@ -98,29 +98,6 @@ let type_get_annotation tenv (typ: Typ.t): Annot.Item.t option =
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let type_has_direct_supertype tenv (typ : Typ.t) (class_name : Typ.Name.t) =
List.exists ~f:(fun cn -> Typ.Name.equal cn class_name) (type_get_direct_supertypes tenv typ)
let type_has_supertype
(tenv: Tenv.t)
(typ: Typ.t)
(class_name: Typ.Name.t): bool =
let rec has_supertype typ visited =
if Typ.Set.mem typ visited then
let supers = type_get_direct_supertypes tenv typ in
let match_supertype cn =
let match_name () = Typ.Name.equal cn class_name in
let has_indirect_supertype () = has_supertype (Typ.mk (Tstruct cn)) (Typ.Set.add typ visited) in
(match_name () || has_indirect_supertype ()) in
List.exists ~f:match_supertype supers in
has_supertype typ Typ.Set.empty
let type_is_nested_in_direct_supertype tenv t n =
let is_nested_in cn1 cn2 = String.is_prefix ~prefix:(Typ.Name.name cn1 ^ "$") (Typ.Name.name cn2) in
List.exists ~f:(is_nested_in n) (type_get_direct_supertypes tenv t)
let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
match desc with
match desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name ->
| Typ.Tstruct name ->
@ -272,11 +249,14 @@ let initializer_methods = [
(** Check if the type has in its supertypes from the initializer_classes list. *)
(** Check if the type has in its supertypes from the initializer_classes list. *)
let type_has_initializer
let type_has_initializer (tenv: Tenv.t) (t: Typ.t): bool =
(tenv: Tenv.t)
let is_initializer_class typename _ =
(t: Typ.t): bool =
List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal initializer_classes typename in
let check_candidate class_name = type_has_supertype tenv t class_name in
match t.desc with
List.exists ~f:check_candidate initializer_classes
| Typ.Tstruct name | Tptr ({ desc=Tstruct name}, _) ->
supertype_exists tenv is_initializer_class name
| _ ->
(** Check if the method is one of the known initializer methods. *)
(** Check if the method is one of the known initializer methods. *)
let method_is_initializer
let method_is_initializer