_container_write { kind } =
match kind with
| InterfaceCall _ | Read _ | Write _ | ContainerRead _ ->
| ContainerWrite _ ->
let is_write { kind } = Access . is_write kind
let is_container_write { kind } = Access . is_container_write kind
let call_site { site } = site
@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ module TraceElem = struct
let dummy_pname = Typ . Procname . empty_block
let make_dummy_site = CallSite . make dummy_pname
let make_dummy_site loc = CallSite . make dummy_pname loc
(* all trace elems are created with a dummy call site. any trace elem without a dummy call site
represents a call that leads to an access rather than a direct access * )
@ -134,11 +140,7 @@ module TraceElem = struct
let make_container_access access_path pname ~ is_write loc =
let site = make_dummy_site loc in
let access =
if is_write then Access . ContainerWrite ( access_path , pname )
else Access . ContainerRead ( access_path , pname )
make access site
make ( Access . make_container_access access_path pname ~ is_write ) site
let make_field_access access_path ~ is_write loc =
@ -151,6 +153,8 @@ module TraceElem = struct
make ( Access . InterfaceCall pname ) site
module PathDomain = SinkTrace . Make ( TraceElem )
module LockCount = AbstractDomain . CountDomain ( struct
let max = 5
@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ end)
module LocksDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . Map ( AccessPath ) ( LockCount )
(* TODO: eventually, we'll ask a dd_lock/remov e_lock to pass the lock name. for now, this is a hack
(* TODO: eventually, we'll ask a cquire_lock/releas e_lock to pass the lock name. for now, this is a hack
to model having a single lock used everywhere * )
let the_only_lock = ( ( Var . of_id ( Ident . create Ident . knormal 0 ) , Typ . void_star ) , [] )
@ -171,12 +175,12 @@ module LocksDomain = struct
let lookup_count lock astate = try find lock astate with Caml . Not_found -> LockCount . empty
let a dd _lock astate =
let a cquire _lock astate =
let count = lookup_count the_only_lock astate in
add the_only_lock ( LockCount . increment count ) astate
let re mov e_lock astate =
let re leas e_lock astate =
let count = lookup_count the_only_lock astate in
let count' = LockCount . decrement count in
@ -199,6 +203,8 @@ module ThreadsDomain = struct
(* NoThread < AnyThreadButSelf < Any *)
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs =
phys_equal lhs rhs
| |
match ( lhs , rhs ) with
| NoThread , _ ->
@ -213,6 +219,8 @@ module ThreadsDomain = struct
let join astate1 astate2 =
if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1
match ( astate1 , astate2 ) with
| NoThread , astate | astate , NoThread ->
@ -252,29 +260,53 @@ module ThreadsDomain = struct
match callee_astate with AnyThreadButSelf -> callee_astate | _ -> caller_astate
module PathDomain = SinkTrace . Make ( TraceElem )
module AccessSnapshot = struct
module OwnershipPrecondition = struct
type t = Conjunction of IntSet . t | False [ @@ deriving compare ]
module Choice = struct
type t = OnMainThread | LockHeld [ @@ deriving compare ]
(* precondition is true if the conjunction of owned indexes is empty *)
let is_true = function False -> false | Conjunction set -> IntSet . is_empty set
let pp fmt = function
| OnMainThread ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " OnMainThread "
| LockHeld ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " LockHeld "
| Conjunction indexes ->
F . fprintf fmt " Owned(%a) "
( PrettyPrintable . pp_collection ~ pp_item : Int . pp )
( IntSet . elements indexes )
| False ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " False "
module Attribute = struct
type t = Functional | Choice of Choice . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
type t =
{ access : PathDomain . Sink . t
; thread : ThreadsDomain . astate
; lock : bool
; ownership_precondition : OwnershipPrecondition . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp fmt = function
| Functional ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " Functional "
| Choice choice ->
Choice . pp fmt choice
let make_from_snapshot access { lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } =
(* shouldn't be creating metadata for accesses that are known to be owned; we should discard
such accesses * )
assert ( not ( OwnershipPrecondition . is_true ownership_precondition ) ) ;
{ access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition }
let make access lock thread ownership_precondition pdesc =
assert ( not ( OwnershipPrecondition . is_true ownership_precondition ) ) ;
let lock = LocksDomain . is_locked lock | | Procdesc . is_java_synchronized pdesc in
{ access ; lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition }
let is_unprotected { thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
not ( ThreadsDomain . is_any_but_self thread ) && not lock
&& not ( OwnershipPrecondition . is_true ownership_precondition )
let pp fmt { access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
F . fprintf fmt " Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a " TraceElem . pp access ThreadsDomain . pp
thread lock OwnershipPrecondition . pp ownership_precondition
module AttributeSetDomain = AbstractDomain . InvertedSet ( Attribute )
module A ccessDomain = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( AccessSnapshot )
module OwnershipAbstractValue = struct
type astate = Owned | OwnedIf of IntSet . t | Unowned [ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -286,8 +318,8 @@ module OwnershipAbstractValue = struct
let make_owned_if formal_index = OwnedIf ( IntSet . singleton formal_index )
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
phys_equal lhs rhs
| |
match ( lhs , rhs ) with
| _ , Unowned ->
true (* Unowned is top *)
@ -357,8 +389,51 @@ module OwnershipDomain = struct
let find = ` Use_get_owned_instead
let rec ownership_of_expr expr ownership =
let open HilExp in
match expr with
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
get_owned ( AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr ) ownership
| Constant _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
| Exception e (* treat exceptions as transparent wrt ownership *) | Cast ( _ , e ) ->
ownership_of_expr e ownership
