[starvation] make simultaneous lock acquisition an atomic event

`std::lock(x,y,z)` simultaneously acquires locks `x,y,z` in a deadlock free manner (essentially an unspecified fixed order).

Starvation currently deals with it by exploiting properties of the state domain. It's a map from locks to number of times the lock is held, so the count of many locks can be increased at the same time without recording any particular lock order.

In upcoming diffs the domain will be refactored into a tree of nested lock acquisitions (for other reasons) and that domain necessarily records lock order.  The obvious way of doing this correctly is to allow `std::lock` as an atomic even (ie, without trying to break it into multiple acquisitions).

This diff does exactly that, by changing the `Event.LockAcquire` variant to take a list of locks.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D24052304

fbshipit-source-id: 410c812d7
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5ec6bc7a09
commit 8df1f12213

@ -75,15 +75,16 @@ let report exe_env work_set =
tenv pattrs pair acc
match pair.elem.event with
| LockAcquire lock ->
let should_report_starvation =
CriticalPair.is_uithread pair && not (Procname.is_constructor procname)
(fun (other_procname, (other_pair : CriticalPair.t)) () acc ->
Starvation.report_on_parallel_composition ~should_report_starvation tenv pattrs
pair lock other_procname other_pair acc )
work_set acc
| LockAcquire locks ->
List.fold locks ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc lock ->
let should_report_starvation =
CriticalPair.is_uithread pair && not (Procname.is_constructor procname)
(fun (other_procname, (other_pair : CriticalPair.t)) () acc ->
Starvation.report_on_parallel_composition ~should_report_starvation tenv
pattrs pair lock other_procname other_pair acc )
work_set acc )
| _ ->
acc )

@ -605,12 +605,12 @@ let should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc current_elem endpoint_elem =
(* should never happen *)
L.die InternalError "Deadlock cannot occur without two lock events: %a" CriticalPair.pp
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock, LockAcquire current_lock -> (
| LockAcquire endpoint_locks, LockAcquire current_locks -> (
(* first elem is a class object (see [lock_of_class]), so always report because the
reverse ordering on the events will not occur since we don't search the class for static locks *)
Lock.is_class_object endpoint_lock
List.exists ~f:Lock.is_class_object endpoint_locks
match Lock.compare_wrt_reporting endpoint_lock current_lock with
match List.compare Lock.compare_wrt_reporting endpoint_locks current_locks with
| 0 ->
Location.compare current_elem.CriticalPair.loc endpoint_elem.CriticalPair.loc < 0
| c ->
@ -692,17 +692,19 @@ let report_on_parallel_composition ~should_report_starvation tenv pattrs pair lo
let ltr, loc = make_trace_and_loc () in
ReportMap.add_starvation High tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire other_lock
when CriticalPair.may_deadlock tenv pair other_pair
&& should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc pair other_pair ->
let error_message =
"Potential deadlock. %a (Trace 1) and %a (Trace 2) acquire locks %a and %a in reverse \
pname_pp pname pname_pp other_pname Lock.describe lock Lock.describe other_lock
let ltr, loc = make_trace_and_loc () in
ReportMap.add_deadlock tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire _ -> (
match CriticalPair.may_deadlock tenv ~lhs:pair ~lhs_lock:lock ~rhs:other_pair with
| Some other_lock when should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc pair other_pair ->
let error_message =
"Potential deadlock. %a (Trace 1) and %a (Trace 2) acquire locks %a and %a in \
reverse orders."
pname_pp pname pname_pp other_pname Lock.describe lock Lock.describe other_lock
let ltr, loc = make_trace_and_loc () in
ReportMap.add_deadlock tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| _ ->
report_map )
| _ ->
else report_map
@ -751,26 +753,33 @@ let report_on_pair ~analyze_ondemand tenv pattrs (pair : Domain.CriticalPair.t)
let loc = CriticalPair.get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname:pname pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair.make_trace pname pair in
ReportMap.add_lockless_violation tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire lock when Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock pair.elem.acquisitions ->
let error_message =
Format.asprintf "Potential self deadlock. %a%a twice." pname_pp pname Lock.pp_locks lock
let loc = CriticalPair.get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname:pname pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair.make_trace ~header:"In method " pname pair in
ReportMap.add_deadlock tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire lock when not Config.starvation_whole_program ->
Lock.root_class lock
|> Option.value_map ~default:report_map ~f:(fun other_class ->
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the lock acquisition
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class;
then, report on the parallel composition of the current pair and any pair in these
summaries that can indeed run in parallel *)
fold_reportable_summaries analyze_ondemand tenv other_class ~init:report_map
~f:(fun acc (other_pname, {critical_pairs}) ->
(report_on_parallel_composition ~should_report_starvation tenv pattrs pair lock
critical_pairs acc ) )
| LockAcquire locks -> (
List.find locks ~f:(fun lock -> Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock pair.elem.acquisitions)
| Some lock ->
let error_message =
Format.asprintf "Potential self deadlock. %a%a twice." pname_pp pname Lock.pp_locks lock
let loc = CriticalPair.get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname:pname pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair.make_trace ~header:"In method " pname pair in
ReportMap.add_deadlock tenv pattrs loc ltr error_message report_map
| None when Config.starvation_whole_program ->
| None ->
List.fold locks ~init:report_map ~f:(fun acc lock ->
Lock.root_class lock
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun other_class ->
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the lock acquisition
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class;
then, report on the parallel composition of the current pair and any pair in these
summaries that can indeed run in parallel *)
fold_reportable_summaries analyze_ondemand tenv other_class ~init:acc
~f:(fun acc (other_pname, {critical_pairs}) ->
(report_on_parallel_composition ~should_report_starvation tenv pattrs pair
lock other_pname)
critical_pairs acc ) ) ) )
| _ ->

