@ -1166,15 +1166,6 @@ let fav_from_list l =
let _ = List . iter ~ f : ( fun id -> fav + + id ) l in
let _ = List . iter ~ f : ( fun id -> fav + + id ) l in
let rec remove_duplicates_from_sorted special_equal = function
| []
-> []
| [ x ]
-> [ x ]
| x :: y :: l
-> if special_equal x y then remove_duplicates_from_sorted special_equal ( y :: l )
else x :: remove_duplicates_from_sorted special_equal ( y :: l )
(* * Convert a [fav] to a list of identifiers while preserving the order
(* * Convert a [fav] to a list of identifiers while preserving the order
that the identifiers were added to [ fav ] . * )
that the identifiers were added to [ fav ] . * )
let fav_to_list fav = List . rev ! fav
let fav_to_list fav = List . rev ! fav
@ -1361,30 +1352,10 @@ let hpara_dll_shallow_av = fav_imperative_to_functional hpara_dll_shallow_av_add
(* * {2 Functions for Substitution} *)
(* * {2 Functions for Substitution} *)
let rec reverse_with_base base = function [] -> base | x :: l -> reverse_with_base ( x :: base ) l
let sorted_list_merge compare l1_in l2_in =
let rec merge acc l1 l2 =
match ( l1 , l2 ) with
| [] , l2
-> reverse_with_base l2 acc
| l1 , []
-> reverse_with_base l1 acc
| x1 :: l1' , x2 :: l2'
-> if compare x1 x2 < = 0 then merge ( x1 :: acc ) l1' l2 else merge ( x2 :: acc ) l1 l2'
merge [] l1_in l2_in
let rec sorted_list_check_consecutives f = function
| [] | [ _ ]
-> false
| x1 :: ( x2 :: _ as l )
-> if f x1 x2 then true else sorted_list_check_consecutives f l
(* * substitution *)
(* * substitution *)
type ident_exp = Ident . t * Exp . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
type ident_exp = Ident . t * Exp . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal_ident_exp = [ % compare . equal : ident_exp ]
let compare_ident_exp_ids ( id1 , _ ) ( id2 , _ ) = Ident . compare id1 id2
type exp_subst = ident_exp list [ @@ deriving compare ]
type exp_subst = ident_exp list [ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -1395,32 +1366,20 @@ type subst_fun = [`Exp of Ident.t -> Exp.t | `Typ of (Typ.t -> Typ.t) * (Typ.Nam
(* * Equality for substitutions. *)
(* * Equality for substitutions. *)
let equal_exp_subst = [ % compare . equal : exp_subst ]
let equal_exp_subst = [ % compare . equal : exp_subst ]
let sub_check_duplicated_ids sub =
let sub_no_duplicated_ids sub = not ( List . contains_dup ~ compare : compare_ident_exp_ids sub )
let f ( id1 , _ ) ( id2 , _ ) = Ident . equal id1 id2 in
sorted_list_check_consecutives f sub
(* * Create a substitution from a list of pairs.
(* * Create a substitution from a list of pairs.
