@ -747,14 +747,8 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
let rec labelStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list label_name =
let context = trans_state . context in
(* go ahead with the translation *)
let res_trans =
match stmt_list with
| [ stmt ] ->
instruction trans_state stmt
| _ ->
(* expected a stmt or at most a compoundstmt *) assert false
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] [ stmt ] = stmt_list in
let res_trans = instruction trans_state stmt in
(* create the label root node into the hashtbl *)
let sil_loc =
CLocation . location_of_stmt_info context . translation_unit_context . source_file stmt_info
@ -1523,7 +1517,8 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
let prune_nodes' = if branch then prune_nodes_t else prune_nodes_f in
List . iter
~ f : ( fun n -> Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc n res_trans . control . root_nodes [] )
prune_nodes' ;
match stmt_list with
| [ cond ; exp1 ; exp2 ] ->
@ -1546,8 +1541,12 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
( cond_trans ~ if_kind : Sil . Ik_bexp ~ negate_cond : false )
(* Note: by contruction prune nodes are leafs_nodes_cond *)
do_branch true exp1 var_typ res_trans_cond . control . leaf_nodes join_node pvar ;
do_branch false exp2 var_typ res_trans_cond . control . leaf_nodes join_node pvar ;
let _ : trans_result =
do_branch true exp1 var_typ res_trans_cond . control . leaf_nodes join_node pvar
let _ : trans_result =
do_branch false exp2 var_typ res_trans_cond . control . leaf_nodes join_node pvar
let id = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
let instrs = [ Sil . Load ( id , Exp . Lvar pvar , var_typ , sil_loc ) ] in
mk_trans_result ( Exp . Var id , typ )
@ -1764,179 +1763,104 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
assert false
(* Assumption: the CompoundStmt can be made of different stmts, not just CaseStmts *)
and caseStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info case_stmt_list =
(* ignore the [case lhs ... rhs: body] form, only support the [case condition: body] form *)
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] [ condition ; _ rhs ; body ] = case_stmt_list in
let body_trans_result = instruction trans_state body in
( let open SwitchCase in
add { condition = Case condition ; stmt_info ; root_nodes = body_trans_result . control . root_nodes } ) ;
and defaultStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info default_stmt_list =
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] [ body ] = default_stmt_list in
let body_trans_result = instruction trans_state body in
( let open SwitchCase in
add { condition = Default ; stmt_info ; root_nodes = body_trans_result . control . root_nodes } ) ;
and switchStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info switch_stmt_list =
(* overview: translate the body of the switch statement, which automatically collects the
various cases at the same time , then link up the cases together and together with the switch
condition variable * )
(* unsupported: initialization *)
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] [ _ initialization ; variable ; condition ; body ] = switch_stmt_list in
let context = trans_state . context in
let succ_nodes = trans_state . succ_nodes in
let continuation = trans_state . continuation in
let sil_loc =
CLocation . location_of_stmt_info context . translation_unit_context . source_file stmt_info
let open Clang_ast_t in
match switch_stmt_list with
| [ _ ; decl_stmt ; cond ; CompoundStmt ( stmt_info , stmt_list ) ] ->
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node trans_state stmt_info in
let trans_state' = { trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = [] } in
let res_trans_cond_tmp = instruction trans_state' cond in
let switch_special_cond_node =
let node_kind = Procdesc . Node . Stmt_node " Switch_stmt " in
Procdesc . create_node context . procdesc sil_loc node_kind res_trans_cond_tmp . control . instrs
