@ -533,12 +533,23 @@ module PrePost = struct
~addr_pre ~addr_hist_caller call_state )
~addr_pre ~addr_hist_caller call_state )
let translate_attributes attrs_callee subst =
let subst_attributes attrs_callee {astate; subst} =
let translate_attribute subst attr =
let eval_sym_of_subst subst s bound_end =
let v = Symb.Symbol.get_pulse_value_exn s in
match PulseAbstractValue.Map.find_opt v !subst with
| Some (v', _) ->
Itv.get_bound (Memory.get_bo_itv v' astate) bound_end
| None ->
let v' = PulseAbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
subst := PulseAbstractValue.Map.add v (v', []) !subst ;
AbstractDomain.Types.NonBottom (Bounds.Bound.of_pulse_value v')
let subst_attribute subst attr =
match (attr : Attribute.t) with
match (attr : Attribute.t) with
| BoItv itv ->
| BoItv itv ->
let subst, itv' = Itv.subst_pulse_values subst itv in
let subst = ref subst in
(subst, Attribute.BoItv itv')
let itv' = Itv.subst itv (eval_sym_of_subst subst) in
(!subst, Attribute.BoItv itv')
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| Arithmetic _
| Arithmetic _
@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
(* non-relational attributes *)
(* non-relational attributes *)
(subst, attr)
(subst, attr)
Attributes.fold_map attrs_callee ~init:subst ~f:translate_attribute
Attributes.fold_map attrs_callee ~init:subst ~f:subst_attribute
let solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
let solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
@ -592,7 +603,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
let apply_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
let apply_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
let one_address_sat addr_pre callee_attrs addr_hist_caller call_state =
let one_address_sat addr_pre callee_attrs addr_hist_caller call_state =
let subst, attrs_pre = translate_attributes callee_attrs call_state.subst in
let subst, attrs_pre = subst_attributes callee_attrs call_state in
solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
~addr_hist_caller {call_state with subst}
~addr_hist_caller {call_state with subst}
@ -681,7 +692,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
| WrittenTo _ ->
| WrittenTo _ ->
let call_state, attrs = translate_attributes attrs call_state in
let call_state, attrs = subst_attributes attrs call_state in
(call_state, Attributes.map attrs ~f:(fun attr -> add_call_to_attribute attr))
(call_state, Attributes.map attrs ~f:(fun attr -> add_call_to_attribute attr))
@ -693,7 +704,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
let heap = (call_state.astate.post :> base_domain).heap in
let heap = (call_state.astate.post :> base_domain).heap in
let subst, heap =
let subst, heap =
let subst, attrs_post_caller =
let subst, attrs_post_caller =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc hist_caller attrs_post call_state.subst
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc hist_caller attrs_post call_state
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs_post_caller heap)
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs_post_caller heap)
@ -863,7 +874,8 @@ module PrePost = struct
(* callee address has no meaning for the caller *) (subst, heap)
(* callee address has no meaning for the caller *) (subst, heap)
| Some (addr_caller, history) ->
| Some (addr_caller, history) ->
let subst, attrs' =
let subst, attrs' =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc history attrs subst
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc history attrs
{call_state with subst}
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs' heap) )
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs' heap) )
(pre_post.post :> BaseDomain.t).heap (call_state.subst, heap0)
(pre_post.post :> BaseDomain.t).heap (call_state.subst, heap0)