@ -140,8 +140,7 @@ let build_system_of_exe_name name =
If this is an alias for another build system that infer supports , you can use @ \ n \
` - - force - integration < command > ` where < command > is one of the following supported build \
systems : @ \ n \
@ [< v2 > % a @ ] "
@ [< v2 > % a @ ] " name
( Pp . seq ~ print_env : Pp . text_break ~ sep : " " F . pp_print_string )
( List . map ~ f : fst build_system_exe_assoc
| > List . map ~ f : string_of_build_system
@ -663,9 +662,7 @@ and { annotation_reachability
; uninit } =
let mk_checker ? ( default = false ) ? ( deprecated = [] ) ~ long doc =
let var =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_generic ) ]
~ default ~ deprecated doc
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long ~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_generic ) ] ~ default ~ deprecated doc
all_checkers := ( var , long , doc , default ) :: ! all_checkers ;
@ -819,8 +816,8 @@ and annotation_reachability_cxx =
| }
^ " \n \
This will cause us to create a new ISOLATED_REACHING_CONNECT issue for every function \
whose source path starts with \ " isolated/ \" that may reach the function named \" connect \" , \
This will cause us to create a new ISOLATED_REACHING_CONNECT issue for every function whose \
source path starts with \ " isolated/ \" that may reach the function named \" connect \" , \
ignoring paths that go through a symbol matching the OCaml regexp \ " .*::Trusted::.* \" . " )
@ -888,8 +885,8 @@ and buck_blacklist =
~ long : " buck-blacklist "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Run , manual_buck_flavors ) ; ( Capture , manual_buck_flavors ) ]
~ meta : " regex "
" Skip capture of files matched by the specified regular expression (only the \" flavors \
( C+ + ) \ " Buck integration is supported, not Java)."
" Skip capture of files matched by the specified regular expression (only the \" flavors (C++)\" \
Buck integration is supported , not Java ) ."
and buck_build_args =
@ -935,8 +932,7 @@ and buck_out =
and buck_targets_blacklist =
CLOpt . mk_string_list ~ long : " buck-targets-blacklist "
~ in_help :
InferCommand . [ ( Run , manual_buck_compilation_db ) ; ( Capture , manual_buck_compilation_db ) ]
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Run , manual_buck_compilation_db ) ; ( Capture , manual_buck_compilation_db ) ]
~ meta : " regex " " Skip capture of buck targets matched by the specified regular expression. "
@ -968,8 +964,8 @@ and censor_report =
filter is of the form : ` < issue_type_regex > : < filename_regex > : < reason_string > ` . The first two \
components are OCaml Str regular expressions , with an optional ` ! ` character prefix . If a \
regex has a ` ! ` prefix , the polarity is inverted , and the filter becomes a \ " blacklist \" \
instead of a \ " whitelist \" . Each filter is interpreted as an implication: an issue matches \
if it does not match the ` issue_type_regex ` or if it does match the ` filename_regex ` . The \
instead of a \ " whitelist \" . Each filter is interpreted as an implication: an issue matches if \
it does not match the ` issue_type_regex ` or if it does match the ` filename_regex ` . The \
filenames that are tested by the regex are relative to the ` - - project - root ` directory . The \
` < reason_string > ` is a non - empty string used to explain why the issue was filtered . "
@ -1029,8 +1025,8 @@ and clang_ignore_regex =
and clang_idirafter_to_override_regex =
CLOpt . mk_string_opt ~ long : " clang-idirafter-to-override-regex " ~ meta : " dir_OCaml_regex "
" Use this option in the uncommon case where the normal compilation process overrides the \
location of internal compiler headers . This option should specify regular expression with \
the path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead . \
location of internal compiler headers . This option should specify regular expression with the \
path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead . \
Concretely , this will replace $ ( b , - idirafter < path matching the regex > ) with $ ( b , - idirafter \
/ path / to / infer / facebook - clang - plugins / clang / install / lib / clang /< version > / include ) . "
@ -1040,8 +1036,8 @@ and clang_isystem_to_override_regex =
~ deprecated : [ " -clang-include-to-override-regex " ; " -clang-include-to-override " ]
~ meta : " dir_OCaml_regex "
" Use this option in the uncommon case where the normal compilation process overrides the \
location of internal compiler headers . This option should specify regular expression with \
the path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead . \
location of internal compiler headers . This option should specify regular expression with the \
