[retain cycles] Find cycles about blocks

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D6835738

fbshipit-source-id: 5d46a5c
Dulma Churchill 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 440040ada9
commit 8a9fcdc43f

@ -431,9 +431,6 @@ let add_with_block_parameters_flag instr =
(** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *) (** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *)
let is_block_pvar pvar = Typ.has_block_prefix (Mangled.to_string (Pvar.get_name pvar)) let is_block_pvar pvar = Typ.has_block_prefix (Mangled.to_string (Pvar.get_name pvar))
(** A block pvar used to explain retain cycles *)
let block_pvar = Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string "block") (Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "")
(** Dump an instruction. *) (** Dump an instruction. *)
let d_instr (i: instr) = L.add_print_action (L.PTinstr, Obj.repr i) let d_instr (i: instr) = L.add_print_action (L.PTinstr, Obj.repr i)

@ -255,9 +255,6 @@ val zero_value_of_numerical_type : Typ.t -> Exp.t
val is_static_local_name : string -> Pvar.t -> bool val is_static_local_name : string -> Pvar.t -> bool
(** Check if a pvar is a local static in objc *) (** Check if a pvar is a local static in objc *)
val block_pvar : Pvar.t
(** A block pvar used to explain retain cycles *)
val is_block_pvar : Pvar.t -> bool val is_block_pvar : Pvar.t -> bool
(** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *) (** Check if a pvar is a local pointing to a block in objc *)

