@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module Jprop = struct
let get_id = function Prop (n, _) -> n | Joined (n, _, _, _) -> n
let get_id = function Prop (n, _) -> n | Joined (n, _, _, _) -> n
(** Print a list of joined props, the boolean indicates whether to print subcomponents of joined props *)
(** Print a list of joined props, the boolean indicates whether to print subcomponents of joined props *)
let pp_list pe shallow f jplist =
let pp_list pe ~shallow f jplist =
let rec pp_seq_newline f = function
let rec pp_seq_newline f = function
| [] ->
| [] ->
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module Jprop = struct
(** dump a joined prop list, the boolean indicates whether to print toplevel props only *)
(** dump a joined prop list, the boolean indicates whether to print toplevel props only *)
let d_list (shallow: bool) (jplist: Prop.normal t list) =
let d_list ~(shallow: bool) (jplist: Prop.normal t list) =
L.add_print_action (L.PTjprop_list, Obj.repr (shallow, jplist))
L.add_print_action (L.PTjprop_list, Obj.repr (shallow, jplist))
@ -143,28 +143,18 @@ end
(***** End of module Jprop *****)
(***** End of module Jprop *****)
module Visitedset = Caml.Set.Make (struct
module Visitedset = struct
include Caml.Set.Make (struct
type t = Procdesc.Node.id * int list
type t = Procdesc.Node.id * int list
let compare (node_id1, _) (node_id2, _) = Procdesc.Node.compare_id node_id1 node_id2
let compare (node_id1, _) (node_id2, _) = Procdesc.Node.compare_id node_id1 node_id2
let visited_str vis =
let pp fmt visitedset =
let s = ref "" in
let collect_lines (_, ns) acc = List.fold ns ~f:Int.Set.add ~init:acc in
let lines = ref Int.Set.empty in
let lines = fold collect_lines visitedset Int.Set.empty in
let do_one (_, ns) =
Pp.seq F.pp_print_int fmt (Int.Set.elements lines)
(* if List.length ns > 1 then
let ss = ref "" in
List.iter ~f:(fun n -> ss := !ss ^ " " ^ string_of_int n) ns;
L.out "Node %d has lines %s@." node !ss
end; *)
List.iter ~f:(fun n -> lines := Int.Set.add !lines n) ns
Visitedset.iter do_one vis ;
Int.Set.iter ~f:(fun n -> s := !s ^ " " ^ string_of_int n) !lines ;
(** A spec consists of:
(** A spec consists of:
pre: a joined prop
pre: a joined prop
@ -245,28 +235,29 @@ let equal_phase = [%compare.equal : phase]
(** Print the spec *)
(** Print the spec *)
let pp_spec pe num_opt fmt spec =
let pp_spec pe num_opt fmt spec =
let num_str =
let pp_num_opt fmt = function
match num_opt with
| None ->
| None ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------"
| Some (n, tot) ->
| Some (n, tot) ->
Format.sprintf "%d of %d [nvisited:%s]" n tot (visited_str spec.visited)
F.fprintf fmt "%d of %d [nvisited:%a]" n tot Visitedset.pp spec.visited
let pre = Jprop.to_prop spec.pre in
let pre = Jprop.to_prop spec.pre in
let pe_post = Prop.prop_update_obj_sub pe pre in
let pe_post = Prop.prop_update_obj_sub pe pre in
let post_list = List.map ~f:fst spec.posts in
let post_list = List.map ~f:fst spec.posts in
match pe.Pp.kind with
match pe.Pp.kind with
| TEXT ->
| TEXT ->
F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %s ---------------------------@\n" num_str ;
F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %a ---------------------------@\n" pp_num_opt
num_opt ;
F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) pre ;
F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) pre ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" (Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) post_list ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" (Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) post_list ;
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------"
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------"
| HTML ->
| HTML ->
F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %s ---------------------------@\n" num_str ;
F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %a ---------------------------@\n" pp_num_opt
num_opt ;
F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a%a%a@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Pp.Blue
F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a%a%a@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Pp.Blue
(Prop.pp_prop (Pp.html Blue))
(Prop.pp_prop (Pp.html Blue))
pre Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color () ;
pre Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color () ;
(Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) fmt post_list ;
Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true) fmt post_list ;
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------"
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------"
@ -275,20 +266,12 @@ let d_spec (spec: 'a spec) = L.add_print_action (L.PTspec, Obj.repr spec)
let pp_specs pe fmt specs =
let pp_specs pe fmt specs =
let total = List.length specs in
let total = List.length specs in
let cnt = ref 0 in
match pe.Pp.kind with
match pe.Pp.kind with
| TEXT ->
| TEXT ->
List.iteri specs ~f:(fun cnt spec -> pp_spec pe (Some (cnt + 1, total)) fmt spec)
~f:(fun spec ->
incr cnt ;
(pp_spec pe (Some (!cnt, total))) fmt spec )
| HTML ->
| HTML ->
List.iteri specs ~f:(fun cnt spec ->
~f:(fun spec ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a<br>@\n" (pp_spec pe (Some (cnt + 1, total))) spec )
incr cnt ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a<br>@\n" (pp_spec pe (Some (!cnt, total))) spec )
let string_of_phase = function FOOTPRINT -> "FOOTPRINT" | RE_EXECUTION -> "RE_EXECUTION"
let string_of_phase = function FOOTPRINT -> "FOOTPRINT" | RE_EXECUTION -> "RE_EXECUTION"