@ -36,25 +36,29 @@ module MockTraceDomain = struct
let pp fmt s = if phys_equal s top then F.fprintf fmt "T" else pp fmt s
module Domain = AccessTree.Make (MockTraceDomain)
module MakeTree (Config : AccessTree.Config) = struct
include AccessTree.Make (MockTraceDomain) (Config)
let assert_trees_equal tree1 tree2 =
let rec access_tree_equal (trace1, subtree1) (trace2, subtree2) =
MockTraceDomain.equal trace1 trace2
match (subtree1, subtree2) with
| Domain.Star, Domain.Star
| Star, Star
-> true
| Domain.Subtree t1, Domain.Subtree t2
-> Domain.AccessMap.equal access_tree_equal t1 t2
| Subtree t1, Subtree t2
-> AccessMap.equal access_tree_equal t1 t2
| _
-> false
let base_tree_equal tree1 tree2 = Domain.BaseMap.equal access_tree_equal tree1 tree2 in
let base_tree_equal tree1 tree2 = BaseMap.equal access_tree_equal tree1 tree2 in
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
F.fprintf fmt "Expected to get tree %a but got %a" Domain.pp expected Domain.pp actual
F.fprintf fmt "Expected to get tree %a but got %a" pp expected pp actual
OUnit2.assert_equal ~cmp:base_tree_equal ~pp_diff tree1 tree2
module Domain = MakeTree (AccessTree.DefaultConfig)
let tests =
let open AccessPathTestUtils in
@ -200,49 +204,52 @@ let tests =
(* normal tests *)
(* add base when absent *)
let x_y_base_tree_with_added_trace = mk_x_y_base_tree added_trace in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace y_base_tree)
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace y_base_tree)
x_y_base_tree_with_added_trace ;
(* add base when present *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace x_y_base_tree)
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace x_y_base_tree)
x_y_base_tree_with_added_trace ;
let x_y_base_tree_with_y_trace = mk_x_y_base_tree y_trace in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace x_y_base_tree_with_y_trace)
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace x added_trace x_y_base_tree_with_y_trace)
x_y_base_tree_with_added_trace ;
(* add path when absent *)
let xFG_tree_added_trace = mk_xFG_tree added_trace in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xFG added_trace x_base_tree) xFG_tree_added_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xFG added_trace x_base_tree) xFG_tree_added_trace ;
(* add path when present *)
let xFG_tree_y_trace = mk_xFG_tree y_trace in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xFG added_trace xFG_tree_y_trace) xFG_tree_added_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xFG added_trace xFG_tree_y_trace)
xFG_tree_added_trace ;
(* add starred path when base absent *)
let xF_star_tree_added_trace =
Domain.make_starred_leaf added_trace |> Domain.AccessMap.singleton f
|> Domain.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty |> Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace Domain.empty)
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace Domain.empty)
xF_star_tree_added_trace ;
(* add starred path when base present *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace x_base_tree)
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace x_base_tree)
xF_star_tree_added_trace ;
(* adding array path should do weak updates *)
let aArrF_tree = mk_xArrF_tree array_f_trace in
let aArrF_tree_joined_trace =
mk_xArrF_tree (MockTraceDomain.join added_trace array_f_trace)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xArrF added_trace aArrF_tree) aArrF_tree_joined_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xArrF added_trace aArrF_tree)
aArrF_tree_joined_trace ;
(* starred tests *)
(* we should do a strong update when updating x.f* with x.f *)
let yF_tree_added_trace =
Domain.make_normal_leaf added_trace |> Domain.AccessMap.singleton f
|> Domain.make_node y_trace |> Domain.BaseMap.singleton y_base
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace yF added_trace yF_star_tree) yF_tree_added_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace yF added_trace yF_star_tree) yF_tree_added_trace ;
(* but not when updating x* with x.f *)
let x_star_tree_added_trace =
let joined_trace = MockTraceDomain.join x_trace added_trace in
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Domain.make_starred_leaf joined_trace)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF added_trace x_star_tree) x_star_tree_added_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF added_trace x_star_tree)
x_star_tree_added_trace ;
(* when updating x.f.g with x.f*, we should remember traces associated with f and g even as
we replace that subtree with a * *)
let xF_star_tree_joined_traces =
@ -252,13 +259,14 @@ let tests =
Domain.make_starred_leaf joined_trace |> Domain.AccessMap.singleton f
|> Domain.make_node x_trace |> Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace xFG_tree) xF_star_tree_joined_traces ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_trace xF_star added_trace xFG_tree)
xF_star_tree_joined_traces ;
(* [add_node] tests are sparse, since [add_trace] is just [add_node] <empty node>. main things
to test are (1) adding a non-empty node works, (2) adding a non-empty node does the proper
joins in the weak update case *)
(* case (1): adding XFG to y base tree works *)
let y_xFG_tree = Domain.BaseMap.add y_base Domain.empty_node (mk_xFG_tree xFG_trace) in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_node x (mk_xFG_node xFG_trace) y_base_tree) y_xFG_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_node x (mk_xFG_node xFG_trace) y_base_tree) y_xFG_tree ;
(* case (2): adding a non-empty node does weak updates when required *)
let arr_tree =
let arr_subtree =
@ -268,7 +276,7 @@ let tests =
Domain.AccessMap.singleton array (Domain.make_node xF_trace arr_subtree)
|> Domain.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty |> Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base
assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_node xArr g_subtree aArrF_tree) arr_tree
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.add_node xArr g_subtree aArrF_tree) arr_tree
"add_trace" >:: add_trace_test_