@ -17,27 +17,34 @@ let desc_retain_cycle tenv (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) =
let do_edge index_ edge = let do_edge index_ edge =
let index = index_ + 1 in let index = index_ + 1 in
let node = State.get_node () in let node = State.get_node () in
let from_exp_str = let from_exp_str edge_obj =
match edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp with match Errdesc.find_outermost_dereference tenv node edge_obj.rc_from.rc_node_exp with
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.equal pvar Sil.block_pvar ->
"a block"
| _ ->
match Errdesc.find_outermost_dereference tenv node edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp with
| Some de -> | Some de ->
DecompiledExp.to_string de DecompiledExp.to_string de
| None -> | None ->
Format.sprintf "(object of type %s)" (Typ.to_string edge.rc_from.rc_node_typ) Format.sprintf "(object of type %s)" (Typ.to_string edge_obj.rc_from.rc_node_typ)
let location_str =
match edge with
| Object obj ->
let update_str_list =
Localise.access_desc (ref []) (Errdesc.access_opt obj.rc_field.rc_field_inst)
in in
let inst_str inst = if List.is_empty update_str_list then " "
let update_str_list = Localise.access_desc (ref []) (Errdesc.access_opt inst) in else ", " ^ String.concat ~sep:"," update_str_list
if List.is_empty update_str_list then " " else ", " ^ String.concat ~sep:"," update_str_list | Block ->
in in
let cycle_item_str = let cycle_item_str =
Format.sprintf "%s->%s" from_exp_str (Typ.Fieldname.to_string edge.rc_field.rc_field_name) match edge with
| Object obj ->
(Format.sprintf "%s->%s" (from_exp_str obj)
(Typ.Fieldname.to_string obj.rc_field.rc_field_name))
| Block ->
Format.sprintf "a block"
in in
Format.sprintf "(%d) %s%s" index Format.sprintf "(%d) %s%s" index cycle_item_str location_str
(MF.monospaced_to_string cycle_item_str)
(inst_str edge.rc_field.rc_field_inst)
in in
let cycle_str = List.mapi ~f:do_edge cycle.rc_elements in let cycle_str = List.mapi ~f:do_edge cycle.rc_elements in
List.fold_left cycle_str ~f:(fun acc s -> Format.sprintf "%s\n %s" acc s) ~init:"" List.fold_left cycle_str ~f:(fun acc s -> Format.sprintf "%s\n %s" acc s) ~init:""
@ -55,14 +62,38 @@ let get_cycle root prop =
Returns a pair (path, bool) where path is a list of edges Returns a pair (path, bool) where path is a list of edges
describing the path to e_root and bool is true if e_root is reached. *) describing the path to e_root and bool is true if e_root is reached. *)
let rec dfs root_node from_node path fields visited = let rec dfs root_node from_node path fields visited =
let get_cycle_blocks exp =
match exp with
| Exp.Closure {captured_vars}
(* will turn on in prod when false positives have been addressed *)
when Config.debug_exceptions ->
List.find ~f:(fun (e, _, _) -> Exp.equal e root_node.rc_node_exp) captured_vars
|> Option.map ~f:snd3
| _ ->
match fields with match fields with
| [] -> | [] ->
(path, false) (path, false)
| (field, Sil.Eexp (f_exp, f_inst)) :: el' -> | (field, Sil.Eexp (f_exp, f_inst)) :: el' ->
if Exp.equal f_exp root_node.rc_node_exp then if Exp.equal f_exp root_node.rc_node_exp then
let rc_field = {rc_field_name= field; rc_field_inst= f_inst} in let rc_field = {rc_field_name= field; rc_field_inst= f_inst} in
let edge = {rc_from= from_node; rc_field} in let edge = Object {rc_from= from_node; rc_field} in
(edge :: path, true) (edge :: path, true)
let cycle_block_opt = get_cycle_blocks f_exp in
if Option.is_some cycle_block_opt then
match cycle_block_opt with
| Some var ->
let rc_field = {rc_field_name= field; rc_field_inst= f_inst} in
(* From the captured variables we get the actual name of the variable
that is more useful for the error message *)
let updated_from_node = {from_node with rc_node_exp= Exp.Lvar var} in
let edge1 = Object {rc_from= updated_from_node; rc_field} in
let edge2 = Block in
(edge1 :: edge2 :: path, true)
| None ->
assert false
else if List.mem ~equal:Exp.equal visited f_exp then (path, false) else if List.mem ~equal:Exp.equal visited f_exp then (path, false)
else else
let visited' = from_node.rc_node_exp :: visited in let visited' = from_node.rc_node_exp :: visited in
@ -72,7 +103,7 @@ let get_cycle root prop =
(path, false) (path, false)
| Some Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Estruct (new_fields, _), Exp.Sizeof {typ= te}) -> | Some Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Estruct (new_fields, _), Exp.Sizeof {typ= te}) ->
let rc_field = {rc_field_name= field; rc_field_inst= f_inst} in let rc_field = {rc_field_name= field; rc_field_inst= f_inst} in
let edge = {rc_from= from_node; rc_field} in let edge = Object {rc_from= from_node; rc_field} in
let rc_to = {rc_node_exp= f_exp; rc_node_typ= te} in let rc_to = {rc_node_exp= f_exp; rc_node_typ= te} in
dfs root_node rc_to (edge :: path) new_fields visited' dfs root_node rc_to (edge :: path) new_fields visited'
| _ -> | _ ->
@ -149,8 +180,12 @@ let cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field tenv cycle =
| [] -> | [] ->
false false
| edge :: c' -> | edge :: c' ->
let ia = get_item_annotation edge.rc_from.rc_node_typ edge.rc_field.rc_field_name in match edge with
| Object obj ->
let ia = get_item_annotation obj.rc_from.rc_node_typ obj.rc_field.rc_field_name in
if List.exists ~f:do_annotation ia then true else do_cycle c' if List.exists ~f:do_annotation ia then true else do_cycle c'
| Block ->
in in
do_cycle cycle.rc_elements do_cycle cycle.rc_elements

@ -14,22 +14,29 @@ type retain_cycle_field_objc =
{rc_field_name: Typ.Fieldname.t; rc_field_inst: Sil.inst} {rc_field_name: Typ.Fieldname.t; rc_field_inst: Sil.inst}
[@@deriving compare] [@@deriving compare]
type retain_cycle_edge = type retain_cycle_edge_objc =
{rc_from: retain_cycle_node; rc_field: retain_cycle_field_objc} {rc_from: retain_cycle_node; rc_field: retain_cycle_field_objc}
[@@deriving compare] [@@deriving compare]
type retain_cycle_edge = Object of retain_cycle_edge_objc | Block [@@deriving compare]
type t = {rc_elements: retain_cycle_edge list; rc_head: retain_cycle_edge} [@@deriving compare] type t = {rc_elements: retain_cycle_edge list; rc_head: retain_cycle_edge} [@@deriving compare]
let is_inst_rearrange node =
match node with
| Object obj -> (
match obj.rc_field.rc_field_inst with Sil.Irearrange _ -> true | _ -> false )
| Block ->
let create_cycle cycle = let create_cycle cycle =
let sorted_cycle = List.sort ~cmp:compare_retain_cycle_edge cycle in let sorted_cycle = List.sort ~cmp:compare_retain_cycle_edge cycle in
match sorted_cycle with match sorted_cycle with
| [hd] -> ( | [hd] ->
match (* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *) if is_inst_rearrange hd then (* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *)
hd.rc_field.rc_field_inst with
| Sil.Irearrange _ ->
None None
| _ -> else Some {rc_elements= sorted_cycle; rc_head= hd}
Some {rc_elements= sorted_cycle; rc_head= hd} )
| hd :: _ -> | hd :: _ ->
Some {rc_elements= sorted_cycle; rc_head= hd} Some {rc_elements= sorted_cycle; rc_head= hd}
| [] -> | [] ->
@ -47,9 +54,13 @@ let retain_cycle_field_to_string (field: retain_cycle_field_objc) =
let retain_cycle_edge_to_string (edge: retain_cycle_edge) = let retain_cycle_edge_to_string (edge: retain_cycle_edge) =
match edge with
| Object obj ->
Format.sprintf "%s ->{%s}" Format.sprintf "%s ->{%s}"
(retain_cycle_node_to_string edge.rc_from) (retain_cycle_node_to_string obj.rc_from)
(retain_cycle_field_to_string edge.rc_field) (retain_cycle_field_to_string obj.rc_field)
| Block ->
Format.sprintf "a block"
let retain_cycle_to_string cycle = let retain_cycle_to_string cycle =

