@ -792,6 +792,14 @@ module Atom = struct
type eval_result = True | False | Atom of t
type eval_result = True | False | Atom of t
module EvalResultMonad = struct
let bind_eval_result eval_result f =
match eval_result with True | False -> eval_result | Atom atom -> f atom
let ( let * ) x f = bind_eval_result x f
let eval_result_of_bool b = if b then True else False
let eval_result_of_bool b = if b then True else False
let term_of_eval_result = function
let term_of_eval_result = function
@ -819,37 +827,31 @@ module Atom = struct
let term_is_atom t = atom_of_term t | > Option . is_some
let term_is_atom t = atom_of_term t | > Option . is_some
let rec eval_term t =
let eval_const_shallow atom =
let t =
let on_const f =
Term . map_direct_subterms ~ f : eval_term t
match get_terms atom with
| > Term . simplify_shallow | > Term . eval_const_shallow | > Term . linearize | > Term . simplify_linear
| Const c1 , Const c2 ->
f c1 c2 | > eval_result_of_bool
| _ ->
Atom atom
match atom_of_term t with
match atom with
| Some atom ->
| Equal _ ->
(* terms that are atoms can be simplified in [eval_atom] *)
on_const Q . equal
eval_atom atom | > term_of_eval_result
| NotEqual _ ->
| None ->
on_const Q . not_equal
| LessEqual _ ->
on_const Q . leq
| LessThan _ ->
on_const Q . lt
(* * This assumes that the terms in the atom have been normalized/evaluated already. *)
let get_as_linear atom =
and eval_atom ( atom : t ) =
match get_terms atom with
let t1 , t2 = get_terms atom in
| Linear l1 , Linear l2 ->
match ( atom , t1 , t2 ) with
| _ , Const c1 , Const c2 -> (
match atom with
| Equal _ ->
eval_result_of_bool ( Q . equal c1 c2 )
| NotEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool ( Q . not_equal c1 c2 )
| LessEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool ( Q . leq c1 c2 )
| LessThan _ ->
eval_result_of_bool ( Q . lt c1 c2 ) )
| _ , Linear l1 , Linear l2 ->
let l = LinArith . subtract l1 l2 in
let l = LinArith . subtract l1 l2 in
let t = Term . simplify_linear ( Linear l ) in
let t = Term . simplify_linear ( Linear l ) in
( match atom with
( match atom with
| Equal _ ->
| Equal _ ->
Equal ( t , Term . zero )
Equal ( t , Term . zero )
@ -859,18 +861,39 @@ module Atom = struct
LessEqual ( t , Term . zero )
LessEqual ( t , Term . zero )
| LessThan _ ->
| LessThan _ ->
LessThan ( t , Term . zero ) )
LessThan ( t , Term . zero ) )
| ( Equal _ | NotEqual _ ) , _ , _
| _ ->
when ( Term . is_zero t1 && term_is_atom t2 ) | | ( Term . is_zero t2 && term_is_atom t1 ) -> (
(* [atom = 0] or [atom ≠ 0] can be interpreted as [!atom] and [atom], respectively *)
match ( atom , atom_of_term t1 , atom_of_term t2 ) with
| _ , Some _ , Some _ | _ , None , None | LessEqual _ , _ , _ | LessThan _ , _ , _ ->
let get_as_embedded_atom atom =
(* impossible thanks to the match pattern and guard *)
let of_terms is_equal t1 t2 =
assert false
match ( atom_of_term t1 , t2 ) with
| NotEqual _ , Some atom , None | NotEqual _ , None , Some atom ->
| Some atom , Term . Const c ->
(* [atom] is true *) eval_atom atom
(* [atom = 0] or [atom ≠ 1] means [atom] is false, [atom ≠ 0] or [atom = 1] means [atom]
| Equal _ , Some atom , None | Equal _ , None , Some atom ->
is true * )
(* [atom] is false *) eval_atom ( nnot atom ) )
let positive = ( is_equal && Q . is_one c ) | | ( ( not is_equal ) && Q . is_zero c ) in
| _ when Term . equal_syntax t1 t2 -> (
if positive then Some atom else Some ( nnot atom )
| _ ->
(* [of_terms] is written for only one side, the one where [t1] is the potential atom *)
let of_terms_symmetry is_equal atom =
let t1 , t2 = get_terms atom in
let t1 , t2 = if term_is_atom t1 then ( t1 , t2 ) else ( t2 , t1 ) in
of_terms is_equal t1 t2
match atom with
| Equal ( Const _ , _ ) | Equal ( _ , Const _ ) ->
of_terms_symmetry true atom
| NotEqual ( Const _ , _ ) | NotEqual ( _ , Const _ ) ->
of_terms_symmetry false atom
| _ ->
let eval_syntactically_equal_terms atom =
let t1 , t2 = get_terms atom in
if Term . equal_syntax t1 t2 then
match atom with
match atom with
| Equal _ ->
| Equal _ ->
@ -879,9 +902,36 @@ module Atom = struct
| LessEqual _ ->
| LessEqual _ ->
| LessThan _ ->
| LessThan _ ->
False )
| _ ->
else Atom atom
Atom atom
(* * This assumes that the terms in the atom have been normalized/evaluated already. *)
let rec eval_atom ( atom : t ) =
let open EvalResultMonad in
let * atom = eval_const_shallow atom in
match get_as_linear atom with
| Some atom' ->
eval_atom atom'
| None -> (
match get_as_embedded_atom atom with
| Some atom' ->
eval_atom atom'
| None ->
eval_syntactically_equal_terms atom )
let rec eval_term t =
let t =
Term . map_direct_subterms ~ f : eval_term t
| > Term . simplify_shallow | > Term . eval_const_shallow | > Term . linearize | > Term . simplify_linear
match atom_of_term t with
| Some atom ->
(* terms that are atoms can be simplified in [eval_atom] *)
eval_atom atom | > term_of_eval_result
| None ->
let eval ( atom : t ) = map_terms atom ~ f : eval_term | > eval_atom
let eval ( atom : t ) = map_terms atom ~ f : eval_term | > eval_atom