@ -62,34 +62,39 @@ type origin_descr = string * Location.t option * AnnotatedSignature.t option
(* ignore origin descr *)
(* ignore origin descr *)
let compare_origin_descr _ _ = 0
let compare_origin_descr _ _ = 0
type parameter_not_nullable =
* (* description *)
* (* parameter number *)
Typ . Procname . t
* Location . t
* (* callee location *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
(* * Instance of an error *)
(* * Instance of an error *)
type err_instance =
type err_instance =
| Condition_redundant of ( bool * string option )
| Condition_redundant of ( bool * string option )
| Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation of Typ . Procname . t * Typ . Procname . t
| Inconsistent_subclass of
| Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation of string * int * Typ . Procname . t * Typ . Procname . t
{ base_proc_name : Typ . Procname . t
; overridden_proc_name : Typ . Procname . t
; inconsistent_subclass_type : inconsistent_subclass_type }
| Field_not_initialized of Typ . Fieldname . t * Typ . Procname . t
| Field_not_initialized of Typ . Fieldname . t * Typ . Procname . t
| Field_annotation_inconsistent of Typ . Fieldname . t * origin_descr
| Over_annotation of over_annotation_type
| Field_over_annotated of Typ . Fieldname . t * Typ . Procname . t
| Nullable_dereference of
| Nullable_dereference of
{ nullable_object_descr : string option
{ nullable_object_descr : string option
; dereference_type : dereference_type
; dereference_type : dereference_type
; origin_descr : origin_descr }
; origin_descr : origin_descr }
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent of parameter_not_nullable
| Bad_assignment of { rhs_origin_descr : origin_descr ; assignment_type : assignment_type }
| Return_annotation_inconsistent of Typ . Procname . t * origin_descr
| Return_over_annotated of Typ . Procname . t
[ @@ deriving compare ]
[ @@ deriving compare ]
and inconsistent_subclass_type =
| InconsistentParam of { param_description : string ; param_position : int }
| InconsistentReturn
and over_annotation_type =
| FieldOverAnnotedAsNullable of Typ . Fieldname . t
| ReturnOverAnnotatedAsNullable of Typ . Procname . t
(* * Return value of a method can be made non-nullable *)
and assignment_type =
| PassingParamToAFunction of
{ param_description : string
; param_position : int
; function_procname : Typ . Procname . t }
| AssigningToAField of Typ . Fieldname . t
| ReturningFromAFunction of Typ . Procname . t
and dereference_type =
and dereference_type =
| MethodCall of Typ . Procname . t
| MethodCall of Typ . Procname . t
| AccessToField of Typ . Fieldname . t
| AccessToField of Typ . Fieldname . t
@ -122,22 +127,14 @@ let get_forall = function
| Field_not_initialized _ ->
| Field_not_initialized _ ->
| Field_annotation_inconsistent _ ->
| Over_annotation _ ->
| Field_over_annotated _ ->
| Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation _ ->
| Bad_assignment _ ->
| Inconsistent_subclass _parameter_annotation _ ->
| Inconsistent_subclass _ ->
| Nullable_dereference _ ->
| Nullable_dereference _ ->
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent _ ->
| Return_annotation_inconsistent _ ->
| Return_over_annotated _ ->
(* * Reset the always field of the forall erros in the node, so if they are not set again
(* * Reset the always field of the forall erros in the node, so if they are not set again
@ -221,153 +218,163 @@ type st_report_error =
-> string
-> string
-> unit
-> unit
(* * Report an error right now. *)
let get_infer_issue_type = function
let report_error_now tenv ( st_report_error : st_report_error ) err_instance loc pdesc : unit =
| Condition_redundant _ ->
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
IssueType . eradicate_condition_redundant
| Over_annotation ( FieldOverAnnotedAsNullable _ ) ->
IssueType . eradicate_field_over_annotated
| Over_annotation ( ReturnOverAnnotatedAsNullable _ ) ->
IssueType . eradicate_return_over_annotated
| Field_not_initialized _ ->
IssueType . eradicate_field_not_initialized
| Bad_assignment { assignment_type = PassingParamToAFunction _ } ->
IssueType . eradicate_parameter_not_nullable
| Bad_assignment { assignment_type = AssigningToAField _ } ->
IssueType . eradicate_field_not_nullable
| Bad_assignment { assignment_type = ReturningFromAFunction _ } ->
IssueType . eradicate_return_not_nullable
| Nullable_dereference _ ->
IssueType . eradicate_nullable_dereference
| Inconsistent_subclass { inconsistent_subclass_type = InconsistentReturn } ->
IssueType . eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation
| Inconsistent_subclass { inconsistent_subclass_type = InconsistentParam _ } ->
IssueType . eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation
(* If an error is related to a particular field, we support suppressing the
error via a supress annotation placed near the field declaration * )
let get_field_name_for_error_suppressing = function
| Over_annotation ( FieldOverAnnotedAsNullable field_name ) ->
Some field_name
| Field_not_initialized ( field_name , _ ) ->
Some field_name
| Condition_redundant _
| Over_annotation ( ReturnOverAnnotatedAsNullable _ )
(* In case of assignment to a field, it should be fixed case by case for each assignment *)
| Bad_assignment _
| Nullable_dereference _
| Inconsistent_subclass _ ->
let get_error_description err_instance =
let nullable_annotation = " @Nullable " in
let nullable_annotation = " @Nullable " in
let kind , description , field_name =
match err_instance with
match err_instance with
