[cost] Invoke Cost issues only once

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D15853454

fbshipit-source-id: 41ec36392
Ezgi Çiçek 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 0f43930f40
commit 898dd104c8

@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ module CostsSummary = struct
List.fold ~init
~f:(fun acc (v : Jsonbug_t.cost_item) ->
List.fold ~init:acc
~f:(fun acc (f, _) ->
count_aux acc (CostDomain.BasicCost.decode (f v).Jsonbug_t.polynomial) )
CostKind.enabled_cost_kinds )
(fun _ CostIssues.{extract_cost_f} acc ->
count_aux acc (CostDomain.BasicCost.decode (extract_cost_f v).Jsonbug_t.polynomial) )
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map acc )
@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ let to_map key_func report =
~init:String.Map.empty report
let issue_of_cost ~kind cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
let issue_of_cost CostIssues.{complexity_increase_issue; zero_issue; infinite_issue} cost_info
~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
let file = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.file in
let method_name = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_name in
let class_name =
@ -152,11 +153,11 @@ let issue_of_cost ~kind cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
let procname = ExternalPerfData.make_void_signature_procname class_name method_name in
let source_file = SourceFile.create ~warn_on_error:false file in
let issue_type =
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_top curr_cost then IssueType.infinite_cost_call ~kind
else if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_zero curr_cost then IssueType.zero_cost_call ~kind
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_top curr_cost then infinite_issue
else if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_zero curr_cost then zero_issue
let is_on_cold_start = ExternalPerfData.in_profiler_data_map procname in
IssueType.complexity_increase ~kind ~is_on_cold_start
complexity_increase_issue ~is_on_cold_start
let curr_degree_with_term = CostDomain.BasicCost.get_degree_with_term curr_cost in
let curr_cost_msg fmt () =
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ let issue_of_cost ~kind cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
DB < DA => introduced
let of_costs ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) =
let fold_aux ~kind ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
let fold_aux issue_spec ~key:_ ~data (left, both, right) =
match data with
| `Both (current, previous) ->
let max_degree_polynomial l =
@ -277,14 +278,14 @@ let of_costs ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbu
if cmp > 0 then
(* introduced *)
let left' =
issue_of_cost ~kind curr_cost_info ~delta:`Increased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost
issue_of_cost issue_spec curr_cost_info ~delta:`Increased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost
|> concat_opt left
(left', both, right)
else if cmp < 0 then
(* fixed *)
let right' =
issue_of_cost ~kind curr_cost_info ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost
issue_of_cost issue_spec curr_cost_info ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost
|> concat_opt right
(left, both, right')
@ -303,13 +304,13 @@ let of_costs ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbu
let get_current_costs = decoded_costs current_costs in
let get_previous_costs = decoded_costs previous_costs in
List.fold ~init:([], [], [])
~f:(fun acc (extract_cost_f, kind) ->
(fun _kind CostIssues.({extract_cost_f} as issue_spec) acc ->
(to_map (get_current_costs ~extract_cost_f))
(to_map (get_previous_costs ~extract_cost_f))
~f:(fold_aux ~kind) ~init:acc )
~f:(fold_aux issue_spec) ~init:acc )
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map ([], [], [])
(** Set operations should keep duplicated issues with identical hashes *)

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type issue_spec =
{ extract_cost_f: Jsonbug_t.cost_item -> Jsonbug_t.cost_info
; name: string
; threshold: int option
; complexity_increase_issue: is_on_cold_start:bool -> IssueType.t
; expensive_issue: is_on_cold_start:bool -> IssueType.t
; zero_issue: IssueType.t
; infinite_issue: IssueType.t
; top_and_bottom: bool }
module CostKindMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (CostKind)
type no_value = |
let iter2 map1 map2 ~f =
let (_ : no_value t) =
(fun k v1_opt v2_opt ->
(match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with Some v1, Some v2 -> f k v1 v2 | _ -> ()) ;
None )
map1 map2
let enabled_cost_map =
List.fold CostKind.enabled_cost_kinds ~init:CostKindMap.empty
~f:(fun acc CostKind.{kind; top_and_bottom} ->
let kind_spec =
{ name= Format.asprintf "The %a" CostKind.pp kind
; threshold= (if Config.use_cost_threshold then CostKind.to_threshold kind else None)
; extract_cost_f= (fun c -> CostKind.to_json_cost_info c kind)
; complexity_increase_issue=
(fun ~is_on_cold_start -> IssueType.complexity_increase ~kind ~is_on_cold_start)
; expensive_issue=
(fun ~is_on_cold_start -> IssueType.expensive_cost_call ~kind ~is_on_cold_start)
; zero_issue= IssueType.zero_cost_call ~kind
; infinite_issue= IssueType.infinite_cost_call ~kind
; top_and_bottom }
CostKindMap.add kind kind_spec acc )

