[starvation] change UI-thread trace element from string to a proper type

Starvation analysis keeps a trace documenting why a method is seen as on the UI thread (many reasons possible, often confusing).  This was a call-stack plus string, for keeping the explanation of why the last callee is on the UI thread.  This is bad, because it takes too much memory/storage (each string is custom-made to the classes/method involved), and is effectively untyped.

Switch to a proper type for explaining this, so the cost is just a few pointers plus shared procnames/types, and then convert to string only when reporting.  This will also allow to push the UI trace inside each element of the starvation domain, so as to allow path sensitivity etc, without blowing up summary size.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek, artempyanykh

Differential Revision: D17810007

fbshipit-source-id: cdd743975
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 96a8b1cf5a
commit 81a2e6d23e

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module MF = MarkupFormatter
module L = Logging
type lock_effect =
@ -351,13 +349,14 @@ let ui_matcher_records =
; methods= ["on"] } ]
let is_ui_method =
let is_modeled_ui_method =
let matchers = List.map ui_matcher_records ~f:MethodMatcher.of_record in
(* we pass an empty actuals list because all matching is done on class and method name here *)
fun tenv pname -> MethodMatcher.of_list matchers tenv pname []
type annotation_trail = DirectlyAnnotated | Override of Typ.Procname.t | SuperClass of Typ.name
[@@deriving compare]
let find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_annot tenv proc_name =
let is_annotated pn = Annotations.pname_has_return_annot pn ~attrs_of_pname is_annot in
@ -382,40 +381,13 @@ let find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_annot tenv proc_nam
else Typ.Procname.get_class_type_name proc_name |> Option.bind ~f:find_override_or_superclass_aux
let mono_pname = MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp
let annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_worker_thread tenv pname
let runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
let is_uithread = Annotations.ia_is_uithread_equivalent in
let describe ~procname fmt = function
| DirectlyAnnotated ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a is annotated %a" mono_pname procname MF.pp_monospaced
| Override override_pname ->
F.fprintf fmt "class %a overrides %a, which is annotated %a" mono_pname procname mono_pname
override_pname MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread
| SuperClass class_name -> (
match Typ.Procname.get_class_type_name procname with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "Cannot get class of method %a@." Typ.Procname.pp procname
| Some current_class ->
let pp_extends fmt current_class =
if Typ.Name.equal current_class class_name then ()
else F.fprintf fmt " extends %a, which" (MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) class_name
F.fprintf fmt "class %s%a is annotated %a"
(MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Name.name current_class))
pp_extends current_class MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread )
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_worker_thread tenv
let annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_uithread_equivalent tenv
|> Option.is_some
then None
else if is_ui_method tenv pname then
Some (F.asprintf "%a is a standard UI-thread method" mono_pname pname)
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_uithread tenv pname
|> Option.map ~f:(fun trail -> F.asprintf "%a" (describe ~procname:pname) trail)
let cpp_lock_types_matcher = Clang.lock_types_matcher

@ -32,16 +32,8 @@ val get_lock_effect : Typ.Procname.t -> HilExp.t list -> lock_effect
val get_thread : Typ.Procname.t -> thread
(** describe how this procedure behaves with respect to thread access *)
val runs_on_ui_thread :
attrs_of_pname:(BuiltinDecl.t -> ProcAttributes.t option)
-> Tenv.t
-> Typ.Procname.t
-> string option
(** We don't want to warn on methods that run on the UI thread because they should always be
single-threaded. Assume that methods annotated with @UiThread, @OnEvent, @OnBind, @OnMount,
@OnUnbind, @OnUnmount always run on the UI thread. Also assume that any superclass
marked @UiThread implies all methods are on UI thread. Return Some string explaining why
this method is on the UI thread, else return None. *)
val is_modeled_ui_method : Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
(** is it a modeled UI thread method? *)
val get_current_class_and_annotated_superclasses :
(Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> (Typ.name * Typ.name list) option
@ -55,6 +47,7 @@ type annotation_trail =
| DirectlyAnnotated (** the method is directly annotated as such *)
| Override of Typ.Procname.t (** it overrides a method annotated in a super class *)
| SuperClass of Typ.name (** the method's class or a super class of that is annotated as such *)
[@@deriving compare]
val find_override_or_superclass_annotated :
attrs_of_pname:(BuiltinDecl.t -> ProcAttributes.t option)
@ -62,4 +55,18 @@ val find_override_or_superclass_annotated :
-> Tenv.t
-> Typ.Procname.t
-> annotation_trail sexp_option
(** check if a method's annotations satisfy the given predicate *)
(** check if a method's transitive annotations satisfy the given predicate *)
val annotated_as_worker_thread :
attrs_of_pname:(BuiltinDecl.t -> ProcAttributes.t option)
-> Tenv.t
-> Typ.Procname.t
-> annotation_trail sexp_option
(** check if a method is transitively annotated @WorkerThread *)
val annotated_as_uithread_equivalent :
attrs_of_pname:(BuiltinDecl.t -> ProcAttributes.t option)
-> Tenv.t
-> Typ.Procname.t
-> annotation_trail sexp_option
(** check if a method is transitively annotated @UIThread or equivalent *)

