[sledge] Make Solver.judgment a private type

Summary: In preparation for enforcing invariants in the constructor.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D20248541

fbshipit-source-id: 41f7d36e5
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 284c6fdb3b
commit 8b8e156f83

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(** Frame Inference Solver over Symbolic Heaps *)
module Goal : sig
(** Excision judgment
us. Common Minuend xs. Subtrahend zs. Remainder
@ -17,23 +18,80 @@
is universally valid semantically.
Terminology analogous to arithmetic subtraction is used: "minuend" is a
formula from which another, the subtrahend, is to be subtracted; and
Terminology analogous to arithmetic subtraction is used: "minuend" is
a formula from which another, the subtrahend, is to be subtracted; and
"subtrahend" is a formula to be subtracted from another, the minuend. *)
type judgment =
type t = private
{ us: Var.Set.t (** (universal) vocabulary of entire judgment *)
; com: Sh.t (** common star-conjunct of minuend and subtrahend *)
; min: Sh.t (** minuend, cong strengthened by pure_approx (com * min) *)
; min: Sh.t
(** minuend, cong strengthened by pure_approx (com * min) *)
; xs: Var.Set.t (** existentials over subtrahend and remainder *)
; sub: Sh.t (** subtrahend, cong strengthened by min.cong *)
; zs: Var.Set.t (** existentials over remainder *)
; pgs: bool (** indicates whether a deduction rule has been applied *) }
; pgs: bool (** indicates whether a deduction rule has been applied *)
val pp : t pp
val goal :
-> com:Sh.t
-> min:Sh.t
-> xs:Var.Set.t
-> sub:Sh.t
-> zs:Var.Set.t
-> pgs:bool
-> t
val with_ :
-> ?com:Sh.t
-> ?min:Sh.t
-> ?xs:Var.Set.t
-> ?sub:Sh.t
-> ?zs:Var.Set.t
-> ?pgs:bool
-> t
-> t
end = struct
type t =
{ us: Var.Set.t
; com: Sh.t
; min: Sh.t
; xs: Var.Set.t
; sub: Sh.t
; zs: Var.Set.t
; pgs: bool }
let pp fs {com; min; xs; sub; pgs} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hv>%s %a@ | %a@ @[\\- %a%a@]@]"
(if pgs then "t" else "f")
Sh.pp com Sh.pp min Var.Set.pp_xs xs (Sh.pp_diff_eq min.cong) sub
let with_ ?us ?com ?min ?xs ?sub ?zs ?pgs g =
let us = Option.value us ~default:g.us in
let xs = Option.value xs ~default:g.xs in
let zs = Option.value zs ~default:g.zs in
let com = Option.value com ~default:g.com in
let min = Option.value min ~default:g.min in
let sub = Option.value sub ~default:g.sub in
let pgs = Option.value pgs ~default:g.pgs in
{us; com; min; xs; sub; zs; pgs}
let goal ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs ~pgs =
with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs ~pgs
{ us= Var.Set.empty
; com= Sh.emp
; min= Sh.emp
; xs= Var.Set.empty
; sub= Sh.emp
; zs= Var.Set.empty
; pgs= false }
open Goal
let fresh_var name vs zs ~wrt =
let v, wrt = Var.fresh name ~wrt in
let vs = Set.add vs v in
@ -73,14 +131,14 @@ let excise_exists goal =
let us = Set.union goal.us removed in
let xs = Set.diff goal.xs removed in
let min = Sh.and_subst witnesses goal.min in
{goal with us; min; xs; pgs= true} )
goal |> with_ ~us ~min ~xs ~pgs:true )
let excise_term ({min} as goal) pure term =
let term' = Equality.normalize min.cong term in
if Term.is_false term' then None
else if Term.is_true term' then (
excise (fun {pf} -> pf "excise_pure %a" Term.pp term) ;
Some ({goal with pgs= true}, pure) )
Some (goal |> with_ ~pgs:true, pure) )
else Some (goal, term' :: pure)
let excise_pure ({sub} as goal) =
@ -89,7 +147,7 @@ let excise_pure ({sub} as goal) =
List.fold_option sub.pure ~init:(goal, []) ~f:(fun (goal, pure) term ->
excise_term goal pure term )
{goal with sub= Sh.with_pure pure sub}
goal |> with_ ~sub:(Sh.with_pure pure sub)
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -116,7 +174,7 @@ let excise_seg_same ({com; min; sub} as goal) msg ssg =
Sh.and_ (Term.eq b b')
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m') (Sh.and_ (Term.eq a a') (Sh.rem_seg ssg sub)))