path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead . \
Concretely , this will replace $ ( b , - isystem < path matching the regex > ) with $ ( b , - isystem \
/ path / to / infer / facebook - clang - plugins / clang / install / lib / clang /< version > / include ) . "
@ -1069,8 +1065,8 @@ and compilation_database_escaped =
CLOpt . mk_path_list ~ long : " compilation-database-escaped "
~ deprecated : [ " -clang-compilation-db-files-escaped " ]
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Capture , manual_clang ) ]
" File that contain compilation commands where all entries are escaped for the shell, eg \
coming from Xcode ( can be specified multiple times ) "
" File that contain compilation commands where all entries are escaped for the shell, eg coming \
from Xcode ( can be specified multiple times ) "
and compute_analytics =
@ -1195,8 +1191,7 @@ and ( biabduction_models_mode
and print_buckets =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " print-buckets "
" Show the internal bucket of Infer reports in their textual description "
and print_types =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " print-types " ~ default : false " Print types in symbolic heaps "
and print_types = CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " print-types " ~ default : false " Print types in symbolic heaps "
and keep_going =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ deprecated_no : [ " -no-failures-allowed " ] ~ long : " keep-going "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_generic ) ]
@ -1327,8 +1322,8 @@ and differential_filter_files =
and differential_filter_set =
CLOpt . mk_symbol_seq ~ long : " differential-filter-set " ~ eq : PolyVariantEqual . ( = )
" Specify which set of the differential results is filtered with the modified files provided \
through the $ ( b , - - differential - modified - files ) argument . By default it is applied to all \
sets ( $ ( b , introduced ) , $ ( b , fixed ) , and $ ( b , preexisting ) ) "
through the $ ( b , - - differential - modified - files ) argument . By default it is applied to all sets \
( $ ( b , introduced ) , $ ( b , fixed ) , and $ ( b , preexisting ) ) "
~ symbols : [ ( " introduced " , ` Introduced ) ; ( " fixed " , ` Fixed ) ; ( " preexisting " , ` Preexisting ) ]
~ default : [ ` Introduced ; ` Fixed ; ` Preexisting ]
@ -1400,16 +1395,14 @@ and eradicate_return_over_annotated =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " eradicate-return-over-annotated " " Return over-annotated warning "
and eradicate_verbose =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " eradicate-verbose " " Print initial and final typestates "
and eradicate_verbose = CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " eradicate-verbose " " Print initial and final typestates "
and external_java_packages =
CLOpt . mk_string_list ~ long : " external-java-packages "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_java ) ]
~ meta : " prefix "
" Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java packages. If set, the analysis \
will not report non - actionable warnings on those packages . "
" Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java packages. If set, the analysis will \
not report non - actionable warnings on those packages . "
and fail_on_bug =
@ -1464,8 +1457,8 @@ and from_json_report =
CLOpt . mk_path_opt ~ long : " from-json-report "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Report , manual_generic ) ]
~ meta : " report.json "
" Load analysis results from a report file (default is to load the results from the specs \
files generated by the analysis ) . "
" Load analysis results from a report file (default is to load the results from the specs files \
generated by the analysis ) . "
and frontend_stats =
@ -1540,8 +1533,8 @@ and hoisting_report_only_expensive =
and icfg_dotty_outfile =
CLOpt . mk_path_opt ~ long : " icfg-dotty-outfile " ~ meta : " path "
" If set, specifies path where .dot file should be written, it overrides the path for all \
o ther o ptions that would generate icfg file otherwise "
" If set, specifies path where .dot file should be written, it overrides the path for all other \
o ptions that would generate icfg file otherwise "
and iphoneos_target_sdk_version =
@ -1623,9 +1616,9 @@ and liveness_dangerous_classes =
CLOpt . mk_json ~ long : " liveness-dangerous-classes "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_clang ) ]
" Specify classes where the destructor should be ignored when computing liveness. In other \
words , assignement to variables of these types ( or common wrappers around these types such \
