Summary: Migrating some more Python code. Still TODO: - xml report (or kill?) - inferTraceBugs Reviewed By: skcho Differential Revision: D20623613 fbshipit-source-id: 701a624a3master
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
[@@@warning "+9"]
(* how many lines of context around each report *)
let source_context = 2
module IssueHash = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (String)
let pp_n_spaces n fmt =
for _ = 1 to n do
F.pp_print_char fmt ' '
module ReportSummary = struct
type t = {mutable n_issues: int; issue_type_counts: int IssueHash.t}
let mk_empty () = {n_issues= 0; issue_type_counts= IssueHash.create 64}
let pp fmt {n_issues= _; issue_type_counts} =
let max_issue_length, issue_counts =
IssueHash.to_seq issue_type_counts
|> Seq.fold_left
(fun (max_issue_length, issue_counts) ((issue_type, _) as issue_with_count) ->
let l = String.length issue_type in
(Int.max max_issue_length l, issue_with_count :: issue_counts) )
(0, [])
List.sort issue_counts ~compare:(fun (issue_type1, count1) (issue_type2, count2) ->
(* reverse lexicographic order on (count * issue_type) *)
if Int.equal count2 count1 then issue_type2 issue_type1
else count2 count1 )
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (bug_type, count) ->
pp_n_spaces (max_issue_length - String.length bug_type) fmt ;
F.fprintf fmt " %s: %d@\n" bug_type count )
let add_issue summary (jsonbug : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) =
let bug_count =
IssueHash.find_opt summary.issue_type_counts jsonbug.bug_type |> Option.value ~default:0
IssueHash.replace summary.issue_type_counts jsonbug.bug_type (bug_count + 1) ;
summary.n_issues <- summary.n_issues + 1 ;
(* chain for convenience/pretending it's a functional data structure *)
let pp_jsonbug fmt {Jsonbug_t.file; severity; line; bug_type; qualifier; _} =
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d: %s: %s@\n %s" file line (String.lowercase severity) bug_type qualifier
let pp_source_context fmt {Jsonbug_t.file= source_name; lnum= report_line; cnum= report_col; enum= _}
let source_name =
if Filename.is_absolute source_name then source_name else Config.project_root ^/ source_name
match Sys.is_file source_name with
| `No | `Unknown ->
| `Yes ->
let start_line = max 1 (report_line - source_context) in
(* could go beyond last line *)
let end_line = report_line + source_context in
let n_length = String.length (string_of_int end_line) in
Utils.with_file_in source_name ~f:(fun in_chan ->
Container.fold_until in_chan
~fold:(In_channel.fold_lines ~fix_win_eol:false)
~finish:(fun _final_line_number -> ())
~f:(fun line_number line ->
if start_line <= line_number && line_number <= end_line then (
(* we are inside the context to print *)
F.fprintf fmt " %*d. " n_length line_number ;
if report_col < 0 then
(* no column number, print caret next to the line of the report *)
if Int.equal line_number report_line then F.pp_print_string fmt "> "
else F.pp_print_string fmt " " ;
F.pp_print_string fmt line ;
F.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
if Int.equal line_number report_line && report_col >= 0 then (
pp_n_spaces (2 + n_length + 1 + report_col) fmt ;
F.pp_print_char fmt '^' ;
F.pp_print_newline fmt () ) ) ;
if line_number < end_line then Continue (line_number + 1) else Stop () ) )
let create_from_json ~quiet ~console_limit ~report_txt ~report_json =
(* TOOD: possible optimisation: stream reading report.json to process each issue one by one *)
let report = Atdgen_runtime.Util.Json.from_file Jsonbug_j.read_report report_json in
let one_issue_to_report_txt fmt (jsonbug : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) =
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n%a@\n" pp_jsonbug jsonbug pp_source_context
{Jsonbug_t.file= jsonbug.file; lnum= jsonbug.line; cnum= jsonbug.column; enum= -1}
let one_issue_to_console ~console_limit i (jsonbug : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) =
match console_limit with
| Some limit when i >= limit ->
| _ ->
let style =
match jsonbug.severity with
| "ERROR" ->
ANSITerminal.[Foreground Red]
| "WARNING" ->
ANSITerminal.[Foreground Yellow]
| _ ->
F.printf "%!" ;
ANSITerminal.print_string style (F.asprintf "%a" pp_jsonbug jsonbug) ;
F.printf "%!" ;
F.printf "@\n%a@\n" pp_source_context
{Jsonbug_t.file= jsonbug.file; lnum= jsonbug.line; cnum= jsonbug.column; enum= -1}
Utils.with_file_out report_txt ~f:(fun report_txt_out ->
let report_txt_fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel report_txt_out in
if not quiet then F.printf "@\n@[" ;
let summary =
List.foldi report ~init:(ReportSummary.mk_empty ()) ~f:(fun i summary jsonbug ->
let summary' = ReportSummary.add_issue summary jsonbug in
one_issue_to_report_txt report_txt_fmt jsonbug ;
if not quiet then one_issue_to_console ~console_limit i jsonbug ;
summary' )
let n_issues = summary.n_issues in
if Int.equal n_issues 0 then (
if not quiet then (
F.printf "%!" ;
ANSITerminal.(printf [Background Magenta; Bold; Foreground White]) " No issues found " ;
F.printf "@\n%!" ) ;
F.pp_print_string report_txt_fmt "@\nNo issues found@\n" )
let s_of_issues = if n_issues > 1 then "s" else "" in
if not quiet then (
F.printf "@\n%!" ;
ANSITerminal.(printf [Bold]) "Found %d issue%s" n_issues s_of_issues ;
( match console_limit with
| Some limit when n_issues >= limit ->
F.printf " (console output truncated to %d, see '%s' for the full list)" limit
| _ ->
() ) ;
F.printf "@\n%a@]%!" ReportSummary.pp summary ) ;
F.fprintf report_txt_fmt "Found %d issue%s@\n%a%!" n_issues s_of_issues ReportSummary.pp
summary )
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val create_from_json :
quiet:bool -> console_limit:int option -> report_txt:string -> report_json:string -> unit
(** Read [report_json] and produce a textual output in [report_txt]. If [not quiet] then display at
most [console_limit] issues on stdout. If [console_limit] is [None] then display all the issues. *)
Reference in new issue