@ -982,7 +982,6 @@ module Procname = struct
| Block of Block.t
| Block of Block.t
| ObjC_Cpp of ObjC_Cpp.t
| ObjC_Cpp of ObjC_Cpp.t
| WithBlockParameters of t * Block.block_name list
| WithBlockParameters of t * Block.block_name list
| Topl_method of Java.t
[@@deriving compare]
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
@ -1025,8 +1024,6 @@ module Procname = struct
match t with
match t with
| Java j ->
| Java j ->
Java {j with class_name= new_class}
Java {j with class_name= new_class}
| Topl_method j ->
Topl_method {j with class_name= new_class}
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp {osig with class_name= new_class}
ObjC_Cpp {osig with class_name= new_class}
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
@ -1063,7 +1060,7 @@ module Procname = struct
ObjC_Cpp {osig with method_name= new_method_name}
ObjC_Cpp {osig with method_name= new_method_name}
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
WithBlockParameters (objc_cpp_replace_method_name base new_method_name, blocks)
WithBlockParameters (objc_cpp_replace_method_name base new_method_name, blocks)
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method | Java _ | Topl_method _ ->
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method | Java _ ->
@ -1077,7 +1074,7 @@ module Procname = struct
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name
| Block {name} ->
| Block {name} ->
| Java j | Topl_method j ->
| Java j ->
| Linters_dummy_method ->
| Linters_dummy_method ->
@ -1100,8 +1097,6 @@ module Procname = struct
| Java _ ->
| Java _ ->
| Topl_method _ ->
(** [is_constructor pname] returns true if [pname] is a constructor *)
(** [is_constructor pname] returns true if [pname] is a constructor *)
@ -1146,7 +1141,7 @@ module Procname = struct
(** Very verbose representation of an existing Procname.t *)
(** Very verbose representation of an existing Procname.t *)
let rec to_unique_id pn =
let rec to_unique_id pn =
match pn with
match pn with
| Java j | Topl_method j ->
| Java j ->
Java.to_string j Verbose
Java.to_string j Verbose
| C osig ->
| C osig ->
C.to_string osig Verbose
C.to_string osig Verbose
@ -1163,7 +1158,7 @@ module Procname = struct
(** Convert a proc name to a string for the user to see *)
(** Convert a proc name to a string for the user to see *)
let rec to_string p =
let rec to_string p =
match p with
match p with
| Java j | Topl_method j ->
| Java j ->
Java.to_string j Non_verbose
Java.to_string j Non_verbose
| C osig ->
| C osig ->
C.to_string osig Non_verbose
C.to_string osig Non_verbose
@ -1180,7 +1175,7 @@ module Procname = struct
(** Convenient representation of a procname for external tools (e.g. eclipse plugin) *)
(** Convenient representation of a procname for external tools (e.g. eclipse plugin) *)
let rec to_simplified_string ?(withclass = false) p =
let rec to_simplified_string ?(withclass = false) p =
match p with
match p with
| Java j | Topl_method j ->
| Java j ->
Java.to_string ~withclass j Simple
Java.to_string ~withclass j Simple
| C osig ->
| C osig ->
C.to_string osig Simple
C.to_string osig Simple
@ -1218,7 +1213,7 @@ module Procname = struct
List.map ~f:(fun par -> Parameter.ClangParameter par) clang_params
List.map ~f:(fun par -> Parameter.ClangParameter par) clang_params
match procname with
match procname with
| Java j | Topl_method j ->
| Java j ->
List.map ~f:(fun par -> Parameter.JavaParameter par) (Java.get_parameters j)
List.map ~f:(fun par -> Parameter.JavaParameter par) (Java.get_parameters j)
| C osig ->
| C osig ->
clang_param_to_param (C.get_parameters osig)
clang_param_to_param (C.get_parameters osig)
@ -1258,8 +1253,6 @@ module Procname = struct
match procname with
match procname with
| Java j ->
| Java j ->
Java (Java.replace_parameters (params_to_java_params new_parameters) j)
Java (Java.replace_parameters (params_to_java_params new_parameters) j)
| Topl_method j ->
Topl_method (Java.replace_parameters (params_to_java_params new_parameters) j)
| C osig ->
| C osig ->
C (C.replace_parameters (params_to_clang_params new_parameters) osig)
C (C.replace_parameters (params_to_clang_params new_parameters) osig)
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->