{goal with com; min; sub}
goal |> with_ ~com ~min ~sub
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -154,7 +212,7 @@ let excise_seg_sub_prefix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg o_n
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m')
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq a0 a') (Sh.rem_seg ssg sub)))
{goal with us; com; min; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -191,7 +249,7 @@ let excise_seg_min_prefix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg n_o
{loc= Term.add l o; bas= b'; len= m'; siz= n_o; arr= a1'})
(Sh.rem_seg ssg sub))))
{goal with us; com; min; xs; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -231,7 +289,7 @@ let excise_seg_sub_suffix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg l_k
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m')
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq a1 a') (Sh.rem_seg ssg sub)))
{goal with us; com; min; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -277,7 +335,7 @@ let excise_seg_sub_infix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg l_k
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m')
(Sh.and_ (Term.eq a1 a') (Sh.rem_seg ssg sub)))
{goal with us; com; min; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -326,7 +384,7 @@ let excise_seg_min_skew ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg l_k
(Sh.seg {loc= ko; bas= b'; len= m'; siz= ln_ko; arr= a2'})
(Sh.rem_seg ssg sub))))
{goal with us; com; min; xs; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -362,7 +420,7 @@ let excise_seg_min_suffix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg k_l
(Sh.seg {loc= l; bas= b'; len= m'; siz= k_l; arr= a0'})
(Sh.rem_seg ssg sub))))
{goal with us; com; min; xs; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -404,7 +462,7 @@ let excise_seg_min_infix ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg k_l
(Sh.seg {loc= ko; bas= b'; len= m'; siz= ln_ko; arr= a2'})
(Sh.rem_seg ssg sub)))))
{goal with us; com; min; xs; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs
(* [k; o)
* [l; n)
@ -453,7 +511,7 @@ let excise_seg_sub_skew ({us; com; min; xs; sub; zs} as goal) msg ssg k_l
(Sh.seg {loc= l; bas= b'; len= m'; siz= k_l; arr= a0'})
(Sh.rem_seg ssg sub))))
{goal with us; com; min; xs; sub; zs}
goal |> with_ ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs
(* C k-[b;m)->⟨o,α⟩ * M ⊢ ∃xs. l-[b';m')->⟨n,α'⟩ * S R *)
let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
@ -468,8 +526,10 @@ let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
|| not (Equality.entails_eq sub.cong m m')
{ goal with
sub= Sh.and_ (Term.eq b b') (Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m') goal.sub) }
( goal
|> with_
~sub:(Sh.and_ (Term.eq b b') (Sh.and_ (Term.eq m m') goal.sub))
match Int.sign (Z.sign k_l) with
(* k-l < 0 so k < l *)
@ -538,7 +598,7 @@ let excise_heap ({min; sub} as goal) =
List.find_map sub.heap ~f:(fun ssg ->
List.find_map min.heap ~f:(fun msg -> excise_seg goal msg ssg) )
| Some goal -> Some {goal with pgs= true}
| Some goal -> Some (goal |> with_ ~pgs:true)
| None -> Some goal
let rec excise ({us; min; xs; sub; zs; pgs} as goal) =
@ -549,7 +609,7 @@ let rec excise ({us; min; xs; sub; zs; pgs} as goal) =
Some (Sh.exists zs (Sh.extend_us (Set.union us xs) min))
else if Sh.is_false sub then None
else if pgs then
{goal with pgs= false} |> excise_exists |> excise_pure >>= excise_heap
goal |> with_ ~pgs:false |> excise_exists |> excise_pure >>= excise_heap
>>= excise
else None $> fun _ -> [%Trace.info "@[<2>excise fail@ %a@]" pp goal]
@ -575,7 +635,7 @@ let excise_dnf : Sh.t -> Var.Set.t -> Sh.t -> Sh.t option =
let sub = Sh.and_cong min.cong sub in
let zs = Var.Set.empty in
let+ remainder =
excise {us; com; min; xs; sub; zs; pgs= true}
excise (goal ~us ~com ~min ~xs ~sub ~zs ~pgs:true)
Sh.exists (Set.union ys ws) remainder)