For all ( id1 , e1 ) , ( id2 , e2 ) in the input list ,
For all ( id1 , e1 ) , ( id2 , e2 ) in the input list ,
if id1 = id2 , then e1 = e2 . * )
if id1 = id2 , then e1 = e2 . * )
let exp_subst_of_list sub =
let exp_subst_of_list sub =
let sub' = List . sort ~ cmp : compare_ident_exp sub in
let sub' = List . dedup ~ compare : compare_ident_exp sub in
let sub'' = remove_duplicates_from_sorted equal_ident_exp sub' in
assert ( sub_no_duplicated_ids sub' ) ;
if sub_check_duplicated_ids sub'' then assert false ;
let subst_of_list sub = ` Exp ( exp_subst_of_list sub )
let subst_of_list sub = ` Exp ( exp_subst_of_list sub )
(* * like exp_subst_of_list, but allow duplicate ids and only keep the first occurrence *)
(* * like exp_subst_of_list, but allow duplicate ids and only keep the first occurrence *)
let exp_subst_of_list_duplicates sub =
let exp_subst_of_list_duplicates sub = List . dedup ~ compare : compare_ident_exp_ids sub
let sub' = List . sort ~ cmp : compare_ident_exp sub in
let rec remove_duplicate_ids = function
| ( id1 , e1 ) :: ( id2 , e2 ) :: l
-> if Ident . equal id1 id2 then remove_duplicate_ids ( ( id1 , e1 ) :: l )
else ( id1 , e1 ) :: remove_duplicate_ids ( ( id2 , e2 ) :: l )
| l
-> l
remove_duplicate_ids sub'
(* * Convert a subst to a list of pairs. *)
(* * Convert a subst to a list of pairs. *)
let sub_to_list sub = sub
let sub_to_list sub = sub
@ -1441,9 +1400,8 @@ let is_sub_empty = function
(* * Join two substitutions into one.
(* * Join two substitutions into one.
For all id in dom ( sub1 ) cap dom ( sub2 ) , sub1 ( id ) = sub2 ( id ) . * )
For all id in dom ( sub1 ) cap dom ( sub2 ) , sub1 ( id ) = sub2 ( id ) . * )
let sub_join sub1 sub2 =
let sub_join sub1 sub2 =
let sub = sorted_list_merge compare_ident_exp sub1 sub2 in
let sub = List_ . merge_dedup ~ compare : compare_ident_exp sub1 sub2 in
let sub' = remove_duplicates_from_sorted equal_ident_exp sub in
assert ( sub_no_duplicated_ids sub ) ;
if sub_check_duplicated_ids sub' then assert false ;
(* * Compute the common id-exp part of two inputs [subst1] and [subst2].
(* * Compute the common id-exp part of two inputs [subst1] and [subst2].
@ -1454,9 +1412,9 @@ let sub_symmetric_difference sub1_in sub2_in =
let rec diff sub_common sub1_only sub2_only sub1 sub2 =
let rec diff sub_common sub1_only sub2_only sub1 sub2 =
match ( sub1 , sub2 ) with
match ( sub1 , sub2 ) with
| [] , _ | _ , []
| [] , _ | _ , []
-> let sub1_only' = reverse_with_base sub1 sub1_only in
-> let sub1_only' = List . rev_append sub1_only sub1 in
let sub2_only' = reverse_with_base sub2 sub2_only in
let sub2_only' = List . rev_append sub2_only sub2 in
let sub_common = rev erse_with_base [] sub_common in
let sub_common = List . rev sub_common in
( sub_common , sub1_only' , sub2_only' )
( sub_common , sub1_only' , sub2_only' )
| id_e1 :: sub1' , id_e2 :: sub2'
| id_e1 :: sub1' , id_e2 :: sub2'
-> let n = compare_ident_exp id_e1 id_e2 in
-> let n = compare_ident_exp id_e1 id_e2 in
@ -1505,7 +1463,7 @@ let mem_sub id sub = List.exists ~f:(fun (id1, _) -> Ident.equal id id1) sub
(* * Extend substitution and return [None] if not possible. *)
(* * Extend substitution and return [None] if not possible. *)
let extend_sub sub id exp : exp_subst option =
let extend_sub sub id exp : exp_subst option =
let compare ( id1 , _ ) ( id2 , _ ) = Ident . compare id1 id2 in
let compare ( id1 , _ ) ( id2 , _ ) = Ident . compare id1 id2 in
if mem_sub id sub then None else Some ( sorted_list_merge compare sub [ ( id , exp ) ] )
if mem_sub id sub then None else Some ( List . merge ~ cmp : compare sub [ ( id , exp ) ] )
(* * Free auxilary variables in the domain and range of the
(* * Free auxilary variables in the domain and range of the
substitution . * )
substitution . * )