@ -34,7 +34,32 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
~ init : astate' pvars
~ init : astate' pvars
let add_live_actuals actuals call_exp live_acc =
let add_live_actuals_ exps acc =
List . fold exps ~ f : ( fun acc_ ( exp , _ ) -> exp_add_live exp acc_ ) ~ init : acc
match call_exp with
| Exp . Const Cfun ( Typ . Procname . ObjC_Cpp _ as pname ) when Typ . Procname . is_constructor pname -> (
(* first actual passed to a C++ constructor is actually written, not read *)
| ( Exp . Lvar pvar , _ ) :: exps ->
Domain . remove ( Var . of_pvar pvar ) live_acc | > add_live_actuals_ exps
| exps ->
add_live_actuals_ exps live_acc )
| _ ->
add_live_actuals_ actuals live_acc
let exec_instr astate _ _ = function
let exec_instr astate _ _ = function
| Sil . Load ( lhs_id , _ , _ , _ ) when Ident . is_none lhs_id ->
(* dummy deref inserted by frontend--don't count as a read *)
| Sil . Call ( _ , Exp . Const Cfun ( Typ . Procname . ObjC_Cpp _ as pname ) , _ , _ , _ )
when Typ . Procname . is_destructor pname ->
(* don't count destructor calls as a read *)
| Sil . Load ( lhs_id , rhs_exp , _ , _ ) ->
| Sil . Load ( lhs_id , rhs_exp , _ , _ ) ->
Domain . remove ( Var . of_id lhs_id ) astate | > exp_add_live rhs_exp
Domain . remove ( Var . of_id lhs_id ) astate | > exp_add_live rhs_exp
| Sil . Store ( Lvar lhs_pvar , _ , rhs_exp , _ ) ->
| Sil . Store ( Lvar lhs_pvar , _ , rhs_exp , _ ) ->
@ -47,12 +72,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
exp_add_live lhs_exp astate | > exp_add_live rhs_exp
exp_add_live lhs_exp astate | > exp_add_live rhs_exp
| Sil . Prune ( exp , _ , _ , _ ) ->
| Sil . Prune ( exp , _ , _ , _ ) ->
exp_add_live exp astate
exp_add_live exp astate
| Sil . Call ( ret_id , call_exp , param s, _ , _ ) ->
| Sil . Call ( ret_id , call_exp , actual s, _ , _ ) ->
Option . value_map
Option . value_map
~ f : ( fun ( ret_id , _ ) -> Domain . remove ( Var . of_id ret_id ) astate )
~ f : ( fun ( ret_id , _ ) -> Domain . remove ( Var . of_id ret_id ) astate )
~ default : astate ret_id
~ default : astate ret_id
| > exp_add_live call_exp
| > exp_add_live call_exp | > add_live_actuals actuals call_exp
| > fun x -> List . fold_right ~ f : exp_add_live ( List . map ~ f : fst params ) ~ init : x
| Sil . Declare_locals _ | Remove_temps _ | Abstract _ | Nullify _ ->
| Sil . Declare_locals _ | Remove_temps _ | Abstract _ | Nullify _ ->
@ -77,17 +101,26 @@ let checker {Callbacks.tenv; summary; proc_desc} : Specs.summary =
| _ ->
| _ ->
let should_report pvar live_vars =
( Pvar . is_frontend_tmp pvar | | Pvar . is_return pvar | | Pvar . is_global pvar
| | Domain . mem ( Var . of_pvar pvar ) live_vars | | Procdesc . is_captured_var proc_desc pvar )
let log_report pvar loc =
let issue_id = IssueType . dead_store . unique_id in
let message = F . asprintf " The value written to %a is never used " ( Pvar . pp Pp . text ) pvar in
let ltr = [ Errlog . make_trace_element 0 loc " Write of unused value " [] ] in
let exn = Exceptions . Checkers ( issue_id , Localise . verbatim_desc message ) in
Reporting . log_error summary ~ loc ~ ltr exn
let report_dead_store live_vars = function
let report_dead_store live_vars = function
| Sil . Store ( Lvar pvar , _ , rhs_exp , loc )
| Sil . Store ( Lvar pvar , _ , rhs_exp , loc )
when not
when should_report pvar live_vars && not ( is_sentinel_exp rhs_exp ) ->
( Pvar . is_frontend_tmp pvar | | Pvar . is_return pvar | | Pvar . is_global pvar
log_report pvar loc
| | Domain . mem ( Var . of_pvar pvar ) live_vars | | Procdesc . is_captured_var proc_desc pvar
| Sil . Call
| | is_sentinel_exp rhs_exp ) ->
( None , Exp . Const Cfun ( Typ . Procname . ObjC_Cpp _ as pname ) , ( Exp . Lvar pvar , _ ) :: _ , loc , _ )
let issue_id = IssueType . dead_store . unique_id in
when Typ . Procname . is_constructor pname && should_report pvar live_vars ->
let message = F . asprintf " The value written to %a is never used " ( Pvar . pp Pp . text ) pvar in
log_report pvar loc
let ltr = [ Errlog . make_trace_element 0 loc " Write of unused value " [] ] in
let exn = Exceptions . Checkers ( issue_id , Localise . verbatim_desc message ) in
Reporting . log_error summary ~ loc ~ ltr exn
| _ ->
| _ ->