List . iter
~ f : ( fun n' ->
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc n' [ switch_special_cond_node ] [] )
res_trans_cond_tmp . control . leaf_nodes ;
let root_nodes =
if res_trans_cond_tmp . control . root_nodes < > [] then res_trans_cond_tmp . control . root_nodes
else [ switch_special_cond_node ]
let switch_e_cond' , _ = res_trans_cond_tmp . return in
let res_trans_cond =
{ res_trans_cond_tmp with
control =
{ res_trans_cond_tmp . control with root_nodes ; leaf_nodes = [ switch_special_cond_node ] }
let res_trans_decl = declStmt_in_condition_trans trans_state decl_stmt res_trans_cond in
let trans_state_no_pri =
if PriorityNode . own_priority_node trans_state_pri . priority stmt_info then
{ trans_state_pri with priority = Free }
else trans_state_pri
let switch_exit_point = succ_nodes in
let continuation' =
match continuation with
| Some cont ->
Some { cont with break = switch_exit_point }
| None ->
Some { break = switch_exit_point ; continue = [] ; return_temp = false }
let trans_state'' = { trans_state_no_pri with continuation = continuation' } in
let merge_into_cases stmt_list =
(* returns list_of_cases * before_any_case_instrs *)
let rec aux rev_stmt_list acc cases =
match rev_stmt_list with
| CaseStmt ( info , a :: b :: CaseStmt x :: c ) :: rest ->
(* case x: case y: ... *)
if c < > [] (* empty case with nested case, then followed by some instructions *)
then assert false ;
let rest' = CaseStmt ( info , [ a ; b ] ) :: rest in
let rev_stmt_list' = CaseStmt x :: rest' in
aux rev_stmt_list' acc cases
| CaseStmt ( info , a :: b :: DefaultStmt x :: c ) :: rest ->
(* case x: default: ... *)
if c < > [] (* empty case with nested case, then followed by some instructions *)
then assert false ;
let rest' = CaseStmt ( info , [ a ; b ] ) :: rest in
let rev_stmt_list' = DefaultStmt x :: rest' in
aux rev_stmt_list' acc cases
| DefaultStmt ( info , CaseStmt x :: c ) :: rest ->
(* default: case x: ... *)
if c < > [] (* empty case with nested case, then followed by some instructions *)
then assert false ;
let rest' = DefaultStmt ( info , [] ) :: rest in
let rev_stmt_list' = CaseStmt x :: rest' in
aux rev_stmt_list' acc cases
| CaseStmt ( info , a :: b :: c ) :: rest ->
aux rest [] ( CaseStmt ( info , a :: b :: c @ acc ) :: cases )
| DefaultStmt ( info , c ) :: rest ->
(* default is always the last in the list *)
aux rest [] ( DefaultStmt ( info , c @ acc ) :: cases )
| x :: rest ->
aux rest ( x :: acc ) cases
| [] ->
( cases , acc )
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node trans_state stmt_info in
let trans_state' = { trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = [] } in
let res_trans_cond_tmp = instruction trans_state' condition in
let switch_node =
let node_kind = Procdesc . Node . Stmt_node " SwitchStmt " in
Procdesc . create_node context . procdesc sil_loc node_kind res_trans_cond_tmp . control . instrs
List . iter
~ f : ( fun n' -> Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc n' [ switch_node ] [] )
res_trans_cond_tmp . control . leaf_nodes ;
let root_nodes =
if res_trans_cond_tmp . control . root_nodes < > [] then res_trans_cond_tmp . control . root_nodes
else [ switch_node ]
let condition_exp , _ = res_trans_cond_tmp . return in
let condition_result =
{ res_trans_cond_tmp with
control = { res_trans_cond_tmp . control with root_nodes ; leaf_nodes = [ switch_node ] } }
let variable_result = declStmt_in_condition_trans trans_state variable condition_result in
let trans_state_no_pri =
if PriorityNode . own_priority_node trans_state_pri . priority stmt_info then
{ trans_state_pri with priority = Free }
else trans_state_pri
let continuation' =
let switch_exit_point = trans_state . succ_nodes in
match trans_state . continuation with
| Some cont ->
Some { cont with break = switch_exit_point }
| None ->
Some { break = switch_exit_point ; continue = [] ; return_temp = false }
let inner_trans_state = { trans_state_no_pri with continuation = continuation' } in