@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
let proc_name = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_tenv exe_env proc_name in
let open RacerDModels in
let open ConcurrencyModels in
let method_annotation = (Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc).method_annotation in
let is_initializer tenv proc_name =
Typ.Procname.is_constructor proc_name || FbThreadSafety.is_custom_init tenv proc_name
@ -513,7 +512,6 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
let threads =
runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname:Summary.OnDisk.proc_resolve_attributes tenv proc_name
|> Option.is_some
|| is_thread_confined_method tenv proc_desc
then ThreadsDomain.AnyThreadButSelf
else if Procdesc.is_java_synchronized proc_desc || is_marked_thread_safe proc_name tenv

@ -467,3 +467,10 @@ let is_synchronized_container callee_pname (access_exp : HilExp.AccessExpression
false )
| _ ->
let runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
let open ConcurrencyModels in
annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname |> Option.is_none
&& ( is_modeled_ui_method tenv pname
|| annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname |> Option.is_some )

@ -52,3 +52,7 @@ val should_flag_interface_call : Tenv.t -> HilExp.t list -> CallFlags.t -> Typ.P
val is_synchronized_container : Typ.Procname.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> Tenv.t -> bool
(** is a call on an access expression to a method of a synchronized container? *)
val runs_on_ui_thread :
attrs_of_pname:(Typ.Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option) -> Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
(** is method not transitively annotated @WorkerThread and is modeled or annotated @UIThread or equivalent? *)

@ -190,3 +190,18 @@ let strict_mode_matcher =
let is_strict_mode_violation tenv pn actuals =
Config.starvation_strict_mode && strict_mode_matcher tenv pn actuals
type uithread_explanation =
| IsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t}
| CallsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; callee: Typ.Procname.t}
| Annotated of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; trail: ConcurrencyModels.annotation_trail}
[@@deriving compare]
let get_uithread_explanation ~attrs_of_pname tenv proc_name =
let open ConcurrencyModels in
if annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv proc_name |> Option.is_some then None
else if is_modeled_ui_method tenv proc_name then Some (IsModeled {proc_name})
annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv proc_name
|> Option.map ~f:(fun trail -> Annotated {proc_name; trail})

@ -23,3 +23,15 @@ val is_synchronized_library_call : Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
val should_skip_analysis : Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> HilExp.t list -> bool
(** should we treat a method call as skip (eg library methods in guava) to avoid FPs? *)
type uithread_explanation =
| IsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t}
| CallsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; callee: Typ.Procname.t}
| Annotated of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; trail: ConcurrencyModels.annotation_trail}
[@@deriving compare]
val get_uithread_explanation :
attrs_of_pname:(Typ.Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option)
-> Tenv.t
-> Typ.Procname.t
-> uithread_explanation option

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ let pname_pp = MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp
let debug fmt = L.(debug Analysis Verbose fmt)
let attrs_of_pname = Summary.OnDisk.proc_resolve_attributes
let is_ui_thread_model pn =
ConcurrencyModels.(match get_thread pn with MainThread -> true | _ -> false)
@ -117,8 +119,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let locks = List.hd actuals |> Option.to_list in
do_lock locks loc astate |> do_unlock locks
| NoEffect when is_java && is_ui_thread_model callee ->
let explanation = F.asprintf "it calls %a" pname_pp callee in
Domain.set_on_ui_thread astate ~loc explanation
Domain.set_on_ui_thread astate ~loc
(Domain.UIThreadElement.CallsModeled {proc_name= procname; callee})
| NoEffect when is_java && is_strict_mode_violation tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.strict_mode_call ~callee ~loc astate
| NoEffect when is_java -> (
@ -161,8 +163,7 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
StarvationDomain.acquire tenv StarvationDomain.bottom ~procname ~loc (Option.to_list lock)
let initial =
ConcurrencyModels.runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname:Summary.OnDisk.proc_resolve_attributes
tenv procname
StarvationModels.get_uithread_explanation ~attrs_of_pname tenv procname
|> Option.value_map ~default:initial ~f:(StarvationDomain.set_on_ui_thread initial ~loc)
let filter_blocks =
@ -369,8 +370,7 @@ let report_lockless_violations (tenv, summary) StarvationDomain.{critical_pairs}
let check annot = Annotations.(ia_ends_with annot lockless) in
let check_attributes pname =
PatternMatch.check_class_attributes check tenv pname
|| Annotations.pname_has_return_annot pname
~attrs_of_pname:Summary.OnDisk.proc_resolve_attributes check
|| Annotations.pname_has_return_annot pname ~attrs_of_pname check
PatternMatch.override_exists check_attributes tenv pname