| Condition_redundant ( is_always_true , s_opt ) ->
| Condition_redundant ( is_always_true , s_opt ) ->
P . sprintf " The condition %s is always %b according to the existing annotations. "
( IssueType . eradicate_condition_redundant
( Option . value s_opt ~ default : " " ) is_always_true
, P . sprintf " The condition %s is always %b according to the existing annotations. "
| Over_annotation ( FieldOverAnnotedAsNullable field_name ) ->
( Option . value s_opt ~ default : " " ) is_always_true
Format . asprintf " Field %a is always initialized in the constructor but is declared %a "
, None )
MF . pp_monospaced
| Field_not_initialized ( fn , pn ) ->
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string field_name )
let constructor_name =
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor pn then " the constructor "
| Over_annotation ( ReturnOverAnnotatedAsNullable proc_name ) ->
Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated with %a but never returns null. " MF . pp_monospaced
match pn with
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string proc_name )
| Typ . Procname . Java pn_java ->
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . Java . get_method pn_java )
| Field_not_initialized ( field_name , proc_name ) ->
| _ ->
let constructor_name =
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string pn )
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor proc_name then " the constructor "
( IssueType . eradicate_field_not_initialized
match proc_name with
, Format . asprintf " Field %a is not initialized in %s and is not declared %a "
| Typ . Procname . Java pn_java ->
MF . pp_monospaced
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . Java . get_method pn_java )
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string fn )
| _ ->
constructor_name MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string proc_name )
, Some fn )
| Field_annotation_inconsistent ( fn , ( origin_description , _ , _ ) ) ->
Format . asprintf " Field %a is not initialized in %s and is not declared %a " MF . pp_monospaced
let kind_s , description =
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string field_name )
( IssueType . eradicate_field_not_nullable
constructor_name MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
, Format . asprintf " Field %a can be null but is not declared %a. %s " MF . pp_monospaced
| Bad_assignment { rhs_origin_descr = origin_descr_string , _ , _ ; assignment_type } -> (
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string fn )
match assignment_type with
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation origin_description )
| PassingParamToAFunction { param_description ; param_position ; function_procname } ->
Format . asprintf " %a needs a non-null value in parameter %d but argument %a can be null. %s "
( kind_s , description , None )
MF . pp_monospaced
| Field_over_annotated ( fn , pn ) ->
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true function_procname )
let constructor_name =
param_position MF . pp_monospaced param_description origin_descr_string
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor pn then " the constructor "
| AssigningToAField field_name ->
Format . asprintf " Field %a can be null but is not declared %a. %s " MF . pp_monospaced
match pn with
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string field_name )
| Typ . Procname . Java pn_java ->
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation origin_descr_string
Typ . Procname . Java . get_method pn_java
| ReturningFromAFunction function_proc_name ->
| _ ->
Format . asprintf " Method %a may return null but it is not annotated with %a. %s "
Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string pn
MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string function_proc_name )
( IssueType . eradicate_field_over_annotated
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation origin_descr_string )
, Format . asprintf " Field %a is always initialized in %s but is declared %a "
| Nullable_dereference { nullable_object_descr ; dereference_type ; origin_descr = origin_str , _ , _ }
MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string fn )
let nullable_object_descr =
constructor_name MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
match dereference_type with
, Some fn )
| MethodCall _ | AccessToField _ -> (
| Nullable_dereference { nullable_object_descr ; dereference_type ; origin_descr = origin_str , _ , _ }
match nullable_object_descr with
| None ->
let nullable_object_descr =
" Object "
match dereference_type with
(* Just describe an object itself *)
| MethodCall _ | AccessToField _ -> (
| Some descr ->
match nullable_object_descr with
MF . monospaced_to_string descr )
| None ->
| ArrayLengthAccess | AccessByIndex _ -> (
" Object "
(* In Java, those operations can be applied only to arrays *)
(* Just describe an object itself *)
match nullable_object_descr with
| Some descr ->
| None ->
MF . monospaced_to_string descr )
" Array "
| ArrayLengthAccess | AccessByIndex _ -> (
| Some descr ->
(* In Java, those operations can be applied only to arrays *)
Format . sprintf " Array %s " ( MF . monospaced_to_string descr ) )
match nullable_object_descr with
| None ->
let action_descr =
" Array "
match dereference_type with
| Some descr ->
| MethodCall method_name ->
Format . sprintf " Array %s " ( MF . monospaced_to_string descr ) )
Format . sprintf " calling %s "
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string method_name ) )
let action_descr =
