@ -788,13 +788,6 @@ let handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg pname actual_params =
else pname, actual_params
else pname, actual_params
let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc path =
let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc path =
let receiver_self receiver prop =
list_exists (fun hpred ->
match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (Sil.Lvar pv, Sil.Eexp (e, _), _) ->
Sil.exp_equal e receiver && Sil.pvar_is_seed pv &&
Sil.pvar_get_name pv = Mangled.from_string "self"
| _ -> false) (Prop.get_sigma prop) in
let path_description = "Message "^(Procname.to_simplified_string callee_pname)^" with receiver nil returns nil." in
let path_description = "Message "^(Procname.to_simplified_string callee_pname)^" with receiver nil returns nil." in
let receiver = (match actual_pars with
let receiver = (match actual_pars with
| (e, _):: _ -> e
| (e, _):: _ -> e
@ -804,10 +797,6 @@ let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc
match actual_pars with
match actual_pars with
| (e, _):: _ when Sil.exp_equal e Sil.exp_zero || Option.is_some (Prop.get_objc_null_attribute pre e) -> true
| (e, _):: _ when Sil.exp_equal e Sil.exp_zero || Option.is_some (Prop.get_objc_null_attribute pre e) -> true
| _ -> false in
| _ -> false in
let prop_null =
match ret_ids with
| [ret_id] -> Prop.conjoin_eq (Sil.Var ret_id) Sil.exp_zero pre
| _ -> pre in
let add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result prop =
let add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result prop =
match ret_ids with
match ret_ids with
| [ret_id] ->
| [ret_id] ->
@ -830,17 +819,12 @@ let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc
| _ -> false in
| _ -> false in
if !Config.footprint && not is_undef then
if !Config.footprint && not is_undef then
let res_null = (* returns: (objc_null(res) /\ receiver=0) or an empty list of results *)
let res_null = (* returns: (objc_null(res) /\ receiver=0) or an empty list of results *)
let is_receiver_self = receiver_self receiver pre in
let pre_with_attr_or_null = add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result pre in
let pre_with_attr_or_null =
if is_receiver_self then prop_null
else add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result pre in
let propset = prune_ne tenv false receiver Sil.exp_zero pre_with_attr_or_null in
let propset = prune_ne tenv false receiver Sil.exp_zero pre_with_attr_or_null in
if Propset.is_empty propset then []
if Propset.is_empty propset then []
let prop = list_hd (Propset.to_proplist propset) in
let prop = list_hd (Propset.to_proplist propset) in
let path =
let path = Paths.Path.add_description path path_description in
if is_receiver_self then path
else Paths.Path.add_description path path_description in
[(prop, path)] in
[(prop, path)] in
res_null @ res
res_null @ res
else res (* Not known if receiver = 0 and not footprint. Standard tabulation *)
else res (* Not known if receiver = 0 and not footprint. Standard tabulation *)