let switch_cases , ( _ : trans_result ) =
SwitchCase . in_switch_body ~ f : ( instruction inner_trans_state ) body
let link_up_switch_cases curr_succ_nodes = function
| { SwitchCase . condition = Case case_condition ; stmt_info ; root_nodes } ->
(* create case prune nodes, link the then branch to [root_nodes], the else branch to
[ curr_succ_nodes ] * )
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node inner_trans_state stmt_info in
let res_trans_case_const = instruction trans_state_pri case_condition in
let e_const , _ = res_trans_case_const . return in
let sil_eq_cond = Exp . BinOp ( Binop . Eq , condition_exp , e_const ) in
let sil_loc =
CLocation . location_of_stmt_info context . translation_unit_context . source_file stmt_info
aux ( List . rev stmt_list ) [] []
let list_of_cases , pre_case_stmts = merge_into_cases stmt_list in
let rec connected_instruction rev_instr_list successor_nodes =
(* returns the entry point of the translated set of instr *)
match rev_instr_list with
| [] ->
| instr :: rest ->
let trans_state''' = { trans_state'' with succ_nodes = successor_nodes } in
let res_trans_instr = instruction trans_state''' instr in
let instr_entry_points = res_trans_instr . control . root_nodes in
connected_instruction rest instr_entry_points
let rec translate_and_connect_cases cases next_nodes next_prune_nodes =
let create_prune_nodes_for_case case =
match case with
| CaseStmt ( stmt_info , case_const :: _ :: _ ) ->
let trans_state_pri =
PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node trans_state'' stmt_info
let res_trans_case_const = instruction trans_state_pri case_const in
let e_const , _ = res_trans_case_const . return in
let sil_eq_cond = Exp . BinOp ( Binop . Eq , switch_e_cond' , e_const ) in
let sil_loc =
CLocation . location_of_stmt_info context . translation_unit_context . source_file
let true _ prune_node =
create_prune_node context . procdesc ~ branch : true ~ negate_cond : false sil_eq_cond
res_trans_case_const . control . instrs sil_loc Sil . Ik_switch
let false _ prune_node =
create_prune_node context . procdesc ~ branch : false ~ negate_cond : true sil_eq_cond
res_trans_case_const . control . instrs sil_loc Sil . Ik_switch
( true _ prune_node , false _ prune_node )
| _ ->
assert false
let true _ prune_node =
create_prune_node context . procdesc ~ branch : true ~ negate_cond : false sil_eq_cond
res_trans_case_const . control . instrs sil_loc Sil . Ik_switch
match cases with
(* top-down to handle default cases *)
| [] ->
( next_nodes , next_prune_nodes )
| ( CaseStmt ( _ , _ :: _ :: case_content ) as case ) :: rest ->
let last_nodes , last_prune_nodes =
translate_and_connect_cases rest next_nodes next_prune_nodes
let case_entry_point = connected_instruction ( List . rev case_content ) last_nodes in
(* connects between cases, then continuation has priority about breaks *)
let prune_node_t , prune_node_f = create_prune_nodes_for_case case in
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc prune_node_t case_entry_point [] ;
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc prune_node_f last_prune_nodes [] ;
( case_entry_point , [ prune_node_t ; prune_node_f ] )
| DefaultStmt ( stmt_info , default_content ) :: rest ->
let sil_loc =
CLocation . location_of_stmt_info context . translation_unit_context . source_file
let placeholder_entry_point =
Procdesc . create_node context . procdesc sil_loc
( Procdesc . Node . Stmt_node " DefaultStmt_placeholder " ) []
let last_nodes , last_prune_nodes =
translate_and_connect_cases rest next_nodes [ placeholder_entry_point ]
let default_entry_point =
connected_instruction ( List . rev default_content ) last_nodes
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc placeholder_entry_point
default_entry_point [] ;
( default_entry_point , last_prune_nodes )
| _ ->
assert false
let top_entry_point , top_prune_nodes =
translate_and_connect_cases list_of_cases succ_nodes succ_nodes
let _ = connected_instruction ( List . rev pre_case_stmts ) top_entry_point in
