@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ module Import = struct
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain . summary
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain . summary
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain . summary
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain . summary
| LatentAbortProgram of { astate : AbductiveDomain . summary ; latent_issue : LatentIssue . t }
| LatentAbortProgram of { astate : AbductiveDomain . summary ; latent_issue : LatentIssue . t }
| LatentInvalidAccess of
{ astate : AbductiveDomain . summary
; address : AbstractValue . t
; must_be_valid : Trace . t
; calling_context : ( CallEvent . t * Location . t ) list }
| ISLLatentMemoryError of AbductiveDomain . summary
| ISLLatentMemoryError of AbductiveDomain . summary
type ' astate base_error = ' astate AccessResult . error =
type ' astate base_error = ' astate AccessResult . error =
@ -622,7 +627,7 @@ let apply_callee tenv ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state
| ( Sat ( Error _ ) | Unsat ) as path_result ->
| ( Sat ( Error _ ) | Unsat ) as path_result ->
| Sat ( Ok ( post , return_val_opt )) ->
| Sat ( Ok ( post , return_val_opt , subst )) ->
let event = ValueHistory . Call { f = Call callee_pname ; location = call_loc ; in_call = [] } in
let event = ValueHistory . Call { f = Call callee_pname ; location = call_loc ; in_call = [] } in
let post =
let post =
match return_val_opt with
match return_val_opt with
@ -631,28 +636,31 @@ let apply_callee tenv ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state
| None ->
| None ->
havoc_id ( fst ret ) [ event ] post
havoc_id ( fst ret ) [ event ] post
f post
f subst post
let open ExecutionDomain in
let open ExecutionDomain in
let open SatUnsat . Import in
let open SatUnsat . Import in
match callee_exec_state with
match callee_exec_state with
| ContinueProgram astate ->
| ContinueProgram astate ->
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : false astate ~ f : ( fun astate ->
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : false astate ~ f : ( fun _ subst astate ->
Sat ( Ok ( ContinueProgram astate ) ) )
Sat ( Ok ( ContinueProgram astate ) ) )
| AbortProgram astate | ExitProgram astate | LatentAbortProgram { astate } ->
| AbortProgram astate
| ExitProgram astate
| LatentAbortProgram { astate }
| LatentInvalidAccess { astate } ->
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : false
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : false
( astate :> AbductiveDomain . t )
( astate :> AbductiveDomain . t )
~ f : ( fun astate ->
~ f : ( fun subst astate ->
let + ( astate_summary : AbductiveDomain . summary ) =
let * ( astate_summary : AbductiveDomain . summary ) =
AbductiveDomain . summary_of_post tenv caller_proc_desc astate
AbductiveDomain . summary_of_post tenv caller_proc_desc astate
match callee_exec_state with
match callee_exec_state with
| ContinueProgram _ | ISLLatentMemoryError _ ->
| ContinueProgram _ | ISLLatentMemoryError _ ->
assert false
assert false
| AbortProgram _ ->
| AbortProgram _ ->
Ok ( AbortProgram astate_summary )
Sat ( Ok ( AbortProgram astate_summary ) )
| ExitProgram _ ->
| ExitProgram _ ->
Ok ( ExitProgram astate_summary )
Sat ( Ok ( ExitProgram astate_summary ) )
| LatentAbortProgram { latent_issue } -> (
| LatentAbortProgram { latent_issue } -> (
let latent_issue =
let latent_issue =
LatentIssue . add_call ( CallEvent . Call callee_pname , call_loc ) latent_issue
LatentIssue . add_call ( CallEvent . Call callee_pname , call_loc ) latent_issue
@ -660,15 +668,43 @@ let apply_callee tenv ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state
let diagnostic = LatentIssue . to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let diagnostic = LatentIssue . to_diagnostic latent_issue in
match LatentIssue . should_report astate_summary diagnostic with
match LatentIssue . should_report astate_summary diagnostic with
| ` DelayReport latent_issue ->
| ` DelayReport latent_issue ->
Ok ( LatentAbortProgram { astate = astate_summary ; latent_issue } )
Sat ( Ok ( LatentAbortProgram { astate = astate_summary ; latent_issue } ) )
| ` ReportNow ->
| ` ReportNow ->
( ReportableError { diagnostic ; astate = ( astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain . t ) } ) )
( Error
( ReportableError { diagnostic ; astate = ( astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain . t ) } ) )
| LatentInvalidAccess { address = address_callee ; must_be_valid ; calling_context } -> (
match AbstractValue . Map . find_opt address_callee subst with
| None ->
(* the address became unreachable so the bug can never be reached; drop it *) Unsat
| Some ( address , _ history ) -> (
let calling_context = ( CallEvent . Call callee_pname , call_loc ) :: calling_context in
AbductiveDomain . find_post_cell_opt address ( astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain . t )
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( fun ( _ , attrs ) -> Attributes . get_invalid attrs )
| None ->
(* still no proof that the address is invalid *)
( Ok
( LatentInvalidAccess
{ astate = astate_summary ; address ; must_be_valid ; calling_context } ) )
| Some ( invalidation , invalidation_trace ) ->
( Error
( ReportableError
{ diagnostic =
{ calling_context
; invalidation
; invalidation_trace
; access_trace = must_be_valid }
; astate = ( astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain . t ) } ) ) ) ) )
| ISLLatentMemoryError astate ->
| ISLLatentMemoryError astate ->
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : true
map_call_result ~ is_isl_error_prepost : true
( astate :> AbductiveDomain . t )
( astate :> AbductiveDomain . t )
~ f : ( fun astate ->
~ f : ( fun _ subst astate ->
let + astate_summary = AbductiveDomain . summary_of_post tenv caller_proc_desc astate in
let + astate_summary = AbductiveDomain . summary_of_post tenv caller_proc_desc astate in
Ok ( ISLLatentMemoryError astate_summary ) )
Ok ( ISLLatentMemoryError astate_summary ) )