| _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . unowned
let propagate_assignment ( ( lhs_root , _ ) as lhs_access_path ) rhs_exp ownership =
if Var . is_global ( fst lhs_root ) then
(* do not assign ownership to access paths rooted at globals *)
let rhs_ownership_value = ownership_of_expr rhs_exp ownership in
add lhs_access_path rhs_ownership_value ownership
module Choice = struct
type t = OnMainThread | LockHeld [ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp fmt = function
| OnMainThread ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " OnMainThread "
| LockHeld ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " LockHeld "
module Attribute = struct
type t = Functional | Choice of Choice . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp fmt = function
| Functional ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " Functional "
| Choice choice ->
Choice . pp fmt choice
module AttributeSetDomain = AbstractDomain . InvertedSet ( Attribute )
module AttributeMapDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( AccessPath ) ( AttributeSetDomain )
@ -373,9 +448,9 @@ module AttributeMapDomain = struct
let get_choices access_path t =
let attributes = find access_path t in
List. filter_map
~f : ( function Attribute . Choice c -> Some c | _ -> None )
( AttributeSetDomain . elements attributes )
AttributeSetDomain. fold
(fun cc acc -> match cc with Attribute . Choice c -> c :: acc | _ -> acc )
attributes []
with Caml . Not_found -> []
@ -385,55 +460,33 @@ module AttributeMapDomain = struct
| > AttributeSetDomain . add attribute
add access_path attribute_set t
module AccessSnapshot = struct
module OwnershipPrecondition = struct
type t = Conjunction of IntSet . t | False [ @@ deriving compare ]
(* precondition is true if the conjunction of owned indexes is empty *)
let is_true = function False -> false | Conjunction set -> IntSet . is_empty set
let pp fmt = function
| Conjunction indexes ->
F . fprintf fmt " Owned(%a) "
( PrettyPrintable . pp_collection ~ pp_item : Int . pp )
( IntSet . elements indexes )
| False ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " False "
type t =
{ access : PathDomain . Sink . t
; thread : ThreadsDomain . astate
; lock : bool
; ownership_precondition : OwnershipPrecondition . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let make_ access lock thread ownership_precondition =
(* shouldn't be creating metadata for accesses that are known to be owned; we should discard
such accesses * )
assert ( not ( OwnershipPrecondition . is_true ownership_precondition ) ) ;
{ access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition }
let make access lock thread ownership_precondition pdesc =
let lock = LocksDomain . is_locked lock | | Procdesc . is_java_synchronized pdesc in
make_ access lock thread ownership_precondition
let is_unprotected { thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
not ( ThreadsDomain . is_any_but_self thread ) && not lock
&& not ( OwnershipPrecondition . is_true ownership_precondition )
let rec attributes_of_expr attribute_map e =
let open HilExp in
match e with
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr -> (
try find ( AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr ) attribute_map with Caml . Not_found ->
AttributeSetDomain . empty )
| Constant _ ->
AttributeSetDomain . singleton Attribute . Functional
| Exception expr (* treat exceptions as transparent wrt attributes *) | Cast ( _ , expr ) ->
attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr
| UnaryOperator ( _ , expr , _ ) ->
attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr
| BinaryOperator ( _ , expr1 , expr2 ) ->
let attributes1 = attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr1 in
let attributes2 = attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr2 in
AttributeSetDomain . join attributes1 attributes2
| Closure _ | Sizeof _ ->
AttributeSetDomain . empty
let pp fmt { access ; thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } =
F . fprintf fmt " Access: %a Thread: %a Lock: %b Pre: %a " TraceElem . pp access ThreadsDomain . pp
thread lock OwnershipPrecondition . pp ownership_precondition
let p ropagate_assignment lhs_access_path rhs_exp attribute_map =
let rhs_attributes = attributes_of_expr attribute_map rhs_exp in
add lhs_access_path rhs_attributes attribute_map
module AccessDomain = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( AccessSnapshot )
module StabilityDomain = struct
include AccessTree . PathSet ( AccessTree . DefaultConfig )
@ -629,36 +682,3 @@ let pp fmt {threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; wobbly_paths} =
Non - stable Paths : % a @ \ n "
ThreadsDomain . pp threads LocksDomain . pp locks AccessDomain . pp accesses OwnershipDomain . pp
ownership AttributeMapDomain . pp attribute_map StabilityDomain . pp wobbly_paths
let rec attributes_of_expr attribute_map e =
let open HilExp in
match e with
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr -> (
try AttributeMapDomain . find ( AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr ) attribute_map
with Caml . Not_found -> AttributeSetDomain . empty )
| Constant _ ->
AttributeSetDomain . of_list [ Attribute . Functional ]
| Exception expr (* treat exceptions as transparent wrt attributes *) | Cast ( _ , expr ) ->
attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr
| UnaryOperator ( _ , expr , _ ) ->
attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr
| BinaryOperator ( _ , expr1 , expr2 ) ->
let attributes1 = attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr1 in
let attributes2 = attributes_of_expr attribute_map expr2 in
AttributeSetDomain . join attributes1 attributes2
| Closure _ | Sizeof _ ->
AttributeSetDomain . empty
let rec ownership_of_expr expr ownership =
let open HilExp in
match expr with
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
OwnershipDomain . get_owned ( AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr ) ownership
| Constant _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
| Exception e (* treat exceptions as transparent wrt ownership *) | Cast ( _ , e ) ->
ownership_of_expr e ownership
| _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . unowned