@ -358,14 +358,45 @@ module CriticalPairs = struct
astate empty
module UIThreadExplanationDomain = struct
module StringElement = struct
include String
module UIThreadElement = struct
type t = StarvationModels.uithread_explanation =
| IsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t}
| CallsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; callee: Typ.Procname.t}
| Annotated of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; trail: ConcurrencyModels.annotation_trail}
[@@deriving compare]
let describe = pp
let mono_pname = MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp
let describe fmt = function
| IsModeled {proc_name} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a is a standard UI-thread method" mono_pname proc_name
| CallsModeled {proc_name= _; callee} ->
F.fprintf fmt "it calls %a" pname_pp callee
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= DirectlyAnnotated} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a is annotated %a" mono_pname proc_name MF.pp_monospaced
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= Override override_pname} ->
F.fprintf fmt "class %a overrides %a, which is annotated %a" mono_pname proc_name
mono_pname override_pname MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= SuperClass class_name} -> (
match Typ.Procname.get_class_type_name proc_name with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "Cannot get class of method %a@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
| Some current_class ->
let pp_extends fmt current_class =
if Typ.Name.equal current_class class_name then ()
else F.fprintf fmt " extends %a, which" (MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) class_name
F.fprintf fmt "class %s%a is annotated %a"
(MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Name.name current_class))
pp_extends current_class MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread )
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (StringElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter)
let pp = describe
module UIThreadExplanationDomain = struct
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (UIThreadElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter)
let join lhs rhs = if List.length lhs.trace <= List.length rhs.trace then lhs else rhs
@ -443,11 +474,9 @@ let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
&& UIThreadDomain.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.ui ~rhs:rhs.ui
(* for every lock b held locally, add a pair (b, event) *)
let add_critical_pair tenv_opt lock_state event ~loc acc =
if should_skip tenv_opt event lock_state then acc
(* FIXME we should not do this repeatedly in the fold below *)
let acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair.make ~loc acquisitions event in
CriticalPairs.add critical_pair acc
@ -455,7 +484,6 @@ let add_critical_pair tenv_opt lock_state event ~loc acc =
let acquire tenv ({lock_state; critical_pairs} as astate) ~procname ~loc locks =
{ astate with
(* FIXME do one fold not two *)
List.fold locks ~init:critical_pairs ~f:(fun acc lock ->
let event = Event.make_acquire lock in

@ -71,8 +71,15 @@ end
module CriticalPairs : AbstractDomain.FiniteSetS with type elt = CriticalPair.t
module UIThreadElement : sig
type t = StarvationModels.uithread_explanation =
| IsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t}
| CallsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; callee: Typ.Procname.t}
| Annotated of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; trail: ConcurrencyModels.annotation_trail}
module UIThreadExplanationDomain : sig
include ExplicitTrace.TraceElem with type elem_t = string
include ExplicitTrace.TraceElem
val make_trace : ?header:string -> Typ.Procname.t -> t -> Errlog.loc_trace
@ -101,8 +108,8 @@ val blocking_call : callee:Typ.Procname.t -> StarvationModels.severity -> loc:Lo
val strict_mode_call : callee:Typ.Procname.t -> loc:Location.t -> t -> t
val set_on_ui_thread : t -> loc:Location.t -> string -> t
(** set the property "runs on UI thread" to true by attaching the given explanation string as to
val set_on_ui_thread : t -> loc:Location.t -> UIThreadElement.t -> t
(** set the property "runs on UI thread" to true by attaching the given explanation as to
why this method is thought to do so *)
val add_guard :