@ -317,18 +325,18 @@ let tests =
let join_test =
let join_test_ _ =
(* normal |_| normal *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_base_tree y_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join y_base_tree x_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_y_base_tree x_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_base_tree xFG_tree) xFG_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_base_tree y_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join y_base_tree x_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_y_base_tree x_base_tree) x_y_base_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_base_tree xFG_tree) xFG_tree ;
(* starred |_| starred *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree yF_star_tree) x_yF_star_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree yF_star_tree) x_yF_star_tree ;
(* normal |_| starred *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join tree xFG_tree) tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join tree xFG_tree) tree ;
(* [x_star_tree] and [x_base_tree] both have trace "{ x }" associated with x... *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree x_base_tree) x_star_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree x_base_tree) x_star_tree ;
(* ...but [xFG_tree] has some nested traces that should get joined with "{ x }" *)
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree xFG_tree) x_star_tree_xFG_trace
Domain.assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree xFG_tree) x_star_tree_xFG_trace
"join" >:: join_test_
@ -346,7 +354,7 @@ let tests =
let x_tree_x_trace = make_x_base_tree x_trace in
let x_tree_y_trace = make_x_base_tree y_trace in
let x_tree_top_trace = make_x_base_tree MockTraceDomain.top in
assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_x_trace x_tree_y_trace) x_tree_top_trace ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_x_trace x_tree_y_trace) x_tree_top_trace ;
(* adding stars to a base works:
x |-> ({}, empty) \/ y |-> ({}, empty) =
(x |-> ({}, empty), y |-> ({}, Star) )
@ -354,7 +362,7 @@ let tests =
let x_y_star_base_tree =
Domain.BaseMap.add y_base (Domain.make_starred_leaf MockTraceDomain.empty) x_base_tree
assert_trees_equal (widen x_base_tree y_base_tree) x_y_star_base_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (widen x_base_tree y_base_tree) x_y_star_base_tree ;
(* adding stars to a subtree works:
x |-> ("y", empty) \/
x |-> ("x" , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", empty))) =
@ -364,7 +372,7 @@ let tests =
Domain.AccessMap.singleton f (Domain.make_starred_leaf MockTraceDomain.top)
|> Domain.make_node MockTraceDomain.top |> Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base
assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_y_trace xFG_tree) xF_star_tree ;
Domain.assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_y_trace xFG_tree) xF_star_tree ;
(* widening is not commutative, and is it not join:
x |-> ("x" , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", empty))) \/
x |-> ("y", empty) =
@ -374,7 +382,7 @@ let tests =
let _, xFG_node = x_subtree in
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (MockTraceDomain.top, xFG_node)
assert_trees_equal (widen xFG_tree x_tree_y_trace) xFG_tree_widened_trace
Domain.assert_trees_equal (widen xFG_tree x_tree_y_trace) xFG_tree_widened_trace
"widen" >:: widen_test_
@ -406,10 +414,62 @@ let tests =
assert_equal (Domain.depth xFG_tree) 3 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_star_tree) 1 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth yF_star_tree) 2 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_yF_star_tree) 2 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_yF_star_tree) 2
"depth" >:: depth_test_
let max_depth_test =
let max_depth_test_ _ =
let module Max1 = MakeTree (struct
let max_depth = 1
end) in
let f_node =
Max1.AccessMap.singleton f (Max1.make_normal_leaf x_trace)
|> Max1.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty
let x_tree = Max1.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Max1.make_normal_leaf x_trace) in
let x_star_tree = Max1.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Max1.make_starred_leaf x_trace) in
(* adding (x.f, "x") to a tree with max height 1 should yield x |-> ("x", * ) *)
Max1.assert_trees_equal (Max1.add_trace xF x_trace Max1.empty) x_star_tree ;
(* same, but with (x.f.g, "x") *)
Max1.assert_trees_equal (Max1.add_trace xFG x_trace Max1.empty) x_star_tree ;
(* adding node (f, "x") via access path x should also yield the same tree *)
Max1.assert_trees_equal (Max1.add_node x f_node Max1.empty) x_star_tree ;
(* adding (x, "x") shouldn't add stars *)
Max1.assert_trees_equal (Max1.add_trace x x_trace Max1.empty) x_tree ;
let module Max2 = MakeTree (struct
let max_depth = 2
end) in
let f_node =
Max2.AccessMap.singleton f (Max2.make_normal_leaf x_trace)
|> Max2.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty
let fG_node =
Max2.make_access_node MockTraceDomain.empty g x_trace |> Max2.AccessMap.singleton f
|> Max2.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty
let f_star_node =
Max2.AccessMap.singleton f (Max2.make_starred_leaf x_trace)
|> Max2.make_node MockTraceDomain.empty
let x_tree = Max2.BaseMap.singleton x_base Max2.empty_node in
let xF_tree = Max2.BaseMap.singleton x_base f_node in
let xF_star_tree = Max2.BaseMap.singleton x_base f_star_node in
(* adding x.f to an empty tree should't add stars... *)
Max2.assert_trees_equal (Max2.add_trace xF x_trace Max2.empty) xF_tree ;
(* ... but adding x.f.g should *)
Max2.assert_trees_equal (Max2.add_trace xFG x_trace Max2.empty) xF_star_tree ;
(* adding the node (f.g, "x") to a tree with x should produce the same result *)
Max2.assert_trees_equal (Max2.add_node x fG_node x_tree) xF_star_tree
"max_depth" >:: max_depth_test_
>::: [get_trace_test; add_trace_test; lteq_test; join_test; widen_test; fold_test; depth_test]
>::: [ get_trace_test
; add_trace_test
; lteq_test
; join_test
; widen_test
; fold_test
; depth_test
; max_depth_test ]