@ -107,6 +107,24 @@ module Lock = struct
let mk_str t = root_class t |> Option.value_map ~default:"" ~f:Typ.Name.to_string in
(* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *)
String.compare (mk_str t1) (mk_str t2)
let apply_subst_to_list subst l =
let rec apply_subst_to_list_inner l =
match l with
| [] ->
([], false)
| lock :: locks -> (
let locks', modified = apply_subst_to_list_inner locks in
match apply_subst subst lock with
| None ->
(locks', true)
| Some lock' when (not modified) && phys_equal lock lock' ->
(l, false)
| Some lock' ->
(lock' :: locks', true) )
apply_subst_to_list_inner l |> fst
module AccessExpressionDomain = struct
@ -159,15 +177,15 @@ end
module Event = struct
type t =
| LockAcquire of Lock.t
| LockAcquire of Lock.t list
| MayBlock of (Procname.t * StarvationModels.severity)
| StrictModeCall of Procname.t
| MonitorWait of Lock.t
[@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt = function
| LockAcquire lock ->
F.fprintf fmt "LockAcquire(%a)" Lock.pp lock
| LockAcquire locks ->
F.fprintf fmt "LockAcquire(%a)" (PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:Lock.pp) locks
| MayBlock (pname, sev) ->
F.fprintf fmt "MayBlock(%a, %a)" Procname.pp pname StarvationModels.pp_severity sev
| StrictModeCall pname ->
@ -178,8 +196,8 @@ module Event = struct
let describe fmt elem =
match elem with
| LockAcquire lock ->
Lock.pp_locks fmt lock
| LockAcquire locks ->
Pp.comma_seq Lock.pp_locks fmt locks
| MayBlock (pname, _) | StrictModeCall pname ->
F.fprintf fmt "calls %a" describe_pname pname
| MonitorWait lock ->
@ -195,24 +213,20 @@ module Event = struct
let make_object_wait lock = MonitorWait lock
let apply_subst subst event =
let make_monitor_wait lock = MonitorWait lock in
let make_lock_acquire lock = LockAcquire lock in
let apply_subst_aux make lock =
match Lock.apply_subst subst lock with
| None ->
| Some lock' when phys_equal lock lock' ->
Some event
| Some lock' ->
Some (make lock')
match event with
| MonitorWait lock ->
apply_subst_aux make_monitor_wait lock
| LockAcquire lock ->
apply_subst_aux make_lock_acquire lock
| MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ->
Some event
| MonitorWait lock ->
Lock.apply_subst subst lock
|> Option.map ~f:(fun lock' -> if phys_equal lock lock' then event else MonitorWait lock')
| LockAcquire locks -> (
match Lock.apply_subst_to_list subst locks with
| [] ->
| locks' when phys_equal locks locks' ->
Some event
| locks' ->
Some (LockAcquire locks') )
(** A lock acquisition with source location and procname in which it occurs. The location & procname
@ -275,8 +289,6 @@ module LockState : sig
val release : Lock.t -> t -> t
val is_lock_taken : Event.t -> t -> bool
val get_acquisitions : t -> Acquisitions.t
end = struct
(* abstraction limit for lock counts *)
@ -316,14 +328,6 @@ end = struct
let is_top {map} = Map.is_top map
let is_lock_taken event {acquisitions} =
match event with
| Event.LockAcquire lock ->
Acquisitions.mem (Acquisition.make_dummy lock) acquisitions
| _ ->
let acquire ~procname ~loc lock {map; acquisitions} =
let should_add_acquisition = ref false in
let map =
@ -399,9 +403,10 @@ let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
(Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ ;
match event with
| Event.LockAcquire lock_path ->
Lock.get_typ tenv lock_path |> Option.exists ~f:is_class_and_recursive_lock
