[ocamlformat] Upgrade ocamlformat version

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D18162727

fbshipit-source-id: ffb9f7541
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9e5307b339
commit 8d20e4d64d

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ DUNE_ML:=$(shell find * -name 'dune*.in' | grep -v workspace)
parallel $(OCAMLFORMAT_EXE) -i ::: $(DUNE_ML)
SRC_ML:=$(shell find * \( -name _build -or -name facebook-clang-plugins -or -path facebook/dependencies -or -path sledge/llvm \) -not -prune -or -type f -and -name '*'.ml -or -name '*'.mli 2>/dev/null)
SRC_ML:=$(shell find * \( -name _build -or -name facebook-clang-plugins -or -path facebook/dependencies -or -path sledge/llvm -or -path sledge/.llvm_build \) -not -prune -or -type f -and -name '*'.ml -or -name '*'.mli 2>/dev/null)
.PHONY: fmt_all

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
profile = ocamlformat
break-before-in = fit-or-vertical
let-binding-spacing = sparse
margin = 100
version = 0.9
version = 0.12-20-gfce0d2e

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Annotations *)
open! IStd
open! IStd
module F = Format
type parameter = {name: string option; value: string} [@@deriving compare]
@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ module Method = struct
type t = {return: Item.t; params: Item.t list}
(** Pretty print a method annotation. *)
let pp s fmt {return; params} =
F.fprintf fmt "%a %s(%a)" Item.pp return s (Pp.seq Item.pp) params
let pp s fmt {return; params} = F.fprintf fmt "%a %s(%a)" Item.pp return s (Pp.seq Item.pp) params
(** Empty method annotation. *)
let empty = {return= []; params= []}

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Annotations *)
open! IStd
open! IStd
module F = Format
type parameter = {name: string option; value: string}

@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ let should_try_to_update pname_blob akind =
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"replace bind pname" ;
Sqlite3.bind find_stmt 2 (* :akind *) (Sqlite3.Data.INT (int64_of_attributes_kind akind))
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"replace bind attribute kind" ;
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"Attributes.replace" db
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"Attributes.replace" db find_stmt
|> (* there is no entry with a strictly larger "definedness" for that proc name *)
Option.is_none )

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Binary Operators *)
open! IStd
type ikind_option_for_binop = Typ.ikind option

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Binary Operators *)
open! IStd
(** Binary operations *)

@ -148,8 +148,7 @@ let pp_vpath pe fmt vpath =
let rec has_tmp_var = function
| Dpvar pvar | Dpvaraddr pvar ->
Pvar.is_frontend_tmp pvar || Pvar.is_clang_tmp pvar
| Dderef dexp | Ddot (dexp, _) | Darrow (dexp, _) | Dunop (_, dexp) | Dsizeof (_, Some dexp, _)
| Dderef dexp | Ddot (dexp, _) | Darrow (dexp, _) | Dunop (_, dexp) | Dsizeof (_, Some dexp, _) ->
has_tmp_var dexp
| Darray (dexp1, dexp2) | Dbinop (_, dexp1, dexp2) ->
has_tmp_var dexp1 || has_tmp_var dexp2

@ -29,11 +29,7 @@ let pp_loc_trace fmt l = PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:pp_loc_trace_ele
let contains_exception loc_trace_elem =
let pred nt =
match nt with
| Exception _ ->
| Condition _ | Procedure_start _ | Procedure_end _ ->
match nt with Exception _ -> true | Condition _ | Procedure_start _ | Procedure_end _ -> false
List.exists ~f:pred loc_trace_elem.lt_node_tags

@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ and t =
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality for expressions. *)
(** Set of expressions. *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
(** Set of expressions. *)
(** Map with expression keys. *)
module Map : Caml.Map.S with type key = t
(** Map with expression keys. *)
(** Hashtable with expression keys. *)
module Hash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
(** Hashtable with expression keys. *)
val is_null_literal : t -> bool

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ type t =
let pp fmt = function
| Assign (access_expr, exp, loc) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a := %a [%a]" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr HilExp.pp exp
Location.pp loc
F.fprintf fmt "%a := %a [%a]" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr HilExp.pp exp Location.pp
| Assume (exp, _, _, loc) ->
F.fprintf fmt "assume %a [%a]" HilExp.pp exp Location.pp loc
| Call (ret, call, actuals, _, loc) ->
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ let of_sil ~include_array_indexes ~f_resolve_id (instr : Sil.instr) =
match instr with
| Load {id= lhs_id; e= rhs_exp; typ= rhs_typ; loc} ->
analyze_id_assignment ~add_deref:true (Var.of_id lhs_id) rhs_exp rhs_typ loc
| Store {e1= Lvar lhs_pvar; typ= lhs_typ; e2= rhs_exp; loc}
when Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp lhs_pvar ->
| Store {e1= Lvar lhs_pvar; typ= lhs_typ; e2= rhs_exp; loc} when Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp lhs_pvar
(* do not need to add deref here as it is added implicitly in of_pvar by forgetting the & *)
analyze_id_assignment (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) rhs_exp lhs_typ loc
| Call

@ -217,9 +217,7 @@ let update_name_generator ids =
(** Generate a normal identifier whose name encodes a path given as a string. *)
let create_path pathstring =
create_normal (string_to_name ("%path%" ^ pathstring)) path_ident_stamp
let create_path pathstring = create_normal (string_to_name ("%path%" ^ pathstring)) path_ident_stamp
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)

@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ type kind [@@deriving compare]
val equal_kind : kind -> kind -> bool
(** Equality for kind. *)
(** Set for identifiers. *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
(** Set for identifiers. *)
(** Hash table with ident as key. *)
module Hash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
(** Hash table with ident as key. *)
(** Map with ident as key. *)
module Map : Caml.Map.S with type key = t
(** Map with ident as key. *)
module HashQueue : Hash_queue.S with type Key.t = t

@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ let desc_unsafe_guarded_by_access accessed_fld guarded_by_str loc =
"The field %a is annotated with %a, but the lock %a is not held during the access to the \
field %s. Since the current method is non-private, it can be called from outside the \
current class without synchronization. Consider wrapping the access in a %s block or \
making the method private."
current class without synchronization. Consider wrapping the access in a %s block or making \
the method private."
MF.pp_monospaced accessed_fld_str MF.pp_monospaced annot_str MF.pp_monospaced guarded_by_str
line_info syncronized_str
@ -469,8 +469,7 @@ let desc_allocation_mismatch alloc dealloc =
let using (primitive_pname, called_pname, loc) =
let by_call =
if Typ.Procname.equal primitive_pname called_pname then ""
" by call to " ^ MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string called_pname)
else " by call to " ^ MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string called_pname)
"using "
^ MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string primitive_pname)
@ -658,8 +657,7 @@ let desc_retain_cycle cycle_str loc cycle_dotty =
Logging.d_strln "Proposition with retain cycle:" ;
let tags = Tags.create () in
let desc =
Format.sprintf "Retain cycle %s involving the following objects:%s" (at_line tags loc)
Format.sprintf "Retain cycle %s involving the following objects:%s" (at_line tags loc) cycle_str
{descriptions= [desc]; tags= !tags; dotty= cycle_dotty}

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ val is_self : t -> bool
val rename : f:(string -> string) -> t -> t
(** Maps over both the plain and the mangled components. *)
(** Set of Mangled. *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
(** Set of Mangled. *)
(** Map with Mangled as key *)
module Map : Caml.Map.S with type key = t
(** Map with Mangled as key *)

@ -167,11 +167,7 @@ module Core_foundation_model = struct
type core_lib = Core_foundation | Core_graphics
let core_lib_to_type_list lib =
match lib with
| Core_foundation ->
| Core_graphics ->
match lib with Core_foundation -> core_foundation_types | Core_graphics -> core_graphics_types
let rec is_core_lib lib typ =

@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ module NodeKey = struct
let to_string = Caml.Digest.to_hex
let compute node ~simple_key ~succs ~preds =
let v =
(simple_key node, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key succs, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key preds)
let v = (simple_key node, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key succs, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key preds) in
Utils.better_hash v
@ -351,11 +349,7 @@ module Node = struct
let pp_instrs ~highlight pe0 f node =
let pe =
match highlight with
| None ->
| Some instr ->
Pp.extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red
match highlight with None -> pe0 | Some instr -> Pp.extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red
Instrs.pp pe f (get_instrs node)
@ -428,17 +422,17 @@ end
(* =============== END of module Node =============== *)
(** Map over nodes *)
module NodeMap = Caml.Map.Make (Node)
(** Map over nodes *)
(** Hash table with nodes as keys. *)
module NodeHash = Hashtbl.Make (Node)
(** Hash table with nodes as keys. *)
(** Set of nodes. *)
module NodeSet = Node.NodeSet
(** Set of nodes. *)
(** Map with node id keys. *)
module IdMap = Node.IdMap
(** Map with node id keys. *)
(** procedure description *)
type t =
@ -594,9 +588,7 @@ let set_exit_node pdesc node = pdesc.exit_node <- node
let set_start_node pdesc node = pdesc.start_node <- node
(** Append the locals to the list of local variables *)
let append_locals pdesc new_locals =
pdesc.attributes.locals <- pdesc.attributes.locals @ new_locals
let append_locals pdesc new_locals = pdesc.attributes.locals <- pdesc.attributes.locals @ new_locals
let set_succs_exn_only (node : Node.t) exn = node.exn <- exn

@ -178,17 +178,17 @@ module Node : sig
val compute_key : t -> NodeKey.t
(** Map with node id keys. *)
module IdMap : PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = Node.id
(** Map with node id keys. *)
(** Hash table with nodes as keys. *)
module NodeHash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = Node.t
(** Hash table with nodes as keys. *)
(** Map over nodes. *)
module NodeMap : Caml.Map.S with type key = Node.t
(** Map over nodes. *)
(** Set of nodes. *)
module NodeSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = Node.t
(** Set of nodes. *)
(** procedure descriptions *)
@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ val has_modify_in_block_attr : t -> Pvar.t -> bool
val is_connected : t -> (unit, [`Join | `Other]) Result.t
(** checks whether a cfg for the given procdesc is connected or not *)
module SQLite : SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t option
(** per-procedure CFGs are stored in the SQLite "procedures" table as NULL if the procedure has no
CFG *)
module SQLite : SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t option
val load : Typ.Procname.t -> t option

@ -272,14 +272,8 @@ let templ_cons :
let templ_end :
('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, _) templ_matcher
-> ( 'context
, 'f_in
, 'f_out
, 'captured_types
, 'markers_in
, 'markers_out
, non_empty )
path_matcher =
-> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, non_empty) path_matcher
let match_empty_templ_args (f, captured_types, template_args) =
match template_args with [] -> Some (f, captured_types) | _ -> None
@ -544,8 +538,7 @@ module Call = struct
| Exp.Var v ->
| e ->
Logging.(die InternalError)
"Expected Lvar, got %a:%a" Exp.pp e (Typ.pp Pp.text) (typ arg)
Logging.(die InternalError) "Expected Lvar, got %a:%a" Exp.pp e (Typ.pp Pp.text) (typ arg)
type ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types) proc_matcher =
@ -767,16 +760,15 @@ module Call = struct
(** Matches third captured type *)
let match_typ3 :
'marker -> ('context, _ * (_ * ('marker mtyp * _)), _ * (_ * ('marker * _))) one_arg_matcher
'marker -> ('context, _ * (_ * ('marker mtyp * _)), _ * (_ * ('marker * _))) one_arg_matcher =
let pos3 (_, (_, (x, _))) = x in
fun marker -> mk_match_typ_nth pos3 pos3 marker
(** Matches the type matched by the given path_matcher *)
let match_typ :
('context, _, _, unit, unit, unit, non_empty) path_matcher
-> ('context, _, _) one_arg_matcher =
('context, _, _, unit, unit, unit, non_empty) path_matcher -> ('context, _, _) one_arg_matcher
fun m ->
let ({on_templated_name} : (_, _, _, unit, unit, unit, non_empty) path_matcher) = m in
let rec match_typ context typ =

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ open! IStd
(** To be used in 'list_constraint *)
type accept_more
and end_of_list
(* Markers are a fool-proofing mechanism to avoid mistaking captured types.
@ -226,7 +227,8 @@ module Call : sig
with type ('context, 'f) dispatcher = 'context -> Typ.Procname.t -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f option
with type ('context, 'f) dispatcher =
'context -> Typ.Procname.t -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f option
val merge_dispatchers :
('context, 'f) dispatcher -> ('context, 'f) dispatcher -> ('context, 'f) dispatcher

@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ type t = {pv_hash: int; pv_name: Mangled.t; pv_kind: pvar_kind} [@@deriving comp
let get_name_of_local_with_procname var =
match var.pv_kind with
| Local_var pname ->
(F.asprintf "%s_%a" (Mangled.to_string var.pv_name) Typ.Procname.pp pname)
Mangled.from_string (F.asprintf "%s_%a" (Mangled.to_string var.pv_name) Typ.Procname.pp pname)
| _ ->
@ -124,9 +123,7 @@ let materialized_cpp_temporary = "SIL_materialize_temp__"
let is_frontend_tmp pvar =
(* Check whether the program variable is a temporary one generated by Sawja, javac, or some other
bytecode/name generation pass. valid java identifiers cannot contain `$` *)
let is_bytecode_tmp name =
String.contains name '$' || String.is_prefix ~prefix:"CatchVar" name
let is_bytecode_tmp name = String.contains name '$' || String.is_prefix ~prefix:"CatchVar" name in
(* Check whether the program variable is generated by [mk_tmp] *)
let is_sil_tmp name = String.is_prefix ~prefix:tmp_prefix name in
let name = to_string pvar in

