@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
AttributeDomain . find_opt exp astate . attributes
AttributeDomain . find_opt exp astate . attributes
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : ( fun () ->
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : ( fun () ->
StarvationModels . get_executor_thread_annotation_constraint tenv exp
StarvationModels . get_executor_thread_annotation_constraint tenv exp
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun constr -> Attribute . Executo r constr ) )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun constr -> Attribute . WorkSchedule r constr ) )
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : ( fun () ->
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : ( fun () ->
StarvationModels . get_run_method_from_runnable tenv exp
StarvationModels . get_run_method_from_runnable tenv exp
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun procname -> Attribute . Runnable procname ) )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun procname -> Attribute . Runnable procname ) )
@ -87,32 +87,31 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
let open Domain in
let schedule_work runnable thread =
let schedule_work ( runnable , thread ) =
match get_exp_attributes tenv runnable astate with
get_exp_attributes tenv runnable astate
| Some ( Attribute . Runnable procname ) ->
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( function Attribute . Runnable procname -> Some procname | _ -> None )
Domain . schedule_work loc thread astate procname
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( Domain . schedule_work loc thread )
let work_opt =
match actuals with
| HilExp . AccessExpression executor :: HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work tenv callee ->
let thread =
get_exp_attributes tenv executor astate
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( function Attribute . WorkScheduler c -> Some c | _ -> None )
| > Option . value ~ default : StarvationModels . ForUnknownThread
Some ( runnable , thread )
| HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work_on_ui_thread tenv callee ->
Some ( runnable , StarvationModels . ForUIThread )
| HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work_on_bg_thread tenv callee ->
Some ( runnable , StarvationModels . ForNonUIThread )
| _ ->
| _ ->
Non e
match actuals with
Option . value_map work_opt ~ default : astate ~ f : schedule_work
| HilExp . AccessExpression executor :: HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work tenv callee ->
let thread =
match get_exp_attributes tenv executor astate with
| Some ( Attribute . Executor constr ) ->
| _ ->
StarvationModels . ForUnknownThread
schedule_work runnable thread
| HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work_on_ui_thread tenv callee ->
schedule_work runnable StarvationModels . ForUIThread
| HilExp . AccessExpression runnable :: _
when StarvationModels . schedules_work_on_bg_thread tenv callee ->
schedule_work runnable StarvationModels . ForNonUIThread
| _ ->
let do_assignment tenv lhs_access_exp rhs_exp ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let do_assignment tenv lhs_access_exp rhs_exp ( astate : Domain . t ) =
@ -126,28 +125,53 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let do_call ProcData . { tenv ; summary } lhs callee actuals loc astate =
let do_call ProcData . { tenv ; summary } lhs callee actuals loc astate =
let open Domain in
let open Domain in
let make_ret_attr return_attribute = { empty_summary with return_attribute } in
let make_thread thread = { empty_summary with thread } in
let get_returned_executor_summary () =
let get_returned_executor_summary () =
StarvationModels . get_returned_executor ~ attrs_of_pname tenv callee actuals
StarvationModels . get_returned_executor ~ attrs_of_pname tenv callee actuals
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun thread_constraint ->
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun thread_constraint ->
{ empty_summary with return_attribute = Attribute . Executor thread_constraint } )
make_ret_attr ( Attribute . WorkScheduler thread_constraint ) )
let get_thread_assert_summary () =
let get_thread_assert_summary () =
match ConcurrencyModels . get_thread_assert_effect callee with
match ConcurrencyModels . get_thread_assert_effect callee with
| BackgroundThread ->
| BackgroundThread ->
Some {empty_summary with thread = ThreadDomain . BGThread }
Some (make_thread ThreadDomain . BGThread )
| MainThread ->
| MainThread ->
Some {empty_summary with thread = ThreadDomain . UIThread }
Some (make_thread ThreadDomain . UIThread )
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
Some {empty_summary with return_attribute = Attribute . ThreadGuard }
Some (make_ret_attr Attribute . ThreadGuard )
| UnknownThread ->
| UnknownThread ->
let get_mainLooper_summary () =
if StarvationModels . is_getMainLooper tenv callee actuals then
Some ( make_ret_attr ( Attribute . Looper StarvationModels . ForUIThread ) )
else None
let get_callee_summary () = Payload . read ~ caller_summary : summary ~ callee_pname : callee in
let get_callee_summary () = Payload . read ~ caller_summary : summary ~ callee_pname : callee in
let callsite = CallSite . make callee loc in
let callsite = CallSite . make callee loc in
get_returned_executor_summary ()
(* constructor calls are special-cased because they side-effect the receiver and do not
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : get_thread_assert_summary
return anything * )
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : get_callee_summary
if StarvationModels . is_handler_constructor tenv callee actuals then
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( Domain . integrate_summary ~ tenv ~ lhs callsite )
match actuals with
| HilExp . AccessExpression receiver :: HilExp . AccessExpression exp :: _ ->
let thread_constraint_attr =
AttributeDomain . find_opt exp astate . attributes
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( function Attribute . Looper c -> Some c | _ -> None )
| > Option . value ~ default : StarvationModels . ForUnknownThread
| > fun constr -> Attribute . WorkScheduler constr
let attributes = AttributeDomain . add receiver thread_constraint_attr astate . attributes in
{ astate with attributes }
| _ ->
get_returned_executor_summary ()
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : get_thread_assert_summary
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : get_mainLooper_summary
(* [get_callee_summary] should come after all models *)
| > IOption . if_none_evalopt ~ f : get_callee_summary
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( Domain . integrate_summary ~ tenv ~ lhs callsite )
let exec_instr ( astate : Domain . t ) ( { ProcData . summary ; tenv ; extras } as procdata ) _
let exec_instr ( astate : Domain . t ) ( { ProcData . summary ; tenv ; extras } as procdata ) _