match (event : Event.t) with
| LockAcquire locks ->
List.exists locks ~f:(fun lock_path ->
Lock.get_typ tenv lock_path |> Option.exists ~f:is_class_and_recursive_lock )
| _ ->
@ -413,19 +418,19 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
let is_blocking_call {elem= {event}} = match event with LockAcquire _ -> true | _ -> false
let get_final_acquire {elem= {event}} =
match event with LockAcquire lock -> Some lock | _ -> None
let may_deadlock tenv ({elem= pair1} as t1 : t) ({elem= pair2} as t2 : t) =
ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel pair1.thread pair2.thread
&& Option.both (get_final_acquire t1) (get_final_acquire t2)
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun (lock1, lock2) ->
(not (Lock.equal_across_threads tenv lock1 lock2))
&& Acquisitions.lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv lock2 pair1.acquisitions
&& Acquisitions.lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv lock1 pair2.acquisitions
&& Acquisitions.no_locks_common_across_threads tenv pair1.acquisitions
pair2.acquisitions )
let may_deadlock tenv ~(lhs : t) ~lhs_lock ~(rhs : t) =
let get_acquired_locks {elem= {event}} =
match event with LockAcquire locks -> locks | _ -> []
if ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel lhs.elem.thread rhs.elem.thread then
get_acquired_locks rhs
|> List.find ~f:(fun rhs_lock ->
(not (Lock.equal_across_threads tenv lhs_lock rhs_lock))
&& Acquisitions.lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv rhs_lock lhs.elem.acquisitions
&& Acquisitions.lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv lhs_lock rhs.elem.acquisitions
&& Acquisitions.no_locks_common_across_threads tenv lhs.elem.acquisitions
rhs.elem.acquisitions )
else None
let apply_subst subst pair =
@ -436,26 +441,34 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
Some (map ~f:(fun _elem -> elem') pair)
(** if given [Some tenv], transform a pair so as to remove reentrant locks that are already in
[held_locks] *)
let filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv_opt held_locks pair =
match (tenv_opt, pair.elem.event) with
| Some tenv, LockAcquire locks -> (
let filtered_locks =
IList.filter_changed locks ~f:(fun lock ->
(not (Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock held_locks))
|| not (is_recursive_lock pair.elem.event tenv) )
match filtered_locks with
| [] ->
| _ when phys_equal filtered_locks locks ->
Some pair
| _ ->
Some (map pair ~f:(fun elem -> {elem with event= LockAcquire filtered_locks})) )
| _, _ ->
Some pair
let integrate_summary_opt ?subst ?tenv existing_acquisitions call_site
(caller_thread : ThreadDomain.t) (callee_pair : t) =
let substitute_pair subst callee_pair =
match subst with None -> Some callee_pair | Some subst -> apply_subst subst callee_pair
let filter_out_reentrant_relock callee_pair =
match tenv with
| None ->
Some callee_pair
| Some tenv
when get_final_acquire callee_pair
|> Option.for_all ~f:(fun lock ->
(not (Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock existing_acquisitions))
|| not (is_recursive_lock callee_pair.elem.event tenv) ) ->
Some callee_pair
| _ ->
substitute_pair subst callee_pair
|> Option.bind ~f:filter_out_reentrant_relock
|> Option.bind ~f:(filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv existing_acquisitions)
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun callee_pair ->