@ -218,12 +218,7 @@ let compare_hpara_dll = compare_hpara_dll0 (fun _ _ -> 0)
let equal_hpara_dll = [%compare.equal: hpara_dll]
(** {2 Comparision and Inspection Functions} *)
let is_objc_object = function
| Hpointsto (_, _, Sizeof {typ}) ->
Typ.is_objc_class typ
| _ ->
let is_objc_object = function Hpointsto (_, _, Sizeof {typ}) -> Typ.is_objc_class typ | _ -> false
(** Check if a pvar is a local static in objc *)
let is_static_local_name pname pvar =
@ -301,8 +296,7 @@ let pp_texp pe f = function
| Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes; dynamic_length; subtype} ->
let pp_len f l = Option.iter ~f:(F.fprintf f "[%a]" (pp_exp_printenv pe)) l in
let pp_size f size = Option.iter ~f:(Int.pp f) size in
F.fprintf f "%a%a%a%a" (Typ.pp pe) typ pp_size nbytes pp_len dynamic_length Subtype.pp
F.fprintf f "%a%a%a%a" (Typ.pp pe) typ pp_size nbytes pp_len dynamic_length Subtype.pp subtype
| e ->
pp_exp_printenv pe f e
@ -827,9 +821,7 @@ let rec pp_sexp_env pe0 envo f se =
| Eexp (e, inst) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Estruct (fel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (n, se) =
F.fprintf f "%a:%a" Typ.Fieldname.pp n (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se
let pp_diff f (n, se) = F.fprintf f "%a:%a" Typ.Fieldname.pp n (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se in
F.fprintf f "{%a}%a" (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) fel (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Earray (len, nel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (i, se) =
@ -1268,8 +1260,7 @@ let rec exp_sub_ids (f : subst_fun) exp =
let apply_sub subst : subst_fun =
fun id ->
match List.Assoc.find subst ~equal:Ident.equal id with Some x -> x | None -> Exp.Var id
fun id -> match List.Assoc.find subst ~equal:Ident.equal id with Some x -> x | None -> Exp.Var id
let exp_sub (subst : subst) e = exp_sub_ids (apply_sub subst) e
@ -1305,8 +1296,7 @@ let instr_sub_ids ~sub_id_binders f instr =
if phys_equal actual' actual then actual_pair else (actual', typ) )
phys_equal ret_id' ret_id_typ && phys_equal fun_exp' fun_exp && phys_equal actuals' actuals
if phys_equal ret_id' ret_id_typ && phys_equal fun_exp' fun_exp && phys_equal actuals' actuals
then instr
else Call (ret_id', fun_exp', actuals', call_flags, loc)
| Prune (exp, loc, true_branch, if_kind) ->
@ -1464,14 +1454,8 @@ let hpred_compact sh hpred =
let exp_get_offsets exp =
let rec f offlist_past e =
match (e : Exp.t) with
| Var _
| Const _
| UnOp _
| BinOp _
| Exn _
| Closure _
| Lvar _
| Sizeof {dynamic_length= None} ->
| Var _ | Const _ | UnOp _ | BinOp _ | Exn _ | Closure _ | Lvar _ | Sizeof {dynamic_length= None}
| Sizeof {dynamic_length= Some l} ->
f offlist_past l

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language *)
open! IStd
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** {2 Programs and Types} *)
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ val equal_hpred : ?inst:bool -> hpred -> hpred -> bool
The inst:: parameter specifies whether instumentations should also
be considered (false by default). *)
(** Sets of heap predicates *)
module HpredSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = hpred
(** Sets of heap predicates *)
(** {2 Compaction} *)

@ -109,9 +109,7 @@ let is_captured source =
|> Option.is_some )
let is_non_empty_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT 1 FROM source_files LIMIT 1"
let is_non_empty_statement = ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT 1 FROM source_files LIMIT 1"
let is_empty () =
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement is_non_empty_statement ~f:(fun db stmt ->
@ -134,8 +132,8 @@ let is_freshly_captured source =
SourceFile.SQLite.serialize source
|> Sqlite3.bind load_stmt 1
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"load bind source file" ;
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false
~log:"SourceFiles.is_freshly_captured" db load_stmt
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"SourceFiles.is_freshly_captured"
db load_stmt
|> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:deserialize_freshly_captured )

@ -261,9 +261,7 @@ let with_block_args_instrs resolved_pdesc substitutions =
let call_instr =
let id_exps = List.map ~f:(fun (id, _, typ) -> (id, typ)) id_exp_typs in
let converted_args =
List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
( return_ids
, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun block_name)
@ -341,8 +339,8 @@ let with_block_args callee_pdesc pname_with_block_args block_args =
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"specialize_with_block_args ahould only be called with defined procedures, but we \
cannot find the captured file of procname %a"
"specialize_with_block_args ahould only be called with defined procedures, but we cannot \
find the captured file of procname %a"
Typ.Procname.pp pname
let resolved_attributes =

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ module L = Logging
(** Module for Type Environments. *)
(** Hash tables on type names. *)
module TypenameHash = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (Typ.Name)
(** Hash tables on type names. *)
module TypenameHashNormalizer = MaximumSharing.ForHashtbl (TypenameHash)

@ -129,10 +129,7 @@ let range_of_ikind =
let ikind_is_char = function IChar | ISChar | IUChar -> true | _ -> false
(** Kinds of floating-point numbers *)
type fkind =
| FFloat (** [float] *)
| FDouble (** [double] *)
| FLongDouble (** [long double] *)
type fkind = FFloat (** [float] *) | FDouble (** [double] *) | FLongDouble (** [long double] *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_fkind = [%compare.equal: fkind]
@ -1423,8 +1420,7 @@ module Procname = struct
module Fieldname = struct
type t = Clang of {class_name: Name.t; field_name: string} | Java of string
[@@deriving compare]
type t = Clang of {class_name: Name.t; field_name: string} | Java of string [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]

@ -55,10 +55,7 @@ val ikind_is_unsigned : ikind -> bool
(** Check whether the integer kind is unsigned *)
(** Kinds of floating-point numbers *)
type fkind =
| FFloat (** [float] *)
| FDouble (** [double] *)
| FLongDouble (** [long double] *)
type fkind = FFloat (** [float] *) | FDouble (** [double] *) | FLongDouble (** [long double] *)
[@@deriving compare]
(** kind of pointer *)
@ -448,8 +445,7 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
; template_args: template_spec_info }
[@@deriving compare]
val make :
Name.t -> string -> kind -> template_spec_info -> Parameter.clang_parameter list -> t
val make : Name.t -> string -> kind -> template_spec_info -> Parameter.clang_parameter list -> t
(** Create an objc procedure name from a class_name and method_name. *)
val get_class_name : t -> string
@ -540,14 +536,14 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
val is_objc_method : t -> bool
(** Hash tables with proc names as keys. *)
module Hash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
(** Hash tables with proc names as keys. *)
(** Maps from proc names. *)
module Map : PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = t
(** Maps from proc names. *)
(** Sets of proc names. *)
module Set : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = t
(** Sets of proc names. *)
module SQLite : sig
val serialize : t -> Sqlite3.Data.t
@ -643,11 +639,11 @@ module Fieldname : sig
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality for field names. *)
(** Set for fieldnames *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
(** Set for fieldnames *)
(** Map for fieldnames *)
module Map : Caml.Map.S with type key = t
(** Map for fieldnames *)
module Clang : sig
val from_class_name : Name.t -> string -> t

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ module Partition = struct
(* [fold_right] is expected to always provide a non-empty sequence.
Hence the result of [fold_right ~f:prepend_node] will always start with a Node. *)
Logging.(die InternalError)
"WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.expand: the expansion function fold_right should \
not return ~init directly"
"WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.expand: the expansion function fold_right should not \
return ~init directly"
| Node {node= head; next= rest} ->
Component {head; rest; next} )
@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ module type Make = functor (CFG : PreProcCfg) -> S with module CFG = CFG
module Bourdoncle_SCC (CFG : PreProcCfg) = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Dfn = CFG.Node.IdMap
[dfn] contains a DFS pre-order indexing. A node is not in the map if it has never been visited.
A node's dfn is +oo if it has been fully visited (head of cross-edges) or we want to hide it
for building a subcomponent partition (head of highest back-edges).
module Dfn = CFG.Node.IdMap
Unlike Bourdoncle's paper version or OCamlGraph implementation, this implementation handles

@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ end
module type Make = functor (CFG : PreProcCfg) -> S with module CFG = CFG
module Bourdoncle_SCC : Make
Implementation of Bourdoncle's "Hierarchical decomposition of a directed graph into strongly
connected components and subcomponents". See [Bou] Figure 4, page 10.
module Bourdoncle_SCC : Make

@ -532,8 +532,7 @@ module InvertedMap (Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) (ValueDomain : S
inter prev next ~f:(fun prev next -> ValueDomain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters)
module SafeInvertedMap (Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) (ValueDomain : WithTop) =
module SafeInvertedMap (Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) (ValueDomain : WithTop) = struct
module M = InvertedMap (Key) (ValueDomain)
type key = M.key

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ end
open! Types
exception Stop_analysis
(** This exception can be raised by abstract interpreters to stop the analysis early without
triggering further errors. Clients who raise this exception should catch it eventually. *)
exception Stop_analysis
(** Abstract domains and domain combinators *)
@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ module type S = sig
val widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t
(* ocaml ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *)
include (* ocaml ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *)
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** a trivial domain *)
module Empty : S with type t = unit
(** a trivial domain *)
(** A domain with an explicit bottom value *)
@ -95,8 +94,7 @@ module Flat (V : PrettyPrintable.PrintableEquatableType) : sig
val get : t -> V.t option
include sig
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** Stacked abstract domain: tagged union of [Below] and [Above] domains where all elements of [Below] are strictly smaller than elements of [Above] *)
@ -165,8 +163,7 @@ module type FiniteSetS = sig
include WithBottom with type t := t
include sig
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** Lift a PPSet to a powerset domain ordered by subset. The elements of the set should be drawn from
@ -195,18 +192,14 @@ module type MapS = sig
include WithBottom with type t := t
include sig
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** Map domain ordered by union over the set of bindings, so the bottom element is the empty map.
Every element implicitly maps to bottom unless it is explicitly bound to something else.
Uses PPMap as the underlying map *)
module MapOfPPMap (PPMap : PrettyPrintable.PPMap) (ValueDomain : S) :
with type key = PPMap.key
and type value = ValueDomain.t
and type t = ValueDomain.t PPMap.t
MapS with type key = PPMap.key and type value = ValueDomain.t and type t = ValueDomain.t PPMap.t
(** Map domain ordered by union over the set of bindings, so the bottom element is the empty map.
@ -233,8 +226,7 @@ module SafeInvertedMap (Key : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) (ValueDomain
(* ocaml ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *)
include sig
[@@@warning "-60"]
module FiniteMultiMap
@ -250,13 +242,13 @@ include
module BooleanAnd : S with type t = bool
(** Boolean domain ordered by p || ~q. Useful when you want a boolean that's true only when it's
true in both conditional branches. *)
module BooleanAnd : S with type t = bool
module BooleanOr : WithBottom with type t = bool
(** Boolean domain ordered by ~p || q. Useful when you want a boolean that's true only when it's
true in one conditional branch. *)
module BooleanOr : WithBottom with type t = bool
module type MaxCount = sig
val max : int
@ -268,8 +260,8 @@ end
module CountDomain (MaxCount : MaxCount) : sig
include WithBottom with type t = private int
(** top is maximum value *)
include WithTop with type t := t
(** top is maximum value *)
val increment : t -> t
(** bump the count by one if it is less than the max *)
@ -284,11 +276,11 @@ end
(** Domain keeping a non-negative count with a bounded maximum value.
[join] is minimum and [top] is zero. *)
module DownwardIntDomain (MaxCount : MaxCount) : sig
(** top is zero *)
include WithTop with type t = private int
(** top is zero *)
(** bottom is the provided maximum *)
include WithBottom with type t := t
(** bottom is the provided maximum *)
val increment : t -> t
(** bump the count by one if this won't cross the maximum *)

@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ module AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) = s
let prev = old_state.State.pre in
let next = astate_pre in
let res = Domain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters in
if Config.write_html then
debug_absint_operation (`Widen (num_iters, (prev, next, res))) ;
if Config.write_html then debug_absint_operation (`Widen (num_iters, (prev, next, res))) ;
res )
else astate_pre
@ -453,8 +452,8 @@ module MakeUsingWTO (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) = struct
let compute_post ?(do_narrowing = false) = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal ~do_narrowing
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) ->
S with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module MakeRPO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) =
MakeWithScheduler (Scheduler.ReversePostorder (T.CFG)) (T)

@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ module type S = sig
(** extract the state for a node id from the given invariant map *)
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) ->
S with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using the reverse post-order scheduler *)
module MakeRPO : Make
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using the reverse post-order scheduler *)
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using Bourdoncle's strongly connected component weak topological order *)
module MakeWTO : Make
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using Bourdoncle's strongly connected component weak topological order *)

@ -118,9 +118,7 @@ let type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (typ : Typ.t) =
let type_get_class_name {Typ.desc} =
match desc with Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> Typ.name typ | _ -> None
let type_get_class_name {Typ.desc} = match desc with Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> Typ.name typ | _ -> None
let type_get_annotation tenv (typ : Typ.t) : Annot.Item.t option =
match typ.desc with