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ type retain_cycle_node = {rc_node_exp: Exp.t; rc_node_typ: Typ.t}
type retain_cycle_field_objc = {rc_field_name: Typ.Fieldname.t; rc_field_inst: Sil.inst} type retain_cycle_field_objc = {rc_field_name: Typ.Fieldname.t; rc_field_inst: Sil.inst}
type retain_cycle_edge = {rc_from: retain_cycle_node; rc_field: retain_cycle_field_objc} type retain_cycle_edge_objc = {rc_from: retain_cycle_node; rc_field: retain_cycle_field_objc}
type retain_cycle_edge = Object of retain_cycle_edge_objc | Block
(** A retain cycle is a non-empty list of paths. It also contains a pointer to the head of the list (** A retain cycle is a non-empty list of paths. It also contains a pointer to the head of the list
to model the cycle structure. The next element from the end of the list is the head. *) to model the cycle structure. The next element from the end of the list is the head. *)

@ -1080,18 +1080,33 @@ let pp_dotty_prop fmt (prop, cycle) =
let dotty_retain_cycle_to_str prop (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) = let dotty_retain_cycle_to_str prop (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) =
let open RetainCyclesType in
let get_exp_from_edge edge =
match edge with
| Object obj ->
| Block ->
Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string "block") (Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun ""))
let get_field_from_edge edge =
match edge with
| Object obj ->
| Block ->
Typ.Fieldname.Java.from_string ""
let open RetainCyclesType in let open RetainCyclesType in
let rec cycle_to_list elements = let rec cycle_to_list elements =
match elements with match elements with
| edge1 :: edge2 :: rest -> | edge1 :: edge2 :: rest ->
( edge1.rc_from.rc_node_exp ( get_exp_from_edge edge1
, edge1.rc_field.rc_field_name , get_field_from_edge edge1
, Sil.Eexp (edge2.rc_from.rc_node_exp, Sil.Inone) ) , Sil.Eexp (get_exp_from_edge edge2, Sil.Inone) )
:: cycle_to_list (edge2 :: rest) :: cycle_to_list (edge2 :: rest)
| [edge] -> | [edge] ->
[ ( edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp [ ( get_exp_from_edge edge
, edge.rc_field.rc_field_name , get_field_from_edge edge
, Sil.Eexp (cycle.rc_head.rc_from.rc_node_exp, Sil.Inone) ) ] , Sil.Eexp (get_exp_from_edge edge, Sil.Inone) ) ]
| [] -> | [] ->
[] []
in in

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ SOURCES_ARC = \
memory_leaks_benchmark/RetainReleaseExampleBucketingArc.m \ memory_leaks_benchmark/RetainReleaseExampleBucketingArc.m \
memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle.m \ memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle.m \
memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle2.m \ memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle2.m \
memory_leaks_benchmark/RetainCycleBlocks.m \
npe/BoxedNumberExample.m \ npe/BoxedNumberExample.m \
npe/ObjCMethodCallInCondition.m \ npe/ObjCMethodCallInCondition.m \
npe/UpdateDict.m \ npe/UpdateDict.m \