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread callee_pair.elem.thread
|> Option.map ~f:(fun thread ->
@ -528,17 +541,6 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
let can_run_in_parallel t1 t2 = ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel t1.elem.thread t2.elem.thread
(** skip adding an order pair [(_, event)] if
- we have no tenv, or,
- [event] is not a lock event, or,
- we do not hold the lock, or,
- the lock is not recursive. *)
let should_skip ?tenv event lock_state =
Option.exists tenv ~f:(fun tenv ->
LockState.is_lock_taken event lock_state && is_recursive_lock event tenv )
module CriticalPairs = struct
include CriticalPair.FiniteSet
@ -548,9 +550,8 @@ module CriticalPairs = struct
(fun critical_pair acc ->
CriticalPair.integrate_summary_opt ?subst ?tenv existing_acquisitions call_site thread
|> Option.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (new_pair : CriticalPair.t) ->
if should_skip ?tenv new_pair.elem.event lock_state then acc else add new_pair acc )
|> Option.bind ~f:(CriticalPair.filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv existing_acquisitions)
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun new_pair -> add new_pair acc) )
astate empty
@ -691,19 +692,17 @@ let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
let add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event thread ~loc acc =
if should_skip ?tenv event lock_state then acc
let acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair.make ~loc acquisitions event thread in
CriticalPairs.add critical_pair acc
let acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair.make ~loc acquisitions event thread in
CriticalPair.filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv acquisitions critical_pair
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun pair -> CriticalPairs.add pair acc)
let acquire ?tenv ({lock_state; critical_pairs} as astate) ~procname ~loc locks =
{ astate with
List.fold locks ~init:critical_pairs ~f:(fun acc lock ->
let event = Event.make_acquire lock in
add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event astate.thread ~loc acc )
(let event = Event.make_acquire locks in
add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event astate.thread ~loc critical_pairs )
; lock_state=
List.fold locks ~init:lock_state ~f:(fun acc lock ->
LockState.acquire ~procname ~loc lock acc ) }

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ end
module Event : sig
type t =
| LockAcquire of Lock.t
| LockAcquire of Lock.t list
| MayBlock of (Procname.t * StarvationModels.severity)
| StrictModeCall of Procname.t
| MonitorWait of Lock.t
@ -107,8 +107,10 @@ module CriticalPair : sig
val get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc : procname:Procname.t -> t -> Location.t
(** outermost callsite location OR lock acquisition *)
val may_deadlock : Tenv.t -> t -> t -> bool
(** two pairs can run in parallel and satisfy the conditions for deadlock *)
val may_deadlock : Tenv.t -> lhs:t -> lhs_lock:Lock.t -> rhs:t -> Lock.t option
(** if two pairs can run in parallel and satisfy the conditions for deadlock, when [lhs_lock] of
[lhs] is involved return the lock involved from [rhs], as [LockAcquire] may involve more than
one *)
val make_trace :
?header:string -> ?include_acquisitions:bool -> Procname.t -> t -> Errlog.loc_trace