@ -216,9 +216,7 @@ module Exceptional = struct
fold_exceptional_succs pdesc n ~f:add_exn_pred ~init:exn_preds_acc
let exceptional_preds =
Procdesc.fold_nodes pdesc ~f:add_exn_preds ~init:Procdesc.IdMap.empty
let exceptional_preds = Procdesc.fold_nodes pdesc ~f:add_exn_preds ~init:Procdesc.IdMap.empty in
(pdesc, exceptional_preds)
@ -291,8 +289,7 @@ end
(** Wrapper that reverses the direction of the CFG *)
module Backward (Base : S with type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed) = struct
include (
Base :
S with type t = Base.t and type instrs_dir := Base.instrs_dir and module Node = Base.Node )
Base : S with type t = Base.t and type instrs_dir := Base.instrs_dir and module Node = Base.Node )
type instrs_dir = Instrs.reversed
@ -341,8 +338,7 @@ end = struct
let instrs (node, index) =
let instrs = Base.instrs node in
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then Instrs.empty
else Instrs.nth_exn instrs index |> Instrs.singleton
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then Instrs.empty else Instrs.nth_exn instrs index |> Instrs.singleton
let first_of_node node = (node, 0)

@ -91,10 +91,7 @@ end
(** Forward CFG with no exceptional control-flow *)
module Normal :
with type t = Procdesc.t
and module Node = DefaultNode
and type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed
S with type t = Procdesc.t and module Node = DefaultNode and type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed
(** Forward CFG with exceptional control-flow *)
module Exceptional :

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ module type S = sig
val of_summary : Summary.t -> t option
val read_full :
caller_summary:Summary.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> (Procdesc.t * t) option
val read_full : caller_summary:Summary.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> (Procdesc.t * t) option
val read : caller_summary:Summary.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> t option
@ -44,8 +43,7 @@ module Make (P : Payload) : S with type t = P.t = struct
let get_payload analysis_result =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
>>= fun summary ->
of_summary summary >>| fun payload -> (Summary.get_proc_desc summary, payload)
>>= fun summary -> of_summary summary >>| fun payload -> (Summary.get_proc_desc summary, payload)
let read_full ~caller_summary ~callee_pname =

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ module type S = sig
val of_summary : Summary.t -> t option
(** Read the corresponding part of the payload from the procedure summary *)
val read_full :
caller_summary:Summary.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> (Procdesc.t * t) option
val read_full : caller_summary:Summary.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> (Procdesc.t * t) option
(** Return the proc desc and payload for the given procedure. Runs the analysis on-demand if
necessary. *)

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ open! IStd
module type S = sig
module CFG : ProcCfg.S
(** abstract domain whose state we propagate *)
module Domain : AbstractDomain.S
(** abstract domain whose state we propagate *)
(** read-only extra state (results of previous analyses, globals, etc.) *)
type extras

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ let rec parse_import_file import_file channel =
; global_paths= curr_file_paths
; checkers= _ } ->
already_imported_files := import_file :: !already_imported_files ;
collect_all_macros_and_paths ~from_file:import_file imports curr_file_macros
collect_all_macros_and_paths ~from_file:import_file imports curr_file_macros curr_file_paths
| None ->
L.(debug Linters Medium) "No macros or paths found.@\n" ;
([], [])

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ let filter_parsed_linters_developer parsed_linters =
match Config.linter with
| None ->
L.(die UserError)
"In linters developer mode you should debug only one linter at a time. This is \
important for debugging the rule. Pass the flag --linter <name> to specify the linter \
you want to debug."
"In linters developer mode you should debug only one linter at a time. This is important \
for debugging the rule. Pass the flag --linter <name> to specify the linter you want to \
| Some lint ->
~f:(fun (rule : linter) ->
@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ let filter_parsed_linters_by_path parsed_linters source_file =
~f:(fun path -> ALVar.compare_str_with_alexp (SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file) path)
let whitelist_ok =
List.is_empty linter.whitelist_paths || should_lint linter.whitelist_paths
let whitelist_ok = List.is_empty linter.whitelist_paths || should_lint linter.whitelist_paths in
let blacklist_ok =
List.is_empty linter.blacklist_paths || not (should_lint linter.blacklist_paths)
@ -343,8 +341,7 @@ let expand_formula phi map_ error_msg_ =
expand f1_sub map' error_msg'
| Unequal_lengths ->
L.(die ExternalError)
"Formula identifier '%s' is not called with the right number of parameters" name
"Formula identifier '%s' is not called with the right number of parameters" name )
with Caml.Not_found -> acc
(* in this case it should be a predicate *) )
| Not f1 ->
@ -491,8 +488,8 @@ let log_frontend_issue method_decl_opt (node : Ctl_parser_types.ast_node)
~ltr:trace ~node_key
let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context ~witness ~current_node (issue_desc : CIssue.issue_desc)
loc =
let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context ~witness ~current_node (issue_desc : CIssue.issue_desc) loc
let process_message message =
remove_new_lines_and_whitespace (expand_message_string context message current_node)
@ -502,8 +499,8 @@ let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context ~witness ~current_node (issue_desc : CI
try log_frontend_issue context.CLintersContext.current_method witness issue_desc'
with CFrontend_errors.IncorrectAssumption e ->
let trans_unit_ctx = context.CLintersContext.translation_unit_context in
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position
e.source_range e.ast_node
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position e.source_range
(* Calls the set of hard coded checkers (if any) *)

@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ let receiver_method_call an =
Ctl_parser_types.ast_node_name (Ctl_parser_types.Decl decl)
| _ ->
L.(die ExternalError)
"receiver_method_call must be called with ObjCMessageExpr, but got %s"
(tag_name_of_node an)
"receiver_method_call must be called with ObjCMessageExpr, but got %s" (tag_name_of_node an)
let ivar_name an =

@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
open! IStd
(** Raised when the parser encounters a violation of a certain invariant *)
exception ALParserInvariantViolationException of string
(** Raised when the parser encounters a violation of a certain invariant *)
type exc_info
(** Raised when any exception from the lexer/parser of AL is caught, to include source-location info *)
exception ALFileException of exc_info
(** Raised when any exception from the lexer/parser of AL is caught, to include source-location info *)
val create_exc_info : string -> Lexing.lexbuf -> exc_info

@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ let rec is_component_or_controller_descendant_impl decl =
Does not recurse into hierarchy. *)
and contains_ck_impl decl_list =
List.exists ~f:is_component_or_controller_descendant_impl decl_list
and contains_ck_impl decl_list = List.exists ~f:is_component_or_controller_descendant_impl decl_list
(** An easy way to fix the component kit best practice
@ -165,8 +163,8 @@ let mutable_local_vars_advice context an =
else None
with CFrontend_errors.IncorrectAssumption e ->
let trans_unit_ctx = context.CLintersContext.translation_unit_context in
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position
e.source_range e.ast_node ;
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position e.source_range
e.ast_node ;
@ -257,9 +255,7 @@ let component_with_unconventional_superclass_advice context an =
match an with
| Ctl_parser_types.Decl (Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info)) ->
let if_decl_opt =
CAst_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface
let if_decl_opt = CAst_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface in
if Option.is_some if_decl_opt && is_ck_context context an then
check_interface (Option.value_exn if_decl_opt)
else None
@ -315,9 +311,7 @@ let component_with_multiple_factory_methods_advice context an =
match an with
| Ctl_parser_types.Decl (Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info)) -> (
let if_decl_opt =
CAst_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface
let if_decl_opt = CAst_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface in
match if_decl_opt with Some d when is_ck_context context an -> check_interface d | _ -> [] )
| _ ->

@ -446,11 +446,7 @@ let objc_message_receiver context an =
(* an |= call_method(m) where the name must be exactly m *)
let call_method an m =
match get_selector an with
| Some selector ->
ALVar.compare_str_with_alexp selector m
| _ ->
match get_selector an with Some selector -> ALVar.compare_str_with_alexp selector m | _ -> false
let call_class_method an mname =
@ -1427,9 +1423,7 @@ let rec get_decl_attributes_for_callexpr_param an =
L.debug Linters Verbose "#####POINTER LOOP UP: '%i'@\n" si.si_pointer ;
match CAst_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref drti.drti_decl_ref with
| Some (FunctionDecl (_, _, _, fdi)) ->
List.fold fdi.fdi_parameters
~f:(fun acc p -> List.append (get_attr_param p) acc)
List.fold fdi.fdi_parameters ~f:(fun acc p -> List.append (get_attr_param p) acc) ~init:[]
| Some (ParmVarDecl _ as d) ->
get_attr_param d
| _ ->
@ -1590,9 +1584,7 @@ let source_file_matches src_file path_re =
~default:false src_file
let is_in_source_file an path_re =
source_file_matches (Ctl_parser_types.get_source_file an) path_re
let is_in_source_file an path_re = source_file_matches (Ctl_parser_types.get_source_file an) path_re
let is_referencing_decl_from_source_file an path_re =
source_file_matches (Ctl_parser_types.get_referenced_decl_source_file an) path_re

@ -434,8 +434,7 @@ val get_available_attr_ios_sdk : Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> string option
val get_selector : Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> string option
val within_responds_to_selector_block :
CLintersContext.context -> Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val within_responds_to_selector_block : CLintersContext.context -> Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val objc_method_call_within_responds_to_selector_block :
CLintersContext.context -> Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool

@ -201,9 +201,8 @@ let get_successor_stmts_of_decl decl =
Option.to_list block_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.bdi_body
| VarDecl (_, _, _, var_decl_info) ->
Option.to_list var_decl_info.vdi_init_expr
| ObjCIvarDecl (_, _, _, fldi, _)
| FieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi)
| ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi) ->
| ObjCIvarDecl (_, _, _, fldi, _) | FieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi) | ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi)
Option.to_list fldi.fldi_init_expr
| _ ->
@ -232,13 +231,13 @@ let rec is_node_successor_of ~is_successor:succ_node node =
| Stmt _ ->
let node_succ_stmts = get_successor_stmts node in
List.exists node_succ_stmts ~f:(fun (s : Clang_ast_t.stmt) ->
ast_node_equal (Stmt s) succ_node
|| is_node_successor_of ~is_successor:succ_node (Stmt s) )
ast_node_equal (Stmt s) succ_node || is_node_successor_of ~is_successor:succ_node (Stmt s)
| Decl _ ->
let node_succ_decls = get_successor_decls node in
List.exists node_succ_decls ~f:(fun (d : Clang_ast_t.decl) ->
ast_node_equal (Decl d) succ_node
|| is_node_successor_of ~is_successor:succ_node (Decl d) )
ast_node_equal (Decl d) succ_node || is_node_successor_of ~is_successor:succ_node (Decl d)
let get_direct_successor_nodes an =

@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ let reset () = copy initial ~into:global_stats
let pp f stats =
let pp_hit_percent hit miss f =
let total = hit + miss in
if Int.equal total 0 then F.pp_print_string f "N/A%%"
else F.fprintf f "%d%%" (hit * 100 / total)
if Int.equal total 0 then F.pp_print_string f "N/A%%" else F.fprintf f "%d%%" (hit * 100 / total)
let pp_int_field stats f field =
F.fprintf f "%s= %d@;" (Field.name field) (Field.get field stats)
@ -120,8 +119,7 @@ let pp f stats =
Fields.iter ~summary_file_try_load:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_read_from_disk:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_cache_hits:(pp_cache_hits stats stats.summary_cache_misses f)
~summary_cache_misses:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_has_model_queries:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_cache_misses:(pp_int_field stats f) ~summary_has_model_queries:(pp_int_field stats f)
~ondemand_procs_analyzed:(pp_int_field stats f)
~ondemand_local_cache_hits:(pp_cache_hits stats stats.ondemand_local_cache_misses f)
~ondemand_local_cache_misses:(pp_int_field stats f)

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module type NodeSig = sig
type t = private
{id: int; pname: Typ.Procname.t; mutable successors: int list; mutable flag: bool}
type t = private {id: int; pname: Typ.Procname.t; mutable successors: int list; mutable flag: bool}
val make : int -> Typ.Procname.t -> int list -> t

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module type NodeSig = sig
type t = private
{id: int; pname: Typ.Procname.t; mutable successors: int list; mutable flag: bool}
type t = private {id: int; pname: Typ.Procname.t; mutable successors: int list; mutable flag: bool}
val make : int -> Typ.Procname.t -> int list -> t

@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ end
let issue_of_cost kind CostIssues.{complexity_increase_issue; zero_issue; infinite_issue} ~delta
~curr_item:( {CostItem.cost_item= cost_info; degree_with_term= curr_degree_with_term} as
curr_item ) =
({CostItem.cost_item= cost_info; degree_with_term= curr_degree_with_term} as curr_item) =
let file = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.file in
let method_name = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_name in
let is_on_ui_thread = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.is_on_ui_thread in
@ -413,8 +413,7 @@ let of_reports ~(current_report : Jsonbug_t.report) ~(previous_report : Jsonbug_
let to_files {introduced; fixed; preexisting; costs_summary} destdir =
Out_channel.write_all (destdir ^/ "introduced.json")
~data:(Jsonbug_j.string_of_report introduced) ;
Out_channel.write_all (destdir ^/ "introduced.json") ~data:(Jsonbug_j.string_of_report introduced) ;
Out_channel.write_all (destdir ^/ "fixed.json") ~data:(Jsonbug_j.string_of_report fixed) ;
Out_channel.write_all (destdir ^/ "preexisting.json")
~data:(Jsonbug_j.string_of_report preexisting) ;

@ -48,9 +48,8 @@ module FileRenamings = struct
with Yojson.Json_error err ->
L.(die UserError)
"Error parsing file renamings: %s@\n\
Expected JSON object of the following form: '%s', but instead got: '%s'"
err "{\"current\": \"aaa.java\", \"previous\": \"BBB.java\"}"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string assoc)
Expected JSON object of the following form: '%s', but instead got: '%s'" err
"{\"current\": \"aaa.java\", \"previous\": \"BBB.java\"}" (Yojson.Basic.to_string assoc)
match j with
| `List json_renamings ->

