@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
(** signed and unsigned integer literals *)
(** signed and unsigned integer literals *)
type t = bool * Int64.t * bool
type t = bool * Z.t * bool
exception OversizedShift
exception OversizedShift
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ exception OversizedShift
and the second whether it is a pointer *)
and the second whether it is a pointer *)
let area u i =
let area u i =
match (i < 0L, u) with
match (Z.(i < zero), u) with
| true, false ->
| true, false ->
(* only representable as signed *) 1
(* only representable as signed *) 1
| false, _ ->
| false, _ ->
@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ let to_signed (unsigned, i, ptr) =
let compare (unsigned1, i1, _) (unsigned2, i2, _) =
let compare (unsigned1, i1, _) (unsigned2, i2, _) =
let n = Bool.compare unsigned1 unsigned2 in
let n = Bool.compare unsigned1 unsigned2 in
if n <> 0 then n else Int64.compare i1 i2
if n <> 0 then n else Z.compare i1 i2
let compare_value (unsigned1, i1, _) (unsigned2, i2, _) =
let compare_value (unsigned1, i1, _) (unsigned2, i2, _) =
[%compare: int * Int64.t] (area unsigned1 i1, i1) (area unsigned2 i2, i2)
[%compare: int * Z.t] (area unsigned1 i1, i1) (area unsigned2 i2, i2)
let eq i1 i2 = Int.equal (compare_value i1 i2) 0
let eq i1 i2 = Int.equal (compare_value i1 i2) 0
@ -53,21 +53,27 @@ let geq i1 i2 = compare_value i1 i2 >= 0
let gt i1 i2 = compare_value i1 i2 > 0
let gt i1 i2 = compare_value i1 i2 > 0
let of_int64 i = (false, i, false)
let of_z z_of_int i = (false, z_of_int i, false)
let of_int32 i = of_int64 (Int64.of_int32 i)
let of_int64 = of_z Z.of_int64
let of_int i = of_int64 (Int64.of_int i)
let of_int32 = of_z Z.of_int32
let to_int (_, i, _) = Int64.to_int i
let of_int = of_z Z.of_int
let to_int_exn (_, i, _) = Int64.to_int_exn i
let of_string = of_z Z.of_string
let to_big_int (_, i, _) = Z.of_int64 i
let z_to_int_opt i = try Some (Z.to_int i) with Z.Overflow -> None
let to_float (_, i, _) = Int64.to_float i
let to_int (_, i, _) = z_to_int_opt i
let null = (false, 0L, true)
let to_int_exn (_, i, _) = Z.to_int i
let to_big_int (_, i, _) = i
let to_float (_, i, _) = Z.to_float i
let null = (false, Z.zero, true)
let zero = of_int 0
let zero = of_int 0
@ -77,17 +83,17 @@ let two = of_int 2
let minus_one = of_int (-1)
let minus_one = of_int (-1)
let isone (_, i, _) = Int64.equal i 1L
let isone (_, i, _) = Z.(equal i one)
let iszero (_, i, _) = Int64.equal i 0L
let iszero (_, i, _) = Z.(equal i zero)
let isnull (_, i, ptr) = Int64.equal i 0L && ptr
let isnull (_, i, ptr) = Z.(equal i zero) && ptr
let isminusone (unsigned, i, _) = (not unsigned) && Int64.equal i (-1L)
let isminusone (unsigned, i, _) = (not unsigned) && Z.(equal i minus_one)
let isnegative (unsigned, i, _) = (not unsigned) && i < 0L
let isnegative (unsigned, i, _) = (not unsigned) && Z.(lt i zero)
let neg (unsigned, i, ptr) = (unsigned, Int64.neg i, ptr)
let neg (unsigned, i, ptr) = (unsigned, Z.neg i, ptr)
let lift binop (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (unsigned2, i2, ptr2) =
let lift binop (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (unsigned2, i2, ptr2) =
(unsigned1 || unsigned2, binop i1 i2, ptr1 || ptr2)
(unsigned1 || unsigned2, binop i1 i2, ptr1 || ptr2)
@ -95,48 +101,46 @@ let lift binop (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (unsigned2, i2, ptr2) =
let lift1 unop (unsigned, i, ptr) = (unsigned, unop i, ptr)
let lift1 unop (unsigned, i, ptr) = (unsigned, unop i, ptr)
let add i1 i2 = lift Int64.( + ) i1 i2
let add i1 i2 = lift Z.( + ) i1 i2
let mul i1 i2 = lift Int64.( * ) i1 i2
let mul i1 i2 = lift Z.( * ) i1 i2
let div i1 i2 = lift Int64.( / ) i1 i2
let div i1 i2 = lift Z.( / ) i1 i2
let rem i1 i2 = lift Int64.rem i1 i2
let rem i1 i2 = lift Z.rem i1 i2
let logand i1 i2 = lift Int64.bit_and i1 i2
let logand i1 i2 = lift Z.logand i1 i2
let logor i1 i2 = lift Int64.bit_or i1 i2
let logor i1 i2 = lift Z.logor i1 i2
let logxor i1 i2 = lift Int64.bit_xor i1 i2
let logxor i1 i2 = lift Z.logxor i1 i2
let lognot i = lift1 Int64.bit_not i
let lognot i = lift1 Z.lognot i
let sub i1 i2 = add i1 (neg i2)
let sub i1 i2 = add i1 (neg i2)
let shift_left (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (_, i2, _) =
let shift_left (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (_, i2, _) =
match Int64.to_int i2 with
match z_to_int_opt i2 with
| None ->
| None ->
L.(die InternalError) "Shifting failed with operand %a" Int64.pp i2
L.(die InternalError) "Shifting failed with operand %a" Z.pp_print i2
| Some i2 ->
| Some i2 ->
if i2 < 0 || i2 >= 64 then raise OversizedShift ;
if i2 < 0 || i2 >= 64 then raise OversizedShift ;
let res = Int64.shift_left i1 i2 in
let res = Z.shift_left i1 i2 in
(unsigned1, res, ptr1)
(unsigned1, res, ptr1)
let shift_right (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (_, i2, _) =
let shift_right (unsigned1, i1, ptr1) (_, i2, _) =
match Int64.to_int i2 with
match z_to_int_opt i2 with
| None ->
| None ->
L.(die InternalError) "Shifting failed with operand %a" Int64.pp i2
L.(die InternalError) "Shifting failed with operand %a" Z.pp_print i2
| Some i2 ->
| Some i2 ->
if i2 < 0 || i2 >= 64 then raise OversizedShift ;
if i2 < 0 || i2 >= 64 then raise OversizedShift ;
let res = Int64.shift_right i1 i2 in
let res = Z.shift_right i1 i2 in
(unsigned1, res, ptr1)
(unsigned1, res, ptr1)
let pp f (unsigned, n, ptr) =
let pp f (_, n, ptr) =
if ptr && Int64.equal n 0L then F.pp_print_string f "null"
if ptr && Z.(equal n zero) then F.pp_print_string f "null" else Z.pp_print f n
else if unsigned then F.fprintf f "%Lu" n
else F.fprintf f "%Ld" n
let to_string i = F.asprintf "%a" pp i
let to_string i = F.asprintf "%a" pp i