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type issue_spec =
{ extract_cost_f: Jsonbug_t.cost_item -> Jsonbug_t.cost_info
; name: string
; threshold: int option
; complexity_increase_issue: is_on_cold_start:bool -> IssueType.t
; expensive_issue: is_on_cold_start:bool -> IssueType.t
; zero_issue: IssueType.t
; infinite_issue: IssueType.t
; top_and_bottom: bool }
module CostKindMap : sig
include PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = CostKind.t
val iter2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> f:(key -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) -> unit
val enabled_cost_map : issue_spec CostKindMap.t

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ end = struct
(** cost issues are already registered below.*)
let from_cost_string ?(enabled = true) ?(is_on_cold_start = false) ~(kind : CostKind.t) s =
let issue_type_base = Format.asprintf s (CostKind.to_issue_string kind) in
let issue_type =
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ let zero_cost_call ~kind = from_cost_string ~enabled:false ~kind "ZERO_%s"
(* register enabled cost issues *)
let () =
List.iter CostKind.enabled_cost_kinds ~f:(fun (_, kind) ->
List.iter CostKind.enabled_cost_kinds ~f:(fun CostKind.{kind} ->
List.iter [true; false] ~f:(fun is_on_cold_start ->
let _ = zero_cost_call ~kind in
let _ = expensive_cost_call ~kind ~is_on_cold_start in

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let pp f k =
let k_str =
match k with
| OperationCost ->
"Execution Cost"
| AllocationCost ->
"Allocation Cost"
| IOCost ->
@ -31,6 +31,20 @@ let pp f k =
F.pp_print_string f k_str
let to_json_cost_info c = function
| OperationCost ->
| AllocationCost ->
| IOCost ->
assert false
(* We use this threshold to give error if the cost is above it.
Currently it's set randomly to 200 for OperationCost and 3 for AllocationCost. *)
let to_threshold = function OperationCost -> Some 200 | AllocationCost -> Some 3 | IOCost -> None
type kind_spec = {kind: t; (* for non-diff analysis *) top_and_bottom: bool}
let enabled_cost_kinds =
[ ((fun c -> c.Jsonbug_t.exec_cost), OperationCost)
; ((fun c -> c.Jsonbug_t.alloc_cost), AllocationCost) ]
[{kind= OperationCost; top_and_bottom= true}; {kind= AllocationCost; top_and_bottom= false}]

@ -9,10 +9,16 @@ open! IStd
type t = OperationCost | AllocationCost | IOCost [@@deriving compare]
type kind_spec = {kind: t; (* for non-diff analysis *) top_and_bottom: bool}
val compare : t -> t -> int
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_issue_string : t -> string
val enabled_cost_kinds : ((Jsonbug_t.cost_item -> Jsonbug_t.cost_info) * t) list
val to_json_cost_info : Jsonbug_t.cost_item -> t -> Jsonbug_t.cost_info
val enabled_cost_kinds : kind_spec list
val to_threshold : t -> int option