@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ let _read_file_perf_data fname =
match split_class_method_name itm.Perf_profiler_t.function_name with
| Some (classname, methodname) ->
let procname = JProcname.make_void_signature_procname ~classname ~methodname in
global_perf_profiler_data :=
PerfProfilerDataMap.add procname itm !global_perf_profiler_data
global_perf_profiler_data := PerfProfilerDataMap.add procname itm !global_perf_profiler_data
| _ ->

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
(** Main module for the analysis after the capture phase *)
open! IStd
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ let analyze_target : SchedulerTypes.target Tasks.doer =
let analyze_proc_name exe_env proc_name =
decr procs_left ;
if Int.( <= ) !procs_left 0 then (
L.log_task "Analysing block of %d procs, starting with %a@."
per_procedure_logging_granularity Typ.Procname.pp proc_name ;
L.log_task "Analysing block of %d procs, starting with %a@." per_procedure_logging_granularity
Typ.Procname.pp proc_name ;
procs_left := per_procedure_logging_granularity ) ;
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name_toplevel exe_env proc_name
@ -116,9 +116,7 @@ let get_source_files_to_analyze ~changed_files =
let analyze source_files_to_analyze =
if Int.equal Config.jobs 1 then (
let target_files =
List.rev_map source_files_to_analyze ~f:(fun sf -> SchedulerTypes.File sf)
let target_files = List.rev_map source_files_to_analyze ~f:(fun sf -> SchedulerTypes.File sf) in
Tasks.run_sequentially ~f:analyze_target target_files ;
BackendStats.get () )
else (
@ -167,8 +165,8 @@ let invalidate_changed_procedures changed_files =
"Incremental analysis: %d nodes in reverse analysis call graph, %d of which were \
invalidated @."
"Incremental analysis: %d nodes in reverse analysis call graph, %d of which were invalidated \
total_nodes invalidated_nodes ;
ScubaLogging.log_count ~label:"incremental_analysis.total_nodes" ~value:total_nodes ;
ScubaLogging.log_count ~label:"incremental_analysis.invalidated_nodes" ~value:invalidated_nodes ;

@ -156,16 +156,14 @@ let should_report (issue_kind : Exceptions.severity) issue_type error_desc eclas
List.mem ~equal:IssueType.equal null_deref_issue_types issue_type
if issue_type_is_null_deref then Localise.error_desc_is_reportable_bucket error_desc
else true
if issue_type_is_null_deref then Localise.error_desc_is_reportable_bucket error_desc else true
(* The reason an issue should be censored (that is, not reported). The empty
string (that is "no reason") means that the issue should be reported. *)
let censored_reason (issue_type : IssueType.t) source_file =
let filename = SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file in
let rejected_by ((issue_type_polarity, issue_type_re), (filename_polarity, filename_re), reason)
let rejected_by ((issue_type_polarity, issue_type_re), (filename_polarity, filename_re), reason) =
let accepted =
(* matches issue_type_re implies matches filename_re *)
(not (Bool.equal issue_type_polarity (Str.string_match issue_type_re issue_type.unique_id 0)))
@ -332,9 +330,8 @@ module JsonCostsPrinter = MakeJsonListPrinter (struct
(CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree ~only_bigO:false)
; big_o=
Format.asprintf "%a"
(CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true)
degree_with_term }
Format.asprintf "%a" (CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree ~only_bigO:true) degree_with_term
let cost_info cost =
{ Jsonbug_t.polynomial_version= CostDomain.BasicCost.version
@ -407,8 +404,7 @@ let pp_custom_of_report fmt report fields =
| `Issue_field_hash ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) (Caml.Digest.to_hex issue.hash)
| `Issue_field_line_offset ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index)
(issue.line - issue.procedure_start_line)
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index) (issue.line - issue.procedure_start_line)
| `Issue_field_qualifier_contains_potential_exception_note ->
Format.pp_print_bool fmt
(String.is_substring issue.qualifier ~substring:potential_exception_message)
@ -506,9 +502,7 @@ module Stats = struct
let loc = lt.Errlog.lt_loc in
let level = lt.Errlog.lt_level in
let description = lt.Errlog.lt_description in
let code =
match Printer.LineReader.from_loc linereader loc with Some s -> s | None -> ""
let code = match Printer.LineReader.from_loc linereader loc with Some s -> s | None -> "" in
let line =
let pp fmt =
if description <> "" then
@ -611,8 +605,7 @@ module StatsLogs = struct
{ analysis_nodes_visited= Summary.Stats.nb_visited summary.stats
; analysis_status= Summary.Stats.failure_kind summary.stats
; analysis_total_nodes= Summary.get_proc_desc summary |> Procdesc.get_nodes_num
; clang_method_kind=
(match lang with Language.Clang -> Some clang_method_kind | _ -> None)
; clang_method_kind= (match lang with Language.Clang -> Some clang_method_kind | _ -> None)
; lang= Language.to_explicit_string lang
; method_location= Summary.get_loc summary
; method_name= Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name
@ -798,11 +791,7 @@ module SummaryStats = struct
module StringMap = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (String)
type ('i, 'k) result =
| R :
{ typ: 't typ
; get: 'i -> 't
; aggrs: ('t, 'k) MetricAggregator.t list }
-> ('i, 'k) result
| R : {typ: 't typ; get: 'i -> 't; aggrs: ('t, 'k) MetricAggregator.t list} -> ('i, 'k) result
let init metrics aggregators =
List.fold metrics ~init:StringMap.empty ~f:(fun acc (name, M {typ; get}) ->

@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
open! IStd
include sig
(* ignore dead modules added by @@deriving fields *)
[@@@warning "-60"]

@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ let collect_all_stats_files () =
let buck_out_parent = Filename.concat p Filename.parent_dir_name in
let targets_files =
~f:(fun (t, p) ->
(t, find_stats_files_in_dir (concatenate_paths buck_out_parent p)) )
~f:(fun (t, p) -> (t, find_stats_files_in_dir (concatenate_paths buck_out_parent p)))
Ok (Buck_out targets_files)

@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ let iterate_procedure_callbacks exe_env summary =
let is_specialized = Procdesc.is_specialized proc_desc in
List.fold ~init:summary
~f:(fun summary {name; dynamic_dispatch; language; callback} ->
if Language.equal language procedure_language && (dynamic_dispatch || not is_specialized)
then (
if Language.equal language procedure_language && (dynamic_dispatch || not is_specialized) then (
log (fun logger ->
log_begin_event logger ~name ~categories:["backend"]

@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ type coordinate = {id: int; lambda: int} [@@deriving compare]
(* define a link between two nodes. src_fld/trg_fld define the label of the src/trg field. It is*)
(* useful for having nodes from within a struct and/or to inside a struct *)
type link =
{kind: kind_of_links; src: coordinate; src_fld: string; trg: coordinate; trg_fld: string}
type link = {kind: kind_of_links; src: coordinate; src_fld: string; trg: coordinate; trg_fld: string}
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_link = [%compare.equal: link]
@ -272,8 +271,7 @@ let make_dangling_boxes pe allocated_nodes (sigma_lambda : (Sil.hpred * int) lis
incr dotty_state_count ;
let coo = mk_coordinate n lambda in
match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Eexp (e, _), _) when (not (Exp.equal e Exp.zero)) && !print_full_prop
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Eexp (e, _), _) when (not (Exp.equal e Exp.zero)) && !print_full_prop ->
let e_color_str = color_to_str (exp_color hpred e) in
[Dotdangling (coo, e, e_color_str)]
| Sil.Hlseg (_, _, _, e2, _) when not (Exp.equal e2 Exp.zero) ->
@ -324,8 +322,7 @@ let make_dangling_boxes pe allocated_nodes (sigma_lambda : (Sil.hpred * int) lis
| [] ->
| d :: candidates ->
if is_allocated d then subtract_allocated candidates
else d :: subtract_allocated candidates
if is_allocated d then subtract_allocated candidates else d :: subtract_allocated candidates
let candidate_dangling = List.concat_map ~f:get_rhs_predicate sigma_lambda in
let candidate_dangling = filter_duplicate candidate_dangling [] in
@ -365,8 +362,7 @@ let rec dotty_mk_node pe sigma =
let e1_color_str = color_to_str (exp_color e1) in
incr dotty_state_count ;
(* increment once more n+1 is the box for e4 *)
[ Dotdllseg
(mk_coordinate n lambda, e1, e2, e3, e4, k, hpara_dll.Sil.body_dll, e1_color_str) ]
[Dotdllseg (mk_coordinate n lambda, e1, e2, e3, e4, k, hpara_dll.Sil.body_dll, e1_color_str)]
match sigma with
| [] ->
@ -589,8 +585,8 @@ let rec dotty_mk_set_links dotnodes sigma p f cycle =
~f:(fun (k, lab_src, m, lab_trg) ->
mk_link k
(mk_coordinate (n + 1) lambda)
(strip_special_chars lab_src) (mk_coordinate m lambda)
(strip_special_chars lab_trg) )
(strip_special_chars lab_src) (mk_coordinate m lambda) (strip_special_chars lab_trg)
let links_from_elements = List.concat_map ~f:ff (n :: nl) in
@ -636,8 +632,8 @@ let rec dotty_mk_set_links dotnodes sigma p f cycle =
trg_label ]
else []
lnk_from_address_struct @ links_from_fields
@ dotty_mk_set_links dotnodes sigma' p f cycle )
lnk_from_address_struct @ links_from_fields @ dotty_mk_set_links dotnodes sigma' p f cycle
| (Sil.Hpointsto (e, Sil.Eexp (e', _), _), lambda) :: sigma' -> (
let src = look_up dotnodes e lambda in
match src with
@ -745,8 +741,8 @@ let dotty_pp_link f link =
F.fprintf f "struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i -> state%iL%i[label=\"\"]@\n" n1 lambda1 src_fld n1 lambda1
n2 lambda2
| _, LinkRetainCycle ->
F.fprintf f "struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i -> struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i[label=\"\", color= red]@\n" n1
lambda1 src_fld n1 lambda1 n2 lambda2 trg_fld n2 lambda2
F.fprintf f "struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i -> struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i[label=\"\", color= red]@\n" n1 lambda1
src_fld n1 lambda1 n2 lambda2 trg_fld n2 lambda2
| _, LinkStructToStruct when !print_full_prop ->
F.fprintf f "struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i -> struct%iL%i:%s%iL%i[label=\"\"]@\n" n1 lambda1 src_fld n1
lambda1 n2 lambda2 trg_fld n2 lambda2
@ -844,8 +840,7 @@ let rec print_struct f pe e te l coo c =
F.fprintf f
" node [%s]; @\n struct%iL%i [label=\"{<%s%iL%i> OBJECT: %s } | %a\" ] fontcolor=%s@\n"
"shape=record" n lambda e_no_special_char n lambda print_type (struct_to_dotty_str pe coo) l
c ;
"shape=record" n lambda e_no_special_char n lambda print_type (struct_to_dotty_str pe coo) l c ;
F.fprintf f "}@\n"
@ -868,9 +863,8 @@ and print_sll f pe nesting k e1 coo =
incr dotty_state_count ;
( match k with
| Sil.Lseg_NE ->
F.fprintf f
"subgraph cluster_%iL%i { %s node [style=filled,color=white]; label=\"list NE\";" n'
lambda "style=filled; color=lightgrey;"
F.fprintf f "subgraph cluster_%iL%i { %s node [style=filled,color=white]; label=\"list NE\";"
n' lambda "style=filled; color=lightgrey;"
| Sil.Lseg_PE ->
F.fprintf f
"subgraph cluster_%iL%i { %s node [style=filled,color=white]; label=\"list PE\";" n'
@ -935,9 +929,7 @@ and dotty_pp_state f pe cycle dotnode =
| Dotpointsto (coo, e1, c) when !print_full_prop ->
dotty_exp coo e1 c false
| Dotstruct (coo, e1, l, c, te) ->
let l' =
if !print_full_prop then l else List.filter ~f:(fun edge -> in_cycle cycle edge) l
let l' = if !print_full_prop then l else List.filter ~f:(fun edge -> in_cycle cycle edge) l in
print_struct f pe e1 te l' coo c
| Dotarray (coo, e1, e2, l, _, c) when !print_full_prop ->
print_array f pe e1 e2 l coo c
@ -1149,8 +1141,7 @@ let pp_cfgnode pdesc fmt (n : Procdesc.Node.t) =
(* don't print exception edges to the exit node *)
| _ ->
F.fprintf fmt "@\n\t %a -> %a %s;" (pp_cfgnodename pname) n1 (pp_cfgnodename pname) n2
F.fprintf fmt "@\n\t %a -> %a %s;" (pp_cfgnodename pname) n1 (pp_cfgnodename pname) n2 color
List.iter ~f:(fun n' -> print_edge n n' false) (Procdesc.Node.get_succs n) ;
List.iter ~f:(fun n' -> print_edge n n' true) (Procdesc.Node.get_exn n)

@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ val explain_dereference_as_caller_expression :
(** return a description explaining value [exp] in [prop] in terms of a source expression
using the formal parameters of the call *)
val explain_divide_by_zero :
Tenv.t -> Exp.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_divide_by_zero : Tenv.t -> Exp.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a division by zero *)
val explain_condition_always_true_false :

@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ let file_data_to_tenv file_data =
let file_data_to_integer_type_widths file_data =
if is_none file_data.integer_type_widths then
<- Option.first_some (Typ.IntegerWidths.load file_data.source) (Some Typ.IntegerWidths.java) ;
file_data.integer_type_widths <-
Option.first_some (Typ.IntegerWidths.load file_data.source) (Some Typ.IntegerWidths.java) ;