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc switch_special_cond_node top_prune_nodes [] ;
let top_nodes = res_trans_decl . control . root_nodes in
(* succ_nodes will remove the temps *)
mk_trans_result ( mk_fresh_void_exp_typ () )
{ empty_control with root_nodes = top_nodes ; leaf_nodes = succ_nodes }
| _ ->
(* TODO ( t21762295 ) this raises sometimes *)
CFrontend_config . incorrect_assumption _ _ POS__ stmt_info . Clang_ast_t . si_source_range
" Unexpected Switch Statement sub-expression list: [%a] "
( Pp . semicolon_seq ( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_j . string_of_stmt ) )
let false _ prune_node =
create_prune_node context . procdesc ~ branch : false ~ negate_cond : true sil_eq_cond
res_trans_case_const . control . instrs sil_loc Sil . Ik_switch
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc true _ prune_node root_nodes [] ;
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc false _ prune_node curr_succ_nodes [] ;
(* return prune nodes as next roots *)
[ true _ prune_node ; false _ prune_node ]
| { SwitchCase . condition = Default ; root_nodes } ->
(* just return the [root_nodes] to be linked to the previous case's fallthrough *)
let cases_root_nodes =
List . fold switch_cases ~ init : trans_state . succ_nodes ~ f : link_up_switch_cases
Procdesc . node_set_succs_exn context . procdesc switch_node cases_root_nodes [] ;
let top_nodes = variable_result . control . root_nodes in
mk_trans_result ( mk_fresh_void_exp_typ () )
{ empty_control with root_nodes = top_nodes ; leaf_nodes = trans_state . succ_nodes }
and stmtExpr_trans trans_state source_range stmt_list =
@ -3213,7 +3137,24 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
" Translating statement '%a' (pointer= '%a')@ \n @[<hv2> "
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
instr pp_pointer instr ;
let trans_result = instruction_aux trans_state instr in
let trans_result =
try instruction_aux trans_state instr with e ->
IExn . reraise_after e ~ f : ( fun () ->
let { Clang_ast_t . si_source_range } , _ = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple instr in
let source_file =
trans_state . context . CContext . translation_unit_context . CFrontend_config . source_file
let loc_start =
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` Start source_file si_source_range
let loc_end =
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` End source_file si_source_range
L . internal_error " %a: ERROR translating statement '%a'@ \n " Location . pp_range
( loc_start , loc_end )
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
instr )
L . ( debug Capture Verbose ) " @] " ;
@ -3253,12 +3194,10 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
ifStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list
| SwitchStmt ( stmt_info , switch_stmt_list ) ->
switchStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info switch_stmt_list
| CaseStmt ( { Clang_ast_t . si_source_range } , _ ) ->
(* where do we even get case stmts outside of the switch stmt? ( t21762295 ) *)
CFrontend_config . incorrect_assumption _ _ POS__ si_source_range
" Case statement outside of switch statement: %a "
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_j . string_of_stmt )
| CaseStmt ( stmt_info , stmt_list ) ->
caseStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list
| DefaultStmt ( stmt_info , stmt_list ) ->
defaultStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list
| StmtExpr ( { Clang_ast_t . si_source_range } , stmt_list , _ ) ->
stmtExpr_trans trans_state si_source_range stmt_list
| ForStmt ( stmt_info , [ init ; decl_stmt ; condition ; increment ; body ] ) ->
@ -3543,8 +3482,7 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
| SEHFinallyStmt _
| SEHLeaveStmt _
| SEHTryStmt _
| ShuffleVectorExpr _
| DefaultStmt _ ->
| ShuffleVectorExpr _ ->
let ( stmt_info , stmts ) , ret_typ =
match Clang_ast_proj . get_expr_tuple instr with
| Some ( stmt_info , stmts , expr_info ) ->