@ -16,28 +16,6 @@ module Payload = SummaryPayload.Make (struct
let field = Payloads.Fields.cost
(* We use this threshold to give error if the cost is above it.
Currently it's set randomly to 200 for OperationCost and 3 for AllocationCost. *)
module ReportConfig = struct
type t = {name: string; threshold: int option; top_and_bottom: bool}
let as_list =
[ ( CostKind.OperationCost
, { name= "The execution time"
; threshold= Option.some_if Config.use_cost_threshold 200
; top_and_bottom= true } )
; ( CostKind.AllocationCost
, { name= "The allocations"
; threshold= Option.some_if Config.use_cost_threshold 3
; top_and_bottom= false } )
; (CostKind.IOCost, {name= "The IOs"; threshold= None; top_and_bottom= false}) ]
let as_map =
List.fold as_list ~init:CostDomain.CostKindMap.empty ~f:(fun acc (k, v) ->
CostDomain.CostKindMap.add k v acc )
(* CFG modules used in several other modules *)
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module NodeCFG = ProcCfg.Normal
@ -639,16 +617,19 @@ module ThresholdReports = struct
| Threshold of BasicCost.t
| ReportOn of {location: Location.t; cost: BasicCost.t}
type t = threshold_or_report CostDomain.CostKindMap.t
type t = threshold_or_report CostIssues.CostKindMap.t
let none = CostDomain.CostKindMap.empty
let none : t = CostIssues.CostKindMap.empty
let config =
List.fold ReportConfig.as_list ~init:none ~f:(fun acc -> function
| k, ReportConfig.{threshold= Some threshold} ->
CostDomain.CostKindMap.add k (Threshold (BasicCost.of_int_exn threshold)) acc
(fun kind kind_spec acc ->
match kind_spec with
| CostIssues.{threshold= Some threshold} ->
CostIssues.CostKindMap.add kind (Threshold (BasicCost.of_int_exn threshold)) acc
| _ ->
acc )
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map none
@ -676,7 +657,7 @@ module WorstCaseCost = struct
let costs = CostDomain.plus costs node_cost in
let reports =
(fun _kind threshold_or_report_opt cost_opt ->
match (threshold_or_report_opt, cost_opt) with
| None, _ ->
@ -713,7 +694,8 @@ module WorstCaseCost = struct
module Check = struct
let report_threshold proc_desc summary ~name ~location ~cost ~threshold ~kind =
let report_threshold proc_desc summary ~name ~location ~cost CostIssues.{expensive_issue}
~threshold =
let report_issue_type =
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n\n++++++ Checking error type for %a **** @\n" Typ.Procname.pp
@ -721,7 +703,7 @@ module Check = struct
let is_on_cold_start =
ExternalPerfData.in_profiler_data_map (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
IssueType.expensive_cost_call ~kind ~is_on_cold_start
expensive_issue ~is_on_cold_start
let degree_str = BasicCost.degree_str cost in
let message =
@ -739,7 +721,7 @@ module Check = struct
~extras:(compute_errlog_extras cost) report_issue_type message
let report_top_and_bottom kind proc_desc summary ~name ~cost =
let report_top_and_bottom proc_desc summary ~name ~cost CostIssues.{zero_issue; infinite_issue} =
let report issue suffix =
let message =
F.asprintf "%s of the function %a %s" name Typ.Procname.pp
@ -751,23 +733,23 @@ module Check = struct
~ltr:(BasicCost.polynomial_traces cost)
~extras:(compute_errlog_extras cost) summary issue message
if BasicCost.is_top cost then report (IssueType.infinite_cost_call ~kind) "cannot be computed"
else if BasicCost.is_zero cost then report (IssueType.zero_cost_call ~kind) "is zero"
if BasicCost.is_top cost then report infinite_issue "cannot be computed"
else if BasicCost.is_zero cost then report zero_issue "is zero"
let check_and_report WorstCaseCost.{costs; reports} proc_desc summary =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
if not (Typ.Procname.is_java_access_method pname) then (
CostDomain.CostKindMap.iter2 ReportConfig.as_map reports
~f:(fun kind ReportConfig.{name; threshold} -> function
CostIssues.CostKindMap.iter2 CostIssues.enabled_cost_map reports
~f:(fun _kind (CostIssues.{name; threshold} as kind_spec) -> function
| ThresholdReports.Threshold _ ->
| ThresholdReports.ReportOn {location; cost} ->
report_threshold proc_desc summary ~name ~location ~cost
~threshold:(Option.value_exn threshold) ~kind ) ;
CostDomain.CostKindMap.iter2 ReportConfig.as_map costs
~f:(fun kind ReportConfig.{name; top_and_bottom} cost ->
if top_and_bottom then report_top_and_bottom kind proc_desc summary ~name ~cost ) )
report_threshold proc_desc summary ~name ~location ~cost kind_spec
~threshold:(Option.value_exn threshold) ) ;
CostIssues.CostKindMap.iter2 CostIssues.enabled_cost_map costs
~f:(fun _kind (CostIssues.{name; top_and_bottom} as issue_spec) cost ->
if top_and_bottom then report_top_and_bottom proc_desc summary ~name ~cost issue_spec ) )
type bound_map = BasicCost.t Node.IdMap.t

@ -9,29 +9,13 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module BasicCost = Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial
module CostKindMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (CostKind)
type no_value = |
let iter2 map1 map2 ~f =
let (_ : no_value t) =
(fun k v1_opt v2_opt ->
(match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with Some v1, Some v2 -> f k v1 v2 | _ -> ()) ;
None )
map1 map2
Module to simulate a record
{OperationCost:BasicCost.t; AllocationCost: BasicCost.t; IOCost:BasicCost.t} with a map
{OperationCost, AllocationCost, IOCost} -> BasicCost.t
module VariantCostMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.PPMonoMapOfPPMap (CostKindMap) (BasicCost)
include PrettyPrintable.PPMonoMapOfPPMap (CostIssues.CostKindMap) (BasicCost)
let[@warning "-32"] add _ = Logging.die InternalError "Don't call me"