@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ let merge_global_tenvs infer_deps_file =
let global_tenv_path =
infer_out_src ^/ Config.global_tenv_filename |> DB.filename_from_string
Tenv.read global_tenv_path
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun tenv -> Tenv.merge ~src:tenv ~dst:global_tenv)
Tenv.read global_tenv_path |> Option.iter ~f:(fun tenv -> Tenv.merge ~src:tenv ~dst:global_tenv)
Utils.iter_infer_deps ~project_root:Config.project_root ~f:merge infer_deps_file ;
Tenv.store_global global_tenv ;

@ -191,8 +191,7 @@ let run_proc_analysis ~caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
let stats = Summary.Stats.update summary.stats ~failure_kind:kind in
let payloads =
let biabduction =
BiabductionSummary.{preposts= []; phase= summary.payloads.biabduction |> opt_get_phase}
Some BiabductionSummary.{preposts= []; phase= summary.payloads.biabduction |> opt_get_phase}
{summary.payloads with biabduction}
@ -275,8 +274,8 @@ let dump_duplicate_procs source_file procs =
~append:true ~perm:0o666 ~f:(fun outc ->
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
List.iter duplicate_procs ~f:(fun (pname, source_captured) ->
F.fprintf fmt "DUPLICATE_SYMBOLS source:%a source_captured:%a pname:%a@\n"
SourceFile.pp source_file SourceFile.pp source_captured Typ.Procname.pp pname ) ;
F.fprintf fmt "DUPLICATE_SYMBOLS source:%a source_captured:%a pname:%a@\n" SourceFile.pp
source_file SourceFile.pp source_captured Typ.Procname.pp pname ) ;
F.pp_print_flush fmt () )
if not (List.is_empty duplicate_procs) then output_to_file duplicate_procs

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ module VarDomain = Liveness.Domain
each pvar in to_nullify afer we finish the analysis. Nullify instructions speed up the analysis
by enabling it to GC state that will no longer be read. *)
module NullifyTransferFunctions = struct
(** (reaching non-nullified vars) * (vars to nullify) *)
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (VarDomain) (VarDomain)
(** (reaching non-nullified vars) * (vars to nullify) *)
module CFG = ProcCfg.Exceptional

@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ let mk_command_doc ~see_also:see_also_commands ?environment:environment_opt ?fil
Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files section ) ]
CLOpt.mk_command_doc ~section ~version:Version.versionString
~date:Version.man_pages_last_modify_date ~synopsis:[`Pre synopsis] ~environment ~files
~date:Version.man_pages_last_modify_date ~synopsis:[`Pre synopsis] ~environment ~files ~see_also
let analyze =
@ -86,8 +85,8 @@ let compile =
[ `P
"Intercepts compilation commands similarly to $(b,infer-capture), but simply execute \
these compilation commands and do not perform any translation of the source files. \
This can be useful to configure build systems or for debugging purposes." ]
these compilation commands and do not perform any translation of the source files. This \
can be useful to configure build systems or for debugging purposes." ]
[ `P
"$(b,cmake)(1) hardcodes the absolute paths to the compiler inside the Makefiles it \
@ -151,8 +150,8 @@ $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|}
languages of the C family, and a command to build them, infer produces a list of \
potential issues."
; `P
"Infer consists of a collection of tools referenced in the $(i,SEE ALSO) section of \
this manual. See their respective manuals for more information."
"Infer consists of a collection of tools referenced in the $(i,SEE ALSO) section of this \
manual. See their respective manuals for more information."
; `P
"When run without a subcommand, and if a compilation command is specified via the \
$(b,--) option or one of the $(b,--clang-compilation-database[-escaped]) options, then \
@ -171,9 +170,9 @@ $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|}
inferconfig_file CLOpt.args_env_var CLOpt.args_env_var inferconfig_file
CLOpt.args_env_var Cmdliner.Manpage.s_environment Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files)
; `P
"Options can be specified inside an argument file $(i,file) by passing \
$(b,@)$(i,file) as argument. The format is one option per line, and enclosing single \
' and double \" quotes are ignored."
"Options can be specified inside an argument file $(i,file) by passing $(b,@)$(i,file) \
as argument. The format is one option per line, and enclosing single ' and double \" \
quotes are ignored."
; `P
"Options without a default value (e.g., $(b,--linter)) and options with list-like \
values (e.g., $(b,--Xbuck)) all have a corresponding $(b,--option-reset) flag that \
@ -197,9 +196,9 @@ $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|}
inferconfig_env_var inferconfig_file Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files)
; `P
"If $(b,%s) is set to \"1\", then infer commands will exit with an error code in \
some cases when otherwise a simple warning would be emitted on stderr, for instance \
if a deprecated form of an option is used."
"If $(b,%s) is set to \"1\", then infer commands will exit with an error code in some \
cases when otherwise a simple warning would be emitted on stderr, for instance if a \
deprecated form of an option is used."
CLOpt.strict_mode_env_var) ]
[ `P
@ -224,8 +223,8 @@ $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|}
; `P "- cumulative options are JSON arrays of the appropriate type"
; `P
"Infer will look for an $(b,%s) file in the current directory, then its parent, \
etc., stopping at the first $(b,%s) file found."
"Infer will look for an $(b,%s) file in the current directory, then its parent, etc., \
stopping at the first $(b,%s) file found."
inferconfig_file inferconfig_file)
; `P "Example:"
; `Pre
@ -242,8 +241,8 @@ let report =
~synopsis:"$(b,infer) $(b,report) $(i,[options]) [$(i,file.specs)...]"
[ `P
"Read, convert, and print .specs files in the results directory. Each spec is printed \
to standard output unless option -q is used."
"Read, convert, and print .specs files in the results directory. Each spec is printed to \
standard output unless option -q is used."
; `P
"If no specs file are passed on the command line, process all the .specs in the results \
directory." ]
@ -254,16 +253,15 @@ let reportdiff =
mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Report Difference"
~short_description:"compute the differences between two infer reports"
"$(b,infer) $(b,reportdiff) $(b,--report-current) $(i,file) $(b,--report-previous) \
$(i,file) $(i,[options])"
"$(b,infer) $(b,reportdiff) $(b,--report-current) $(i,file) $(b,--report-previous) $(i,file) \
[ `P
"Given two infer reports $(i,previous) and $(i,current), compute the following three \
reports and store them inside the \"differential/\" subdirectory of the results \
; `Noblank
; `P
"- $(b,introduced.json) contains the issues found in $(i,current) but not $(i,previous);"
; `P "- $(b,introduced.json) contains the issues found in $(i,current) but not $(i,previous);"
; `Noblank
; `P "- $(b,fixed.json) contains the issues found in $(i,previous) but not $(i,current);"
; `Noblank
@ -280,8 +278,8 @@ let events =
~synopsis:{|$(b,infer) $(b,events)|}
[ `P
"Emit to stdout one JSON object per line, each describing a logged event happened \
during the execution of Infer" ]
"Emit to stdout one JSON object per line, each describing a logged event happened during \
the execution of Infer" ]
~see_also:InferCommand.[Report; Run]

@ -99,8 +99,7 @@ type desc =
; default_string: string
; spec: spec
; decode_json: inferconfig_dir:string -> Yojson.Basic.t -> string list
(** how to go from an option in the json config file to a list of command-line options *)
(** how to go from an option in the json config file to a list of command-line options *) }
let dashdash ?short long =
match (long, short) with
@ -190,9 +189,7 @@ let add parse_mode sections desc =
let desc_list = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_mode parse_mode_desc_lists parse_mode in
desc_list := desc :: !desc_list ;
let add_to_section (command, section) =
let sections =
List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:InferCommand.equal help_sections_desc_lists command
let sections = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:InferCommand.equal help_sections_desc_lists command in
let prev_contents = try SectionMap.find section !sections with Caml.Not_found -> [] in
sections := SectionMap.add section (desc :: prev_contents) !sections
@ -526,8 +523,8 @@ let map_to_str map =
String.concat list ~sep:","
let mk_string_map ?(default = String.Map.empty) ?(default_to_string = map_to_str)
?(deprecated = []) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?in_help ?(meta = "key=value") doc =
let mk_string_map ?(default = String.Map.empty) ?(default_to_string = map_to_str) ?(deprecated = [])
~long ?short ?parse_mode ?in_help ?(meta = "key=value") doc =
let flag = mk_flag ~deprecated ?short ~long in
let split_str str =
match String.lsplit2 str ~on:'=' with
@ -568,8 +565,8 @@ let normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed ?(f = Fn.id) ~is_anon_arg str =
else str
let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string ~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode
~in_help ~meta ~decode_json doc =
let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string ~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~in_help
~meta ~decode_json doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ?in_help ~meta doc ~decode_json
~mk_setter:(fun var str ->
@ -707,8 +704,8 @@ let normalize_desc_list speclist =
sort speclist
let mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~date ~short_description ~synopsis ~description
?options ?exit_status ?environment ?files ?notes ?bugs ?examples ~see_also command_str =
let mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~date ~short_description ~synopsis ~description ?options
?exit_status ?environment ?files ?notes ?bugs ?examples ~see_also command_str =
let add_if section blocks =
match blocks with None -> `Blocks [] | Some bs -> `Blocks (`S section :: bs)
@ -840,8 +837,7 @@ let anon_fun arg =
(* stop parsing the current args and go look in that argfile *)
raise (SubArguments (args_from_argfile arg))
else if
&& List.Assoc.mem !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg
!anon_arg_action.parse_subcommands && List.Assoc.mem !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg
let command_switch = List.Assoc.find_exn !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg in
match (!curr_command, is_originator) with
@ -906,8 +902,8 @@ let encode_argv_to_env argv =
~f:(fun arg ->
(not (String.contains arg env_var_sep))
( warnf "WARNING: Ignoring unsupported option containing '%c' character: %s@\n"
env_var_sep arg ;
( warnf "WARNING: Ignoring unsupported option containing '%c' character: %s@\n" env_var_sep
arg ;
false ) )

@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ val mk_symbol :
(** [mk_symbol long symbols] defines a command line flag [--long <symbol>] where [(<symbol>,_)] is
an element of [symbols]. *)
val mk_symbol_opt :
symbols:(string * 'a) list -> ?f:('a -> 'a) -> ?mk_reset:bool -> 'a option ref t
val mk_symbol_opt : symbols:(string * 'a) list -> ?f:('a -> 'a) -> ?mk_reset:bool -> 'a option ref t
(** [mk_symbol_opt] is similar to [mk_symbol] but defaults to [None]. If [mk_reset] is false then do not create an additional --[long]-reset option to reset the value of the option to [None]. *)
val mk_symbol_seq :