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
typedef void (^BlockInHeapHandler)(BlockInHeap* name); typedef void (^BlockInHeapHandler)(BlockInHeap* name);
@property(nonatomic, strong) BlockInHeapHandler handler; @property(nonatomic, weak) BlockInHeapHandler handler;
@property(nonatomic, strong) BlockInHeap* child; @property(nonatomic, strong) BlockInHeap* child;
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ typedef void (^BlockInHeapHandler)(BlockInHeap* name);
} }
@end @end
// no retain cycle because handler is a weak pointer.
int block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok() { int block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_no_retain_cycle() {
BlockInHeap* c = [[BlockInHeap alloc] init]; BlockInHeap* c = [[BlockInHeap alloc] init];
[c assign_block_to_ivar]; [c assign_block_to_ivar];
BlockInHeap* b = [[BlockInHeap alloc] init]; BlockInHeap* b = [[BlockInHeap alloc] init];
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ int block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok() {
} }
int block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test() { int block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test() {
if (block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok() == 5) { if (block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_no_retain_cycle() == 5) {
int* p = 0; int* p = 0;
return *p; return *p;
} else { } else {

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ codetoanalyze/objc/errors/global_const/global_const.m, SimpleRoot_doSomethingBad
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/global_const/global_const.m, SimpleRoot_doSomethingOkWithDict:andString:, 3, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure doSomethingOkWithDict:andString:,Message stringByAppendingString: with receiver nil returns nil.] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/global_const/global_const.m, SimpleRoot_doSomethingOkWithDict:andString:, 3, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure doSomethingOkWithDict:andString:,Message stringByAppendingString: with receiver nil returns nil.]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/compound_literal.c, init_with_compound_literal, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure init_with_compound_literal()] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/compound_literal.c, init_with_compound_literal, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure init_with_compound_literal()]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/CADisplayLinkRetainCycle.m, testCycle, 3, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure testCycle(),start of procedure init,return from a call to CADisplay_init] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/CADisplayLinkRetainCycle.m, testCycle, 3, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure testCycle(),start of procedure init,return from a call to CADisplay_init]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/RetainCycleStaticVar.m, RetainCSVycleStaticVar, 2, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure RetainCSVycleStaticVar(),start of procedure init,return from a call to RetainCSV_init,start of procedure foo,return from a call to RetainCSV_foo]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/npe/null_returned_by_method.m, NullReturnedByMethodA_test1, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test1,start of procedure test,return from a call to NullReturnedByMethodA_test] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/npe/null_returned_by_method.m, NullReturnedByMethodA_test1, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test1,start of procedure test,return from a call to NullReturnedByMethodA_test]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/procdescs/main.c, ProcdescMain, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure ProcdescMain(),Skipping plusX:andY:: function or method not found] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/procdescs/main.c, ProcdescMain, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure ProcdescMain(),Skipping plusX:andY:: function or method not found]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/procdescs/main.c, call_nslog, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure call_nslog(),Skipping NSLog(): function or method not found] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/procdescs/main.c, call_nslog, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure call_nslog(),Skipping NSLog(): function or method not found]
@ -22,13 +23,14 @@ codetoanalyze/objc/shared/block/block_no_args.m, My_manager_m, 10, NULL_DEREFERE
codetoanalyze/objc/shared/block/block_release.m, My_manager_blockReleaseTODO, 9, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure blockReleaseTODO] codetoanalyze/objc/shared/block/block_release.m, My_manager_blockReleaseTODO, 9, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure blockReleaseTODO]
codetoanalyze/objc/shared/category_procdesc/main.c, CategoryProcdescMain, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure CategoryProcdescMain(),Skipping performDaysWork: function or method not found] codetoanalyze/objc/shared/category_procdesc/main.c, CategoryProcdescMain, 3, MEMORY_LEAK, [start of procedure CategoryProcdescMain(),Skipping performDaysWork: function or method not found]
codetoanalyze/objc/shared/field_superclass/SuperExample.m, ASuper_init, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure init,start of procedure init,return from a call to BSuper_init] codetoanalyze/objc/shared/field_superclass/SuperExample.m, ASuper_init, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure init,start of procedure init,return from a call to BSuper_init]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/blocks_in_heap/BlockInHeap.m, block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test, 3, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test(),start of procedure block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok(),start of procedure assign_block_to_ivar,return from a call to BlockInHeap_assign_block_to_ivar,start of procedure block,return from a call to objc_blockBlockInHeap_assign_block_to_ivar_1,return from a call to block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok,Condition is true] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/blocks_in_heap/BlockInHeap.m, block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test, 3, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_test(),start of procedure block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_no_retain_cycle(),start of procedure assign_block_to_ivar,return from a call to BlockInHeap_assign_block_to_ivar,start of procedure block,return from a call to objc_blockBlockInHeap_assign_block_to_ivar_1,return from a call to block_in_heap_executed_after_bi_abduction_ok_no_retain_cycle,Condition is true]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, Employee_initWithName:andAge:andEducation:, 3, NULL_TEST_AFTER_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure initWithName:andAge:andEducation:,start of procedure initWithName:andAge:,return from a call to Person_initWithName:andAge:,Condition is false] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, Employee_initWithName:andAge:andEducation:, 3, NULL_TEST_AFTER_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure initWithName:andAge:andEducation:,start of procedure initWithName:andAge:,return from a call to Person_initWithName:andAge:,Condition is false]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, Employee_initWithName:andAge:andEducation:, 6, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure initWithName:andAge:andEducation:,start of procedure initWithName:andAge:,return from a call to Person_initWithName:andAge:,Condition is true] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, Employee_initWithName:andAge:andEducation:, 6, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure initWithName:andAge:andEducation:,start of procedure initWithName:andAge:,return from a call to Person_initWithName:andAge:,Condition is true]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, subtyping_test, 0, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure subtyping_test(),start of procedure testFields(),start of procedure setEmployeeEducation:,return from a call to Employee_setEmployeeEducation:,start of procedure setAge:,return from a call to Person_setAge:,start of procedure setEmployeeEducation:,return from a call to Employee_setEmployeeEducation:,start of procedure getAge,return from a call to Person_getAge,return from a call to testFields] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/field_superclass/SubtypingExample.m, subtyping_test, 0, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure subtyping_test(),start of procedure testFields(),start of procedure setEmployeeEducation:,return from a call to Employee_setEmployeeEducation:,start of procedure setAge:,return from a call to Person_setAge:,start of procedure setEmployeeEducation:,return from a call to Employee_setEmployeeEducation:,start of procedure getAge,return from a call to Person_getAge,return from a call to testFields]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, field_set_correctly, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure field_set_correctly()] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, field_set_correctly, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure field_set_correctly()]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, implicit_expr_set_correctly, 3, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure implicit_expr_set_correctly()] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, implicit_expr_set_correctly, 3, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure implicit_expr_set_correctly()]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, point_coords_set_correctly, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure point_coords_set_correctly()] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/initialization/struct_initlistexpr.c, point_coords_set_correctly, 2, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, [start of procedure point_coords_set_correctly()]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/RetainCycleBlocks.m, main, 2, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure main(),start of procedure retain_self_in_block,return from a call to RCBlock_retain_self_in_block]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle.m, strongcycle, 6, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure strongcycle()] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle.m, strongcycle, 6, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure strongcycle()]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle2.m, strongcycle2, 4, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure strongcycle2(),start of procedure init,return from a call to Parent_init,start of procedure init,return from a call to Child_init,start of procedure setChild:,return from a call to Parent_setChild:,start of procedure setParent:,return from a call to Child_setParent:] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/memory_leaks_benchmark/retain_cycle2.m, strongcycle2, 4, RETAIN_CYCLE, [start of procedure strongcycle2(),start of procedure init,return from a call to Parent_init,start of procedure init,return from a call to Child_init,start of procedure setChild:,return from a call to Parent_setChild:,start of procedure setParent:,return from a call to Child_setParent:]
codetoanalyze/objc/errors/npe/UpdateDict.m, add_nil_in_dict, 10, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure add_nil_in_dict(),Skipping dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:: function or method not found] codetoanalyze/objc/errors/npe/UpdateDict.m, add_nil_in_dict, 10, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure add_nil_in_dict(),Skipping dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:: function or method not found]

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
@class RCBlock;
typedef void (^MyHandler)(RCBlock* name);
@interface RCBlock : NSObject {
RCBlock* child;
@property(nonatomic, strong) MyHandler handler;
@property(nonatomic, strong) RCBlock* child;
@implementation RCBlock
// This code can be executed and one can check that there's a cycle because
// "Dealloc" is not being printed.
- (void)dealloc {
- (void)retain_self_in_block {
self.handler = ^(RCBlock* b) {
self->_child = b;
int main() {
RCBlock* c = [[RCBlock alloc] init];
[c retain_self_in_block];
return 0;