| AccessToField field_name ->
match dereference_type with
Format . sprintf " accessing field %s "
| MethodCall method_name ->
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string field_name ) )
Format . sprintf " calling %s "
| AccessByIndex { index_desc } ->
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string method_name ) )
Format . sprintf " accessing at index %s " ( MF . monospaced_to_string index_desc )
| AccessToField field_name ->
| ArrayLengthAccess ->
Format . sprintf " accessing field %s "
" accessing its length "
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Fieldname . to_simplified_string field_name ) )
| AccessByIndex { index_desc } ->
Format . sprintf " %s is nullable and is not locally checked for null when %s. %s "
Format . sprintf " accessing at index %s " ( MF . monospaced_to_string index_desc )
nullable_object_descr action_descr origin_str
| ArrayLengthAccess ->
| Inconsistent_subclass { base_proc_name ; overridden_proc_name ; inconsistent_subclass_type } -> (
" accessing its length "
let base_method_descr = Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true base_proc_name in
let overridden_method_descr =
let description =
Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true overridden_proc_name
Format . sprintf " %s is nullable and is not locally checked for null when %s. %s "
nullable_object_descr action_descr origin_str
match inconsistent_subclass_type with
| InconsistentReturn ->
( IssueType . eradicate_nullable_dereference , description , None )
Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated with %a but overrides unannotated method %a. "
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent ( s , n , pn , _ , ( origin_desc , _ , _ ) ) ->
MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
let kind_s , description =
MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr
( IssueType . eradicate_parameter_not_nullable
| InconsistentParam { param_description ; param_position } ->
, Format . asprintf
let translate_position = function
" %a needs a non-null value in parameter %d but argument %a can be null. %s "
| 1 ->
MF . pp_monospaced
" First "
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true pn )
| 2 ->
n MF . pp_monospaced s origin_desc )
" Second "
| 3 ->
( kind_s , description , None )
" Third "
| Return_annotation_inconsistent ( pn , ( origin_description , _ , _ ) ) ->
| n ->
let kind_s , description =
string_of_int n ^ " th "
( IssueType . eradicate_return_not_nullable
, Format . asprintf " Method %a may return null but it is not annotated with %a. %s "
Format . asprintf
MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string pn )
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation origin_description )
( kind_s , description , None )
| Return_over_annotated pn ->
( IssueType . eradicate_return_over_annotated
, Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated with %a but never returns null. " MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string pn )
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
, None )
| Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation ( pn , opn ) ->
( IssueType . eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation
, Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated with %a but overrides unannotated method %a. "
MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true pn )
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation MF . pp_monospaced
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true opn )
, None )
| Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation ( param_name , pos , pn , opn ) ->
let translate_position = function
| 1 ->
" First "
| 2 ->
" Second "
| 3 ->
" Third "
| n ->
string_of_int n ^ " th "
( IssueType . eradicate_inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation
, Format . asprintf
" %s parameter %a of method %a is not %a but is declared %ain the parent class method \
" %s parameter %a of method %a is not %a but is declared %ain the parent class method \
% a . "
% a . "
( translate_position p os) MF . pp_monospaced param_name MF . pp_monospaced
( translate_position param_position )
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true pn )
MF . pp_monospaced param_description MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation MF . pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
MF . pp_monospaced
MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr )
( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true opn )
, None )
(* * Report an error right now. *)
let report_error_now tenv ( st_report_error : st_report_error ) err_instance loc pdesc : unit =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let infer_issue_type = get_infer_issue_type err_instance in
let field_name = get_field_name_for_error_suppressing err_instance in
let err_description = get_error_description err_instance in
let severity = Severity . err_instance_get_severity tenv err_instance in
let severity = Severity . err_instance_get_severity tenv err_instance in
st_report_error pname pdesc kind loc ~ field_name
st_report_error pname pdesc infer_issue_type loc ~ field_name
~ exception_kind : ( fun k d -> Exceptions . Eradicate ( k , d ) )
~ exception_kind : ( fun k d -> Exceptions . Eradicate ( k , d ) )
? severity description
? severity err_description
(* * Report an error unless is has been reported already, or unless it's a forall error
(* * Report an error unless is has been reported already, or unless it's a forall error