@ -140,8 +140,7 @@ let build_system_of_exe_name name =
If this is an alias for another build system that infer supports, you can use@\n\
`--force-integration <command>` where <command> is one of the following supported build \
@[<v2> %a@]"
@[<v2> %a@]" name
(Pp.seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break ~sep:"" F.pp_print_string)
( List.map ~f:fst build_system_exe_assoc
|> List.map ~f:string_of_build_system
@ -663,9 +662,7 @@ and { annotation_reachability
; uninit } =
let mk_checker ?(default = false) ?(deprecated = []) ~long doc =
let var =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
~default ~deprecated doc
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long ~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)] ~default ~deprecated doc
all_checkers := (var, long, doc, default) :: !all_checkers ;
@ -819,8 +816,8 @@ and annotation_reachability_cxx =
^ "\n\
This will cause us to create a new ISOLATED_REACHING_CONNECT issue for every function \
whose source path starts with \"isolated/\" that may reach the function named \"connect\", \
This will cause us to create a new ISOLATED_REACHING_CONNECT issue for every function whose \
source path starts with \"isolated/\" that may reach the function named \"connect\", \
ignoring paths that go through a symbol matching the OCaml regexp \".*::Trusted::.*\"." )
@ -888,8 +885,8 @@ and buck_blacklist =
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Run, manual_buck_flavors); (Capture, manual_buck_flavors)]
"Skip capture of files matched by the specified regular expression (only the \"flavors \
(C++)\" Buck integration is supported, not Java)."
"Skip capture of files matched by the specified regular expression (only the \"flavors (C++)\" \
Buck integration is supported, not Java)."
and buck_build_args =
@ -935,8 +932,7 @@ and buck_out =
and buck_targets_blacklist =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"buck-targets-blacklist"
InferCommand.[(Run, manual_buck_compilation_db); (Capture, manual_buck_compilation_db)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Run, manual_buck_compilation_db); (Capture, manual_buck_compilation_db)]
~meta:"regex" "Skip capture of buck targets matched by the specified regular expression."
@ -968,8 +964,8 @@ and censor_report =
filter is of the form: `<issue_type_regex>:<filename_regex>:<reason_string>`. The first two \
components are OCaml Str regular expressions, with an optional `!` character prefix. If a \
regex has a `!` prefix, the polarity is inverted, and the filter becomes a \"blacklist\" \
instead of a \"whitelist\". Each filter is interpreted as an implication: an issue matches \
if it does not match the `issue_type_regex` or if it does match the `filename_regex`. The \
instead of a \"whitelist\". Each filter is interpreted as an implication: an issue matches if \
it does not match the `issue_type_regex` or if it does match the `filename_regex`. The \
filenames that are tested by the regex are relative to the `--project-root` directory. The \
`<reason_string>` is a non-empty string used to explain why the issue was filtered."
@ -1029,8 +1025,8 @@ and clang_ignore_regex =
and clang_idirafter_to_override_regex =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"clang-idirafter-to-override-regex" ~meta:"dir_OCaml_regex"
"Use this option in the uncommon case where the normal compilation process overrides the \
location of internal compiler headers. This option should specify regular expression with \
the path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead. \
location of internal compiler headers. This option should specify regular expression with the \
path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead. \
Concretely, this will replace $(b,-idirafter <path matching the regex>) with $(b,-idirafter \
@ -1040,8 +1036,8 @@ and clang_isystem_to_override_regex =
~deprecated:["-clang-include-to-override-regex"; "-clang-include-to-override"]
"Use this option in the uncommon case where the normal compilation process overrides the \
location of internal compiler headers. This option should specify regular expression with \
the path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead. \
location of internal compiler headers. This option should specify regular expression with the \
path to those headers so that infer can use its own clang internal headers instead. \
Concretely, this will replace $(b,-isystem <path matching the regex>) with $(b,-isystem \
@ -1069,8 +1065,8 @@ and compilation_database_escaped =
CLOpt.mk_path_list ~long:"compilation-database-escaped"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_clang)]
"File that contain compilation commands where all entries are escaped for the shell, eg \
coming from Xcode (can be specified multiple times)"
"File that contain compilation commands where all entries are escaped for the shell, eg coming \
from Xcode (can be specified multiple times)"
and compute_analytics =
@ -1195,8 +1191,7 @@ and ( biabduction_models_mode
and print_buckets =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"print-buckets"
"Show the internal bucket of Infer reports in their textual description"
and print_types =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"print-types" ~default:false "Print types in symbolic heaps"
and print_types = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"print-types" ~default:false "Print types in symbolic heaps"
and keep_going =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated_no:["-no-failures-allowed"] ~long:"keep-going"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
@ -1327,8 +1322,8 @@ and differential_filter_files =
and differential_filter_set =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_seq ~long:"differential-filter-set" ~eq:PolyVariantEqual.( = )
"Specify which set of the differential results is filtered with the modified files provided \
through the $(b,--differential-modified-files) argument. By default it is applied to all \
sets ($(b,introduced), $(b,fixed), and $(b,preexisting))"
through the $(b,--differential-modified-files) argument. By default it is applied to all sets \
($(b,introduced), $(b,fixed), and $(b,preexisting))"
~symbols:[("introduced", `Introduced); ("fixed", `Fixed); ("preexisting", `Preexisting)]
~default:[`Introduced; `Fixed; `Preexisting]
@ -1400,16 +1395,14 @@ and eradicate_return_over_annotated =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-return-over-annotated" "Return over-annotated warning"
and eradicate_verbose =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-verbose" "Print initial and final typestates"
and eradicate_verbose = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-verbose" "Print initial and final typestates"
and external_java_packages =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"external-java-packages"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_java)]
"Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java packages. If set, the analysis \
will not report non-actionable warnings on those packages."
"Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java packages. If set, the analysis will \
not report non-actionable warnings on those packages."
and fail_on_bug =
@ -1464,8 +1457,8 @@ and from_json_report =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"from-json-report"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Report, manual_generic)]
"Load analysis results from a report file (default is to load the results from the specs \
files generated by the analysis)."
"Load analysis results from a report file (default is to load the results from the specs files \
generated by the analysis)."
and frontend_stats =
@ -1540,8 +1533,8 @@ and hoisting_report_only_expensive =
and icfg_dotty_outfile =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"icfg-dotty-outfile" ~meta:"path"
"If set, specifies path where .dot file should be written, it overrides the path for all \
other options that would generate icfg file otherwise"
"If set, specifies path where .dot file should be written, it overrides the path for all other \
options that would generate icfg file otherwise"
and iphoneos_target_sdk_version =
@ -1623,9 +1616,9 @@ and liveness_dangerous_classes =
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"liveness-dangerous-classes"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
"Specify classes where the destructor should be ignored when computing liveness. In other \
words, assignement to variables of these types (or common wrappers around these types such \
as $(i,unique_ptr<type>)) will count as dead stores when the variables are not read \
explicitly by the program."
words, assignement to variables of these types (or common wrappers around these types such as \
$(i,unique_ptr<type>)) will count as dead stores when the variables are not read explicitly \
by the program."
and log_events =
@ -1695,8 +1688,7 @@ and linters_ignore_clang_failures =
and linters_validate_syntax_only =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"linters-validate-syntax-only"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_clang_linters)]
"Validate syntax of AL files, then emit possible errors in JSON format to stdout"
~default:false "Validate syntax of AL files, then emit possible errors in JSON format to stdout"
and load_average =
@ -1760,8 +1752,8 @@ and nullable_annotation =
and nullsafe_third_party_signatures =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"nullsafe-third-party-signatures"
"Path to a folder with annotated signatures of third-party methods to be taken into account \
by nullsafe. Path is either relative to .inferconfig folder or absolute"
"Path to a folder with annotated signatures of third-party methods to be taken into account by \
nullsafe. Path is either relative to .inferconfig folder or absolute"
and nullsafe_strict_containers =
@ -1869,8 +1861,8 @@ and procedures_attributes =
and procedures_definedness =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"procedures-definedness" ~default:true
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Explore, manual_explore_procedures)]
"Include procedures definedness in the output of $(b,--procedures), i.e. whether the \
procedure definition was found, or only the procedure declaration, or the procedure is an \
"Include procedures definedness in the output of $(b,--procedures), i.e. whether the procedure \
definition was found, or only the procedure declaration, or the procedure is an \
auto-generated Objective-C accessor"
@ -1878,8 +1870,8 @@ and procedures_filter =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"procedures-filter" ~meta:"filter"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Explore, manual_explore_procedures)]
"With $(b,--procedures), only print functions and methods (procedures) matching the specified \
$(i,filter). A procedure filter is of the form $(i,path_pattern:procedure_name). Patterns \
are interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions. For instance, to keep only methods named \
$(i,filter). A procedure filter is of the form $(i,path_pattern:procedure_name). Patterns are \
interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions. For instance, to keep only methods named \
\"foo\", one can use the filter \".*:foo\", or \"foo\" for short."
@ -2097,8 +2089,7 @@ and rest =
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_generic); (Run, manual_generic)]
"Stop argument processing, use remaining arguments as a build command" ~usage:exe_usage
(fun build_exe ->
match Filename.basename build_exe with "java" | "javac" -> CLOpt.Javac | _ -> CLOpt.NoParse
match Filename.basename build_exe with "java" | "javac" -> CLOpt.Javac | _ -> CLOpt.NoParse )
and results_dir =
@ -2136,8 +2127,8 @@ and scuba_normals =
and siof_safe_methods =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"siof-safe-methods"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_siof)]
"Methods that are SIOF-safe; \"foo::bar\" will match \"foo::bar()\", \"foo<int>::bar()\", \
etc. (can be specified multiple times)"
"Methods that are SIOF-safe; \"foo::bar\" will match \"foo::bar()\", \"foo<int>::bar()\", etc. \
(can be specified multiple times)"
and skip_analysis_in_path =
@ -2263,8 +2254,8 @@ and sqlite_cache_size =
CLOpt.mk_int ~long:"sqlite-cache-size" ~default:2000
InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic); (Capture, manual_generic); (Run, manual_generic)]
"SQLite cache size in pages (if positive) or kB (if negative), follows formal of \
corresponding SQLite PRAGMA."
"SQLite cache size in pages (if positive) or kB (if negative), follows formal of corresponding \
and sqlite_page_size =
@ -2421,8 +2412,7 @@ and type_size =
and uninit_interproc =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"uninit-interproc"
"Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"uninit-interproc" "Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode"
and unsafe_malloc =

@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ module Implementation = struct
let replace_attributes ~pname_str ~pname ~akind ~source_file ~attributes ~proc_desc ~callees =
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement attribute_replace_statement
~f:(fun db replace_stmt ->
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement attribute_replace_statement ~f:(fun db replace_stmt ->
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 1 (* :pname *) pname
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"replace bind pname" ;
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 2 (* :proc_name_hum *) (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT pname_str)
@ -146,13 +145,11 @@ module Implementation = struct
let db_file = infer_out_src ^/ ResultsDatabase.database_filename in
let main_db = ResultsDatabase.get_database () in
Sqlite3.exec main_db (Printf.sprintf "ATTACH '%s' AS attached" db_file)
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code main_db
~log:(Printf.sprintf "attaching database '%s'" db_file) ;
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code main_db ~log:(Printf.sprintf "attaching database '%s'" db_file) ;
merge_procedures_table ~db_file ;
merge_source_files_table ~db_file ;
Sqlite3.exec main_db "DETACH attached"
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code main_db
~log:(Printf.sprintf "detaching database '%s'" db_file)
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code main_db ~log:(Printf.sprintf "detaching database '%s'" db_file)
let merge infer_deps_file =

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ exception InferInternalError of string
exception InferUserError of string
(** This can be used to avoid scattering exit invocations all over the codebase *)
exception InferExit of int
(** This can be used to avoid scattering exit invocations all over the codebase *)
(** kind of error for [die], with similar semantics as [Logging.{external,internal,user}_error] *)
type error = ExternalError | InternalError | UserError

@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ let checkers_allocates_memory =
let checkers_annotation_reachability_error =
~hum:"Annotation Reachability Error"
register_from_string "CHECKERS_ANNOTATION_REACHABILITY_ERROR" ~hum:"Annotation Reachability Error"
let checkers_calls_expensive_method =

@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ let add_float ({floats} as t) ~key ~data = {t with floats= String.Map.set floats
let add_string ({strings} as t) ~key ~data = {t with strings= String.Map.set strings ~key ~data}
let add_string_opt t ~key ~data =
match data with Some data -> add_string t ~key ~data | None -> t
let add_string_opt t ~key ~data = match data with Some data -> add_string t ~key ~data | None -> t
let yojson_of_integers integers =
let f ~key ~data acc = (key, `Int data) :: acc in

@ -209,9 +209,7 @@ let phase fmt = log ~to_console:false phase_file_fmts fmt
let progress fmt = log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) progress_file_fmts fmt
let log_task fmt =
let to_console =
match Config.progress_bar with `Plain -> true | `Quiet | `MultiLine -> false
let to_console = match Config.progress_bar with `Plain -> true | `Quiet | `MultiLine -> false in
log ~to_console progress_file_fmts fmt
@ -277,9 +275,7 @@ let internal_error fmt = log ~to_console:true internal_error_file_fmts fmt
type ocaml_pos = string * int * int * int
(** Convert a ml location to a string *)
let ocaml_pos_to_string (file, lnum, cnum, enum) =
Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d-%d:" file lnum cnum enum
let ocaml_pos_to_string (file, lnum, cnum, enum) = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d-%d:" file lnum cnum enum
(** Pretty print a location of ml source *)
let pp_ocaml_pos fmt ocaml_pos = F.pp_print_string fmt (ocaml_pos_to_string ocaml_pos)

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ val debug : debug_kind -> debug_level -> ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val debug_dev : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
"Only use to debug during development. If you want more permanent logging, use \
[Logging.debug] instead."]
"Only use to debug during development. If you want more permanent logging, use [Logging.debug] \
[@@warning "-32"]
(** For debugging during development. *)

@ -270,8 +270,7 @@ let process_updates pool buffer =
(* try to schedule more work if there are idle workers *)
if not (pool.tasks.is_empty ()) then
Array.iteri pool.children_states ~f:(fun slot state ->
match state with Idle -> send_work_to_child pool slot | Initializing | Processing _ -> ()
match state with Idle -> send_work_to_child pool slot | Initializing | Processing _ -> () )
type 'a final_worker_message = Finished of int * 'a option | FinalCrash of int

@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ let remove_results_dir () =
Result.iter_error (is_results_dir ~check_correct_version:false ()) ~f:(fun err ->
L.(die UserError)
"ERROR: '%s' exists but does not seem to be an infer results directory: %s@\n\
ERROR: Please delete '%s' and try again@."
Config.results_dir err Config.results_dir ) ;
ERROR: Please delete '%s' and try again@." Config.results_dir err Config.results_dir ) ;
Utils.rmtree Config.results_dir ) ;
RunState.reset ()
@ -81,8 +80,8 @@ let create_results_dir () =
L.progress "Deleting results dir because --force-delete-results-dir was passed@." ;
remove_results_dir () )
L.die UserError "ERROR: %s@\nPlease remove '%s' and try again" error
Config.results_dir ) ;
L.die UserError "ERROR: %s@\nPlease remove '%s' and try again" error Config.results_dir
) ;
Unix.mkdir_p Config.results_dir ;
Unix.mkdir_p (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.events_dir_name) ;
List.iter ~f:Unix.mkdir_p results_dir_dir_markers ;

@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ let load_and_validate () =
"'%s' already exists but it is not an empty directory and it does not look like an \
infer results directory:\n\
\ %s\n\
Was it created using an older version of infer?"
Config.results_dir err_msg) )
Was it created using an older version of infer?" Config.results_dir err_msg) )
if Sys.file_exists state_file_path <> `Yes then

@ -100,9 +100,7 @@ let line_count source_file =
count_newlines abs_path
let to_rel_path fname =
match fname with RelativeProjectRoot path -> path | _ -> to_abs_path fname
let to_rel_path fname = match fname with RelativeProjectRoot path -> path | _ -> to_abs_path fname
let invalid ml_source_file = Invalid {ml_source_file}

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ open! IStd
type t [@@deriving compare]
(** Maps from source_file *)
module Map : Caml.Map.S with type key = t
(** Maps from source_file *)
(** Set of source files *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
(** Set of source files *)
module Hash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = t