as $ ( i , unique_ptr < type > ) ) will count as dead stores when the variables are not read \
explicitly by the program . "
words , assignement to variables of these types ( or common wrappers around these types such as \
$ ( i , unique_ptr < type > ) ) will count as dead stores when the variables are not read explicitly \
by the program . "
and log_events =
@ -1695,8 +1688,7 @@ and linters_ignore_clang_failures =
and linters_validate_syntax_only =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " linters-validate-syntax-only "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Capture , manual_clang_linters ) ]
~ default : false
" Validate syntax of AL files, then emit possible errors in JSON format to stdout "
~ default : false " Validate syntax of AL files, then emit possible errors in JSON format to stdout "
and load_average =
@ -1760,8 +1752,8 @@ and nullable_annotation =
and nullsafe_third_party_signatures =
CLOpt . mk_string_opt ~ long : " nullsafe-third-party-signatures "
" Path to a folder with annotated signatures of third-party methods to be taken into account \
by nullsafe. Path is either relative to . inferconfig folder or absolute "
" Path to a folder with annotated signatures of third-party methods to be taken into account by \
nullsafe. Path is either relative to . inferconfig folder or absolute "
and nullsafe_strict_containers =
@ -1869,8 +1861,8 @@ and procedures_attributes =
and procedures_definedness =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " procedures-definedness " ~ default : true
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Explore , manual_explore_procedures ) ]
" Include procedures definedness in the output of $(b,--procedures), i.e. whether the \
procedure definition was found , or only the procedure declaration , or the procedure is an \
" Include procedures definedness in the output of $(b,--procedures), i.e. whether the procedure \
definition was found , or only the procedure declaration , or the procedure is an \
auto - generated Objective - C accessor "
@ -1878,8 +1870,8 @@ and procedures_filter =
CLOpt . mk_string_opt ~ long : " procedures-filter " ~ meta : " filter "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Explore , manual_explore_procedures ) ]
" With $(b,--procedures), only print functions and methods (procedures) matching the specified \
$ ( i , filter ) . A procedure filter is of the form $ ( i , path_pattern : procedure_name ) . Patterns \
are interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions . For instance , to keep only methods named \
$ ( i , filter ) . A procedure filter is of the form $ ( i , path_pattern : procedure_name ) . Patterns are \
interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions . For instance , to keep only methods named \
\ " foo \" , one can use the filter \" .*:foo \" , or \" foo \" for short. "
@ -2097,8 +2089,7 @@ and rest =
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Capture , manual_generic ) ; ( Run , manual_generic ) ]
" Stop argument processing, use remaining arguments as a build command " ~ usage : exe_usage
( fun build_exe ->
match Filename . basename build_exe with " java " | " javac " -> CLOpt . Javac | _ -> CLOpt . NoParse
match Filename . basename build_exe with " java " | " javac " -> CLOpt . Javac | _ -> CLOpt . NoParse )
and results_dir =
@ -2136,8 +2127,8 @@ and scuba_normals =
and siof_safe_methods =
CLOpt . mk_string_list ~ long : " siof-safe-methods "
~ in_help : InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_siof ) ]
" Methods that are SIOF-safe; \" foo::bar \" will match \" foo::bar() \" , \" foo<int>::bar() \" , \
etc . ( can be specified multiple times ) "
" Methods that are SIOF-safe; \" foo::bar \" will match \" foo::bar() \" , \" foo<int>::bar() \" , etc. \
( can be specified multiple times ) "
and skip_analysis_in_path =
@ -2263,8 +2254,8 @@ and sqlite_cache_size =
CLOpt . mk_int ~ long : " sqlite-cache-size " ~ default : 2000
~ in_help :
InferCommand . [ ( Analyze , manual_generic ) ; ( Capture , manual_generic ) ; ( Run , manual_generic ) ]
" SQLite cache size in pages (if positive) or kB (if negative), follows formal of \
corresponding SQLite PRAGMA . "
" SQLite cache size in pages (if positive) or kB (if negative), follows formal of corresponding \
and sqlite_page_size =
@ -2421,8 +2412,7 @@ and type_size =
and uninit_interproc =
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " uninit-interproc "
" Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode "
CLOpt . mk_bool ~ long : " uninit-interproc " " Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode "
and unsafe_malloc =