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ let exec db ~log ~stmt =
PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~name:"sql exec" ~arguments:[("stmt", `String log)] () ) ;
let rc = Sqlite3.exec db stmt in
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
try check_result_code db ~log rc
with Error err -> error "exec: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
try check_result_code db ~log rc with Error err -> error "exec: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
let finalize db ~log stmt =
@ -48,8 +47,7 @@ let result_fold_rows ?finalize:(do_finalize = true) db ~log stmt ~init ~f =
| err ->
L.die InternalError "%s: %s (%s)" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err) (Sqlite3.errmsg db)
if do_finalize then
protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize db ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux init stmt)
if do_finalize then protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize db ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux init stmt)
else aux init stmt
@ -64,8 +62,7 @@ let zero_or_one_row ~log = function
| [x] ->
Some x
| _ :: _ :: _ as l ->
L.die InternalError "%s: zero or one result expected, got %d rows instead" log
(List.length l)
L.die InternalError "%s: zero or one result expected, got %d rows instead" log (List.length l)
let result_option ?finalize db ~log ~read_row stmt =
@ -79,8 +76,7 @@ let result_single_column_option ?finalize db ~log stmt =
let result_unit ?finalize db ~log stmt =
not (Container.is_empty stmt ~iter:(Container.iter ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log)))
if not (Container.is_empty stmt ~iter:(Container.iter ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log)))
then L.die InternalError "%s: the SQLite query should not return any rows" log

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
open! IStd
exception Error of string
(** The functions in this module tend to raise more often than their counterparts in [Sqlite3]. In
particular, they may raise if the [Sqlite3.Rc.t] result of certain operations is unexpected. *)
exception Error of string
val check_result_code : Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> Sqlite3.Rc.t -> unit
(** Assert that the result is either [Sqlite3.Rc.OK] or [Sqlite3.Rc.ROW]. If the result is not

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ type failure_kind =
| FKrecursion_timeout of int (** max recursion level exceeded *)
| FKcrash of string (** uncaught exception or failed assertion *)
(** failure that prevented analysis from finishing *)
exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind
(** failure that prevented analysis from finishing *)
let exn_not_failure = function Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true

@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ type failure_kind =
| FKrecursion_timeout of int (** max recursion level exceeded *)
| FKcrash of string (** uncaught exception or failed assertion *)
(** Timeout exception *)
exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind
(** Timeout exception *)
val exn_not_failure : exn -> bool
(** check that the exception is not a timeout exception *)

@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ let draw_top_bar fmt ~term_width ~total ~finished ~elapsed =
++ ( "%s"
, max (String.length elapsed_string) 9
(* leave some room for elapsed_string to avoid flicker. 9 characters is "XXhXXmXXs" so it
gives some reasonable margin. *)
gives some reasonable margin. *) )
let top_bar_size = min term_width top_bar_size_default in
let progress_bar_size = top_bar_size - size_around_progress_bar in

@ -212,9 +212,7 @@ let with_file_lock ~file_lock:{file; oc; fd} ~f =
let with_intermediate_temp_file_out file ~f =
let temp_filename, temp_oc =
Filename.open_temp_file ~in_dir:(Filename.dirname file) "infer" ""
let temp_filename, temp_oc = Filename.open_temp_file ~in_dir:(Filename.dirname file) "infer" "" in
let f () = f temp_oc in
let finally () =
Out_channel.close temp_oc ;

@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ let blur_array_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (root : StrexpMatch.path)
(** Given [p] containing an array at [root], only keep [indices] in it *)
let keep_only_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path)
(indices : Exp.t list) : Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
let keep_only_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (indices : Exp.t list)
: Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
let prune_sigma footprint_part sigma =
let matched = StrexpMatch.find_path sigma path in

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ module Jprop : sig
(** Extract the toplevel jprop of a prop *)
(** set of visited nodes: node id and list of lines of all the instructions *)
module Visitedset : Caml.Set.S with type elt = Procdesc.Node.id * int list
(** set of visited nodes: node id and list of lines of all the instructions *)
(** A spec consists of:
pre: a joined prop

@ -121,13 +121,10 @@ let check_access access_opt de_opt =
Instrs.exists ~f:filter (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node)
let do_node node =
Int.equal (Procdesc.Node.get_loc node).Location.line line_number
&& has_call_or_sets_null node
Int.equal (Procdesc.Node.get_loc node).Location.line line_number && has_call_or_sets_null node
let path, pos_opt = State.get_path () in
IContainer.rev_filter_to_list path ~fold:Paths.Path.fold_all_nodes_nocalls ~f:do_node
match IContainer.rev_filter_to_list path ~fold:Paths.Path.fold_all_nodes_nocalls ~f:do_node with
| [] ->
| local_access_nodes ->

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ let execute___builtin_va_arg {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe
match args with
| [(lexp3, typ3)] ->
let instr' = Sil.Store {e1= lexp3; root_typ= typ3; typ= typ3; e2= Exp.zero; loc} in
SymExec.instrs ~mask_errors:true exe_env tenv summary (Instrs.singleton instr')
[(prop_, path)]
SymExec.instrs ~mask_errors:true exe_env tenv summary (Instrs.singleton instr') [(prop_, path)]
| _ ->
raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__)
@ -86,8 +85,7 @@ let add_array_to_prop tenv pdesc prop_ lexp typ =
(* Add an array in prop if it is not allocated.*)
let execute___require_allocated_array {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; args} : Builtin.ret_typ
let execute___require_allocated_array {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; args} : Builtin.ret_typ =
let pdesc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
match args with
| [(lexp, typ)] -> (
@ -173,8 +171,7 @@ let create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop =
| Typ.Tptr (typ', _) ->
let sexp = Sil.Estruct ([], Sil.inst_none) in
let texp =
{typ= typ'; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.subtypes}
Exp.Sizeof {typ= typ'; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.subtypes}
let hpred = Prop.mk_ptsto tenv n_lexp sexp texp in
Some hpred
@ -215,8 +212,7 @@ let create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop =
else null_case @ non_null_case
let execute___get_type_of {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; args} : Builtin.ret_typ
let execute___get_type_of {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; args} : Builtin.ret_typ =
match args with
| [(lexp, typ)] ->
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
@ -364,8 +360,7 @@ let set_resource_attribute tenv prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
(** Set the attibute of the value as file *)
let execute___set_file_attribute {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; args; loc} : Builtin.ret_typ
let execute___set_file_attribute {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; args; loc} : Builtin.ret_typ =
match args with
| [(lexp, _)] ->
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
@ -421,8 +416,7 @@ let execute___set_attr attr {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; args} : Builtin
(** Delete the locked attibute of the value*)
let execute___delete_locked_attribute {Builtin.tenv; prop_; summary; path; args} : Builtin.ret_typ
let execute___delete_locked_attribute {Builtin.tenv; prop_; summary; path; args} : Builtin.ret_typ =
match args with
| [(lexp, _)] ->
delete_attr tenv (Summary.get_proc_desc summary) prop_ path lexp PredSymb.Alocked
@ -497,8 +491,8 @@ let execute_free_nonzero_ mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) pdesc tenv instr prop lexp
raise (Exceptions.Array_of_pointsto __POS__) )
let execute_free mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) {Builtin.summary; instr; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc}
: Builtin.ret_typ =
let execute_free mk ?(mark_as_freed = true) {Builtin.summary; instr; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc} :
Builtin.ret_typ =
match args with
| [(lexp, typ)] ->
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
@ -607,8 +601,8 @@ let execute_alloc mk can_return_null {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; ret_id
else [(prop_alloc, path)]
let execute___cxx_typeid ({Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; args; loc; exe_env} as r) :
Builtin.ret_typ =
let execute___cxx_typeid ({Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; args; loc; exe_env} as r) : Builtin.ret_typ
match args with
| type_info_exp :: rest -> (
let res = execute_alloc PredSymb.Mnew false {r with args= [type_info_exp]} in
@ -718,8 +712,8 @@ let execute_return_first_argument {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; ret_id_ty
raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__)
let execute___split_get_nth {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; args} :
Builtin.ret_typ =
let execute___split_get_nth {Builtin.tenv; summary; prop_; path; ret_id_typ; args} : Builtin.ret_typ
match args with
| [(lexp1, _); (lexp2, _); (lexp3, _)] -> (
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
@ -779,8 +773,8 @@ let execute___infer_fail {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe_env
(* translate builtin assertion failure *)
let execute___assert_fail {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe_env} :
Builtin.ret_typ =
let execute___assert_fail {Builtin.summary; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; exe_env} : Builtin.ret_typ
let error_str =
match List.length args with
| 4 ->
@ -812,8 +806,7 @@ let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
let alloc_instr =
(ret_id_typ, alloc_fun, [(sizeof_typ, ptr_typ)] @ alloc_fun_exp, loc, CallFlags.default)
Sil.Call (ret_id_typ, alloc_fun, [(sizeof_typ, ptr_typ)] @ alloc_fun_exp, loc, CallFlags.default)
SymExec.instrs exe_env tenv summary (Instrs.singleton alloc_instr) symb_state
@ -904,9 +897,7 @@ let __method_set_ignore_attribute =
let __new = Builtin.register BuiltinDecl.__new (execute_alloc PredSymb.Mnew false)
let __new_array =
Builtin.register BuiltinDecl.__new_array (execute_alloc PredSymb.Mnew_array false)
let __new_array = Builtin.register BuiltinDecl.__new_array (execute_alloc PredSymb.Mnew_array false)
(* like __objc_alloc, but does not return nil *)
let __objc_alloc_no_fail =

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
open! IStd
(** Models for the builtin functions supported *)
include BUILTINS.S with type t = Builtin.registered
(** Models for the builtin functions supported *)
val init : unit -> unit
(** Clients of Builtin module should call this before Builtin module is used.

@ -588,15 +588,15 @@ end = struct
let res = ref [] in
let f v =
match (v, side) with
| (Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e2, e'), Lhs
when Exp.equal e e1' ->
| (Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e2, e'), Lhs when Exp.equal e e1'
let c' = Exp.int (IntLit.neg i) in
let v' =
(e1', Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e2, c'), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e', c'))
res := v' :: !res
| (e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e'), Rhs
when Exp.equal e e2' ->
| (e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e'), Rhs when Exp.equal e e2'
let c' = Exp.int (IntLit.neg i) in
let v' =
(Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e1, c'), e2', Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e', c'))
@ -831,8 +831,7 @@ end = struct
(not (Exp.free_vars e1 |> Sequence.exists ~f:can_rename))
&& not (Exp.free_vars e2 |> Sequence.exists ~f:can_rename)
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then e1 else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 13" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
then if Exp.equal e1 e2 then e1 else (L.d_strln "failure reason 13" ; raise Sil.JoinFail)
match default_op with
| ExtDefault e ->
@ -1073,8 +1072,7 @@ and typ_partial_join (t1 : Typ.t) (t2 : Typ.t) =
match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
| Typ.Tptr (t1, pk1), Typ.Tptr (t2, pk2)
when Typ.equal_ptr_kind pk1 pk2 && Typ.equal_quals t1.quals t2.quals ->
Typ.mk ~default:t1 (Tptr (typ_partial_join t1 t2, pk1))
(* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
Typ.mk ~default:t1 (Tptr (typ_partial_join t1 t2, pk1)) (* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
| ( Typ.Tarray {elt= typ1; length= len1; stride= stride1}
, Typ.Tarray {elt= typ2; length= len2; stride= stride2} )
when Typ.equal_quals typ1.quals typ2.quals ->
@ -1339,8 +1337,8 @@ let hpred_partial_join tenv mode (todo : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) (hpred1 : Sil.hp
assert false
let hpred_partial_meet tenv (todo : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) (hpred1 : Sil.hpred)
(hpred2 : Sil.hpred) : Sil.hpred =
let hpred_partial_meet tenv (todo : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) (hpred1 : Sil.hpred) (hpred2 : Sil.hpred)
: Sil.hpred =
let e1, e2, e = todo in
match (hpred1, hpred2) with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, se1, te1), Sil.Hpointsto (_, se2, te2) when Exp.equal te1 te2 ->
@ -1726,9 +1724,7 @@ let pi_partial_join tenv mode (ep1 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2 : Prop.exposed Pr
| None ->
| Some (n, e) ->
let bound =
if IntLit.leq IntLit.minus_one n then IntLit.minus_one else widening_bottom
let bound = if IntLit.leq IntLit.minus_one n then IntLit.minus_one else widening_bottom in
let a' = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, Exp.int bound, e)) in
Some a' )
@ -1918,8 +1914,7 @@ let eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (ep1 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2 : Prop.expose
(sub_common_normal, eqs1, eqs2)
if not (simple_check && expensive_check es1 es2) then (
if not simple_check then L.d_strln "simple_check failed"
else L.d_strln "expensive_check failed" ;
if not simple_check then L.d_strln "simple_check failed" else L.d_strln "expensive_check failed" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail ) ;
let todos = List.map ~f:(fun x -> (x, x, x)) es1 in
List.iter ~f:Todo.push todos ;
@ -1959,9 +1954,7 @@ let footprint_partial_join' tenv (p1 : Prop.normal Prop.t) (p2 : Prop.normal Pro
let sigma_fp =
let sigma_fp0 = efp.Prop.sigma in
let f a =
Sil.hpred_free_vars a |> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun a -> not (Ident.is_footprint a))
let f a = Sil.hpred_free_vars a |> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun a -> not (Ident.is_footprint a)) in
if List.exists ~f sigma_fp0 then (L.d_strln "failure reason 66" ; raise Sil.JoinFail) ;

@ -356,9 +356,7 @@ let rec iter_match_with_impl tenv iter condition sub vars hpat hpats =
prop_match_with_impl_sub tenv p condition sub_new vars_leftover hpat_next hpats_rest
let do_para_lseg _ =
let para2_exist_vars, para2_inst =
Sil.hpara_instantiate para2 e_start2 e_end2 es_shared2
let para2_exist_vars, para2_inst = Sil.hpara_instantiate para2 e_start2 e_end2 es_shared2 in
(* let allow_impl hpred = {hpred=hpred; flag=hpat.flag} in *)
let allow_impl hpred = {hpred; flag= true} in
let para2_hpat, para2_hpats =

@ -229,9 +229,7 @@ let get_pure_extended p =
(** Print existential quantification *)
let pp_evars f evars =
if evars <> [] then F.fprintf f "exists [%a]. " (Pp.comma_seq Ident.pp) evars
let pp_evars f evars = if evars <> [] then F.fprintf f "exists [%a]. " (Pp.comma_seq Ident.pp) evars
(** Print an hpara in simple mode *)
let pp_hpara_simple pe_ env n f pred =
@ -357,8 +355,7 @@ let gen_free_vars {sigma; sigma_fp; sub; pi; pi_fp} =
>>= fun () ->
sigma_gen_free_vars sigma_fp
>>= fun () ->
Sil.subst_gen_free_vars sub
>>= fun () -> pi_gen_free_vars pi >>= fun () -> pi_gen_free_vars pi_fp
Sil.subst_gen_free_vars sub >>= fun () -> pi_gen_free_vars pi >>= fun () -> pi_gen_free_vars pi_fp
let free_vars prop = Sequence.Generator.run (gen_free_vars prop)
@ -440,8 +437,7 @@ let rec create_strexp_of_type ~path tenv struct_init_mode (typ : Typ.t) len inst
let init_value () =
let create_fresh_var () =
let fresh_id =
(if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then Ident.kfootprint else Ident.kprimed)
Ident.create_fresh (if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then Ident.kfootprint else Ident.kprimed)
Exp.Var fresh_id
@ -455,8 +451,8 @@ let rec create_strexp_of_type ~path tenv struct_init_mode (typ : Typ.t) len inst
| Tstruct name, _ -> (
if List.exists ~f:(fun (n, _) -> Typ.Name.equal n name) path then
L.die InternalError
"Ill-founded recursion in [create_strexp_of_type]: a sub-element of struct %a is also \
of type struct %a: %a:%a"
"Ill-founded recursion in [create_strexp_of_type]: a sub-element of struct %a is also of \
type struct %a: %a:%a"
Typ.Name.pp name Typ.Name.pp name pp_path (List.rev path) Typ.Name.pp name ;
match (struct_init_mode, Tenv.lookup tenv name) with
| Fld_init, Some {fields} ->
@ -1481,10 +1477,7 @@ module Normalize = struct
, Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tarray {elt}} as arr} )
when Typ.equal typ elt ->
let sizeof_data =
{ Exp.typ= arr
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= Some (Exp.BinOp (omult, x, len))
; subtype }
{Exp.typ= arr; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= Some (Exp.BinOp (omult, x, len)); subtype}
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof sizeof_data, None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)
@ -1495,10 +1488,7 @@ module Normalize = struct
, Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tarray {elt}} as arr} )
when Typ.equal typ elt ->
let sizeof_data =
{ Exp.typ= arr
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= Some (Exp.BinOp (omult, x, len))
; subtype }
{Exp.typ= arr; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= Some (Exp.BinOp (omult, x, len)); subtype}
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof sizeof_data, None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)
@ -1553,9 +1543,7 @@ module Normalize = struct
List.fold ~f:get_disequality_info ~init:[] nonineq_list
let is_neq e n =
List.exists ~f:(fun (e', n') -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.eq n n') diseq_list
let is_neq e n = List.exists ~f:(fun (e', n') -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.eq n n') diseq_list in
let le_list_tightened =
let get_le_inequality_info acc a =
match atom_exp_le_const a with Some (e, n) -> (e, n) :: acc | _ -> acc

@ -193,8 +193,7 @@ val mk_ptsto_exp : Tenv.t -> struct_init_mode -> Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t option ->
(** Construct a points-to predicate for an expression using either the provided expression [name] as
base for fresh identifiers. *)
val mk_ptsto_lvar :
Tenv.t -> struct_init_mode -> Sil.inst -> Pvar.t * Exp.t * Exp.t option -> hpred
val mk_ptsto_lvar : Tenv.t -> struct_init_mode -> Sil.inst -> Pvar.t * Exp.t * Exp.t option -> hpred
(** Construct a points-to predicate for a single program variable.
If [expand_structs] is true, initialize the fields of structs with fresh variables. *)

@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ val diff_get_colormap : bool -> 'a diff -> Pp.colormap
(** [diff_get_colormap footprint_part diff] returns the colormap of a computed diff,
selecting the footprint colormap if [footprint_part] is true. *)
val pp_proplist :
Pp.env -> string -> 'a Prop.t * bool -> Format.formatter -> 'b Prop.t list -> unit
val pp_proplist : Pp.env -> string -> 'a Prop.t * bool -> Format.formatter -> 'b Prop.t list -> unit
(** Print a list of propositions, prepending each one with the given string,
If !Config.pring_using_diff is true, print the diff w.r.t. the given prop,
extracting its local stack vars if the boolean is true. *)

@ -145,9 +145,7 @@ end = struct
let sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints =
let constraints_sorted = List.sort ~compare constraints in
let have_same_key (e1, e2, _) (f1, f2, _) =
[%compare.equal: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2)
let have_same_key (e1, e2, _) (f1, f2, _) = [%compare.equal: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2) in
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] constraints_sorted
@ -548,9 +546,7 @@ end = struct
let upper_list =
~f:(function _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) -> n | _ -> assert false)
List.map ~f:(function _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) -> n | _ -> assert false) e_upper_list
if List.is_empty upper_list then None
else Some (compute_min_from_nonempty_int_list upper_list)
@ -572,9 +568,7 @@ end = struct
let lower_list =
~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), _ -> n | _ -> assert false)
List.map ~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), _ -> n | _ -> assert false) e_lower_list
if List.is_empty lower_list then None
else Some (compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list lower_list)
@ -1498,9 +1492,7 @@ let rec sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ2 :
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2
let fld_frame_opt =
if fld_frame <> [] then Some (Sil.Estruct (fld_frame, inst1)) else None
let fld_frame_opt = if fld_frame <> [] then Some (Sil.Estruct (fld_frame, inst1)) else None in
let fld_missing_opt =
if fld_missing <> [] then Some (Sil.Estruct (fld_missing, inst1)) else None
@ -1776,12 +1768,10 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ= Typ.mk (Tstruct name)}
| _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base and of contents are both unknown: give up *)
L.(die InternalError)
"expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield" )
let hpred' =
Sil.Hpointsto (adr_base, Estruct ([(fld, cnt)], Sil.inst_none), cnt_texp')
L.(die InternalError) "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield"
let hpred' = Sil.Hpointsto (adr_base, Estruct ([(fld, cnt)], Sil.inst_none), cnt_texp') in
expand true true hpred'
| Sil.Hpointsto (Exp.Lindex (e, ind), se, t) ->
let t' =
@ -2074,9 +2064,7 @@ let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2
| Sil.Hpointsto (e1, se1, texp1), _ -> (
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) texp2 in
let typing_frame, typing_missing =
texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing
let typing_frame, typing_missing = texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing in
let se1' = sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 in
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
sexp_imply tenv e1 calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
@ -2284,8 +2272,7 @@ let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2
instantiations for the primed variables of [sigma1] and [sigma2]
and a frame. Raise IMPL_FALSE if the implication cannot be
proven. *)
and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t
and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t =
let is_constant_string_class subs = function
(* if the hpred represents a constant string, return the string *)
| Sil.Hpointsto (e2_, _, _) -> (
@ -2695,8 +2682,7 @@ let find_minimum_pure_cover tenv cases =
| [] ->
| (pi, x) :: todo' ->
if is_cover tenv (seen @ todo') then shrink_ seen todo'
else shrink_ ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
if is_cover tenv (seen @ todo') then shrink_ seen todo' else shrink_ ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
let shrink cases = if List.length cases > 2 then shrink_ [] cases else cases in
try Some (shrink (grow [] cases)) with NO_COVER -> None

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ module L = Logging
let list_product l1 l2 =
let l1' = List.rev l1 in
let l2' = List.rev l2 in
~f:(fun acc x -> List.fold ~f:(fun acc' y -> (x, y) :: acc') ~init:acc l2')
~init:[] l1'
List.fold ~f:(fun acc x -> List.fold ~f:(fun acc' y -> (x, y) :: acc') ~init:acc l2') ~init:[] l1'
let rec list_rev_and_concat l1 l2 =
@ -208,8 +206,8 @@ let rec strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
match List.find ~f:(fun (f', _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f f') fsel with
| Some (_, se') ->
let atoms_se_typ_list' =
strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se' typ'
off' inst
strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se' typ' off'
let replace acc (res_atoms', res_se', res_typ') =
let replace_fse ((f1, _) as ft1) =
@ -231,8 +229,7 @@ let rec strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
List.fold ~f:replace ~init:[] atoms_se_typ_list'
| None ->
let atoms', se', res_typ' =
create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp typ' off'
create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp typ' off' inst
let res_fsel' =
List.sort ~compare:[%compare: Typ.Fieldname.t * Sil.strexp] ((f, se') :: fsel)
@ -345,8 +342,8 @@ and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
List.concat (List.rev (res_new :: acc))
| ((i, se) as ise) :: isel_unseen ->
let atoms_se_typ_list =
strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se typ_cont
off inst
strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se typ_cont off
let atoms_se_typ_list' =
@ -413,9 +410,7 @@ let strexp_extend_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se t
strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se typ off' inst
let atoms_se_typ_list_filtered =
let check_neg_atom atom =
Prover.check_atom tenv Prop.prop_emp (Prover.atom_negate tenv atom)
let check_neg_atom atom = Prover.check_atom tenv Prop.prop_emp (Prover.atom_negate tenv atom) in
let check_not_inconsistent (atoms, _, _) = not (List.exists ~f:check_neg_atom atoms) in
List.filter ~f:check_not_inconsistent atoms_se_typ_list
@ -474,16 +469,16 @@ let mk_ptsto_exp_footprint pname tenv orig_prop (lexp, typ) max_stamp inst :
off0 inst
( atoms
, Prop.mk_ptsto tenv root se
(Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype}) )
, Prop.mk_ptsto tenv root se (Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype})
| _ ->
let atoms, se, typ =
create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part Ident.kfootprint max_stamp typ
off0 inst
( atoms
, Prop.mk_ptsto tenv root se
(Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype}) )
, Prop.mk_ptsto tenv root se (Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype})
let atoms, ptsto_foot = create_ptsto true off_foot in
let sub = Sil.subst_of_list eqs in
@ -688,9 +683,7 @@ let prop_iter_add_hpred_footprint_to_prop pname tenv prop (lexp, typ) inst =
let nsigma_fp = Prop.sigma_normalize_prop tenv Prop.prop_emp sigma_fp in
let prop' = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set eprop ~sigma_fp:nsigma_fp) in
let prop_new =
~f:(Prop.prop_atom_and tenv ~footprint:!BiabductionConfig.footprint)
~init:prop' atoms
List.fold ~f:(Prop.prop_atom_and tenv ~footprint:!BiabductionConfig.footprint) ~init:prop' atoms
let iter =
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop_new with
@ -1237,8 +1230,8 @@ let iter_rearrange_pe_lseg tenv recurse_on_iters default_case_iter iter para e1
(** do re-arrangment for an iter whose current element is a possibly empty dllseg to be unrolled from lhs *)
let iter_rearrange_pe_dllseg_first tenv recurse_on_iters default_case_iter iter para_dll e1 e2 e3
e4 elist =
let iter_rearrange_pe_dllseg_first tenv recurse_on_iters default_case_iter iter para_dll e1 e2 e3 e4
elist =
let iter_inductive_case =
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_dll_inst1 = Sil.hpara_dll_instantiate para_dll e1 e2 n' elist in
@ -1407,8 +1400,7 @@ let rec iter_rearrange pname tenv lexp typ_from_instr prop iter inst :
let f_one_iter iter' =
let prop' = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter' in
if Prover.check_inconsistency tenv prop' then []
iter_rearrange pname tenv (Prop.lexp_normalize_prop tenv prop' lexp) typ prop' iter' inst
else iter_rearrange pname tenv (Prop.lexp_normalize_prop tenv prop' lexp) typ prop' iter' inst
let rec f_many_iters iters_lst = function
| [] ->
@ -1626,9 +1618,7 @@ let check_dereference_error tenv pdesc (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) lexp loc =
match attribute_opt with
| Some (Apred (Adangling dk, _)) ->
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_dangling (Some dk) in
let err_desc =
Errdesc.explain_dereference pname tenv deref_str prop (State.get_loc_exn ())
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_dereference pname tenv deref_str prop (State.get_loc_exn ()) in
raise (Exceptions.Dangling_pointer_dereference (Some dk, err_desc, __POS__))
| Some (Apred (Aundef _, _)) ->

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ open! IStd
exception (* TODO: this description is not clear *)
val is_only_pt_by_fld_or_param_nonnull :
Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Exp.t -> bool
val is_only_pt_by_fld_or_param_nonnull : Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Exp.t -> bool
val check_dereference_error :
Tenv.t -> Procdesc.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Exp.t -> Location.t -> unit

@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ let create_cycle cycle =
match cycle with
| [hd] ->
if is_inst_rearrange hd then None
(* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *)
if is_inst_rearrange hd then None (* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *)
else Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
| hd :: _ ->
Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ let pp_dotty fmt cycle =
Format.fprintf fmt ""
let pp_dotty_element fmt element =
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\"%a\" [label = \"%a | %a \"]@\n" pp_dotty_id element pp_dotty_obj
element pp_dotty_field element
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\"%a\" [label = \"%a | %a \"]@\n" pp_dotty_id element pp_dotty_obj element
pp_dotty_field element
let rec pp_dotty_edges fmt edges =
match edges with

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
